15,486 research outputs found

    Identifying potential emerging human rights implications in Chinese smart cities via machine-learning aided patent analysis

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    In this work, we investigate smart city technologies primarily through an examination of trends in patent filing. We apply machine learning methods both to explore the increasing rates of patent filing globally for smart city technologies, and also to identify the emerging topics on which companies are choosing to focus their efforts. We focus particularly on deployed and emerging urban systems-of-systems in China, which represent a high proportion of patents filed for smart city technologies, with a view to their potential global impacts. As a leading source of innovation in the development of smart cities, Chinese patent filing exerts significant influence on similar technologies adopted globally. Our global patent analysis highlights emerging trends in smart city innovations, and the increased adoption of technologies and processes that present significant human rights concerns, especially concerns to privacy, freedom of expression, and assembly

    Art in Action Research (AiAR)

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    Zweck: In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat das Interesse an sozial engagierter Kunst, Art in Action, stetig zugenommen. Bisher fehlt allerdings eine Praktiker-Forschung (practitioner research), welche Fragen aus der Arbeitswelt in den Forschungsmittelpunkt stellt und die glokalen Gegebenheiten praxisrelevant diskutiert. Diese Studie untersucht die Grundannahmen der Kunstgeschichte, welche bisher die Einführung der Praktiker-Forschung erschweren. Die Studie kontextualisiert und diskutiert zudem die Besonderheiten der künstlerischen Forschung sowie der Praktiker-Forschung in anderen disziplinĂ€ren Feldern. Daran anschliessend formuliert diese Studie die Prinzipien der Art in Action Methodik. Methodik: Diese transformative Studie arbeitet mit dem Global Studies Paradigma. Der konzeptionelle Apparat umfasst die Kaleidoskopische Dialektik, das Konzept der Glokalisierung und die Theorien der TransdisziplinaritĂ€t und der Meta-Narrativen Synthese. Ergebnis: Diese Studie formuliert die Prinzipien der Art in Action Methodik (AiAR). AiAR stellt Fragen aus der Arbeitswelt in den Mittelpunkt der Forschung, berücksichtigt lokale Gegebenheiten und organisiert den Forschungsprozess in Relation zu den projektrelevanten PartikularitĂ€ten (grounded methodology).Purpose: In the last few decades, there has been a steadily growing interest in socially engaged art, i.e., working with art in socio-cultural settings (Art in Action). What has been missing, however, are art practitioner research methodologies that place issues emerging from art practitioner work environment at centre stage. This study explores the critical assumptions of art history, which have so far hindered a practitioner-driven research approach. It contextualises and discusses the specificities of artistic research and practitioner research. On this basis, the study formulates an Art in Action research methodology. Methodology: This transformative research applies a global studies paradigm. Its conceptual apparatus includes the kaleidoscopic dialectic, the concept of glocalisation, and the theories of transdisciplinarity and meta-narrative synthesis. Result: This study formulates principles for an Art in Action research (AiAR) methodology that places the issues emerging from the art practitioners’ work environments centre stage instead of an artwork-centred approach. It postulates that AiAR works with grounded research procedures

