8,114 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective of the study is to evaluate and present lactose scientifically as an excipient of choice in formulation development of solid orals dosage form for direct compression method. Present work will establish the ability of lactose as an excipient to be the choice of candidate while developing formulation having poor flow API using direct compression process. In addition to this different type of lactose is processed using secure development method (SeDeM) in order to evaluate best suitable type of lactose amongst its different type.Methods: Lactose anhydrous, lactose monohydrate and Lactose spray dried (SD) were employed for evaluation using SeDeM method, twelve different selected pharmacotechnical parameters were determined experimentally and were treated mathematically and expressed in the graphical representation as SeDeM diagram. Parameter index, parameter profile index and good compression index values were calculated.Results: Good compression index was found to be 6.06,5.72,6.83 parameter index was 0.25, 0.42, 0.17 and parameter profile index found to be 6.36,6.01,7.18 for lactose anhydrous, lactose monohydrate and Lactose SD respectively.Conclusion: This research work reveals that data obtained will be useful for the pharmaceutical industries while formulating the drug product and will reflect the scientific characteristics of this excipient as well. This will enable the availability of values obtained after performing SeDeM studies on lactose to scientific society based on the results researchers can use establised data and statistics in their pre-formulation studies to incorporate lactose with confidence and can be justified scientifically in the development formulation of the direct compression process and API having poor flow. Results indicating good direct compression characteristics of the all 3 type of lactose, and Lactose SD can be preferred amongs these 3 types.Â

    Advancing environmental sustainability assessment in the pharmaceutical industry

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    A multi-view approach to cDNA micro-array analysis

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    The official published version can be obtained from the link below.Microarray has emerged as a powerful technology that enables biologists to study thousands of genes simultaneously, therefore, to obtain a better understanding of the gene interaction and regulation mechanisms. This paper is concerned with improving the processes involved in the analysis of microarray image data. The main focus is to clarify an image's feature space in an unsupervised manner. In this paper, the Image Transformation Engine (ITE), combined with different filters, is investigated. The proposed methods are applied to a set of real-world cDNA images. The MatCNN toolbox is used during the segmentation process. Quantitative comparisons between different filters are carried out. It is shown that the CLD filter is the best one to be applied with the ITE.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, the National Science Foundation of China under Innovative Grant 70621001, Chinese Academy of Sciences under Innovative Group Overseas Partnership Grant, the BHP Billiton Cooperation of Australia Grant, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Project of China under Grant 2009DFA32050 and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Formulation And Evaluation Of Mouth Dissolving Tablets Of Amoxapine

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    The objective of the present study is to design and formulate orodispersible tablets of Amoxapine using novel Co-processed superdisintegrants by employing direct compression method. Amoxapine is used to treat symptoms of depression. Amoxapine is a class II drug with high permeability and low solubility. There is a need to develop a formulation of Amoxapine that will enhance the bioavailability of the drug by decreasing the disintegration time.  Thus improves patient compliance generate rapid response enhances bioavailability and also reduces dose of drug. In this study ODTs are prepared by direct compression method using novel super disintigrants in different proportions .The powder blend is subjected to pre compression parameters including bulk density, true density, tapped density, cars index, Hausner’s ratio and angle of repose. The formulations are evaluated for weight variation, hardness, wetting time, water absorption test, disintegration time and in vitro dissolution studies and all formulations complies its Pharmacopoeial standards. The tablets are evaluated and the results compared for all four super disintigrants revealed cross povidone to be the most efficious super disintigrants to formulate mouth dissolving tablets of Naproxen sodium as suggested by the dispersion time , disintegration time and drug dissolution profile

    Science, medicine, and the future. Prospecting for gold in the human genome

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    Doctors struggling with the daily problems of clinical medicine usually have little time for molecular and cell biology. But genetic research is producing an explosion of knowledge which doctors will need to understand in order to join in the ethical and financial debates that will inevitably follow the new treatments discovered. There may, indeed, be therapeutic gold hidden in our genes, but the price for it could be more than we can afford. This is the first of three articles introducing a series which aims to convey the excitement and potential power of biomedical science by speculating how current research will impinge on clinical management of common conditions

    Design and evaluation of fast dispersible tablets of lamivudine using selected natural superdisintegrants

