71 research outputs found

    Blockchain For Food: Making Sense of Technology and the Impact on Biofortified Seeds

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    The global food system is under pressure and is in the early stages of a major transition towards more transparency, circularity, and personalisation. In the coming decades, there is an increasing need for more food production with fewer resources. Thus, increasing crop yields and nutritional value per crop is arguably an important factor in this global food transition. Biofortification can play an important role in feeding the world. Biofortified seeds create produce with increased nutritional values, mainly minerals and vitamins, while using the same or less resources as non-biofortified variants. However, a farmer cannot distinguish a biofortified seed from a regular seed. Due to the invisible nature of the enhanced seeds, counterfeit products are common, limiting wide-scale adoption of biofortified crops. Fraudulent seeds pose a major obstacle in the adoption of biofortified crops. A system that could guarantee the origin of the biofortified seeds is therefore required to ensure widespread adoption. This trust-ensuring immutable proof for the biofortified seeds, can be provided via blockchain technology

    Towards practicalization of blockchain-based decentralized applications

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    Blockchain can be defined as an immutable ledger for recording transactions, maintained in a distributed network of mutually untrusting peers. Blockchain technology has been widely applied to various fields beyond its initial usage of cryptocurrency. However, blockchain itself is insufficient to meet all the desired security or efficiency requirements for diversified application scenarios. This dissertation focuses on two core functionalities that blockchain provides, i.e., robust storage and reliable computation. Three concrete application scenarios including Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity management (CSM), and peer-to-peer (P2P) content delivery network (CDN) are utilized to elaborate the general design principles for these two main functionalities. Among them, the IoT and CSM applications involve the design of blockchain-based robust storage and management while the P2P CDN requires reliable computation. Such general design principles derived from disparate application scenarios have the potential to realize practicalization of many other blockchain-enabled decentralized applications. In the IoT application, blockchain-based decentralized data management is capable of handling faulty nodes, as designed in the cybersecurity application. But an important issue lies in the interaction between external network and blockchain network, i.e., external clients must rely on a relay node to communicate with the full nodes in the blockchain. Compromization of such relay nodes may result in a security breach and even a blockage of IoT sensors from the network. Therefore, a censorship-resistant blockchain-based decentralized IoT management system is proposed. Experimental results from proof-of-concept implementation and deployment in a real distributed environment show the feasibility and effectiveness in achieving censorship resistance. The CSM application incorporates blockchain to provide robust storage of historical cybersecurity data so that with a certain level of cyber intelligence, a defender can determine if a network has been compromised and to what extent. The CSM functions can be categorized into three classes: Network-centric (N-CSM), Tools-centric (T-CSM) and Application-centric (A-CSM). The cyber intelligence identifies new attackers, victims, or defense capabilities. Moreover, a decentralized storage network (DSN) is integrated to reduce on-chain storage costs without undermining its robustness. Experiments with the prototype implementation and real-world cyber datasets show that the blockchain-based CSM solution is effective and efficient. The P2P CDN application explores and utilizes the functionality of reliable computation that blockchain empowers. Particularly, P2P CDN is promising to provide benefits including cost-saving and scalable peak-demand handling compared with centralized CDNs. However, reliable P2P delivery requires proper enforcement of delivery fairness. Unfortunately, most existing studies on delivery fairness are based on non-cooperative game-theoretic assumptions that are arguably unrealistic in the ad-hoc P2P setting. To address this issue, an expressive security requirement for desired fair P2P content delivery is defined and two efficient approaches based on blockchain for P2P downloading and P2P streaming are proposed. The proposed system guarantees the fairness for each party even when all others collude to arbitrarily misbehave and achieves asymptotically optimal on-chain costs and optimal delivery communication

    The Merits of a Decentralized Pollution-Monitoring System Based on Distributed Ledger Technology

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    Pollution-monitoring systems (PMSs) are used worldwide to sense environmental changes, such as air quality conditions or temperature increases, and to monitor compliance with regulations. However, organizations manage the environmental data collected by such PMSs in a centralized manner, which is why recorded environmental data are vulnerable to manipulation. Moreover, the analysis of pollution data often lacks transparency to outsiders, which may lead to wrong decisions regarding environmental regulations. To address these challenges, we propose a software design for PMSs based on distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the long-range (LoRa) protocol for flexible, transparent, and energy-efficient environment monitoring and data management. To design the PMS, we conducted a comprehensive requirements analysis for PMSs. We benchmarked different consensus mechanisms (e.g., BFT-SMaRt and Raft) and digital signature schemes (e.g., ECDSA and EdDSA) to adequately design the PMS and fulfill the identified requirements

