464 research outputs found

    Statistical modelling of neuronal population activity: from data analysis to network function

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    The term statistical modelling refers to a number of abstract models designed to reproduce and understand the statistical properties of the activity of neuronal networks at the population level. Large-scale recordings by multielectrode arrays (MEAs) have now made possible to scale their use to larger groups of neurons. The initial step in this work focused on improving the data analysis pipeline that leads from the experimental protocol used in dense MEA recordings to a clean dataset of sorted spike times, to be used in model training. In collaboration with experimentalists, I contributed to developing a fast and scalable algorithm for spike sorting, which is based on action potential shapes and on the estimated location for the spike. Using the resulting datasets, I investigated the use of restricted Boltzmann machines in the analysis of neural data, finding that they can be used as a tool in the detection of neural ensembles or low-dimensional activity subspaces. I further studied the physical properties of RBMs fitted to neural activity, finding they exhibit signatures of criticality, as observed before in similar models. I discussed possible connections between this phenomenon and the \dynamical" criticality often observed in neuronal networks that exhibit emergent behaviour. Finally, I applied what I found about the structure of the parameter space in statistical models to the discovery of a learning rule that helps long-term storage of previously learned memories in Hopfield networks during sequential learning tasks. Overall, this work aimed to contribute to the computational tools used for analysing and modelling large neuronal populations, on different levels: starting from raw experimental recordings and gradually proceeding towards theoretical aspects

    Deep learning models of biological visual information processing

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    Improved computational models of biological vision can shed light on key processes contributing to the high accuracy of the human visual system. Deep learning models, which extract multiple layers of increasingly complex features from data, achieved recent breakthroughs on visual tasks. This thesis proposes such flexible data-driven models of biological vision and also shows how insights regarding biological visual processing can lead to advances within deep learning. To harness the potential of deep learning for modelling the retina and early vision, this work introduces a new dataset and a task simulating an early visual processing function and evaluates deep belief networks (DBNs) and deep neural networks (DNNs) on this input. The models are shown to learn feature detectors similar to retinal ganglion and V1 simple cells and execute early vision tasks. To model high-level visual information processing, this thesis proposes novel deep learning architectures and training methods. Biologically inspired Gaussian receptive field constraints are imposed on restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) to improve the fidelity of the data representation to encodings extracted by visual processing neurons. Moreover, concurrently with learning local features, the proposed local receptive field constrained RBMs (LRF-RBMs) automatically discover advantageous non-uniform feature detector placements from data. Following the hierarchical organisation of the visual cortex, novel LRF-DBN and LRF-DNN models are constructed using LRF-RBMs with gradually increasing receptive field sizes to extract consecutive layers of features. On a challenging face dataset, unlike DBNs, LRF-DBNs learn a feature hierarchy exhibiting hierarchical part-based composition. Also, the proposed deep models outperform DBNs and DNNs on face completion and dimensionality reduction, thereby demonstrating the strength of methods inspired by biological visual processing

    Harnessing function from form: towards bio-inspired artificial intelligence in neuronal substrates

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    Despite the recent success of deep learning, the mammalian brain is still unrivaled when it comes to interpreting complex, high-dimensional data streams like visual, auditory and somatosensory stimuli. However, the underlying computational principles allowing the brain to deal with unreliable, high-dimensional and often incomplete data while having a power consumption on the order of a few watt are still mostly unknown. In this work, we investigate how specific functionalities emerge from simple structures observed in the mammalian cortex, and how these might be utilized in non-von Neumann devices like “neuromorphic hardware”. Firstly, we show that an ensemble of deterministic, spiking neural networks can be shaped by a simple, local learning rule to perform sampling-based Bayesian inference. This suggests a coding scheme where spikes (or “action potentials”) represent samples of a posterior distribution, constrained by sensory input, without the need for any source of stochasticity. Secondly, we introduce a top-down framework where neuronal and synaptic dynamics are derived using a least action principle and gradient-based minimization. Combined, neurosynaptic dynamics approximate real-time error backpropagation, mappable to mechanistic components of cortical networks, whose dynamics can again be described within the proposed framework. The presented models narrow the gap between well-defined, functional algorithms and their biophysical implementation, improving our understanding of the computational principles the brain might employ. Furthermore, such models are naturally translated to hardware mimicking the vastly parallel neural structure of the brain, promising a strongly accelerated and energy-efficient implementation of powerful learning and inference algorithms, which we demonstrate for the physical model system “BrainScaleS–1”

    Deep learning approaches for human activity recognition using wearable technology