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    Magister Pharmaceuticae - MPharmFast dispersible tablets (FDTs) are solid single-unit dosage forms that are placed in the mouth and allowed to disperse or dissolve in the saliva without the need of water. The basic approach to formulating FDTs consists of adding a superdisintegrant to a tablet formulation. These tablets offer both the advantages of conventional tablets and liquid dosage forms along with distinctive properties which include accurate dosing, ease of administration, quick onset of action, enhanced bioavailability, and increased patient adherence. FDTs have been found to be effective in remedying therapeutic in-adherence caused by dysphagia (swallowing difficulties) particularly in paediatric and geriatric subjects. There is a strong correlation between therapeutic success and patient adherence especially with HIV/AIDS treatment regimens, consequently the dosage form should be patient friendly and devoid of unappealing characteristics. This study aimed at developing a cost effective fast dispersible tablet of lamivudine using alternative excipients and conventional techniques. Only conventional tablets and oral liquid dosage forms of lamivudine are available on the South African market. Two natural polymers reported to have superdisintegrating properties were selected to serve as multipurpose excipients in this study. The polymers were identified, characterised and compared using thermal, spectroscopic and micromeritic analytical tools. The polymer that displayed the best characteristics in terms of micromeritic, tableting and disintegrating properties was retained and used for the optimum formulation. The optimum formulation was composed of 150 mg of lamivudine, 23% w/w unripe banana powder and 2% w/w magnesium stearate. FDTs of lamivudine were obtained using the compression technique with and without wet granulation. The tablets were assessed as per the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) guidelines and other evaluation procedures pertaining to FDTs. The wet granulated tablets were found to be less friable and thus more resilient than the directly compressed tablets. In-vitro disintegration of the wet granulated tablets occurred within 50±3 sec in deionised water (pH 7) and 35±2 sec in a phosphate buffer solution (pH 6.8). Consequently, the innovative tablets fulfilled the core requirement of FDTs i.e. rapid disintegration. Drug release studies were carried out by analysing dissolution aliquots of the innovative tablets using a validated High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method, and comparing them to Aspen LamivudineŸ, a conventional tablet of lamivudine presently on the South African market. Complete dissolution in deionised water (pH 7) was attained within 10 minutes and 30 minutes for the innovative tablets and Aspen LamivudineŸ respectively

    Molecular architecture influences on material properties of pharmaceutical compounds

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    Salt formation has extensively been studied as a strategy to improve drug solubility but it has not been explored as a strategy to improve mechanical properties. A better understanding of which factors of the solid state can have an influence in the mechanical properties of pharmaceutical powders can help to optimise and reduce cost of tablet manufacturing. The aim of this study was to form different series of amine salts of flurbiprofen, gemfibrozil and diclofenac and to establish predictive relationships between architectural characteristics and physicochemical and mechanical properties of the salts. For this purpose, three different carboxylic acid drugs were selected: flurbiprofen, gemfibrozil and diclofenac, similar in size but varying in flexibility and shape and three different series of counterions were also chosen: one with increasing bulk and no hydroxyl groups to limit the hydrogen bonding potential; a second one with increasing number of hydroxyl groups and finally a third series, related to the latter in number of hydroxyl groups but with different molecular shape and flexibility. Physico-chemical characterization was performed (DSC, TGA, solubility, intrinsic dissolution rate, particle size, true density) and mechanical properties measured using a compaction replicator. Strained molecular conformations produce weaker compacts as they have higher energy than preferred conformations that usually lie close to energy minimums and oppose plastic deformation. It was observed that slip planes, which correspond to regions of weakest interaction between the planes, were associated with improved plasticity and stronger compacts. Apart from hydrogen bonds, profuse van der Waals forces can result in ineffective slip planes. Salts displaying two-dimensional densely hydrogen bonded layers produced stronger compacts than salts showing one-dimensional networks of non-bonded columns, probably by reducing the attachment energy between layers. When hydrogen bonds are created intramolecularly, it is possible that the mechanical properties are compromised as they do not contribute so much to create twodimensional densely bonded layers and they can force molecules into strained conformations. Some types of hydrogen bonding network may be associated with improved mechanical properties, such as type II, or R (10) 3 4 using graph-set notation, versus type III, or R (12) 4 8 , columns. This work clearly demonstrates the potential of investigating crystal structure-mechanical property relationship in pharmaceutical materials
