1,430 research outputs found

    Grid service discovery with rough sets

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    Copyright [2008] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.The computational grid is evolving as a service-oriented computing infrastructure that facilitates resource sharing and large-scale problem solving over the Internet. Service discovery becomes an issue of vital importance in utilising grid facilities. This paper presents ROSSE, a Rough sets based search engine for grid service discovery. Building on Rough sets theory, ROSSE is novel in its capability to deal with uncertainty of properties when matching services. In this way, ROSSE can discover the services that are most relevant to a service query from a functional point of view. Since functionally matched services may have distinct non-functional properties related to Quality of Service (QoS), ROSSE introduces a QoS model to further filter matched services with their QoS values to maximise user satisfaction in service discovery. ROSSE is evaluated in terms of its accuracy and efficiency in discovery of computing services

    Fuzzy logic based qos optimization mechanism for service composition

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    Increase emphasis on Quality of Service and highly changing environments make management of composite services a time consuming and complicated task. Adaptation approaches aim to mitigate the management problem by adjusting composite services to the environment conditions, maintaining functional and quality levels, and reducing human intervention. This paper presents an adaptation approach that implements self-optimization based on fuzzy logic. The proposed optimization model performs service selection based on the analysis of historical and real QoS data, gathered at different stages during the execution of composite services. The use of fuzzy inference systems enables the evaluation of the measured QoS values, helps deciding whether adaptation is needed or not, and how to perform service selection. Experimental results show significant improvements in the global QoS of the use case scenario, providing reductions up to 20.5% in response time, 33.4% in cost and 31.2% in energy consumption

    Automatic Dynamic Web Service Composition: A Survey and Problem Formalization

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    The aim of Web service composition is to arrange multiple services into workflows supplying complex user needs. Due to the huge amount of Web services and the need to supply dynamically varying user goals, it is necessary to perform the composition automatically. The objective of this article is to overview the issues of automatic dynamic Web service composition. We discuss the issues related to the semantics of services, which is important for automatic Web service composition. We propose a problem formalization contributing to the formal definition of the pre-/post-conditions, with possible value restrictions, and their relation to the semantics of services. We also provide an overview of several existing approaches dealing with the problem of Web service composition and discuss the current achievements in the field and depict some open research areas

    Fuzzy Reasoning Approach for Predicting Web Services QoS/QoE with ANFIS

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    Nowadays, the web service (WS) usage in information systems (IS) includes determining a feasible WS that fulfils a set of non-functional requirements of Quality of Services (QoS) and user’s needs of Quality of Experience (QoE). While most existing studies evaluate WS from one perspective, i.e., users, and are based on data-driven approach, which employs a numerical dataset to learn a reasoning model, they overlook that users express their needs in a non-numerical form. To address these issues, we propose a new fuzzy reasoning approach for predicting WS QoS/QoE with the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) that encompasses multiple viewpoints and perspectives, and is also suitable for linguistic terms. To verify the efficiency, we implemented the proposed approach, conducted two experiments and compared them. The results show a good performance of the proposed approach for predicting WS QoS/QoE, and, consequently, it can be considered a suitable tool for predicting

    Towards robust and reliable multimedia analysis through semantic integration of services

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    Thanks to ubiquitous Web connectivity and portable multimedia devices, it has never been so easy to produce and distribute new multimedia resources such as videos, photos, and audio. This ever-increasing production leads to an information overload for consumers, which calls for efficient multimedia retrieval techniques. Multimedia resources can be efficiently retrieved using their metadata, but the multimedia analysis methods that can automatically generate this metadata are currently not reliable enough for highly diverse multimedia content. A reliable and automatic method for analyzing general multimedia content is needed. We introduce a domain-agnostic framework that annotates multimedia resources using currently available multimedia analysis methods. By using a three-step reasoning cycle, this framework can assess and improve the quality of multimedia analysis results, by consecutively (1) combining analysis results effectively, (2) predicting which results might need improvement, and (3) invoking compatible analysis methods to retrieve new results. By using semantic descriptions for the Web services that wrap the multimedia analysis methods, compatible services can be automatically selected. By using additional semantic reasoning on these semantic descriptions, the different services can be repurposed across different use cases. We evaluated this problem-agnostic framework in the context of video face detection, and showed that it is capable of providing the best analysis results regardless of the input video. The proposed methodology can serve as a basis to build a generic multimedia annotation platform, which returns reliable results for diverse multimedia analysis problems. This allows for better metadata generation, and improves the efficient retrieval of multimedia resources