    ID-based user-centric data usage auditing scheme for distributed environments

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    Recent years have witnessed the trend of increasingly relying on remote and distributed infrastructures, mainly owned and managed by third parties. This increased the number of reported incidents of security breaches compromising users' personal data, where involved entities may massively collect and process massive amounts of such data. Toward these challenges, this paper combines hierarchical Identity Based Cryptographic (IBC) mechanisms with emerging blockchain technologies and introduces a blockchain-based data usage auditing architecture ensuring availability and accountability in a personal data-preserving fashion. The proposed approach relies on smart auditable contracts deployed in blockchain infrastructures. Thus, it offers transparent and controlled data access, sharing and processing, so that unauthorized entities cannot process data without data subjects' consent. Moreover, thanks to the usage of hierarchical ID-based encryption and signature schemes, the proposed solution protects and ensures the confidentiality of users' personal data shared with multiple data controllers and processors. It also provides auditing capacities with tamper-proof evidences for data usage compliance, supported by the intrinsic properties of the blockchain technology

    Using Blockchain to support Data & Service Monetization

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    Two required features of a data monetization platform are query and retrieval of the metadata of the resources to be monetized. Centralized platforms rely on the maturity of traditional NoSQL database systems to support these features. These databases, for example, MongoDB allows for very efficient query and retrieval of data it stores. However, centralized platforms come with a bag of security and privacy concerns, making them not the ideal approach for a data monetization platform. On the other hand, most existing decentralized platforms are only partially decentralized. In this research, I developed Cowry, a platform for publishing metadata describing available resources (data or services), discovery of published metadata including fast search and filtering. My main contribution is a fully decentralized architecture that combines blockchain and traditional distributed database to gain additional features such as efficient query and retrieval of metadata stored on the blockchain


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    A decade after Sathosi Nakamoto published his famous whitepaper, blockchain technology (BT) has started to become widely recognized and used beyond the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. While the financial sector is the most prominent adopter of the technology, numerous other fields of application for the ground-breaking innovation are discussed by researchers and practitioners alike. One key area in which blockchain-based applications are expected to drive radical and disruptive innovation is smart cities. BT provides unique benefits which smart cities can leverage to improve quality of life, adminis-trative processes, and environmental sustainability. However, due to the entrepreneurial dynamics and abundant fields of application for BT in smart cities, an integrated and boundary-spanning analysis is lacking. Thus, our paper aims at analysing how BT is used in different smart city business models to present a multi-layer taxonomy. For this purpose, we identified a global sample of 80 startups which offer products or services for smart cities and examined their business models. The paper explores economic and technological characteristics of blockchain based smart city applications. These unique insights will be useful for researchers, practitioners, and regulators

    Architecting a Blockchain-Based Framework for the Internet of Things

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    Traditionally, Internet-of-Things (IoT) solutions are based on centralized infrastructures, which necessitate high-end servers for handling and transferring data. Centralized solutions incur high costs associated to maintaining centralized servers, and do not provide built-in guarantees against security threats and trust issues. Therefore, it is an essential research problem to mitigate the aforementioned problems by developing new methods for IoT decentralisation. In recent years, blockchain technology, the underlying technology of Bitcoin, has attracted research interest as the potential missing link towards building a truly decentralized, trustless and secure environment for the IoT. Nevertheless, employing blockchain in the IoT has significant issues and challenges, related to scalability since all transactions logged in a blockchain undergo a decentralized consensus process. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a blockchain-based decentralized IoT framework that can leverage the inherent security characteristics of blockchains, while addressing the challenges associated with developing such a framework. This decentralized IoT framework aims to employ blockchains in combination with other peer-to-peer mechanisms to provide: access control; secure IoT data transfer; peer-to-peer data-sharing business models; and secure end-to-end IoT communications, without depending upon a centralized intermediary for authentication or data handling. This framework uses a multi-tiered blockchain architecture with a control-plane/data-plane split, in that the bulk data is transferred through peer-to-peer data transfer mechanisms, and blockchains are used to enforce terms and conditions and store relevant timestamped metadata. Implementations of the blockchain-based framework have been presented in a multitude of use-cases, to observe the framework's viability and adaptability in real-world scenarios. These scenarios involved traceability in supply chains, IoT data monetization and security in end-to-end communications.With all the potential applications of the blockchain-based framework within the IoT, this thesis takes a step towards the goal of a truly decentralized IoT

