13 research outputs found

    Diagrammatic Languages and Formal Verification : A Tool-Based Approach

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    The importance of software correctness has been accentuated as a growing number of safety-critical systems have been developed relying on software operating these systems. One of the more prominent methods targeting the construction of a correct program is formal verification. Formal verification identifies a correct program as a program that satisfies its specification and is free of defects. While in theory formal verification guarantees a correct implementation with respect to the specification, applying formal verification techniques in practice has shown to be difficult and expensive. In response to these challenges, various support methods and tools have been suggested for all phases from program specification to proving the derived verification conditions. This thesis concerns practical verification methods applied to diagrammatic modeling languages. While diagrammatic languages are widely used in communicating system design (e.g., UML) and behavior (e.g., state charts), most formal verification platforms require the specification to be written in a textual specification language or in the mathematical language of an underlying logical framework. One exception is invariant-based programming, in which programs together with their specifications are drawn as invariant diagrams, a type of state transition diagram annotated with intermediate assertions (preconditions, postconditions, invariants). Even though the allowed program states—called situations—are described diagrammatically, the intermediate assertions defining a situation’s meaning in the domain of the program are still written in conventional textual form. To explore the use of diagrams in expressing the intermediate assertions of invariant diagrams, we designed a pictorial language for expressing array properties. We further developed this notation into a diagrammatic domain-specific language (DSL) and implemented it as an extension to the Why3 platform. The DSL supports expression of array properties. The language is based on Reynolds’s interval and partition diagrams and includes a construct for mapping array intervals to logic predicates. Automated verification of a program is attained by generating the verification conditions and proving that they are true. In practice, full proof automation is not possible except for trivial programs and verifying even simple properties can require significant effort both in specification and proof stages. An animation tool which supports run-time evaluation of the program statements and intermediate assertions given any user-defined input can support this process. In particular, an execution trace leading up to a failed assertion constitutes a refutation of a verification condition that requires immediate attention. As an extension to Socos, a verificion tool for invariant diagrams built on top of the PVS proof system, we have developed an execution model where program statements and assertions can be evaluated in a given program state. A program is represented by an abstract datatype encoding the program state, together with a small-step state transition function encoding the evaluation of a single statement. This allows the program’s runtime behavior to be formally inspected during verification. We also implement animation and interactive debugging support for Socos. The thesis also explores visualization of system development in the context of model decomposition in Event-B. Decomposing a software system becomes increasingly critical as the system grows larger, since the workload on the theorem provers must be distributed effectively. Decomposition techniques have been suggested in several verification platforms to split the models into smaller units, each having fewer verification conditions and therefore imposing a lighter load on automatic theorem provers. In this work, we have investigated a refinement-based decomposition technique that makes the development process more resilient to change in specification and allows parallel development of sub-models by a team. As part of the research, we evaluated the technique on a small case study, a simplified version of a landing gear system verification presented by Boniol and Wiels, within the Event-B specification language.Vikten av programvaras korrekthet har accentuerats dĂ„ ett vĂ€xande