689 research outputs found

    Generalized motion and edge adaptive interpolation de-interlacing algorithm

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    This paper presents a generalized motion and edge adaptive de-interlacing framework, which offers a structured way to develop de-interlacing algorithm. The framework encompasses many typical de-interlacing algorithms, ranging from simple interpolation based algorithms, to more complex edge dependent and motion adaptive algorithms. Based on this framework, we develop a new de-interlacing algorithm which is efficient and artifacts-free. The proposed algorithm was evaluated by five video sequences, namely, "Akiyo", Mother and Daughter", "Silent", "Foreman" and "Stefan". Experimental results confirm that the proposed algorithm performs, both objectively and subjectively, much better than other similar algorithms. These promising results indicate that the proposed framework has good potential for realizing even better de-interlacing algorithms.postprin

    A Review Paper on Video De-Interlacing Multiple Techniques

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    In this paper present video interlacing de-interlacing and various techniques. Focus on the different techniques of video De- Interlacing that are Intra Field, Inter Field, Motion Adaptive, Motion Compensated De- interlacing and Spatio-Temporal Interpolation. De- Interlaced video use the full resolution of each scan so produced high quality image and remove flicker problem. Techniques are work on the scan line of object Intra Field techniques use pixels of the moving object, Inter Field works on stationary regions of object, Motion Adaptive works on the edge of the Object and Motion Compensation focus video sequence and brightness variation. Advantage of using De-interlacing technique is: Better Moving object image, no flickers and high vertical resolution

    A reconfigurable frame interpolation hardware architecture for high definition video

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    Since Frame Rate Up-Conversion (FRC) is started to be used in recent consumer electronics products like High Definition TV, real-time and low cost implementation of FRC algorithms has become very important. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a low cost hardware architecture for realtime implementation of frame interpolation algorithms. The proposed hardware architecture is reconfigurable and it allows adaptive selection of frame interpolation algorithms for each Macroblock. The proposed hardware architecture is implemented in VHDL and mapped to a low cost Xilinx XC3SD1800A-4 FPGA device. The implementation results show that the proposed hardware can run at 101 MHz on this FPGA and consumes 32 BRAMs and 15384 slices

    Video post processing architectures

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    Adaptive deinterlacing of video sequences using motion data

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    In this work an efficient motion adaptive deinterlacing method with considerable improvement in picture quality is proposed. A temporal deinterlacing method has a high performance in static images while a spatial method has a better performance in dynamic parts. In the proposed deinterlacing method, a motion adaptive interpolator combines the results of a spatial method and a temporal method based on motion activity level of video sequence. A high performance and low complexity algorithm for motion detection is introduced. This algorithm uses five consecutive interlaced video fields for motion detection. It is able to capture a wide range of motions from slow to fast. The algorithm benefits from a hierarchal structure. It starts with detecting motion in large partitions of a given field. Depending on the detected motion activity level for that partition, the motion detection algorithm might recursively be applied to sub-blocks of the original partition. Two different low pass filters are used during the motion detection to increase the algorithm accuracy. The result of motion detection is then used in the proposed motion adaptive interpolator. The performance of the proposed deinterlacing algorithm is compared to previous methods in the literature. Experimenting with several standard video sequences, the method proposed in this work shows excellent results for motion detection and deinterlacing performance

    An improved algorithm for deinterlacing video streams

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    The MPEG-4 standard for computerized video incorporates the concept of a video object pLane While in the simplest case this can be the full rectangular frame, the standard supports a hierarchical set of arbitrary shaped planes, one for each content sensitive video object. Herein is proposed a method for extracting arbitrary planes from video that does not already contain video object plane information; Deinterlacing is the process of taking two video fields, each at half the height of the finalized image frame, and combining them into that finalized frame. As the fields are not captured simultaneously, temporal artifacts may result. Herein is proposed a method to use the above mentioned video object planes to calculate the intra-field motion of objects in the video stream and correct for such motion leading to a higher quality deinterlaced output.*; *This dissertation is a compound document (contains both a paper copy and a CD as part of the dissertation)

    Computationalcost Reduction of Robust Controllers Foractive Magnetic Bearing Systems

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    This work developed strategies for reducing the computational complexity of implementing robust controllers for active magnetic bearing (AMB) systems and investigated the use of a novel add-on controller for gyroscopic effect compensation to improve achievable performance with robust controllers. AMB systems are multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems with many interacting mechanisms that needs to fulfill conflicting performance criteria. That is why robust control techniques are a perfect application for AMB systems as they provide systematic methods to address both robustness and performance objectives. However, robust control techniques generally result in high order controllers that require high-end control hardware for implementation. Such controllers are not desirable by industrial AMB vendors since their hardware is based on embedded systems with limited bandwidths. That is why the computational cost is a major obstacle towards industry adaptation of robust controllers. Two novel strategies are developed to reduce the computational complexity of singlerate robust controllers while preserving robust performance. The first strategy identifies a dual-rate configuration of the controller for implementation. The selection of the dualrate configuration uses the worst-case plant analysis and a novel approach that identifies the largest tolerable perturbations to the controller. The second strategy aims to redesign iv the controller by identifying and removing negligible channels in the context of robust performance via the largest tolerable perturbations to the controller. The developed methods are demonstrated both in simulation and experiment using three different AMB systems, where significant computational savings are achieved without degrading the performance. To improve the achievable performance with robust controllers, a novel add-on controller is developed to compensate the gyroscopic effects in flexible rotor-AMB systems via modal feedback control. The compensation allows for relaxing the robustness requirements in the control problem formulation, potentially enabling better performance. The effectiveness of the developed add-on controller is demonstrated experimentally on two AMB systems with different rotor configurations. The effects of the presence of the add-on controller on the performance controller design is investigated for one of the AMB systems. Slight performance improvements are observed at the cost of increased power consumption and increased computational complexity