12 research outputs found

    オンキョウ ハイディング オ モチイル チョウキョリ クウカン デンパン オンキョウ ジョウホウ デンソウ ギジュツ ト ソノ ヒョウカ

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    空間を伝播する可聴帯域に限る音響信号によってディジタル情報を伝送する技術として、音響情報秘匿技術と音響モデム技術、それらを合わせたハイブリッド技術を、空間伝搬音響情報伝送(aerial acoustic data transmission)技術として概観する。これまで、空間伝搬に用いる情報秘匿や符号化の手法の開発は行われてきたが、空間伝搬を前提とした技術の評価は定量的に行われてきていなかった。それらの技術を、アナウンス音声で伝送したい内容を符号化して音響信号へ秘匿することで、言語あるいは音声バリアフリー利用する事例を挙げ、その際の技術の要求と評価方法について検討する。そして、特に長距離伝搬が必要な防災無線放送に伴う各種妨害要因を検討し、それらを模擬するシミュレーション実験環境において、従来から提案していた両側エコー拡散法の改善手法によってアナウンス音声へ情報秘匿した場合の性能を、秘匿ビット値と検出ビット値とのビットエラー率によって評価し、その有効性を確認した。Technologies for transmitting digital information using an aerial acoustic signal limited to anaudible band are reviewed as a part of the aerial acoustic data transmission technology. They include anacoustic information hiding method, an acoustic modem, and a hybrid technique combining them. Althoughseveral technologies for aerial data transmission were developed, these technologies have not been evaluatedquantitatively. Application of these technologies for languages and/or barrier-free speech by embedding the encoded data of the announcement to be transmitted into the audio signal and their proper evaluation method are proposed. The improved bilateral time-spread echo hiding method applied to the speech signals of an announcement is evaluated using the proposed computer simulation. The simulation considers various factors of disturbances induced by long-distance propagation, assuming the use of a voice evacuation and mass notification system. The results of the computer simulation show that the bit error rates between the embedded and the extracted information bits are satisfactory for applications for long-distance propagation

    Acoustical measurements on stages of nine U.S. concert halls

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    Audio for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Realities: Proceedings of ICSA 2019 ; 5th International Conference on Spatial Audio ; September 26th to 28th, 2019, Ilmenau, Germany

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    The ICSA 2019 focuses on a multidisciplinary bringing together of developers, scientists, users, and content creators of and for spatial audio systems and services. A special focus is on audio for so-called virtual, augmented, and mixed realities. The fields of ICSA 2019 are: - Development and scientific investigation of technical systems and services for spatial audio recording, processing and reproduction / - Creation of content for reproduction via spatial audio systems and services / - Use and application of spatial audio systems and content presentation services / - Media impact of content and spatial audio systems and services from the point of view of media science. The ICSA 2019 is organized by VDT and TU Ilmenau with support of Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT

    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010

    Robust speech recognition under band-limited channels and other channel distortions

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, junio de 200