10 research outputs found

    Crossing the academic ocean? Judit Bar-Ilan's oeuvre on search engines studies

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    [EN] The main objective of this work is to analyse the contributions of Judit Bar-Ilan to the search engines studies. To do this, two complementary approaches have been carried out. First, a systematic literature review of 47 publications authored and co-authored by Judit and devoted to this topic. Second, an interdisciplinarity analysis based on the cited references (publications cited by Judit) and citing documents (publications that cite Judit's work) through Scopus. The systematic literature review unravels an immense amount of search engines studied (43) and indicators measured (especially technical precision, overlap and fluctuation over time). In addition to this, an evolution over the years is detected from descriptive statistical studies towards empirical user studies, with a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. Otherwise, the interdisciplinary analysis evidences that a significant portion of Judit's oeuvre was intellectually founded on the computer sciences, achieving a significant, but not exclusively, impact on library and information sciences.Orduña-Malea, E. (2020). Crossing the academic ocean? Judit Bar-Ilan's oeuvre on search engines studies. Scientometrics. 123(3):1317-1340. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03450-4S131713401233Bar-Ilan, J. (1998a). On the overlap, the precision and estimated recall of search engines. A case study of the query “Erdos”. Scientometrics,42(2), 207–228. https://doi.org/10.1007/bf02458356.Bar-Ilan, J. (1998b). The mathematician, Paul Erdos (1913–1996) in the eyes of the Internet. Scientometrics,43(2), 257–267. https://doi.org/10.1007/bf02458410.Bar-Ilan, J. (2000). The web as an information source on informetrics? A content analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,51(5), 432–443. https://doi.org/10.1002/(sici)1097-4571(2000)51:5%3C432:aid-asi4%3E3.0.co;2-7.Bar-Ilan, J. (2001). Data collection methods on the web for informetric purposes: A review and analysis. Scientometrics,50(1), 7–32.Bar-Ilan, J. (2002). Methods for measuring search engine performance over time. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,53(4), 308–319. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.10047.Bar-Ilan, J. (2003). Search engine results over time: A case study on search engine stability. Cybermetrics,2/3, 1–16.Bar-Ilan, J. (2005a). Expectations versus reality—Search engine features needed for Web research at mid 2005. Cybermetrics,9, 1–26.Bar-Ilan, J. (2005b). Expectations versus reality—Web search engines at the beginning of 2005. In Proceedings of ISSI 2005: 10th international conference of the international society for scientometrics and informetrics (Vol. 1, pp. 87–96).Bar-Ilan, J. (2010). The WIF of Peter Ingwersen’s website. In B. Larsen, J. W. Schneider, & F. Åström (Eds.), The Janus Faced Scholar a Festschrift in honour of Peter Ingwersen (pp. 119–121). Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi. Retrieved 15 January 15, 2020, from https://vbn.aau.dk/ws/portalfiles/portal/90357690/JanusFacedScholer_Festschrift_PeterIngwersen_2010.pdf#page=122.Bar-Ilan, J. (2018). Eugene Garfield on the web in 2001. Scientometrics,114(2), 389–399. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-017-2590-9.Bar-Ilan, J., Mat-Hassan, M., & Levene, M. (2006). Methods for comparing rankings of search engine results. Computer Networks,50(10), 1448–1463. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2005.10.020.Thelwall, M. (2017). Judit Bar-Ilan: Information scientist, computer scientist, scientometrician. Scientometrics,113(3), 1235–1244. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-017-2551-3

    Hit count estimate variability for website-specific queries in search engines: The case for rare disease association websites

