301 research outputs found

    Decay estimates for a viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation with homogenious Dirichlet boundary conditions

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    20 pagesInternational audienceGlobal classical solutions to the viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation with homogenious Dirichlet boundary conditions are shown to converge to zero at the same speed as the linear heat semigroup when p > 1. For p = 1, an exponential decay to zero is also obtained in one space dimension but the rate depends on a and differs from that of the linear heat equation. Finally, if 0 < p < 1 and a < 0, finite time extinction occurs for non-negative solutions

    Large time behavior of solutions of viscous Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with superquadratic Hamiltonian

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    We study the long-time behavior of the unique viscosity solution uu of the viscous Hamilton-Jacobi Equation ut−Δu+∣Du∣m=fin Ω×(0,+∞)u_t-\Delta u + |Du|^m = f\hbox{in }\Omega\times (0,+\infty) with inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, where Ω\Omega is a bounded domain of RN\mathbb{R}^N. We mainly focus on the superquadratic case (m>2m>2) and consider the Dirichlet conditions in the generalized viscosity sense. Under rather natural assumptions on f,f, the initial and boundary data, we connect the problem studied to its associated stationary generalized Dirichlet problem on one hand and to a stationary problem with a state constraint boundary condition on the other hand

    Convergence to separate variables solutions for a degenerate parabolic equation with gradient source

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    The large time behaviour of nonnegative solutions to a quasilinear degenerate diffusion equation with a source term depending solely on the gradient is investigated. After a suitable rescaling of time, convergence to a unique profile is shown for global solutions. The proof relies on the half-relaxed limits technique within the theory of viscosity solutions and on the construction of suitable supersolutions and barrier functions to obtain optimal temporal decay rates and boundary estimates. Blowup of weak solutions is also studied

    Well-posedness and gradient blow-up estimate near the boundary for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation with degenerate diffusion

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    This paper is concerned with weak solutions of the degenerate viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation ∂tu−Δpu=∣∇u∣q,\partial_t u-\Delta_p u=|\nabla u|^q, with Dirichlet boundary conditions in a bounded domain Ω⊂RN\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N, where p>2p>2 and q>p−1q>p-1. With the goal of studying the gradient blow-up phenomenon for this problem, we first establish local well-posedness with blow-up alternative in W1,∞W^{1, \infty} norm. We then obtain a precise gradient estimate involving the distance to the boundary. It shows in particular that the gradient blow-up can take place only on the boundary. A regularizing effect for utu_t is also obtained.Comment: 20 pages 1 figur

    Large time behavior for a viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation with Neumann boudary condition

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    We prove the existence and the uniqueness of strong solutions for the viscous Hamilton-Jacobi Equation with Neumann boundary condition and initial data a continious function. Then, we study the large time behavior of the solutions.Comment: 32 page

    Global Regularity vs. Finite-Time Singularities: Some Paradigms on the Effect of Boundary Conditions and Certain Perturbations

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    In light of the question of finite-time blow-up vs. global well-posedness of solutions to problems involving nonlinear partial differential equations, we provide several cautionary examples which indicate that modifications to the boundary conditions or to the nonlinearity of the equations can effect whether the equations develop finite-time singularities. In particular, we aim to underscore the idea that in analytical and computational investigations of the blow-up of three-dimensional Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, the boundary conditions may need to be taken into greater account. We also examine a perturbation of the nonlinearity by dropping the advection term in the evolution of the derivative of the solutions to the viscous Burgers equation, which leads to the development of singularities not present in the original equation, and indicates that there is a regularizing mechanism in part of the nonlinearity. This simple analytical example corroborates recent computational observations in the singularity formation of fluid equations

    Convergence to steady states for radially symmetric solutions to a quasilinear degenerate diffusive Hamilton-Jacobi equation

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    Convergence to a single steady state is shown for non-negative and radially symmetric solutions to a diffusive Hamilton-Jacobi equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, the diffusion being the pp-Laplacian operator, p≥2p\ge 2, and the source term a power of the norm of the gradient of uu. As a first step, the radially symmetric and non-increasing stationary solutions are characterized
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