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    The need for long-term monitoring of individuals in their natural environment has initiated the development of a various number of wearable healthcare sensors for a wide range of applications: medical monitoring in clinical or home environments, physical activity assessment of athletes and recreators, baby monitoring in maternity hospitals and homes etc. Neural networks (NN) are data-driven type of modelling. Neural networks learn from experience, without knowledge about the model of phenomenon, but knowing the desired 'output' data for the training 'input' data. The most promising concept of machine learning that involves NN is the deep learning (DL) approach. The focus of this review is on approaches of DL for physiological activity recognition or human movement analysis purposes, using wearable technologies. This review shows that deep learning techniques are useful tools for health condition prediction or overall monitoring of data, streamed by wearable systems. Despite the considerable progress and wide field of applications, there are still some limitations and room for improvement of DL approaches for wearable healthcare systems, which may lead to more robust and reliable technology for personalized healthcare

    Deep learning models of biological visual information processing

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    Improved computational models of biological vision can shed light on key processes contributing to the high accuracy of the human visual system. Deep learning models, which extract multiple layers of increasingly complex features from data, achieved recent breakthroughs on visual tasks. This thesis proposes such flexible data-driven models of biological vision and also shows how insights regarding biological visual processing can lead to advances within deep learning. To harness the potential of deep learning for modelling the retina and early vision, this work introduces a new dataset and a task simulating an early visual processing function and evaluates deep belief networks (DBNs) and deep neural networks (DNNs) on this input. The models are shown to learn feature detectors similar to retinal ganglion and V1 simple cells and execute early vision tasks. To model high-level visual information processing, this thesis proposes novel deep learning architectures and training methods. Biologically inspired Gaussian receptive field constraints are imposed on restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) to improve the fidelity of the data representation to encodings extracted by visual processing neurons. Moreover, concurrently with learning local features, the proposed local receptive field constrained RBMs (LRF-RBMs) automatically discover advantageous non-uniform feature detector placements from data. Following the hierarchical organisation of the visual cortex, novel LRF-DBN and LRF-DNN models are constructed using LRF-RBMs with gradually increasing receptive field sizes to extract consecutive layers of features. On a challenging face dataset, unlike DBNs, LRF-DBNs learn a feature hierarchy exhibiting hierarchical part-based composition. Also, the proposed deep models outperform DBNs and DNNs on face completion and dimensionality reduction, thereby demonstrating the strength of methods inspired by biological visual processing

    Distributed Bayesian Computation and Self-Organized Learning in Sheets of Spiking Neurons with Local Lateral Inhibition

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    During the last decade, Bayesian probability theory has emerged as a framework in cognitive science and neuroscience for describing perception, reasoning and learning of mammals. However, our understanding of how probabilistic computations could be organized in the brain, and how the observed connectivity structure of cortical microcircuits supports these calculations, is rudimentary at best. In this study, we investigate statistical inference and self-organized learning in a spatially extended spiking network model, that accommodates both local competitive and large-scale associative aspects of neural information processing, under a unified Bayesian account. Specifically, we show how the spiking dynamics of a recurrent network with lateral excitation and local inhibition in response to distributed spiking input, can be understood as sampling from a variational posterior distribution of a well-defined implicit probabilistic model. This interpretation further permits a rigorous analytical treatment of experience-dependent plasticity on the network level. Using machine learning theory, we derive update rules for neuron and synapse parameters which equate with Hebbian synaptic and homeostatic intrinsic plasticity rules in a neural implementation. In computer simulations, we demonstrate that the interplay of these plasticity rules leads to the emergence of probabilistic local experts that form distributed assemblies of similarly tuned cells communicating through lateral excitatory connections. The resulting sparse distributed spike code of a well-adapted network carries compressed information on salient input features combined with prior experience on correlations among them. Our theory predicts that the emergence of such efficient representations benefits from network architectures in which the range of local inhibition matches the spatial extent of pyramidal cells that share common afferent input

    Deep Artificial Neural Networks and Neuromorphic Chips for Big Data Analysis: Pharmaceutical and Bioinformatics Applications

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    [Abstract] Over the past decade, Deep Artificial Neural Networks (DNNs) have become the state-of-the-art algorithms in Machine Learning (ML), speech recognition, computer vision, natural language processing and many other tasks. This was made possible by the advancement in Big Data, Deep Learning (DL) and drastically increased chip processing abilities, especially general-purpose graphical processing units (GPGPUs). All this has created a growing interest in making the most of the potential offered by DNNs in almost every field. An overview of the main architectures of DNNs, and their usefulness in Pharmacology and Bioinformatics are presented in this work. The featured applications are: drug design, virtual screening (VS), Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship (QSAR) research, protein structure prediction and genomics (and other omics) data mining. The future need of neuromorphic hardware for DNNs is also discussed, and the two most advanced chips are reviewed: IBM TrueNorth and SpiNNaker. In addition, this review points out the importance of considering not only neurons, as DNNs and neuromorphic chips should also include glial cells, given the proven importance of astrocytes, a type of glial cell which contributes to information processing in the brain. The Deep Artificial Neuron–Astrocyte Networks (DANAN) could overcome the difficulties in architecture design, learning process and scalability of the current ML methods.Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; GRC2014/049Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; R2014/039Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI13/0028