118,185 research outputs found

    Optimal waste stream discharge temperature selection for dryer operations using thermo-economic assessment

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    A typical drying process that has liquid and gas discharge streams has been analysed and the impact of selecting various combinations of soft temperatures on heat recovery, utility targets, area targets, capital cost and total cost is reported. The method is based on the plus-minus principle and traditional pinch analysis methods for utility, area and capital cost targeting with the modification of using a ΔT contribution. Results show that there is significant benefit from optimising discharge temperatures for total cost. To achieve minimum energy consumption and total cost, heat recovery from the dryer exhaust air is necessary. Heat recovery from liquid heat sources is shown to be preferable over gas streams due to a higher film coefficient resulting in less heat exchanger area and capital cost. There is also value in making process modifications, such as combining streams or removing small streams to be solely heated by utility, to reduce the number of network heat exchangers. For the best case, the discharge temperatures of the leaving streams are 18.0 °C for water condensate (liquid stream) and 52.4 °C for the exhaust air (gas stream)

    Adaptive and Iterative Multi-Branch MMSE Decision Feedback Detection Algorithms for MIMO Systems

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    In this work, decision feedback (DF) detection algorithms based on multiple processing branches for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) spatial multiplexing systems are proposed. The proposed detector employs multiple cancellation branches with receive filters that are obtained from a common matrix inverse and achieves a performance close to the maximum likelihood detector (MLD). Constrained minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receive filters designed with constraints on the shape and magnitude of the feedback filters for the multi-branch MMSE DF (MB-MMSE-DF) receivers are presented. An adaptive implementation of the proposed MB-MMSE-DF detector is developed along with a recursive least squares-type algorithm for estimating the parameters of the receive filters when the channel is time-varying. A soft-output version of the MB-MMSE-DF detector is also proposed as a component of an iterative detection and decoding receiver structure. A computational complexity analysis shows that the MB-MMSE-DF detector does not require a significant additional complexity over the conventional MMSE-DF detector, whereas a diversity analysis discusses the diversity order achieved by the MB-MMSE-DF detector. Simulation results show that the MB-MMSE-DF detector achieves a performance superior to existing suboptimal detectors and close to the MLD, while requiring significantly lower complexity.Comment: 10 figures, 3 tables; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 201

    Recurrent geomagnetic storms and relativistic electron enhancements in the outer magnetosphere: ISTP coordinated measurements

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    New, coordinated measurements from the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) constellation of spacecraft are presented to show the causes and effects of recurrent geomagnetic activity during recent solar minimum conditions. It is found using WIND and POLAR data that even for modest geomagnetic storms, relativistic electron fluxes are strongly and rapidly enhanced within the outer radiation zone of the Earth\u27s magnetosphere. Solar wind data are utilized to identify the drivers of magnetospheric acceleration processes. Yohkoh solar soft X-ray data are also used to identify the solar coronal holes that produce the high-speed solar wind streams which, in turn, cause the recurrent geomagnetic activity. It is concluded that even during extremely quiet solar conditions (sunspot minimum) there are discernible coronal holes and resultant solar wind streams which can produce intense magnetospheric particle acceleration. As a practical consequence of this Sun-Earth connection, it is noted that a long-lasting E\u3e1MeV electron event in late March 1996 appears to have contributed significantly to a major spacecraft (Anik E1) operational failure

    Magnetic inversion as a mechanism for the spectral transition of black hole binaries

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    A mechanism for the transition between low/hard, high/soft, and steep power law (SPL) spectral states in black hole X-ray binaries is proposed. The low/hard state is explained by the development of a magnetically arrested accretion disk attributable to the accumulation of a vertical magnetic field in a central bundle. This disk forms powerful jets and consists of thin spiral accretion streams of a dense optically thick plasma surrounded by hot, magnetized, optically thin corona, which emits most of the energy in hard X-rays. State transition occurs because of the quasi-periodic or random inversion of poloidal magnetic fields in the accretion flow supplied by the secondary star. The inward advection of the inverted field results in a temporal disappearance of the central bundle caused by the annihilation of the opposed fields and restoration of the optically thick disk in the innermost region. This disk represents the high/soft state. The SPL state develops at the period of intensive field annihilation and precedes the high/soft state. The continuous supply of the inverted field leads to a new low/hard state because of the formation of another magnetically arrested disk.Comment: 5 plot files are attached separately. Accepted by the ApJ

    Multi-wavelength diagnostics of accretion in an X-ray selected sample of CTTSs

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    High resolution X-ray spectroscopy has revealed soft X-rays from high density plasma in Classical T-Tauri stars (CTTSs), probably arising from the accretion shock region. However, the mass accretion rates derived from the X-ray observations are consistently lower than those derived from UV/optical/NIR studies. We aim to test the hypothesis that the high density soft X-ray emission is from accretion by analysing optical accretion tracers from an X-ray selected sample of CTTSs in a homogeneous manner. We analyse optical spectra of a sample of CTTSs and calculate the accretion rates based on measuring optical emission lines. These are then compared to the accretion rates derived from the X-ray spectroscopy. We find that, for each CTTS in our sample, the different optical tracers predict mass accretion rates that agree within the errors, albeit with a spread of ~1 order of magnitude. Typically, mass accretion rates derived from Halpha and HeI 5876 Ang are larger than those derived from Hbeta, Hgamma and OI. When comparisons of the optical mass accretion rates are made to the X-ray derived mass accretion rates, we find that: a) the latter are always lower (but by varying amounts); b) the latter range within a factor of ~2 around 2x10^{-10} M_odot yr^{-1}, despite the fact that the former span a range of ~3 orders of magnitude. We suggest that the systematic underestimation of the X-ray derived mass accretion rates could depend on the density distribution inside the accretion streams, where the densest part of the stream is not visible in the X-ray band because of the absorption by the stellar atmosphere. We also suggest that a non-negligible optical depth of X-ray emission lines produced by post-shock accreting plasma may explain the almost constant mass accretion rates derived in X-rays if the effect is larger in stars with larger optical mass accretion rates.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication by A&

    A novel probabilistic data association based MIMO detector using joint detection of consecutive symbol vectors

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    A new probabilistic data association (PDA) approach is proposed for symbol detection in spatial multiplexing multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. By designing a joint detection (JD) structure for consecutive symbol vectors in the same transmit burst, more a priori information is exploited when updating the estimated posterior marginal probabilities for each symbol per iteration. Therefore the proposed PDA detector (denoted as PDA-JD detector) outperforms the conventional PDA detectors in the context of correlated input bit streams. Moreover, the conventional PDA detectors are shown to be a special case of the PDA-JD detector. Simulations and analyses are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new method

    A probabilistic data association based MIMO detector using joint detection of consecutive symbol vectors

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    A new probabilistic data association (PDA) approach is proposed for symbol detection in spatial multiplexing multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. By designing a joint detection (JD) structure for consecutive symbol vectors in the same transmit burst, more a priori information is exploited when updating the estimated posterior marginal probabilities for each symbol per iteration. Therefore the proposed PDA detector (denoted as PDA-JD detector) outperforms the conventional PDA detectors in the context of correlated input bit streams. Moreover, the conventional PDA detectors are shown to be a special case of the PDA-JD detector. Simulations and analyses are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new method