    Collective intelligence: creating a prosperous world at peace

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    XXXII, 612 p. ; 24 cmLibro ElectrĂłnicoEn este documento se plantea un tema de interes general mas como lo es especificamente el tema de la evolucion de la sociedad en materia de industria y crecimiento de las actividades humanas en el aspecto de desarrollo de la creatividad enfocada a los mercadosedited by Mark Tovey ; foreword by Yochai Benkler (re-mixed by Hassan Masum) ; prefaces by Thomas Malone, Tom Atlee & Pierre Levy ; afterword by Paul Martin & Thomas Homer-Dixon.The era of collective intelligence has begun in earnest. While others have written about the wisdom of crowds, an army of Davids, and smart mobs, this collection of essays for the first time brings together fifty-five pioneers in the emerging discipline of collective intelligence. They provide a base of tools for connecting people, producing high-functioning teams, collaborating at multiple scales, and encouraging effective peer-production. Emerging models are explored for digital deliberative democracy, self-governance, legislative transparency, true-cost accounting, and the ethical use of open sources and methods. Collective Intelligence is the first of a series of six books, which will also include volumes on Peace Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, and Global Intelligence.Table of Contents Dedication i Publisher’s Preface iii Foreword by Yochai Benkler Remix Hassan Masum xi The Wealth of Networks: Highlights remixed Editor’s Preface xxi Table of Contents xxv A What is collective intelligence and what will we do 1 about it? (Thomas W. Malone, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence) B Co-Intelligence, collective intelligence, and conscious 5 evolution (Tom Atlee, Co-Intelligence Institute) C A metalanguage for computer augmented collective 15 intelligence (Prof. Pierre LĂ©vy, Canada Research Chair in Collective Intelligence, FRSC) I INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS I-01 Foresight I-01-01 Safety Glass (Karl Schroeder, science fiction author 23 and foresight consultant) I-01-02 2007 State of the Future (Jerome C. Glenn & 29 Theodore J. Gordon, United Nations Millennium Project) I-02 Dialogue & Deliberation I-02-01 Thinking together without ego: Collective intelligence 39 as an evolutionary catalyst (Craig Hamilton and Claire Zammit, Collective-Intelligence.US) I-02-02 The World CafĂ©: Awakening collective intelligence 47 and committed action (Juanita Brown, David Isaacs and the World CafĂ© Community) I-02-03 Collective intelligence and the emergence of 55 wholeness (Peggy Holman, Nexus for Change, The Change Handbook) I-02-04 Knowledge creation in collective intelligence (Bruce 65 LaDuke, Fortune 500, HyperAdvance.com) I-02-05 The Circle Organization: Structuring for collective 75 wisdom (Jim Rough, Dynamic Facilitation & The Center for Wise Democracy) I-03 Civic Intelligence I-03-01 Civic intelligence and the public sphere (Douglas 83 Schuler, Evergreen State College, Public Sphere Project) I-03-02 Civic intelligence and the security of the homeland 95 (John Kesler with Carole and David Schwinn, IngeniusOnline) I-03-03 Creating a Smart Nation (Robert Steele, OSS.Net) 107 I-03-04 University 2.0: Informing our collective intelligence 131 (Nancy Glock-Grueneich, HIGHEREdge.org) I-03-05 Producing communities of communications and 145 foreknowledge (Jason “JZ” Liszkiewicz, Reconfigure.org) I-03-06 Global Vitality Report 2025: Learning to transform I-04 Electronic Communities & Distributed Cognition I-04-01 Attentional capital and the ecology of online social 163 conflict and think together effectively (Peter+Trudy networks (Derek Lomas, Social Movement Lab, Johnson-Lenz, Johnson-Lenz.com ) UCSD) I-04-02 A slice of life in my virtual community (Howard 173 Rheingold, Whole Earth Review, Author & Educator) I-04-03 Shared imagination (Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart, 197 Bootstrap) I-05 Privacy & Openness I-05-01 We’re all swimming in media: End-users must be able 201 to keep secrets (Mitch Ratcliffe, BuzzLogic & Tetriad) I-05-02 Working openly (Lion Kimbro, Programmer and 205 Activist) I-06 Integral Approaches & Global Contexts I-06-01 Meta-intelligence for analyses, decisions, policy, and 213 action: The Integral Process for working on complex issues (Sara Nora Ross, Ph.D. ARINA & Integral Review) I-06-02 Collective intelligence: From pyramidal to global 225 (Jean-Francois Noubel, The Transitioner) I-06-03 Cultivating collective intelligence: A core leadership 235 competence in a