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    "This article is (c) Emerald Group Publishing and permission has been granted for this version to appear here https://doi.org/10.1108/AJIM-10-2017-0226. Emerald does not grant permission for this article to be further copied/distributed or hosted elsewhere without the express permission from Emerald Group Publishing Limited"[EN] Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to determine the effect of the chosen search engine results page (SERP) on the website-specific hit count estimation indicator. Design/methodology/approach - A sample of 100 Spanish rare disease association websites is analysed, obtaining the website-specific hit count estimation for the first and last SERPs in two search engines (Google and Bing) at two different periods in time (2016 and 2017). Findings - It has been empirically demonstrated that there are differences between the number of hits returned on the first and last SERP in both Google and Bing. These differences are significant when they exceed a threshold value on the first SERP. Research limitations/implications - Future studies considering other samples, more SERPs and generating different queries other than website page count (ositeW) would be desirable to draw more general conclusions on the nature of quantitative data provided by general search engines. Practical implications - Selecting a wrong SERP to calculate some metrics (in this case, website-specific hit count estimation) might provide misleading results, comparisons and performance rankings. The empirical data suggest that the first SERP captures the differences between websites better because it has a greater discriminating power and is more appropriate for webometric longitudinal studies. Social implications - The findings allow improving future quantitative webometric analyses based on website-specific hit count estimation metrics in general search engines. Originality/value - The website-specific hit count estimation variability between SERPs has been empirically analysed, considering two different search engines (Google and Bing), a set of 100 websites focussed on a similar market (Spanish rare diseases associations), and two annual samples, making this study the most exhaustive on this issue to date.Font-Julian, CI.; Ontalba Ruipérez, JA.; Orduña Malea, E. (2018). Hit count estimate variability for website-specific queries in search engines: The case for rare disease association websites. Aslib Journal of Information Management. 70(2):192-213. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJIM-10-2017-0226S192213702Bar-Ilan, J. (2001). Scientometrics, 50(1), 7-32. doi:10.1023/a:1005682102768Bowler, L., Hong, W., & He, D. (2011). The visibility of health web portals for teens: a hyperlink analysis. Online Information Review, 35(3), 443-470. doi:10.1108/14684521111151469European Organization for Rare Diseases (2012), “What is a rare disease?”, available at: www.eurordis.org/content/what-rare-disease (accessed 10 January 2018).Forman, J., Taruscio, D., Llera, V. A., Barrera, L. A., Coté, T. R., … Edfjäll, C. (2012). The need for worldwide policy and action plans for rare diseases. Acta Paediatrica, 101(8), 805-807. doi:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2012.02705.xGao, Y., & Vaughan, L. (2005). Web hyperlink profiles of news sites. Aslib Proceedings, 57(5), 398-411. doi:10.1108/00012530510621851Gouveia, F. C., & Kurtenbach, E. (2009). Mapping the web relations of science centres and museums from Latin America. Scientometrics, 79(3), 491-505. doi:10.1007/s11192-007-1949-8Groselj, D. (2014). A webometric analysis of online health information: sponsorship, platform type and link structures. Online Information Review, 38(2), 209-231. doi:10.1108/oir-01-2013-0011Lewandowski, D. (2008). A three-year study on the freshness of web search engine databases. Journal of Information Science, 34(6), 817-831. doi:10.1177/0165551508089396Li, X. (2003). A review of the development and application of the Web impact factor. Online Information Review, 27(6), 407-417. doi:10.1108/14684520310510046Noruzi, A. (2006). The web impact factor: a critical review. The Electronic Library, 24(4), 490-500. doi:10.1108/02640470610689188Orduna-Malea, E. (2014), “Caracterización y rendimiento del sistema museístico de la comunidad valenciana a través de un análisis cibermétrico”, in Gimenez-Chornet, V. (Ed.), Gestión Cultural: Innovación y Tendencias, Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia, pp. 13-43.Orduña-Malea, E., Delgado López-Cózar, E., Serrano-Cobos, J., & Romero, N. L. (2015). Disclosing the network structure of private companies on the web. Online Information Review, 39(3), 360-382. doi:10.1108/oir-11-2014-0282Park, H. W., Kim, C.-S., & Barnett, G. A. (2004). Socio-Communicational Structure among Political Actors on the Web in South Korea. New Media & Society, 6(3), 403-423. doi:10.1177/1461444804042522Rodríguez i Gairín, J. M. (1997). Valoración del impacto de la información en Internet: Altavista, el «Citation Index» de la red. Revista española de Documentación Científica, 20(2), 175-181. doi:10.3989/redc.1997.v20.i2.591Romero-Frías, E., & Vaughan, L. (2010). European political trends viewed through patterns of Web linking. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(10), 2109-2121. doi:10.1002/asi.21375Satoh, K. and Yamana, H. (2012), “Hit count reliability: how much can we trust hit counts?”, in Sheng, Q.Z., Wang, G., Jensen, C.S. and Xu, G. (Eds), Asia-Pacific Web Conference, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, April, pp. 751-758.Snyder, H., & Rosenbaum, H. (1999). Can search engines be used as tools for web‐link analysis? A critical view. Journal of Documentation, 55(4), 375-384. doi:10.1108/eum0000000007151Uyar, A. (2009). Investigation of the accuracy of search engine hit counts. Journal of Information Science, 35(4), 469-480. doi:10.1177/0165551509103598Vaughan, L., & Thelwall, M. (2004). Search engine coverage bias: evidence and possible causes. Information Processing & Management, 40(4), 693-707. doi:10.1016/s0306-4573(03)00063-3Vaughan, L., & Wu, G. (2004). Links to commercial websites as a source of business information. Scientometrics, 60(3), 487-496. doi:10.1023/b:scie.0000034389.14825.bcWilkinson, D., & Thelwall, M. (2013). Search markets and search results: The case of Bing. Library & Information Science Research, 35(4), 318-325. doi:10.1016/j.lisr.2013.04.00

