358 research outputs found

    Named Entity Extraction for Knowledge Graphs: A Literature Overview

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    An enormous amount of digital information is expressed as natural-language (NL) text that is not easily processable by computers. Knowledge Graphs (KG) offer a widely used format for representing information in computer-processable form. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is therefore needed for mining (or lifting) knowledge graphs from NL texts. A central part of the problem is to extract the named entities in the text. The paper presents an overview of recent advances in this area, covering: Named Entity Recognition (NER), Named Entity Disambiguation (NED), and Named Entity Linking (NEL). We comment that many approaches to NED and NEL are based on older approaches to NER and need to leverage the outputs of state-of-the-art NER systems. There is also a need for standard methods to evaluate and compare named-entity extraction approaches. We observe that NEL has recently moved from being stepwise and isolated into an integrated process along two dimensions: the first is that previously sequential steps are now being integrated into end-to-end processes, and the second is that entities that were previously analysed in isolation are now being lifted in each other's context. The current culmination of these trends are the deep-learning approaches that have recently reported promising results.publishedVersio

    Comparing the Performance of Different NLP Toolkits in Formal and Social Media Text

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    Nowadays, there are many toolkits available for performing common natural language processing tasks, which enable the development of more powerful applications without having to start from scratch. In fact, for English, there is no need to develop tools such as tokenizers, part-of-speech (POS) taggers, chunkers or named entity recognizers (NER). The current challenge is to select which one to use, out of the range of available tools. This choice may depend on several aspects, including the kind and source of text, where the level, formal or informal, may influence the performance of such tools. In this paper, we assess a range of natural language processing toolkits with their default configuration, while performing a set of standard tasks (e.g. tokenization, POS tagging, chunking and NER), in popular datasets that cover newspaper and social network text. The obtained results are analyzed and, while we could not decide on a single toolkit, this exercise was very helpful to narrow our choice

    Linked Data Supported Information Retrieval

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    Um Inhalte im World Wide Web ausfindig zu machen, sind Suchmaschienen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Semantic Web und Linked Data Technologien ermöglichen ein detaillierteres und eindeutiges Strukturieren der Inhalte und erlauben vollkommen neue Herangehensweisen an die Lösung von Information Retrieval Problemen. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den Möglichkeiten, wie Information Retrieval Anwendungen von der Einbeziehung von Linked Data profitieren können. Neue Methoden der computer-gestützten semantischen Textanalyse, semantischen Suche, Informationspriorisierung und -visualisierung werden vorgestellt und umfassend evaluiert. Dabei werden Linked Data Ressourcen und ihre Beziehungen in die Verfahren integriert, um eine Steigerung der Effektivität der Verfahren bzw. ihrer Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu erzielen. Zunächst wird eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des Information Retrieval und Linked Data gegeben. Anschließend werden neue manuelle und automatisierte Verfahren zum semantischen Annotieren von Dokumenten durch deren Verknüpfung mit Linked Data Ressourcen vorgestellt (Entity Linking). Eine umfassende Evaluation der Verfahren wird durchgeführt und das zu Grunde liegende Evaluationssystem umfangreich verbessert. Aufbauend auf den Annotationsverfahren werden zwei neue Retrievalmodelle zur semantischen Suche vorgestellt und evaluiert. Die Verfahren basieren auf dem generalisierten Vektorraummodell und beziehen die semantische Ähnlichkeit anhand von taxonomie-basierten Beziehungen der Linked Data Ressourcen in Dokumenten und Suchanfragen in die Berechnung der Suchergebnisrangfolge ein. Mit dem Ziel die Berechnung von semantischer Ähnlichkeit weiter zu verfeinern, wird ein Verfahren zur Priorisierung von Linked Data Ressourcen vorgestellt und evaluiert. Darauf aufbauend werden Visualisierungstechniken aufgezeigt mit dem Ziel, die Explorierbarkeit und Navigierbarkeit innerhalb eines semantisch annotierten Dokumentenkorpus zu verbessern. Hierfür werden zwei Anwendungen präsentiert. Zum einen eine Linked Data basierte explorative Erweiterung als Ergänzung zu einer traditionellen schlüsselwort-basierten Suchmaschine, zum anderen ein Linked Data basiertes Empfehlungssystem

    Location Reference Recognition from Texts: A Survey and Comparison

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    A vast amount of location information exists in unstructured texts, such as social media posts, news stories, scientific articles, web pages, travel blogs, and historical archives. Geoparsing refers to recognizing location references from texts and identifying their geospatial representations. While geoparsing can benefit many domains, a summary of its specific applications is still missing. Further, there is a lack of a comprehensive review and comparison of existing approaches for location reference recognition, which is the first and core step of geoparsing. To fill these research gaps, this review first summarizes seven typical application domains of geoparsing: geographic information retrieval, disaster management, disease surveillance, traffic management, spatial humanities, tourism management, and crime management. We then review existing approaches for location reference recognition by categorizing these approaches into four groups based on their underlying functional principle: rule-based, gazetteer matching–based, statistical learning-–based, and hybrid approaches. Next, we thoroughly evaluate the correctness and computational efficiency of the 27 most widely used approaches for location reference recognition based on 26 public datasets with different types of texts (e.g., social media posts and news stories) containing 39,736 location references worldwide. Results from this thorough evaluation can help inform future methodological developments and can help guide the selection of proper approaches based on application needs
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