47 research outputs found


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    Battery consumption in mobile applications development is a very important aspect and has to be considered by all the developers in their applications. This study will present an analysis of different relevant concepts and parameters that may have an impact on energy consumption of Windows Phone applications. This operating system was chosen because limited research related thereto has been conducted, even though there are related studies for Android and iOS operating systems. Furthermore, another reason is the increasing number of Windows Phone users. The objective of this research is to categorise the energy consumption parameters (e.g. use of one thread or several threads for the same output). The result for each group of experiments will be analysed and a rule will be derived. The set of derived rules will serve as a guide for developers who intend to develop energy efficient Windows Phone applications. For each experiment, one application is created for each concept and the results are presented in two ways; a table and a chart. The table presents the duration of the experiment, the battery consumed in the experiment, the expected battery lifetime, and the energy consumption, while the charts display the energy distribution based on the main threads: UI thread, application thread, and network thread

    Assessing initial embodied energy in UK non-domestic construction projects

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    There is an increasing need to reduce energy consumption to tackle the adverse effects of climate change. The UK government has established numerous directives and policies to encourage carbon dioxide (CO2) emission and energy reduction within the non-domestic sector. However these measures are primarily focused towards reducing operational energy (i.e. energy used during building occupier activity), largely overlooking initial embodied energy. The trend towards reduced operational energy consumption due to energy efficient design is leading initial embodied energy to become a more significant part of project life cycle energy. Initial embodied energy relates to the energy use during the material, transportation and construction phases up to project practical completion, which is of keen interest to contractors due to their significant role in project procurement and delivery. Opportunities to address project life cycle energy are typically identified through a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). However at present there is little validated data, no coherent method for data capture and limited incentive for project stakeholders to address initial embodied energy consumption. In response, this research project presents a contractor s practical approach towards assessing initial embodied energy consumption within UK non-domestic construction projects. An action research methodological approach enabled the assessment and potential reduction of initial embodied energy to be explored within a large principal contractor through five research cycles which included diagnosing and action planning, action taking, evaluating and specified learning. A comprehensive framework is designed to highlight the significance of initial embodied energy consumption relative to specific construction packages, activities and sub-contractors. This framework is then explored within three UK non-domestic construction projects (i.e. two industrial warehouses and one commercial office). Capturing information from live projects enables practical challenges and opportunities inherent when addressing initial embodied energy consumption to be identified. A series of contractor current practices are reviewed, and subsequently improved, to enhance their compliance with the framework requirements. The findings emphasise the importance of material phase impacts, especially construction packages which primarily contain steel and concrete-based materials (i.e. ground and upper floor, external slab and frame). The importance of project type, site area, building lifespan and waste consumption are also recognised to reduce initial embodied energy consumption. The framework provides a practical approach for initial embodied energy assessment which can readily be adopted to help highlight further opportunities to reduce energy consumption. The research project concludes by presenting a number of recommendations for consideration by the construction industry and associated stakeholders, along with requirements for future research

    Procedures and Methodologies for the Control and Improvement of Energy-Environmental Quality in Construction

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    This Special Issue aims at providing the state-of-the-art on procedures and methodologies developed to improve energy and environmental performance through building renovation. We are greatly thankful to our colleagues building physics experts, building technology researchers, and urban environment scholars who contributed to this Special Issue, for sharing their original works in the field

    Special Libraries, April 1980

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    Volume 71, Issue 4https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1980/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Reducing redundancy of real time computer graphics in mobile systems