antal sĂ€kerhetskritiska system, vilka Ă€r beroende av programvaran som styr dessa, har utvecklas. En av de mer framtrĂ€dande metoderna som riktar in sig pĂ„ utveckling av korrekt programvara Ă€r formell verifiering. Inom formell verifiering avses med ett korrekt program ett program som uppfyller sina specifikationer och som Ă€r fritt frĂ„n defekter. Medan formell verifiering teoretiskt sett kan garantera ett korrekt program med avseende pĂ„ specifikationerna, har tillĂ€mpligheten av formella verifieringsmetod visat sig i praktiken vara svĂ„r och dyr. Till svar pĂ„ dessa utmaningar har ett stort antal olika stödmetoder och automatiseringsverktyg föreslagits för samtliga faser frĂ„n specifikationen till bevisningen av de hĂ€rledda korrekthetsvillkoren. Denna avhandling behandlar praktiska verifieringsmetoder applicerade pĂ„ diagrambaserade modelleringssprĂ„k. Medan diagrambaserade sprĂ„k ofta anvĂ€nds för kommunikation av programvarudesign (t.ex. UML) samt beteende (t.ex. tillstĂ„ndsdiagram), krĂ€ver de flesta verifieringsplattformar att specifikationen kodas medelst ett textuellt specifikationsspĂ„k eller i sprĂ„ket hos det underliggande logiska ramverket. Ett undantag Ă€r invariantbaserad programmering, inom vilken ett program tillsammans med dess specifikation ritas upp som sk. invariantdiagram, en typ av tillstĂ„ndstransitionsdiagram annoterade med mellanliggande logiska villkor (förvillkor, eftervillkor, invarianter). Även om de tillĂ„tna programtillstĂ„nden—sk. situationer—beskrivs diagrammatiskt Ă€r de logiska predikaten som beskriver en situations betydelse i programmets domĂ€n fortfarande skriven pĂ„ konventionell textuell form. För att vidare undersöka anvĂ€ndningen av diagram vid beskrivningen av mellanliggande villkor inom invariantbaserad programming, har vi konstruerat ett bildbaserat sprĂ„k för villkor över arrayer. Vi har dĂ€refter vidareutvecklat detta sprĂ„k till ett diagrambaserat domĂ€n-specifikt sprĂ„k (domain-specific language, DSL) och implementerat stöd för det i verifieringsplattformen Why3. SprĂ„ket lĂ„ter anvĂ€ndaren uttrycka egenskaper hos arrayer, och Ă€r baserat pĂ„ Reynolds intevall- och partitionsdiagram samt inbegriper en konstruktion för mappning av array-intervall till logiska predikat. Automatisk verifiering av ett program uppnĂ„s genom generering av korrekthetsvillkor och Ă„tföljande bevisning av dessa. I praktiken kan full automatisering av bevis inte uppnĂ„s utom för trivial program, och Ă€ven bevisning av enkla egenskaper kan krĂ€va betydande anstrĂ€ngningar bĂ„de vid specifikations- och bevisfaserna. Ett animeringsverktyg som stöder exekvering av sĂ„vĂ€l programmets satser som mellanliggande villkor för godtycklig anvĂ€ndarinput kan vara till hjĂ€lp i denna process. SĂ€rskilt ett exekveringspĂ„r som leder upp till ett falskt mellanliggande villkor utgör ett direkt vederlĂ€ggande (refutation) av ett bevisvillkor, vilket krĂ€ver omedelbar uppmĂ€rksamhet frĂ„n programmeraren. Som ett tillĂ€gg till Socos, ett verifieringsverktyg för invariantdiagram baserat pĂ„ bevissystemet PVS, har vi utvecklat en exekveringsmodell dĂ€r programmets satser och villkor kan evalueras i ett givet programtillstĂ„nd. Ett program representeras av en abstrakt datatyp för programmets tillstĂ„nd tillsammans med en small-step transitionsfunktion för evalueringen av en enskild programsats. Detta möjliggör att ett programs exekvering formellt kan analyseras under verifieringen. Vi har ocksĂ„ implementerat animation och interaktiv felsökning i Socos. Avhandlingen undersöker ocksĂ„ visualisering av systemutveckling i samband med modelluppdelning inom Event-B. Uppdelning av en systemmodell blir allt mer kritisk dĂ„ ett systemet vĂ€xer sig större, emedan belastningen pĂ„ underliggande teorembe visare mĂ„ste fördelas effektivt. Uppdelningstekniker har föreslagits inom mĂ„nga olika verifieringsplattformar för att dela in modellerna i mindre enheter, sĂ„ att varje enhet har fĂ€rre verifieringsvillkor och dĂ€rmed innebĂ€r en mindre belastning pĂ„ de automatiska teorembevisarna. I detta arbete har vi undersökt en refinement-baserad uppdelningsteknik som gör utvecklingsprocessen mer kapabel att hantera förĂ€ndringar hos specifikationen och som tillĂ„ter parallell utveckling av delmodellerna inom ett team. Som en del av forskningen har vi utvĂ€rderat tekniken pĂ„ en liten fallstudie: en förenklad modell av automationen hos ett landningsstĂ€ll av Boniol and Wiels, uttryckt i Event-B-specifikationsprĂ„ket

