9 research outputs found

    Fragment and Replicate Algorithms for Non-Equi-Join Evaluation on Smart Disks

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    Abstract-The predicates in a non-equi-join can be anything but equality relations. Non-equi-join predicates can be as simple as an inequality expression between two join relation fields, or as complex as a user-defined function that carries out arbitrary complex comparisons. The nature of non-equi-join calls for predicate evaluation over all possible combinations of tuples in a two-way join. In this paper, we consider the family of fragment and replicate join algorithms that facilitates non-equijoin evaluation and adapt it in a Smart Disk environment. We use Smart Disk as an umbrella term for a variety of different storage devices featuring an embedded processor that may offload data processing from the main CPU. Our approach partially replicates one of the join relations in order to harness all processing capacity in the system. However, partial replication introduces problems with synchronizing concurrent algorithmic steps, load balancing, and selection among different join evaluation alternatives. We use a processing model to avoid performance pitfalls and autonomously select algorithm parameters. Through experimentation we find our proposed algorithms to utilize all system resources and, thus, yield better performance. Index Terms-database join, non-equi-joins, smart disks, active disks, fragment and replicate parallelism, array of disk

    Semantically-aware data discovery and placement in collaborative computing environments

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    As the size of scientific datasets and the demand for interdisciplinary collaboration grow in modern science, it becomes imperative that better ways of discovering and placing datasets generated across multiple disciplines be developed to facilitate interdisciplinary scientific research. For discovering relevant data out of large-scale interdisciplinary datasets. The development and integration of cross-domain metadata is critical as metadata serves as the key guideline for organizing data. To develop and integrate cross-domain metadata management systems in interdisciplinary collaborative computing environment, three key issues need to be addressed: the development of a cross-domain metadata schema; the implementation of a metadata management system based on this schema; the integration of the metadata system into existing distributed computing infrastructure. Current research in metadata management in distributed computing environment largely focuses on relatively simple schema that lacks the underlying descriptive power to adequately address semantic heterogeneity often found in interdisciplinary science. And current work does not take adequate consideration the issue of scalability in large-scale data management. Another key issue in data management is data placement, due to the increasing size of scientific datasets, the overhead incurred as a result of transferring data among different nodes also grow into a significant inhibiting factor affecting overall performance. Currently, few data placement strategies take into consideration semantic information concerning data content. In this dissertation, we propose a cross-domain metadata system in a collaborative distributed computing environment and identify and evaluate key factors and processes involved in a successful cross-domain metadata system with the goal of facilitating data discovery in collaborative environments. This will allow researchers/users to conduct interdisciplinary science in the context of large-scale datasets that will make it easier to access interdisciplinary datasets, reduce barrier to collaboration, reduce cost of future development of similar systems. We also investigate data placement strategies that involve semantic information about the hardware and network environment as well as domain information in the form of semantic metadata so that semantic locality could be utilized in data placement, that could potentially reduce overhead for accessing large-scale interdisciplinary datasets


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    Virtual Machine (VM) live storage migration is widely performed in the data cen- ters of the Cloud, for the purposes of load balance, reliability, availability, hardware maintenance and system upgrade. It entails moving all the state information of the VM being migrated, including memory state, network state and storage state, from one physical server to another within the same data center or across different data centers. To minimize its performance impact, this migration process is required to be transparent to applications running within the migrating VM, meaning that ap- plications will keep running inside the VM as if there were no migration operations at all. In this dissertation, a thorough literature review is conducted to provide a big picture of the VM live storage migration process, its problems and existing solutions. After an in-depth examination, we observe that a severe IO interference between the VM IO threads and migration IO threads exists and causes both types of the IO threads to suffer from performance degradation. This interference stems from the fact that both types of IO threads share the same critical IO path by reading from and writing to the same shared storage system. Owing to IO resource contention and requests interference between the two different types of IO requests, not only will the IO request queue lengthens in the storage system, but the time-consuming disk seek operations will also become more frequent. Based on this fundamental observation, this dissertation research presents three related but orthogonal solutions that tackle the IO interference problem in order to improve the VM live storage migration performance. First, we introduce the Workload-Aware IO Outsourcing scheme, called WAIO, to improve the VM live storage migration efficiency. Second, we address this problem by proposing a novel scheme, called SnapMig, to improve the VM live storage migration efficiency and eliminate its performance impact on user applications at the source server by effectively leveraging the existing VM snapshots in the backup servers. Third, we propose the IOFollow scheme to improve both the VM performance and migration performance simultaneously. Finally, we outline the direction for the future research work. Advisor: Hong Jian

    Research In High Performance And Low Power Computer Systems For Data-intensive Environment

