5,414 research outputs found

    Decentralized Packet Clustering in Router-Based Networks

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    Different types of decentralized clustering problems have been studied so far for networks and multi-agent systems. In this paper we introduce a new type of a decentralized clustering problem for networks. The so called Decentralized Packet Clustering (DPC) problem is to find for packets that are sent around in a network a clustering. This clustering has to be done by the routers using only few computational power and only a small amount of memory. No direct information transfer between the routers is allowed. We investigate the behavior of new a type of decentralized k-means algorithm — called DPClust — for solving the DPC problem. DPClust has some similarities with ant based clustering algorithms. We investigate the behavior of DPClust for different clustering problems and for networks that consist of several subnetworks. The amount of packet exchange between these subnetworks is limited. Networks with different connection topologies for the subnetworks are considered. A dynamic situation where the packet exchange rates between the subnetworks varies over time is also investigated. The proposed DPC problem leads to interesting research problems for network clustering

    Greedy Forwarding in Dynamic Scale-Free Networks Embedded in Hyperbolic Metric Spaces

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    We show that complex (scale-free) network topologies naturally emerge from hyperbolic metric spaces. Hyperbolic geometry facilitates maximally efficient greedy forwarding in these networks. Greedy forwarding is topology-oblivious. Nevertheless, greedy packets find their destinations with 100% probability following almost optimal shortest paths. This remarkable efficiency sustains even in highly dynamic networks. Our findings suggest that forwarding information through complex networks, such as the Internet, is possible without the overhead of existing routing protocols, and may also find practical applications in overlay networks for tasks such as application-level routing, information sharing, and data distribution

    Hierarchical Design Based Intrusion Detection System For Wireless Ad hoc Network

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    In recent years, wireless ad hoc sensor network becomes popular both in civil and military jobs. However, security is one of the significant challenges for sensor network because of their deployment in open and unprotected environment. As cryptographic mechanism is not enough to protect sensor network from external attacks, intrusion detection system needs to be introduced. Though intrusion prevention mechanism is one of the major and efficient methods against attacks, but there might be some attacks for which prevention method is not known. Besides preventing the system from some known attacks, intrusion detection system gather necessary information related to attack technique and help in the development of intrusion prevention system. In addition to reviewing the present attacks available in wireless sensor network this paper examines the current efforts to intrusion detection system against wireless sensor network. In this paper we propose a hierarchical architectural design based intrusion detection system that fits the current demands and restrictions of wireless ad hoc sensor network. In this proposed intrusion detection system architecture we followed clustering mechanism to build a four level hierarchical network which enhances network scalability to large geographical area and use both anomaly and misuse detection techniques for intrusion detection. We introduce policy based detection mechanism as well as intrusion response together with GSM cell concept for intrusion detection architecture.Comment: 16 pages, International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Vol.2, No.3, July 2010. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1111.1933 by other author

    Fundamental Limits of Caching in Wireless D2D Networks

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    We consider a wireless Device-to-Device (D2D) network where communication is restricted to be single-hop. Users make arbitrary requests from a finite library of files and have pre-cached information on their devices, subject to a per-node storage capacity constraint. A similar problem has already been considered in an ``infrastructure'' setting, where all users receive a common multicast (coded) message from a single omniscient server (e.g., a base station having all the files in the library) through a shared bottleneck link. In this work, we consider a D2D ``infrastructure-less'' version of the problem. We propose a caching strategy based on deterministic assignment of subpackets of the library files, and a coded delivery strategy where the users send linearly coded messages to each other in order to collectively satisfy their demands. We also consider a random caching strategy, which is more suitable to a fully decentralized implementation. Under certain conditions, both approaches can achieve the information theoretic outer bound within a constant multiplicative factor. In our previous work, we showed that a caching D2D wireless network with one-hop communication, random caching, and uncoded delivery, achieves the same throughput scaling law of the infrastructure-based coded multicasting scheme, in the regime of large number of users and files in the library. This shows that the spatial reuse gain of the D2D network is order-equivalent to the coded multicasting gain of single base station transmission. It is therefore natural to ask whether these two gains are cumulative, i.e.,if a D2D network with both local communication (spatial reuse) and coded multicasting can provide an improved scaling law. Somewhat counterintuitively, we show that these gains do not cumulate (in terms of throughput scaling law).Comment: 45 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, This is the extended version of the conference (ITW) paper arXiv:1304.585

    Enabling limited traffic scheduling in asynchronous ad hoc networks

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    We present work-in-progress developing a communication framework that addresses the communication challenges of the decentralized multihop wireless environment. The main contribution is the combination of a fully distributed, asynchronous power save mechanism with adaptation of the timing patterns defined by the power save mechanism to improve the energy and bandwidth efficiency of communication in multihop wireless networks. The possibility of leveraging this strategy to provide more complex forms of traffic management is explored