    Techniques for Implementing Concurrent Exceptions in C++

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    In recent years, concurrent programming has become more and more important. Multi-core processors and distributed programming allow the use of real-world parallelism for increased computing power. Graphical user interfaces in modern applications benefit from concurrency which allows them to stay responsive in all situations. Concurrency support has been added to many programming languages, libraries and frameworks. While exceptions are widely used in sequential programming, many concurrent programming languages and libraries provide little or no support for concurrent exception handling. This is also true for the C++ programming language, which is widely used in the industry for system programming, mobile and embedded applications, as well as high-performance computing, server and traditional desktop applications. The 2003 version of the C++ standard provides no support for concurrency, and the new C++11 standard only supports thread-based concurrency in a shared address space. Procedure and method calls across address space boundaries require support for serialisation. Such C++ libraries exist for serialisation of parameters and return values, but serialisation of exceptions is more complicated. Types of passed exceptions are not known at compile-time, and the exceptions may be thrown by third-party code. Concurrency also complicates exception handling itself. It makes it possible for several exceptions to be thrown concurrently and end up in the same process. This scenario is not supported in most current programming languages, especially C++. This thesis analyses problems in concurrent exception handling and presents mechanisms for solving them. The solution includes automatic serialisation of C++ exceptions for RPC, and exception reduction, future groups and compound exceptions for concurrent exception handling. The usability and performance of the mechanisms are measured and discussed using a use case application. Mechanisms for concurrent exception handling are provided using a library approach (i.e., without extending the language itself). Template metaprogramming is used in the solutions to automate mechanisms as much as possible. Solutions to the problems given in this thesis can be used in other programming languages as well


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    Introduction to Parallel Computing is a course designed to educate students on how to use the parallel libraries and tools provided by modern operating systems and massively parallel computer graphics hardware. Using a series of lectures and hands-on exercises. Students will learn about parallel algorithms and concepts that will aid them in analyzing a problem and constructing a parallel solution, if possible, using the tools available to their disposal. The course consists of lectures, projects, quizzes, and homework. The combination of these components will deliver the necessary domain knowledge to students, test them, and in the process train them to break a problem down and construct a concurrent solution. The design and layout of the deliverables will follow Bloom’s Taxonomy and Mager’s Content Reference Instruction (CRI) model to maximize student retention of the materials. Delivering the course will be achieved via the iterative development model, often used in software development, but effective in other domains as well. Using the iterative method will aid in the development of robust deliverables that can be extended, replaced, and modified depending on future course requirements