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    The goal of this thesis is to propose novel and effective techniques to eliminate redundant computations that waste energy and are performed in real-time computer graphics applications, with special focus on mobile GPU micro-architecture. Improving the energy-efficiency of CPU/GPU systems is not only key to enlarge their battery life, but also allows to increase their performance because, to avoid overheating above thermal limits, SoCs tend to be throttled when the load is high for a large period of time. Prior studies pointed out that the CPU and especially the GPU are the principal energy consumers in the graphics subsystem, being the off-chip main memory accesses and the processors inside the GPU the primary energy consumers of the graphics subsystem. First, we focus on reducing redundant fragment processing computations by means of improving the culling of hidden surfaces. During real-time graphics rendering, objects are processed by the GPU in the order they are submitted by the CPU, and occluded surfaces are often processed even though they will end up not being part of the final image. When the GPU realizes that an object or part of it is not going to be visible, all activity required to compute its color and store it has already been performed. We propose a novel architectural technique for mobile GPUs, Visibility Rendering Order (VRO), which reorders objects front-to-back entirely in hardware to maximize the culling effectiveness of the GPU and minimize overshading, hence reducing execution time and energy consumption. VRO exploits the fact that the objects in graphics animated applications tend to keep its relative depth order across consecutive frames (temporal coherence) to provide the feeling of smooth transition. VRO keeps visibility information of a frame, and uses it to reorder the objects of the following frame. VRO just requires adding a small hardware to capture the visibility information and use it later to guide the rendering of the following frame. Moreover, VRO works in parallel with the graphics pipeline, so negligible performance overheads are incurred. We illustrate the benefits of VRO using various unmodified commercial 3D applications for which VRO achieves 27% speed-up and 14.8% energy reduction on average. Then, we focus on avoiding redundant computations related to CPU Collision Detection (CD). Graphics applications such as 3D games represent a large percentage of downloaded applications for mobile devices and the trend is towards more complex and realistic scenes with accurate 3D physics simulations. CD is one of the most important algorithms in any physics kernel since it identifies the contact points between the objects of a scene and determines when they collide. However, real-time accurate CD is very expensive in terms of energy consumption. We propose Render Based Collision Detection (RBCD), a novel energy-efficient high-fidelity CD scheme that leverages some intermediate results of the rendering pipeline to perform CD, so that redundant tasks are done just once. Comparing RBCD with a conventional CD completely executed in the CPU, we show that its execution time is reduced by almost three orders of magnitude (600x speedup), because most of the CD task of our model comes for free by reusing the image rendering intermediate results. Although not necessarily, such a dramatic time improvement may result in better frames per second if physics simulation stays in the critical path. However, the most important advantage of our technique is the enormous energy savings that result from eliminating a long and costly CPU computation and converting it into a few simple operations executed by a specialized hardware within the GPU. Our results show that the energy consumed by CD is reduced on average by a factor of 448x (i.e., by 99.8\%). These dramatic benefits are accompanied by a higher fidelity CD analysis (i.e., with finer granularity), which improves the quality and realism of the application.El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer técnicas efectivas y originales para eliminar computaciones inútiles que aparecen en aplicaciones gráficas, con especial énfasis en micro-arquitectura de GPUs. Mejorar la eficiencia energética de los sistemas CPU/GPU no es solo clave para alargar la vida de la batería, sino también incrementar su rendimiento. Estudios previos han apuntado que la CPU y especialmente la GPU son los principales consumidores de energía en el sub-sistema gráfico, siendo los accesos a memoria off-chip y los procesadores dentro de la GPU los principales consumidores de energía del sub-sistema gráfico. Primero, nos hemos centrado en reducir computaciones redundantes de la fase de fragment processing mediante la mejora en la eliminación de superficies ocultas. Durante el renderizado de gráficos en tiempo real, los objetos son procesados por la GPU en el orden en el que son enviados por la CPU, y las superficies ocultas son a menudo procesadas incluso si no no acaban formando parte de la imagen final. Cuando la GPU averigua que el objeto o parte de él no es visible, toda la actividad requerida para computar su color y guardarlo ha sido realizada. Proponemos una técnica arquitectónica original para GPUs móviles, Visibility Rendering Order (VRO), la cual reordena los objetos de delante hacia atrás por completo en hardware para maximizar la efectividad del culling de la GPU y así minimizar el overshading, y por lo tanto reducir el tiempo de ejecución y el consumo de energía. VRO explota el hecho de que los objetos de las aplicaciones gráficas animadas tienden a mantener su orden relativo en profundidad a través de frames consecutivos (coherencia temporal) para proveer animaciones con transiciones suaves. Dado que las relaciones de orden en profundidad entre objetos son testeadas en la GPU, VRO introduce costes mínimos en energía. Solo requiere añadir una pequeña unidad hardware para capturar la información de visibilidad. Además, VRO trabaja en paralelo con el pipeline gráfico, por lo que introduce costes insignificantes en tiempo. Ilustramos los beneficios de VRO usango varias aplicaciones 3D comerciales para las cuales VRO consigue un 27% de speed-up y un 14.8% de reducción de energía en media. En segundo lugar, evitamos computaciones redundantes relacionadas con la Detección de Colisiones (CD) en la CPU. Las aplicaciones gráficas animadas como los juegos 3D representan un alto porcentaje de las aplicaciones descargadas en dispositivos móviles y la tendencia es hacia escenas más complejas y realistas con simulaciones físicas 3D precisas. La CD es uno de los algoritmos más importantes entre los kernel de físicas dado que identifica los puntos de contacto entre los objetos de una escena. Sin embargo, una CD en tiempo real y precisa es muy costosa en términos de consumo energético. Proponemos Render Based Collision Detection (RBCD), una técnica energéticamente eficiente y preciso de CD que utiliza resultados intermedios del rendering pipeline para realizar la CD. Comparando RBCD con una CD convencional completamente ejecutada en la CPU, mostramos que el tiempo de ejecución es reducido casi tres órdenes de magnitud (600x speedup), porque la mayoría de la CD de nuestro modelo reusa resultados intermedios del renderizado de la imagen. Aunque no es así necesariamente, esta espectacular en tiempo puede resultar en mejores frames por segundo si la simulación de físicas está en el camino crítico. Sin embargo, la ventaja más importante de nuestra técnica es el enorme ahorro de energía que resulta de eliminar las largas y costosas computaciones en la CPU, sustituyéndolas por unas pocas operaciones ejecutadas en un hardware especializado dentro de la GPU. Nuestros resultados muestran que la energía consumida por la CD es reducidad en media por un factor de 448x. Estos dramáticos beneficios vienen acompañados de una mayor fidelidad en la CD (i.e. con granularidad más fina)Postprint (published version


