237,022 research outputs found

    Negotiation of Deaf Culture: Alternative Realities in the Classroom

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    In a increasingly globalized world, family members of deaf individuals increasingly are faced with a dilemma between identification with Deaf culture or pursuing biomedical intervention in order help deaf children hear sounds artificially. The importance of this dilemma is critical at the earliest age of deaf individuals\u27 lives, not only in early childhood, but in their school career as well. This poster attempts to not only inform about this issue, but argues for the expansion of programs at the school district level to offer equal resources and information about both options for families with deaf individuals. In so doing, it utilizes Deaf cultural media, historical and anthropological perspectives, and new research to challenge how educators view deafness and Deaf individuals

    Deaf epistemologies as a critique and alternative to the practice of science: an anthropological perspective

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    IN THE LAST DECADE, and responding to the criticism of orientalism, anthropology has engaged in a self-critical practice, working toward a postcolonial perspective on science and an epistemological stance of partial and situated knowledge (Pinxten, 2006; Pinxten & Note, 2005). In deaf studies, anthropological and sociological studies employing qualitative and ethnographic methods have introduced a paradigm shift. Concepts of deaf culture and deaf identity have been employed as political tools, contributing to the emancipation process of deaf people. However, recent anthropological studies in diverse local contexts indicate the cultural construction of these notions. From this viewpoint, deaf studies faces a challenge to reflect on the notions of culture, emancipation, and education from a nonexclusive, noncolonial perspective. Deaf studies research in a global context needs to deal with cultural and linguistic diversity in human beings and academia. This calls for epistemological reflection and new research methods

    American Sign Language Interpreters and their Influence on the Hearing World

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    This honors thesis is going to discuss the hearing community’s perception of American Sign Language and by association the hearing community’s perception of the Deaf community. For most of the hearing community their only interaction with American Sign Language is through watching an interpreter perform at their job. They personally have no physical interactions with the language. Even though they have never personally used the language or attempted to interact with the Deaf community they will draw their own conclusions about sign language and the Deaf community. The conclusions that are assumed tend to be incorrect. Early on in the field of interpreting these misunderstandings are encountered. The small nature of the Deaf community makes it hard for these false perceptions to be dismantled because the Deaf community and the hearing population with the misconceptions rarely intersect. This thesis will delve into the extent of these misconceptions and just how much of the hearing world’s perspective they influence. To first understand the potential hazard of the interpreter language model it is important to understand a brief history of American Sign Language and Deaf culture. The paper when then apply these principles to the Deaf community, the interpreter, and the hearing community. The end of the paper will then dispel many of the false perceptions that the hearing community has of Deaf culture. This section is included to show that the misconceptions exist

    Stutter-like dysfluencies in Flemish sign language users

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    The purpose of this communication is to report on the occurrence of stutter-like behaviour in Flemish Sign Language users. A questionnaire was sent to 38 Flemish Sign Language interpreters and 28 employees of special needs schools adapted to deaf and partially deaf pupils inquiring whether they had ever observed dysfluencies in the manual communication of the deaf and partially deaf. Of the 13 individuals who responded, nine indicated to have perceived such behaviour. The characteristics of the observed dysfluencies are summarized and implications are discussed

    More than a Match: The Role of Football in Britain’s Deaf Community

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    The University of Central Lancashire has undertaken a major research project into the role of football within the deaf community in Britain. As well as reconstructing the long history of deaf involvement in football for the first time, the project has also focused on the way in which football has provided deaf people with a means of developing and maintaining social contacts within the community, and of expressing the community’s cultural values. This article will draw on primary data gathered from interviews conducted with people involved in deaf football in a variety of capacities. During the course of these interviews, a number of themes and issues emerged relating to the values and benefits those involved with deaf football place on the game, and it is these which are explored here

    Signing and Signifyin\u27: Negotiating Deaf and African American Identities

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    For individuals who are both African American and Deaf finding a place to belong is a process of navigating their many cultural identities. In this paper I explore the following questions: where do individuals who are African American and Deaf find and make community? To which communities do they perceive they belong? Is their primary identity African American, Deaf or something else? Does belonging to one community negate membership in another? Does the presence of African American Deaf individuals have an impact on either community or are they forced to create an entirely new one for themselves

    Supporting the learning of deaf students in higher education: a case study at Sheffield Hallam University

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    This article is an examination of the issues surrounding support for the learning of deaf students in higher education (HE). There are an increasing number of deaf students attending HE institutes, and as such provision of support mechanisms for these students is not only necessary but essential. Deaf students are similar to their hearing peers, in that they will approach their learning and require differing levels of support dependant upon the individual. They will, however, require a different kind of support, which can be technical or human resource based. This article examines the issues that surround supporting deaf students in HE with use of a case study of provision at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU), during the academic year 1994-95. It is evident that by considering the needs of deaf students and making changes to our teaching practices that all students can benefit

    Assessing the Readiness of Nairobi Deaf Youth to Accept a Best-practice HIV/AIDS Intervention

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    After nearly forty years of HIV/AIDS research in the global community, data on HIV/AIDS in the Deaf population is still disproportionately neglected. No surveillance system is in place to monitor prevalence, awareness or mode of HIV infection in the Deaf community. Additionally, prevention and education interventions have yet to be tailored to meet the specific needs of this highly vulnerable population. Purpose: This project attempted to assess the readiness of the Nairobi Deaf youth community to accept a best-practice HIV/AIDS intervention. The broad objective of this research was to assess HIV awareness, perceptions and behaviors of Deaf youth in regards to HIV/AIDS in Nairobi, Kenya. Method: This project used the snowball sampling method to conduct a survey using a combination of pre-coded, and open-answer questions conducted with 60 Deaf youth (18-35) in Nairobi, Kenya. Interviews included topics of HIV/AIDS knowledge, risk perception, and risk behaviors. Results: The Nairobi Deaf youth community is unequipped to accept a best practice HIV/AIDS intervention at this time. Efforts need to be made to increase risk perception and develop social support. Also, comprehensive prevalence research needs to be conducted in this population. Conclusion: Based on the data collected in this survey and a review of literature, a peer-led, extracurricular education campaign seems to be the most acceptable best-practice intervention for targeting Deaf youth. Additionally, a supplementary, video-based, multifaceted language component would be suggested

    Joining hands: developing a sign language machine translation system with and for the deaf community

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    This paper discusses the development of an automatic machine translation (MT) system for translating spoken language text into signed languages (SLs). The motivation for our work is the improvement of accessibility to airport information announcements for D/deaf and hard of hearing people. This paper demonstrates the involvement of Deaf colleagues and members of the D/deaf community in Ireland in three areas of our research: the choice of a domain for automatic translation that has a practical use for the D/deaf community; the human translation of English text into Irish Sign Language (ISL) as well as advice on ISL grammar and linguistics; and the importance of native ISL signers as manual evaluators of our translated output
