4 research outputs found

    A Mini Review of Lifi Technology : Security Issue

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    Visible Light Communication (VLC) is an extension of Light Fidelity (LiFi) that uses full duplex communication or fully networked wireless communication. LiFi is one of the top technologies for solving wireless fidelity (WiFi) issues. Communication over LiFi is one of its major advantages. However, no security system is infallible. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a mini review of LIFI technology in terms of security issues. As a new technology, Lifi is still not widely known for its security issues. Literature reviews are a necessary step to determining the issues related to Lifi technology. A descriptive qualitative approach is used in this paper to describe the data. As a result, several studies have documented security issues related to LiFi technology, including data modification, spoofing, and jamming

    Kajian Aspek Security Pada Jaringan Informasi Dan Komunikasi Berbasis Visible Light Communication

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    Cahaya tampak dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media informasi ataupun komunikasi, teknologi ini dikenal dengan istilah Visible Light Communication yang menawarkan beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan komunikasi nirkabel lainnya seperti RF dan IR. Yakni cakupan bandwidth lebih lebar dan bebas lisensi, aman bagi kesehatan manusia dan tidak terganggu interferensi elektromagnetik. Sistem VLC terdiri atas tiga bagian besar, yakni bagian transmitter dengan menggunakan devais LED, kanal yang berupa ruang bebas (free space) dan receiver dengan menggunakan devais photodetector atau image camera. Penerapan VLC berlandaskan pedoman IEEE 802.15.17 yang mana baru dirancang dalam waktu 5 tahun belakangani ini (sejak tahun 2009), meliputi meliputi layer fisik (physical layer) dan layer MAC (medium access control).  Sebagaimana teknologi komunikasi pada umumnya, VLC juga menyediakan akses security yang dibahas pada bagian layer MAC. Namun pada praktiknya masih belum begitu masif dilakukan oleh para peneliti. Hal ini sangat wajar karena mengingat VLC merupakan teknologi yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan yang menjadikan penelitian VLC umumnya berfokus pada ‘bagaimana meningkatkan speed dari keterbatasan komponen-komponen pembangun (IC, photodiode, LED, transistor, dll) yang tersedia saat ini\u27. Tantangan teknologi VLC selain target peningkatan kecepatan bit-rate, mobility communication, mengurangi interference noise, menyediakan layanan multi-acces juga salah satunya adalah isu security. Makalah ini merupakan studi literature (review paper) yang didapatkan dari dokumen-dokumen hasil peneltian baik di jurnal dan conference terkait dengan praktik-praktik security VLC yang pernah dilakukan dengan skema indoor maupun outdoor

    Digital forensics challenges and readiness for 6G Internet of Things (IoT) networks

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    The development of sixth-generation (6G) wireless communication technology is expected to provide super high-speed data transmission, and advanced network performance than the current fifth-generation (5G) and be fully functional by the 2030s. This development will have a significant impact and add improvements to digital extended reality (XR), autonomous systems, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), artificial intelligence (AI), underwater communications, blockchain technology, pervasive biomedical informatics and smart cities built on the digital infrastructure backbone of the Internet of Things (IoT). The ubiquitous nature of this large-scale 6G-enabled IoT that offers faster connectivity capabilities and integrates both terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks will not only create new data security and privacy issues but also provide a treasure trove of digital evidence useful for digital forensic examiners investigating security incidents and cybercrime. However, for digital forensic examiners, evidence collection, preservation and analysis will become a priority in the successful deployment of 6G IoT networks. In this study, we define key applications of 6G network technology to the Internet of Things and its existing architectures. The survey introduces potential digital forensic challenges and related issues affecting digital forensic investigations specific to 6G IoT networks. Finally, we highlight and discuss forensic readiness and future research directions for identified challenges within the 6G IoT network environments