    Programming language abstractions for extensible software components

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    With the growing demand for software systems that can cope with an increasing range of information processing tasks, the reuse of code from existing systems is essential to reduce the production costs of systems as well as the time to manufacture new software applications. For this reason, component-based software development techniques gain increasing attention in industry and research. Component technology is driven by the promise of building software by composing off-the-shelf components provided by a software component industry. Therefore, component technology emphasizes the independent development and deployment of components. Even though components look like perfect reusable assets, they embody general software solutions that need to be adapted to deploymentspecific needs and therefore cannot be deployed "as is" in general. Furthermore, as architectural building blocks, components are subject to continuous change. For these reasons, it is essential that components can easily be extended by both the component manufacturer to create new versions of components and by thirdparties that have to adapt components for use in specific software systems. Since in both cases concrete changes cannot be foreseen in general, mechanisms to integrate unanticipated extensions into components and component systems are required. While today many modern programming techniques, methodologies, and languages provide means that are well suited for creating static black-box components, the design and implementation of extensible components and extensible software systems often remains a challenge. In practice, extensibility is mostly achieved through ad-hoc techniques, like the disciplined use of design patterns and component frameworks, often in conjunction with meta-programming. The use of design patterns and component frameworks requires a rigorous coding discipline and often forces programmers to write tedious "boilerplate" code by hand, which makes this approach fragile and error-prone. Meta-programming techniques on the other hand are rather code-centric and mostly source code-based. Therefore, they are often not very suitable for today's component technology practice that stresses the binary reuse of black-box components. In this thesis I argue that technical difficulties in the development of extensible software components are due to the lack of appropriate programming language abstractions. To overcome the problems, concrete programming language mechanisms are proposed to facilitate the creation of extensible software. The proposed language features are strongly typed to help the programmer extend systems safely and consistently. The first part of the thesis illustrates the vision of truly extensible software components by proposing a simple theoretical model of first-class components built on top of a conventional class-based object-oriented language. This typed model includes a small set of primitives to dynamically build, compose, and extend software components safely, while supporting features like explicit context dependencies, late composition, unanticipated component extensibility, and strong encapsulation. The second part takes some ideas from the theoretical model and applies them in the design of the programming language Keris. Keris extends Java with an expressive module system featuring extensible modules. The main contributions are: A module system that combines the benefits of classical module systems for imperative languages with the advantages of modern component-oriented formalisms. In particular, modules are reusable, generic software components that can be linked with different cooperating modules without the need for resolving context dependencies by hand. A module composition scheme based on aggregation that makes the static architecture of a system explicit, and A type-safe mechanism for extending atomic modules aswell as fully linked systems statically by replacing selected subsystems with compatible versions without needing to re-link the full system. The extensibility mechanism is non-invasive; i.e. it preserves the original version and does not require access to source code. The overall design of the language was guided by the aim to develop a pragmatic, implementable, and conservative extension of Java which supports software development according to the open/closed principle: Systems written in Keris are closed in the sense that they can be executed, but they are open for unanticipated extensions that add, refine, or replace modules or whole subsystems. The last part of the thesis finally presents a case study which compares an extensible Java compiler implemented using mainstream object-oriented language features with one that was written in Keris. It shows how in practice, extensible modules can be used to develop extensible systems safely and efficiently

    Detecting and correcting errors in parallel object oriented systems

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    Our research concerns the development of an operational formalism for the in-source specification of parallel, object oriented systems. These specifications are used to enunciate the behavioural semantics of objects, as a means of enhancing their reliability. A review of object oriented languages concludes that the advance in language sophistication heralded by the object oriented paradigm has, so far, failed to produce a commensurate increase in software reliability. The lack of support in modern object oriented languages for the notion of 'valid object behaviour', as distinct from state and operations, undermines the potential power of the abstraction. Furthermore, it weakens the ability of such languages to detect behavioural problems, manifest at run-time. As a result, in-language facilities for the signalling and handling of undesirable program behaviours or states (for example, assertions) are still in their infancy. This is especially true of parallel systems, where the scope for subtle error is greater. The first goal of this work was to construct an operational model of a general purpose, parallel, object oriented system in order to ascertain the fundamental set of event classes that constitute its observable behaviour. Our model is built on the CSP process calculus and uses a subset of the Z notation to express some aspects of state. This alphabet was then used to construct a formalism designed to augment each object type description with the operational specification of an object's behaviour: Event Pattern Specifications (EPS). EPSs are a labeled list of acceptable object behaviours which form part of the definition of every type. The thesis includes a description of the design and implementation of EPSs as part of an exception handling mechanism for the parallel, object oriented language Solve. Using this implementation, we have established that the run-time checking of EPS specifications is feasible, albeit it with considerable overhead. Issues arising from this implementation are discussed and we describe the visualization of EPSs and their use in semantic browsing

    Debuggable Concurrency Extensions for Standard ML

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    We are developing an interactive debugger with reverse execution for the language Standard ML extended to include concurrent threads in the style of Modula-2+. Our debugging approach is based on automatic instrumentation in the source language of the user's source code; this makes the debugger completely independent of the compiler back-end, run-time system, and target hardware. The debugger operates entirely inside the concurrency model and has no special concurrency privileges. In this paper, we consider some of the challenges of debugging a non-deterministic concurrent symbolic language "in itself." Issues considered include logging nondeterministic activity, obtaining more secure semantics for our concurrency primitives, controlling distributed computations, and defining suitable time models. We conclude by suggesting an alternative simulation-based approach to dealing with non-determinism. 1 Debugging Standard ML Standard ML [22] is a general purpose programming language featurin..