    Abordagem multivariada para comparação de atletas de futebol

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar quais jogadores dos campeonatos de futebol se destacam tecnicamente, além de distinguir grupos de atletas com características semelhantes, o que poderia auxiliar em possíveis contratações de clubes que buscam jogadores com habilidades complementares em uma equipe. Para isso, foram utilizadas técnicas de estatística multivariada em duas das cinco principais ligas de futebol do mundo, a francesa e a espanhola, os dados foram obtidos através da tecnica de web scapping. A primeira etapa da abordagem proposta consiste na separação de atletas conforme suas posições e trasnformação de variáveis do banco de dados, a etapa seguinte é a redução de dimensionalidade das variáveis transformadas, por meio da técnica de componentes principais. Na terceira etapa foram utilizadas técnicas de agrupamento não-hierárquicas, por fim, na etapa quatro, procurou-se jogadores semelhantes adotando duas métricas: distância euclidiana e similaridade por cosseno. Os jogadores de maior performance dentro dos grupos foram considerados como referência e comparados com jogadores semelhantes através da análise do gráfico de radar, que indica visualmente os pontos fortes de cada atleta.This work aims to identify which players of the championships of technically stand out, in addition to distinguishing groups of athletes with similar characteristics, which could assist in possible club signings who look for players with complementary skills in a team. For this, multivariate statistical techniques were used in two of the five main football leagues in the world, the French and the Spanish, the data were obtained through of the web scrapping technique. The first stage of the proposed approach consists of the separation of athletes according to their positions and the transformation of variables from the data, the next step is to reduce the dimensionality of the transformed variables, through the principal component technique. In the third stage, non-hierarchical clustering techniques, finally, in step four, we sought to similar players adopting two metrics: Euclidean distance and similarity by cosine. The highest performing players within the groups were considered as a reference and compared to similar players through analysis of the radar graph, which visually indicates the strengths of each athlete

    Effectiveness of Secondary School Management In Addressing Teachers’ Professional Misconducts in Kiteto District Manyara, Tanzania.