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    With small and medium sized-enterprises (SMEs) taking up the majority of the global businesses, it is important they act in an environmentally responsible manner. Environmental management systems (EMS) help companies evaluate and improve their environmental impact but they often require human, financial, and temporary resources that not all SMEs can afford. This research encompasses interviews with representatives of two small enterprises in Germany to provide insights into their understanding, and knowledge of an EMS and how they perceive their responsibility towards the environment. Furthermore, it presents a toolkit created especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. It serves as a simplified version of an EMS based on the ISO 14001 standard and is evaluated by target users and appropriate representatives. Some of the findings are: while open to the idea of improving their environmental impact, SMEs do not always feel it is their responsibility to do so; they seem to lack the means to fully implement an EMS. The developed toolkit is considered useful and usable and recommendations are drawn for its future enhancement

    Indoor air Quality and Its Effects on Health in Urban Houses of Indonesia: A case study of Surabaya

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    There is a possibility that the sick building syndrome has already spread widely among the newly constructed apartments in major cities of Indonesia. This study investigates the current conditions of indoor air quality, focusing especially on formaldehyde and TVOC, and their effects on health among occupants in the urban houses located in the city of Surabaya. A total of 471 respondents were interviewed and 82 rooms were measured from September 2017 to January 2018. The results indicated that around 50% of the respondents in the apartments showed some degrees of chemical sensitivity risk. More than 60% of the measured formaldehyde levels in the apartments exceeded the WHO standard, 0.08 ppm. The respondents living in rooms with higher mean formaldehyde values tended to have higher multiple chemical sensitivity risk scores. KEYWORDS: Indoor air quality, Sick building syndrome, QEESI, Formaldehyde, Developing countrie

    Energy: A continuing bibliography with indexes, issue 39

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    This bibliography lists 1377 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system from July 1, 1983 through September 30, 1983

    A phenomenological study of nurse clinicians\u27 participation in an evidence-based practice clinical research fellowship program

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    Despite an abundance of scientific evidence to ensure nurse clinicians deliver the highest quality of care to achieve optimal outcomes for patients, barriers and challenges exist that prevent adoption of this evidence into routine clinical practice. Evidence-Based Practice Clinical Research Fellowship Programs (EBP CRFP) are designed and implemented to facilitate the adoption of scientific evidence into clinical nursing practice; however, these programs have not been adequately evaluated in terms of the impact of the program on participants, their clinical practice, and the organization. The purpose of this hermeneutical phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of nurse clinicians who have participated in the EBP CRFP at a 700 bed hospital in Southern California to explore what impact this program had on their professional lives. This study utilized face to face interviews with six participants who graduated from the EBP CRFP in June of 2008. The data collected was analyzed utilizing a systematic process of data analysis that involved Epoche, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation, and synthesis. Seven themes emerged from the data that connected the experiences of the all the participants and were categorized as: (a) increased confidence, (b) empowerment (c) commitment to practice development and improvement, (d) pursuit of knowledge, (e) ethical imperative for EBP, (f) excitement and enthusiasm for the EBP process, and (g) awareness of the burning clinical questions. The findings of this study indicates that in addition to the benefits EBP is purported to have for nurse clinicians, there may also be universal outcomes positively impacting nurses who have graduated from an EBP CRFP. The study supports the need for further exploration and evaluation of these programs in terms of not only the professional and personal impact upon the nurse, but the impact upon the patients and organizations as well