    Enabling modeling framework with surrogate modeling capabilities and complex networks

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    Conceptual and physically based environmental simulation models as products of research environments efforts became complex software over time in order to allow describing the behaviour of natural phenomena more accurately. Results from these models are considered accurate but often require to operate an entire system of modeling resources with dedicated knowledge, an extensive set up, and sometimes significant computational time. Model complexity limits wide model adaptation among consultants because of lower available technical resources and capabilities. However, models should be ubiquitous to use in both research and consulting environments. This dissertation aims to address and alleviate two aspects of research model complexity: 1) for researchers, the model design complexity with respect to its internal software structure and 2) for consultants, the model application complexity with respect to data and parameter setup, runtime requirements, and proper model infrastructure setup. The first contribution provides modeling design and implementation support by managing interacting modeling solutions as “Directed Acyclic Graph”, while the second one helps to create surrogate models of complex physical models as a streamlined process. Both contributions are implemented within the OMS/CSIP modeling framework and infrastructure and were applied in various studies. First, a machine learning (ML)-based surrogate model approach is presented to respond to field application requirements to get quick but “accurate enough” model results with limited input and limited a-priori knowledge of the internal physical processes involved. The surrogate model aims to capture the behaviour of a physical model as an ensemble system of artificial neural networks (ANN). Here, the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topology (NEAT) technique has been leveraged because of its integration of a genetic approach to build and evolve its ANNs during supervised training. Throughout this phase, the thorough design of the services facilitate seamless monitoring of structural mutations of the artificial neural network and its performances with respect to behavioural emulation of the original model response. This results in a streamlined surrogate model generation. Furthermore, the stochasticity inherent to the evolutionary genetic algorithm combined with a specially designed cross-validation approach allows for straightforward use of the ensemble application. Several, slightly different artificial neural networks are concurrently trained. The ensemble system is built upon the selection of the utmost performant surrogate models and is used collectively to provide uncertainty quantified results when applied against new data. Secondly, a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) modeling structure NET3 was developed. NET3 provides appropriate data structures to represent modeling states interactions as relationships based on network topologies. The inherent structure of the DAG commands the execution of modeling tasks. NET3 implicitly manages the parallel computation depending on the network topology. A node of a NET3 modeling structure encapsulates any sort of modeling solution such as a system of ordinary differential equations, a set of statistical rules, or a system of partial differential equations. Each link connects these modeling solutions by handling their data flow. As a result, NET3 simplifies 1) the translation of physical mathematical concepts into model components, and 2) the management of complex interactions of modeling solutions. NET3 also pushes forward the idea of separating concerns between software architecture and scientific model codebase. It manages aspects that relate to the architectural design of the graph modeling structure and lets research scientist focus on their model’s domain. NET3 improves encapsulation and reusability of scientific/mathematical concepts. It avoids code duplication by allowing the same modeling solution to be adopted in different nodes and finely adapted to specific requirements. In summary, NET3 enables a new level of modeling flexibility by allowing to quickly change model representations to explore new modeling solutions. The two presented contributions were integrated into the Object Modeling System/Cloud Services Integrated Platform (OMS/CSIP) environmental modeling framework (EMF). EMFs are standard practice in environmental modeling because they represent a software solution of separating the burden of software architectural design management from scientific research. Here, OMS/CSIP has been identified “advanced” in terms of EMFs design. It offers high flexibility, low language invasiveness, fine and thorough architectural design, and innovative cloud computing deployment infrastructure. These aspects make OMS/CSIP infrastructure the suitable platform to host NEAT based surrogate