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    This study explored the effectiveness of secondary school management in addressing teachers’ professional misconducts in Kiteto district Manyara region. Specifically; To identify common secondary school Teachers’ professional misconduct, the measures taken and the perceptions of education stakeholders on the effectiveness of school management in addressing teachers’ misconducts. Both simple and purposive sampling techniques were used to obtain the sample. Purposive sampling was used to recruit the ward education officer, head of school, chairperson of school governing board and Teacher service commissioner. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the schools and members of school governing board. Content analysis and descriptive analysis were used in this study. The results show that absent from work, lateness to work, alcoholism, and improper dressing are most Teachers’ professional misconducts. The measures taken were; taking a teacher to the district disciplinary committee, transferring a misbehaving teacher, withholding teacher’s annual increment, withholding teacher’s monthly salary, suspension from work, and dismissing a teacher from service. However, the perception for some of the stakeholders was a lack of effectiveness in addressing teachers’ professional misconducts by school governing boards. Based on the findings the government under the ministry of education and vocation training and other education authorities must strengthen the counseling services for teachers and serious punishments must be taken to all teachers who are found to behave contrary to their code of conduct. Moreover, a similar study should be conducted to assess teacher’s misconduct at primary school and higher institution levels. Key words: Teachers, professional misconduct, school, Kiteto distric

    Cloud computing teknologia ezagutzen enpresaren ikuspuntutik: ezagutza osoa lortzeko ikuspegi berri bat eta hartzea gauzatzeko tresna berri bat

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    239 p.Gorakadan dauden teknologiak ikaragarriko inpaktua dute enpresengan eta enpresarentamainaren arabera eragin hau latzagoa izan daiteke. Zentzu horretan, enpresa ertain eta txikiekberrikuntza teknologikoa gauzatzeko gaitasun txikiagoa eduki ohi dute, bai aldakuntzarenaurkako jarrerengatik bai alderdi ekonomikoarengatik. Horretaz gain, mota honetakoteknologiek interes nabarmena pizten dute ikertzaileen artean, Iragarpen Teknologikoarenesparruan lan egiten dutenen artean bereziki.Tesi honen lehenengo helburua gorakadan dagoen teknologia baten ezagutza eta iragarpenagauzatzeko ikuspegi berri bat aurkeztea da. Ikuspegi honen erabileraren bitartez, teknologiaberri hauen ezagutza egituratu oso bat lortuko da, etorkizuneko joerak antzemateaz gain.Ezagutza honen bitartez teknologia hauen hartzeak aurkez ditzakeen oztopoak txikiagotu nahidira, baita teknologia beraren azterketan eztabaida berriak sortu ere. Ikuspegia eraikitzekoEzagutzaren Egituraketa eta Iragarpen Teknologiko esparruen metodoen azterketa, aukeraketaeta moldaketa burutu da eta erabilgarritasuna frogatzeko Cloud Computing teknologiari aplikatuegin zaio.Tesiak bigarren helburutzat Cloud Computing teknologia hartzearen erronkanbaliogarria izan daitekeen erabaki-hartze tresna berri bat aurkeztea du. Gorakadan daudenteknologien hartzearen erronkan hainbat ikuspegi ezberdin aurkitzen dira. Lan honen kasuanikuspegi praktiko bat aurkezten da, tresna erreal eta erabilgarri batean oinarritua. Horrela,garatutako tresnak emandako gomendioetan oinarrituta, erabaki-hartzaile bat bere Cloud Bide(Cloud Road) propioa sortzeko gai izan beharko litzateke, hau da, enpresan Cloud Computingirtenbideak inplementatzeko bidai orria. Las tecnologías emergentes tienen un impacto enorme en las empresas, siendo el tamaño de la empresa un factor importante a la hora de cuantificar dicho impacto. En ese sentido, las pequeñas y medianas empresas presentan una menor capacidad de renovación tecnológica, bien por actitudes negativas al cambio bien por una menor capacidad económica. Además, este tipo de tecnologías despiertan un gran interés en la comunidad científica, especialmente entre los investigadores que trabajan en el ámbito de la Prospectiva Tecnológica.El primer objetivo de esta tesis es presentar un nuevo enfoque para el conocimiento y prospectiva completa de una tecnología emergente. Mediante la aplicación de este enfoque se consigue, además de un conocimiento estructurado de la tecnología, un análisis de las posibles tendencias futuras de la misma. Esta información permitirá reducir las barreras que puede presentar su adopción por parte de las empresas, además de generar debate en torno a su estado y evolución en un ámbito más académico. El enfoque se ha construido mediante el estudio,selección y adaptación de métodos del ámbito de la Prospectiva Tecnológica y la Estructuracióndel Conocimiento. Finalmente, se ha aplicado a la tecnología Cloud Computing para demostrarsu utilidad. El segundo objetivo de la tesis es presentar una herramienta que facilite la toma de decisiones en el desafío que supone la adopción de la tecnología Cloud Computing. El problema de la adopción del Cloud Computing se ha abordado desde diferentes perspectivas en la literatura relacionada. En el caso de esta tesis se aborda desde una herramienta real y eminentemente práctica. En base a las recomendaciones aportadas por la herramienta, los tomadores de decisiones podrán crear su propia hoja de ruta hacia el Cloud (Cloud Road). Es decir, la hoja de ruta para implementar las soluciones Cloud en su propia empresa