    Enabling Technologies for Web 3.0: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Web 3.0 represents the next stage of Internet evolution, aiming to empower users with increased autonomy, efficiency, quality, security, and privacy. This evolution can potentially democratize content access by utilizing the latest developments in enabling technologies. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth survey of enabling technologies in the context of Web 3.0, such as blockchain, semantic web, 3D interactive web, Metaverse, Virtual reality/Augmented reality, Internet of Things technology, and their roles in shaping Web 3.0. We commence by providing a comprehensive background of Web 3.0, including its concept, basic architecture, potential applications, and industry adoption. Subsequently, we examine recent breakthroughs in IoT, 5G, and blockchain technologies that are pivotal to Web 3.0 development. Following that, other enabling technologies, including AI, semantic web, and 3D interactive web, are discussed. Utilizing these technologies can effectively address the critical challenges in realizing Web 3.0, such as ensuring decentralized identity, platform interoperability, data transparency, reducing latency, and enhancing the system's scalability. Finally, we highlight significant challenges associated with Web 3.0 implementation, emphasizing potential solutions and providing insights into future research directions in this field

    What is the potential value of tokens and token engineering for the architecture, engineering, and construction industry? A positional paper.

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    What is the value of tokens for blockchain applications in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC)? How can token engineering be contextualized in AEC? This positional paper instigates the tackling of these largely unexplored questions. Following a literature review and a visiting of token engineering fundamentals, the paper’s position is that tokens can indeed hold potential value for AEC. This value can be direct, utilitarian, security-related, and/or pegged, and reflected in technical and economic terms. For this value to be realized, the token must be systematically embedded in the AEC ecosystem – therefore dependent on sociotechnical parameters in AEC

    Beyond oracles – a critical look at real-world blockchains

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    This thesis intends to provide answers to the following questions: 1) What is the oracle problem, and how do the limitations of oracles affect different real-world applications? 2) What are the characteristics of the portion of the literature that leaves the oracle problem unaddressed? 3) Who are the main contributors to solving the oracle problem, and which issues are they focusing on? 4) How can the oracle problem be overcome in real-world applications? The first chapter aims to answer the first question through a literature review of the most current papers published in the field, bringing clarity to the blockchain oracle problem by discussing its effects in some of the most promising real-world blockchain applications. Thus, the chapter investigates the sectors of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), healthcare, supply chains, academic records, resource management, and law. By comparing the different applications, the review reveals that heterogeneous issues arise depending on the sector. The analysis supports the view that the more trusted a system is, the less the oracle problem has an impact. The second chapter presents the results of a systematic review intended to highlight the state-of-the-art of real-world blockchain applications using the oracle problem as a lens of analysis. Academic papers proposing real-world blockchain applications were reviewed to see if the authors considered the oracle’s role in the applications and related issues. The results found that almost 90% of the inspected literature neglected the role of oracles, thereby proposing incomplete or irreproducible projects. Through a bibliometric analysis, the third chapter sheds light on the institutions and authors that are actively contributing to the literature on oracles and promoting progress and cooperation. The study shows that, although there is still a lack of collaboration worldwide, there are dedicated authors and institutions working toward a similar and beneficial cause. The results also make it clear that most areas of oracle research are poorly addressed, with some remaining untouched. The fourth and last chapter focuses on a case study of a dairy company operating in the northeast region of Italy. The company applied blockchain technology to support the traceability of their products worldwide, and the study investigated the benefits of their innovation from the point of view of sustainability. The study also considers the role of oracle management, as it is a critical aspect of a blockchain-based project. Thus, the relationship between the company, the blockchain oracle, and the supervising authority is discussed, offering insight into how sustainable innovations can positively impact supply chain management. This work as a whole aims to shed light on blockchain oracles as an academic area of research, explaining why the study of oracles should be considered the backbone of blockchain literature development
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