3,519 research outputs found

    Data prefetching on in-order processors

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    Low-power processors have attracted attention due to their energy-efficiency. A large market, such as the mobile one, relies on these processors for this very reason. Even High Performance Computing (HPC) systems are starting to consider low-power processors as a way to achieve exascale performance within 20MW, however, they must meet the right performance/Watt balance. Current low-power processors contain in-order cores, which cannot re-order instructions to avoid data dependency-induced stalls. Whilst this is useful to reduce the chip's total power consumption, it brings several challenges. Due to the evolving performance gap between memory and processor, memory is a significant bottleneck. In-order cores cannot re-order instructions and are memory latency bound, something data prefetching can help alleviate by ensuring data is readily available. In this work, we do an exhaustive analysis of available data prefetching techniques in state-of-The-Art in-order cores. We analyze 5 static prefetchers and 2 dynamic aggressiveness and destination mechanisms applied to 3 data prefetchers on a set of HPC mini-and proxy-Applications, whilst running on in-order processors. We show that next-line prefetching can achieve nearly top performance with a reasonable bandwidth consumption when throttled, whilst neighbor prefetchers have been found to be best, overall.This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253), by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2015-65316-P), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreements No 671697 and No 779877). M. Moreto has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal fellowship number RYC-2016-21104.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Accelerating Metropolis-Hastings algorithms: Delayed acceptance with prefetching

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    MCMC algorithms such as Metropolis-Hastings algorithms are slowed down by the computation of complex target distributions as exemplified by huge datasets. We offer in this paper an approach to reduce the computational costs of such algorithms by a simple and universal divide-and-conquer strategy. The idea behind the generic acceleration is to divide the acceptance step into several parts, aiming at a major reduction in computing time that outranks the corresponding reduction in acceptance probability. The division decomposes the "prior x likelihood" term into a product such that some of its components are much cheaper to compute than others. Each of the components can be sequentially compared with a uniform variate, the first rejection signalling that the proposed value is considered no further, This approach can in turn be accelerated as part of a prefetching algorithm taking advantage of the parallel abilities of the computer at hand. We illustrate those accelerating features on a series of toy and realistic examples.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, submitte

    Metropolis-Hastings prefetching algorithms

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    Prefetching is a simple and general method for single-chain parallelisation of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm based on the idea of evaluating the posterior in parallel and ahead of time. In this paper improved Metropolis-Hastings prefetching algorithms are presented and evaluated. It is shown how to use available information to make better predictions of the future states of the chain and increase the efficiency of prefetching considerably. The optimal acceptance rate for the prefetching random walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is obtained for a special case and it is shown to decrease in the number of processors employed. The performance of the algorithms is illustrated using a well-known macroeconomic model. Bayesian estimation of DSGE models, linearly or nonlinearly approximated, is identified as a potential area of application for prefetching methods. The generality of the proposed method, however, suggests that it could be applied in many other contexts as well.Prefetching; Metropolis-Hastings; Parallel Computing; DSGE models; Optimal acceptance rate

    Adaptive runtime-assisted block prefetching on chip-multiprocessors

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    Memory stalls are a significant source of performance degradation in modern processors. Data prefetching is a widely adopted and well studied technique used to alleviate this problem. Prefetching can be performed by the hardware, or be initiated and controlled by software. Among software controlled prefetching we find a wide variety of schemes, including runtime-directed prefetching and more specifically runtime-directed block prefetching. This paper proposes a hybrid prefetching mechanism that integrates a software driven block prefetcher with existing hardware prefetching techniques. Our runtime-assisted software prefetcher brings large blocks of data on-chip with the support of a low cost hardware engine, and synergizes with existing hardware prefetchers that manage locality at a finer granularity. The runtime system that drives the prefetch engine dynamically selects which cache to prefetch to. Our evaluation on a set of scientific benchmarks obtains a maximum speed up of 32 and 10 % on average compared to a baseline with hardware prefetching only. As a result, we also achieve a reduction of up to 18 and 3 % on average in energy-to-solution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Evaluation of vectorization potential of Graph500 on Intel's Xeon Phi

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    Graph500 is a data intensive application for high performance computing and it is an increasingly important workload because graphs are a core part of most analytic applications. So far there is no work that examines if Graph500 is suitable for vectorization mostly due a lack of vector memory instructions for irregular memory accesses. The Xeon Phi is a massively parallel processor recently released by Intel with new features such as a wide 512-bit vector unit and vector scatter/gather instructions. Thus, the Xeon Phi allows for more efficient parallelization of Graph500 that is combined with vectorization. In this paper we vectorize Graph500 and analyze the impact of vectorization and prefetching on the Xeon Phi. We also show that the combination of parallelization, vectorization and prefetching yields a speedup of 27% over a parallel version with prefetching that does not leverage the vector capabilities of the Xeon Phi.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Unions 7th FP (FP/2007- 2013) / ERC GA n. 321253. It has been partially funded by the Spanish Government (TIN2012-34557)Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Adaptive hybrid Metropolis-Hastings samplers for DSGE models

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    Bayesian inference for DSGE models is typically carried out by single block random walk Metropolis, involving very high computing costs. This paper combines two features, adaptive independent Metropolis-Hastings and parallelisation, to achieve large computational gains in DSGE model estimation. The history of the draws is used to continuously improve a t-copula proposal distribution, and an adaptive random walk step is inserted at predetermined intervals to escape difficult points. In linear estimation applications to a medium scale (23 parameters) and a large scale (51 parameters) DSGE model, the computing time per independent draw is reduced by 85% and 65-75% respectively. In a stylised nonlinear estimation example (13 parameters) the reduction is 80%. The sampler is also better suited to parallelisation than random walk Metropolis or blocking strategies, so that the effective computational gains, i.e. the reduction in wall-clock time per independent equivalent draw, can potentially be much larger.Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC); Adaptive Metropolis-Hastings; Parallel algorithm; DSGE model; Copula
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