    The Dynamics of Influencer Marketing

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    YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter, etc. have their own logics, dynamics and different audiences. This book analyses how the users of these social networks, especially those of YouTube and Instagram, become content prescribers, opinion leaders and, by extension, people of influence. What influence capacity do they have? Why are intimate or personal aspects shared with unknown people? Who are the big beneficiaries? How much is vanity and how much altruism? What business is behind these social networks? What dangers do they contain? What volume of business can we estimate they generate? How are they transforming cultural industries? What legislation is applied? How does the legislation affect these communications when they are sponsored? Is the privacy of users violated with the data obtained? Who is the owner of the content? Are they to blame for ""fake news""? In this changing, challenging and intriguing environment, The Dynamics of Influencer Marketing discusses all of these questions and more. Considering this complexity from different perspectives: technological, economic, sociological, psychological and legal, the book combines the visions of several experts from the academic world and provides a structured framework with a wide approach to understand the new era of influencing, including the dark sides of it. It will be of direct interest to marketing scholars and researchers while also relevant to many other areas affected by the phenomenon of social media influence

    Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication

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    Scientometrics have become an essential element in the practice and evaluation of science and research, including both the evaluation of individuals and national assessment exercises. Yet, researchers and practitioners in this field have lacked clear theories to guide their work. As early as 1981, then doctoral student Blaise Cronin published "The need for a theory of citing" —a call to arms for the fledgling scientometric community to produce foundational theories upon which the work of the field could be based. More than three decades later, the time has come to reach out the field again and ask how they have responded to this call. This book compiles the foundational theories that guide informetrics and scholarly communication research. It is a much needed compilation by leading scholars in the field that gathers together the theories that guide our understanding of authorship, citing, and impact

    Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication

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    Scientometrics have become an essential element in the practice and evaluation of science and research, including both the evaluation of individuals and national assessment exercises. Yet, researchers and practitioners in this field have lacked clear theories to guide their work. As early as 1981, then doctoral student Blaise Cronin published The need for a theory of citing - a call to arms for the fledgling scientometric community to produce foundational theories upon which the work of the field could be based. More than three decades later, the time has come to reach out the field again and ask how they have responded to this call. This book compiles the foundational theories that guide informetrics and scholarly communication research. It is a much needed compilation by leading scholars in the field that gathers together the theories that guide our understanding of authorship, citing, and impact

    Dot-science top level domain: Academic websites or dumpsites?