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    According to the data affinity, DAFA re-organizes data to maximize the parallelism of the affinitive data, and also subjective to the overall load balance. This enables DAFA to realize the maximum number of map tasks with data-locality. Besides the system performance, power consumption is another important concern of current computer systems. In the U.S. alone, the energy used by servers which could be saved comes to 3.17 million tons of carbon dioxide, or 580,678 cars {Kar09}. However, the goals of high performance and low energy consumption are at odds with each other. An ideal power management strategy should be able to dynamically respond to the change (either linear or nonlinear, or non-model) of workloads and system configuration without violating the performance requirement. We propose a novel power management scheme called MAR (modeless, adaptive, rule-based) in multiprocessor systems to minimize the CPU power consumption under performance constraints. By using richer feedback factors, e.g. the I/O wait, MAR is able to accurately describe the relationships among core frequencies, performance and power consumption. We adopt a modeless control model to reduce the complexity of system modeling. MAR is designed for CMP (Chip Multi Processor) systems by employing multi-input/multi-output (MIMO) theory and per-core level DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling).; TRAID deduplicates this overlap by only logging one compact version (XOR results) of recovery references for the updating data. It minimizes the amount of log content as well as the log flushing overhead, thereby boosts the overall transaction processing performance. At the same time, TRAID guarantees comparable RAID reliability, the same recovery correctness and ACID semantics of traditional transactional processing systems. On the other hand, the emerging myriad data intensive applications place a demand for high-performance computing resources with massive storage. Academia and industry pioneers have been developing big data parallel computing frameworks and large-scale distributed file systems (DFS) widely used to facilitate the high-performance runs of data-intensive applications, such as bio-informatics {Sch09}, astronomy {RSG10}, and high-energy physics {LGC06}. Our recent work {SMW10} reported that data distribution in DFS can significantly affect the efficiency of data processing and hence the overall application performance. This is especially true for those with sophisticated access patterns. For example, Yahoo\u27s Hadoop {refg} clusters employs a random data placement strategy for load balance and simplicity {reff}. This allows the MapReduce {DG08} programs to access all the data (without or not distinguishing interest locality) at full parallelism. Our work focuses on Hadoop systems. We observed that the data distribution is one of the most important factors that affect the parallel programming performance. However, the default Hadoop adopts random data distribution strategy, which does not consider the data semantics, specifically, data affinity. We propose a Data-Affinity-Aware (DAFA) data placement scheme to address the above problem. DAFA builds a history data access graph to exploit the data affinity.; The evolution of computer science and engineering is always motivated by the requirements for better performance, power efficiency, security, user interface (UI), etc {CM02}. The first two factors are potential tradeoffs: better performance usually requires better hardware, e.g., the CPUs with larger number of transistors, the disks with higher rotation speed; however, the increasing number of transistors on the single die or chip reveals super-linear growth in CPU power consumption {FAA08a}, and the change in disk rotation speed has a quadratic effect on disk power consumption {GSK03}. We propose three new systematic approaches as shown in Figure 1.1, Transactional RAID, data-affinity-aware data placement DAFA and Modeless power management, to tackle the performance problem in Database systems, large scale clusters or cloud platforms, and the power management problem in Chip Multi Processors, respectively. The first design, Transactional RAID (TRAID), is motivated by the fact that in recent years, more storage system applications have employed transaction processing techniques Figure 1.1 Research Work Overview] to ensure data integrity and consistency. In transaction processing systems(TPS), log is a kind of redundancy to ensure transaction ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) properties and data recoverability. Furthermore, high reliable storage systems, such as redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID), are widely used as the underlying storage system for Databases to guarantee system reliability and availability with high I/O performance. However, the Databases and storage systems tend to implement their independent fault tolerant mechanisms {GR93, Tho05} from their own perspectives and thereby leading to potential high overhead. We observe the overlapped redundancies between the TPS and RAID systems, and propose a novel reliable storage architecture called Transactional RAID (TRAID)