modeling and NET3 extensions. Framework-enabled NEAT based Surrogate modeling (FeNS) results from the full integration of NEAT based surrogate modeling approach with OMS/CSIP platform. Here, the surrogate model approach was developed as CSIP services to help transitioning from research models to “field models” by enabling the modeling framework to interact with CSIP services, ML libraries, and a NoSQL database to emerge model surrogates for a(ny) modelling solution. OMS/CSIP was extended to harvest data from each model run and automatically derive the surrogate model at the modeling framework level. NET3 extends OMS modeling simulations to run as a graph network of interconnected modeling solutions. Furthermore, it enhances available OMS calibration algorithms to become multi-site calibration procedures. OMS already provided implicit parallel computation of independent components in a modeling solution. NET3 now adds a further layer of implicit parallelism by concurrently running independent modeling solutions. Two studies were carried out to develop and test FeSN while three applications supported the development and testing of NET3. Surrogate models of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, Version 2 (R2) were generated to scale up from simple test cases with a constrained input space to more generic applications including a larger variety of input parameters. The main goal of the surrogate model was to streamline and simplify access to the R2 model behaviour. We performed sensitivity analysis of R2 to limit the input space to only relevant parameters (e.g. soil properties, climate parameter, field geometries, crop rotation description). The main study area was the State of Iowa starting from a single county (Clay county) ending up to four counties (Buena Vista, Cherokee, Clay, and Wright). Clustering methodologies were applied to improve surrogate model accuracy and to accelerate the training process by reducing the dataset size. The overall “goodness-of-fit” against the testing dataset estimated on the median of the uncertainty quantified result of the surrogate models ensemble was always above 0.95 Nash-Sutcliffe (NS), root mean squared error (RMSE) between 0.13 and 0.36, and bias between -0.07 and 0.02. In many cases, accuracy of the surrogate model with respect to testing dataset was above 0.98 NS. Surrogate models of the AgroEcoSystem (AgES) were generated to apply and test FeNS methodology to a semi-distributed hydrologic model. The main goal of the surrogate model was to streamline and simplify access to the AgES model behaviour. Only relevant lumped parameters on watershed centroid were used to train the surrogate models and limit the input space to only relevant parameters (e.g. precipitation, groundwater level, LAI, and potential evapotranspiration). The main study area was the South Fork Iowa River (SFIR) watershed in the State of Iowa across Wright, Franklin, Hamilton, and Hardin counties. The overall “goodness-of-fit” against the testing dataset estimated on the median of the uncertainty quantified result of the surrogate models ensemble was above 0.97 Nash-Sutcliffe (NS), root mean squared error (RMSE) of 2.24, and bias of -0.0794. With respect to NET3, the first application is the real-time modeling of flood forecasting through GEOframe system for the Civil Protection of Regione Basilicata implemented by PhD Bancheri. To scale the computation and finely tune calibration parameters, the Basilicata river basins were split into subcatchments where each was represented by a different NET3 node. The second application was part of Mr. Dalla Torre’s master thesis where the computational core of the rainfall-runoff model of Storm Water Management Model (SWMM by EPA) was componentized. NET3 now allows for reimplementing a concise and lightweight SWMM modeling core and highly parallel model runs. Software architectural design of rainfall-runoff, routing and sewer pipe design components targeted separation of concerns, single responsibility, and encapsulation principles. It resulted in clean and minimized code base. NET3 manages component connections and scalable computation by hosting rainfall-runoff modeling solution into separated nodes from routing and sewer pipe design modeling solution. It also enables each node of the modeling structure to 1) access a shared data structure to fetch input data from and push results to (SWMMobject), and 2) internally analyze the upstream subtree in order to adjust sewer pipe design parameters. The third test case is the application of a “system of systems” of urban models where each node of the graph modeling structure encapsulates a single responsibility system of models. Because of the stochasticity involved in each system of models, the entire graph modeling solution was required to run several times and generate independent realizations. Hence, NET3 was enabled to run a “graph of graphs” modeling structure

    Debuggable concurrency extensions for standard ML

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