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    [EN] Dot-science was launched in 2015 as a new academic top-level domain aimed to provide 'a dedicated, easily accessible location for global Internet users with an interest in science'. The main objective of this work is to find out the general scholarly usage of this top-level domain. In particular, the following three questions are pursued: usage (number of web domains registered with the dot-science), purpose (main function and category of websites linked to these web domains), and impact (websites' visibility and authority). To do this, 13,900 domain names were gathered through ICANN's Domain Name Registration Data Lookup database. Each web domain was subsequently categorized, and data on web impact were obtained from Majestic's API. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that the dot-science top-level domain is scarcely adopted by the academic community, and mainly used by registrar companies for reselling purposes (35.5% of all web domains were parked). Websites receiving the highest number of backlinks were generally related to non-academic websites applying intensive link building practices and offering leisure or even fraudulent contents. Majestic's trust flow metric has been proved an effective method to filter reputable academic websites. As regards primary academic-related dot-science web domain categories, 1175 (8.5% of all web domains registered) were found, mainly personal academic websites (342 web domains), blogs (261) and research groups (133). All dubious content reveals bad practices on the Web, where the tag 'science' is fundamentally used as a mechanism to deceive search engine algorithms.Orduña Malea, E. (2021). Dot-science top level domain: Academic websites or dumpsites?. Scientometrics. 126(4):3565-3591. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03832-8S356535911264Aguillo, I. F., Granadino, B., Ortega, J. L., & Prieto, J. A. (2006). Scientific research activity and communication measured with cybermetrics indicators. 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Which factors explain the web impact of scientists’ personal homepages? Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2), 200–211.Björneborn, L., & Ingwersen, P. (2004). Toward a basic framework for webometrics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(14), 1216–1227.Bollen, J., & Sompel, H. V. D. (2008). Usage impact factor: The effects of sample characteristics on usage-based impact metrics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and technology, 59(1), 136–149.Bollen, J., Van de Sompel, H., Hagberg, A., & Chute, R. (2009). A principal component analysis of 39 scientific impact measures. PLoS ONE, 4(6), e6022.Chudnovskiy, A. (2017). Categorization system (U.S. Patent No. 9679048). https://patents.google.com/patent/US9679048Chudnovskiy, A. (2019). Categorization system (U.S. Patent, No. 10404739). https://patents.google.com/patent/US10404739B2Fortunato, S., Bergstrom, C. T., Börner, K., Evans, J. 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Scientometrics, 64(2), 151–185.Li, X., Thelwall, M., Wilkinson, D., & Musgrove, P. (2005). National and international university departmental Web site interlinking: Part 2: Link patterns. Scientometrics, 64(2), 187–208.Luzón, M. J. (2009). Scholarly hyperwriting: The function of links in academic weblogs. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), 75–89.Más-Bleda, A., & Aguillo, I. F. (2013). Can a personal website be useful as an information source to assess individual scientists? The case of European highly cited researchers. Scientometrics, 96(1), 51–67.Más-Bleda, A., Thelwall, M., Kousha, K., & Aguillo, I. F. (2014). Successful researchers publicizing research online. Journal of Documentation, 70(1), 148–172.Minguillo, D., & Thelwall, M. (2012). Mapping the network structure of science parks: An exploratory study of cross-sectoral interactions reflected on the web. Aslib Proceedings, 64(4), 332–357.Orduña-Malea, E., & Aguillo, I. F. (2015). Cibermetría. Midiendo el espacio red. Barcelona: UOC Publishing.Orduña-Malea, E. (2013). Aggregation of the web performance of internal university units as a method of quantitative analysis of a university system: The case of Spain. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(10), 2100–2114.Orduña-Malea, E., & Delgado López-Cózar, E. (2015). The dark side of open access in Google and Google Scholar: The case of Latin-American repositories. Scientometrics, 102(1), 829–846.Ortega, J. L., & Aguillo, I. F. (2009). Mapping world-class universities on the web. Information Processing and Management, 45(2), 272–279.Park, H. W., & Thelwall, M. (2003). Hyperlink analyses of the World Wide Web: A review. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1083-6101.2003.tb00223.x.Payne, N., & Thelwall, M. (2007). A longitudinal study of academic webs: growth and stabilization. Scientometrics, 71(3), 523–539.Shema, H., Bar-Ilan, J., & Thelwall, M. 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