289,681 research outputs found

    Advanced Cloud Privacy Threat Modeling

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    Privacy-preservation for sensitive data has become a challenging issue in cloud computing. Threat modeling as a part of requirements engineering in secure software development provides a structured approach for identifying attacks and proposing countermeasures against the exploitation of vulnerabilities in a system . This paper describes an extension of Cloud Privacy Threat Modeling (CPTM) methodology for privacy threat modeling in relation to processing sensitive data in cloud computing environments. It describes the modeling methodology that involved applying Method Engineering to specify characteristics of a cloud privacy threat modeling methodology, different steps in the proposed methodology and corresponding products. We believe that the extended methodology facilitates the application of a privacy-preserving cloud software development approach from requirements engineering to design

    A modeling analysis program for the JPL Table Mountain Io sodium cloud data

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    The abundant Io sodium cloud data obtained at JPL Table Mountain was reviewed. Images of the sodium cloud important to this modeling analysis program are contained in the 1976-1979 data set and the 1981 data set. A preliminary assessment of the 263 images in the 1981 data set for Region B/C was initiated. The spatial morphology of some of these images revealed the presence of the forward sodium cloud (Region B) and the directional features (Region C) as expected. Plans for the second quarter to initiate preliminary modeling analysis and to define further data processing are discussed

    Modeling cloud resources using machine learning

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    Cloud computing is a new Internet infrastructure paradigm where management optimization has become a challenge to be solved, as all current management systems are human-driven or ad-hoc automatic systems that must be tuned manually by experts. Management of cloud resources require accurate information about all the elements involved (host machines, resources, offered services, and clients), and some of this information can only be obtained a posteriori. Here we present the cloud and part of its architecture as a new scenario where data mining and machine learning can be applied to discover information and improve its management thanks to modeling and prediction. As a novel case of study we show in this work the modeling of basic cloud resources using machine learning, predicting resource requirements from context information like amount of load and clients, and also predicting the quality of service from resource planning, in order to feed cloud schedulers. Further, this work is an important part of our ongoing research program, where accurate models and predictors are essential to optimize cloud management autonomic systems.Postprint (published version

    Sea ice-atmospheric interaction: Application of multispectral satellite data in polar surface energy flux estimates

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    This is the third annual report on: Sea Ice-Atmosphere Interaction - Application of Multispectral Satellite Data in Polar Surface Energy Flux Estimates. The main emphasis during the past year was on: radiative flux estimates from satellite data; intercomparison of satellite and ground-based cloud amounts; radiative cloud forcing; calibration of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) visible channels and comparison of two satellite derived albedo data sets; and on flux modeling for leads. Major topics covered are arctic clouds and radiation; snow and ice albedo, and leads and modeling

    A proposed case for the cloud software engineering in security

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    This paper presents Cloud Software Engineering in Security (CSES) proposal that combines the benefits from each of good software engineering process and security. While other literature does not provide a proposal for Cloud security as yet, we use Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) to illustrate the concept of CSES from its design, implementation and test phases. BPMN can be used to raise alarm for protecting Cloud security in a real case scenario in real-time. Results from BPMN simulations show that a long execution time of 60 hours is required to protect real-time security of 2 petabytes (PB). When data is not in use, BPMN simulations show that the execution time for all data security rapidly falls off. We demonstrate a proposal to deal with Cloud security and aim to improve its current performance for Big Data

    Satellite-derived cloud fields during the FIRE cirrus IFO case study

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    The First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) Cirrus Intensive Field Observation (IFO) program measured cirrus cloud properties with a variety of instruments from the surface, aircraft, and satellites. Surface and aircraft observations provide a small scale point and line measurements of different micro- and macro-physical properties of advecting and evolving cloud systems. Satellite radiance data may be used to measure the areal variations of the bulk cloud characteristics over meso- and large scales. Ideally, the detailed cloud properties derived from the small scale measurements should be tied to the bulk cloud properties typically derived from the satellite data. Full linkage of these data sets for a comprehensive description of a given cloud field, one of the goals of FIRE, should lead to significant progress in understanding, measuring, and modeling cirrus cloud systems. The relationships derived from intercomparisons of lidar and satellite data by Minnis et al. are exploited in a mesoscale analysis of the satellite data taken over Wisconsin during the Cirrus IFO case study

    Distributed service orchestration : eventually consistent cloud operation and integration

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    Both researchers and industry players are facing the same obstacles when entering the big data field. Deploying and testing distributed data technologies requires a big up-front investment of both time and knowledge. Existing cloud automation solutions are not well suited for managing complex distributed data solutions. This paper proposes a distributed service orchestration architecture to better handle the complex orchestration logic needed in these cases. A novel service-engine based approach is proposed to cope with the versatility of the individual components. A hybrid integration approach bridges the gap between cloud modeling languages, automation artifacts, image-based schedulers and PaaS solutions. This approach is integrated in the distributed data experimentation platform Tengu, making it more flexible and robust

    Maximum likelihood estimation of cloud height from multi-angle satellite imagery

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    We develop a new estimation technique for recovering depth-of-field from multiple stereo images. Depth-of-field is estimated by determining the shift in image location resulting from different camera viewpoints. When this shift is not divisible by pixel width, the multiple stereo images can be combined to form a super-resolution image. By modeling this super-resolution image as a realization of a random field, one can view the recovery of depth as a likelihood estimation problem. We apply these modeling techniques to the recovery of cloud height from multiple viewing angles provided by the MISR instrument on the Terra Satellite. Our efforts are focused on a two layer cloud ensemble where both layers are relatively planar, the bottom layer is optically thick and textured, and the top layer is optically thin. Our results demonstrate that with relative ease, we get comparable estimates to the M2 stereo matcher which is the same algorithm used in the current MISR standard product (details can be found in [IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 40 (2002) 1547--1559]). Moreover, our techniques provide the possibility of modeling all of the MISR data in a unified way for cloud height estimation. Research is underway to extend this framework for fast, quality global estimates of cloud height.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS243 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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