    Service discovery and negotiation with COWS

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    To provide formal foundations to current (web) services technologies, we put forward using COWS, a process calculus for specifying, combining and analysing services, as a uniform formalism for modelling all the relevant phases of the life cycle of service-oriented applications, such as publication, discovery, negotiation, deployment and execution. In this paper, we show that constraints and operations on them can be smoothly incorporated in COWS, and propose a disciplined way to model multisets of constraints and to manipulate them through appropriate interaction protocols. Therefore, we demonstrate that also QoS requirement specifications and SLA achievements, and the phases of dynamic service discovery and negotiation can be comfortably modelled in COWS. We illustrate our approach through a scenario for a service-based web hosting provider

    Cloud Service Selection System Approach based on QoS Model: A Systematic Review

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has received a lot of interest from researchers recently. IoT is seen as a component of the Internet of Things, which will include billions of intelligent, talkative "things" in the coming decades. IoT is a diverse, multi-layer, wide-area network composed of a number of network links. The detection of services and on-demand supply are difficult in such networks, which are comprised of a variety of resource-limited devices. The growth of service computing-related fields will be aided by the development of new IoT services. Therefore, Cloud service composition provides significant services by integrating the single services. Because of the fast spread of cloud services and their different Quality of Service (QoS), identifying necessary tasks and putting together a service model that includes specific performance assurances has become a major technological problem that has caused widespread concern. Various strategies are used in the composition of services i.e., Clustering, Fuzzy, Deep Learning, Particle Swarm Optimization, Cuckoo Search Algorithm and so on. Researchers have made significant efforts in this field, and computational intelligence approaches are thought to be useful in tackling such challenges. Even though, no systematic research on this topic has been done with specific attention to computational intelligence. Therefore, this publication provides a thorough overview of QoS-aware web service composition, with QoS models and approaches to finding future aspects

    A Review on Framework and Quality of Service Based Web Services Discovery

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    Selection of Web services (WSs) is one of the most important steps in the application of different types of WSs such as WS composition systems and the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registries. The more available these WSs on the Internet are, the wider the number of these services whose functions match the various service requests is. Selecting WSs with higher quality largely depends on the quality of service (QoS) since it plays a significant role in selecting such services. In achieving this selection of the best WSs, the potential WSs are ranked according to the user’s necessities on service quality. In many cases, the value of QoS ontology is realized by its support for nonfunctional features of WSs. This ontology is also capable of providing solutions to the interoperability of QoS description. Moreover, based on the QoS ontology, it becomes more possible to develop a framework of semantic WS discovery. The framework enhances the automatic discovery of WSs and can improve the users’ efficiency in finding the best web services. Thus, Web Services are software functionalities publish and accessible through the Internet. Different protocols and web mechanism have been defined to access these Services

    n-Dimensional QoS Framework for Real-Time Service-Oriented Architectures

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    Service-Orientation has long provided an effective mechanism to integrate heterogeneous systems in a loosely coupled fashion as services. However, with the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) there is a growing need to facilitate the integration of real-time services executing in non-controlled, non-real-time, environments such as the Cloud. With the need to integrate both cyberphysical systems as hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) components and also with Simulation as a Service (SIMaaS) the execution performance and response-times of the services must be managed. This paper presents a mathematical framework that captures the relationship between the host execution environment and service performance allowing the estimation of Quality of Service (QoS) under dynamic Cloud workloads. A formal mathematical definition is provided and this is evaluated against existing techniques from both the Cloud and Real-Time Service Oriented Architecture (RT-SOA) domains. The proposed approach is evaluated against the existing techniques through simulation and demonstrates a reduction of QoS violation percentage by 22% with respect to response-times as well as reducing the number of Micro-Service (uS) instances with QoS violations by 27%