    Optimizing Hierarchical Storage Management For Database System

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    Caching is a classical but effective way to improve system performance. To improve system performance, servers, such as database servers and storage servers, contain significant amounts of memory that act as a fast cache. Meanwhile, as new storage devices such as flash-based solid state drives (SSDs) are added to storage systems over time, using the memory cache is not the only way to improve system performance. In this thesis, we address the problems of how to manage the cache of a storage server and how to utilize the SSD in a hybrid storage system. Traditional caching policies are known to perform poorly for storage server caches. One promising approach to solving this problem is to use hints from the storage clients to manage the storage server cache. Previous hinting approaches are ad hoc, in that a predefined reaction to specific types of hints is hard-coded into the caching policy. With ad hoc approaches, it is difficult to ensure that the best hints are being used, and it is difficult to accommodate multiple types of hints and multiple client applications. In this thesis, we propose CLient-Informed Caching (CLIC), a generic hint-based technique for managing storage server caches. CLIC automatically interprets hints generated by storage clients and translates them into a server caching policy. It does this without explicit knowledge of the application-specific hint semantics. We demonstrate using trace-based simulation of database workloads that CLIC outperforms hint-oblivious and state-of-the-art hint-aware caching policies. We also demonstrate that the space required to track and interpret hints is small. SSDs are becoming a part of the storage system. Adding SSD to a storage system not only raises the question of how to manage the SSD, but also raises the question of whether current buffer pool algorithms will still work effectively. We are interested in the use of hybrid storage systems, consisting of SSDs and hard disk drives (HDD), for database management. We present cost-aware replacement algorithms for both the DBMS buffer pool and the SSD. These algorithms are aware of the different I/O performance of HDD and SSD. In such a hybrid storage system, the physical access pattern to the SSD depends on the management of the DBMS buffer pool. We studied the impact of the buffer pool caching policies on the access patterns of the SSD. Based on these studies, we designed a caching policy to effectively manage the SSD. We implemented these algorithms in MySQL's InnoDB storage engine and used the TPC-C workload to demonstrate that these cost-aware algorithms outperform previous algorithms

    Second-tier Cache Management to Support DBMS Workloads

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    Enterprise Database Management Systems (DBMS) often run on computers with dedicated storage systems. Their data access requests need to go through two tiers of cache, i.e., a database bufferpool and a storage server cache, before reaching the storage media, e.g., disk platters. A tremendous amount of work has been done to improve the performance of the first-tier cache, i.e., the database bufferpool. However, the amount of work focusing on second-tier cache management to support DBMS workloads is comparably small. In this thesis we propose several novel techniques for managing second-tier caches to boost DBMS performance in terms of query throughput and query response time. The main purpose of second-tier cache management is to reduce the I/O latency endured by database query executions. This goal can be achieved by minimizing the number of reads and writes issued from second-tier caches to storage devices. The rst part of our research focuses on reducing the number of read I/Os issued by second-tier caches. We observe that DBMSs issue I/O requests for various reasons. The rationales behind these I/O requests provide useful information to second-tier caches because they can be used to estimate the temporal locality of the data blocks being requested. A second-tier cache can exploit this information when making replacement decisions. In this thesis we propose a technique to pass this information from DBMSs to second-tier caches and to use it in guiding cache replacements. The second part of this thesis focuses on reducing the number of writes issued by second-tier caches. Our work is two fold. First, we observe that although there are second-tier caches within computer systems, today's DBMS cannot take full advantage of them. For example, most commercial DBMSs use forced writes to propagate bufferpool updates to permanent storage for data durability reasons. We notice that enforcing such a practice is more conservative than necessary. Some of the writes can be issued as unforced requests and can be cached in the second-tier cache without immediate synchronization. This will give the second-tier cache opportunities to cache and consolidate multiple writes into one request. However, unfortunately, the current POSIX compliant le system interfaces provided by mainstream operating systems e.g., Unix and Windows) are not flexible enough to support such dynamic synchronization. We propose to extend such interfaces to let DBMSs take advantage of using unforced writes whenever possible. Additionally, we observe that the existing cache replacement algorithms are designed solely to maximize read cache hits (i.e., to minimize read I/Os). The purpose is to minimize the read latency, which is on the critical path of query executions. We argue that minimizing read requests is not the only objective of cache replacement. When I/O bandwidth becomes a bottleneck the objective should be to minimize the total number of I/Os, including both reads and writes, to achieve the best performance. We propose to associate a new type of replacement cost, i.e., the total number of I/Os caused by the replacement, with each cache page; and we also present a partial characterization of an optimal algorithm which minimizes the total number of I/Os generated by caches. Based on this knowledge, we extend several existing replacement algorithms, which are write-oblivious (focus only on reducing reads), to be write-aware and observe promising performance gains in the evaluations

    Database-Aware Semantically-Smart Storage

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    Recent research has demonstrated the potential benefits of building storage arrays that understand the file systems above them. Such “semantically-smart ” disk systems use knowledge of file system structures and operations to improve performance, availability, and even security in ways that are precluded in a traditional storage system architecture. In this paper, we study the applicability of semantically smart disk technology underneath database management systems. For three case studies, we analyze the differences when building database-aware storage. We find that semantically-smart disk systems can be successfully applied underneath a database, but that new techniques, such as log snooping and explicit access statistics, are needed.