complex world (George PĂłr, Fellow at Universiteit van Amsterdam) II LARGE-SCALE COLLABORATION II-01 Altruism, Group IQ, and Adaptation II-01-01 Empowering individuals towards collective online 245 production (Keith Hopper, KeithHopper.com) II-01-02 Who’s smarter: chimps, baboons or bacteria? The 251 power of Group IQ (Howard Bloom, author) II-01-03 A collectively generated model of the world (Marko 261 A. Rodriguez, Los Alamos National Laboratory) II-02 Crowd Wisdom and Cognitive Bias II-02-01 Science of CI: Resources for change (Norman L 265 Johnson, Chief Scientist at Referentia Systems, former LANL) II-02-02 Collectively intelligent systems (Jennifer H. Watkins, 275 Los Alamos National Laboratory) II-02-03 A contrarian view (Jaron Lanier, scholar-in-residence, 279 CET, UC Berkeley & Discover Magazine) II-03 Semantic Structures & The Semantic Web II-03-01 Information Economy Meta Language (Interview with 283 Professor Pierre LĂ©vy, by George PĂłr) II-03-02 Harnessing the collective intelligence of the World- 293 Wide Web (Nova Spivack, RadarNetworks, Web 3.0) II-03-03 The emergence of a global brain (Francis Heylighen, 305 Free University of Brussels) II-04 Information Networks II-04-01 Networking and mobilizing collective intelligence (G. Parker Rossman, Future of Learning Pioneer) II-04-02 Toward high-performance organizations: A strategic 333 role for Groupware (Douglas C. Engelbart, Bootstrap) II-04-03 Search panacea or ploy: Can collective intelligence 375 improve findability? (Stephen E. Arnold, Arnold IT, Inc.) II-05 Global Games, Local Economies, & WISER II-05-01 World Brain as EarthGame (Robert Steele and many 389 others, Earth Intelligence Network) II-05-02 The Interra Project (Jon Ramer and many others) 399 II-05-03 From corporate responsibility to Backstory 409 Management (Alex Steffen, Executive Editor, Worldchanging.com) II-05-04 World Index of Environmental & Social 413 Responsibility (WISER) By the Natural Capital Institute II-06 Peer-Production & Open Source Hardware II-06-01 The Makers’ Bill of Rights (Jalopy, Torrone, and Hill) 421 II-06-02 3D Printing and open source design (James Duncan, 423 VP of Technology at Marketingisland) II-06-03 REBEARTHTM: 425 II-07 Free Wireless, Open Spectrum, and Peer-to-Peer II-07-01 MontrĂ©al Community Wi-Fi (Île Sans Fil) (Interview 433 with Michael Lenczner by Mark Tovey) II-07-02 The power of the peer-to-peer future (Jock Gill, 441 Founder, Penfield Gill Inc.) Growing a world 6.6 billion people would want to live in (Marc Stamos, B-Comm, LL.B) II-07-03 Open spectrum (David Weinberger) II-08 Mass Collaboration & Large-Scale Argumentation II-08-01 Mass collaboration, open source, and social 455 entrepreneurship (Mark Tovey, Advanced Cognitive Engineering Lab, Institute of Cognitive Science, Carleton University) II-08-02 Interview with Thomas Homer-Dixon (Hassan 467 Masum, McLaughlin-Rotman Center for Global Health) II-08-03 Achieving collective intelligence via large-scale argumentation (Mark Klein, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence) II-08-04 Scaling up open problem solving (Hassan Masum & 485 Mark Tovey) D Afterword: The Internet and the revitalization of 495 democracy (The Rt. Honourable Paul Martin & Thomas Homer-Dixon) E Epilogue by Tom Atlee 513 F Three Lists 515 1. Strategic Reading Categories 2. Synopsis of the New Progressives 3. Fifty-Two Questions that Matter G Glossary 519 H Index 52

    Space, conversations and place: lessons and questions from organisational development

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    Physical workspace is distinguished from workplace. The latter embodies culture and should become the greater concern of FM. In the field of individual and group development spaces can add an extra gear to stimulate cognitive processes. We provide various examples and suggest modern workplaces, with their emphasis on interaction need to also focus on environments and spaces for individual and collective reflection

    The Psychology of Human Thought

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    The “Psychology of Human Thought” is an “open access” collection of peer-reviewed chapters from all areas of higher cognitive processes. The book is intended to be used as a textbook in courses on higher process, complex cognition, human thought, and related courses. Chapters include concept acquisition, knowledge representation, inductive and deductive reasoning, problem solving, metacognition, language, expertise, intelligence, creativity, wisdom, development of thought, affect and thought, and sections about history and about methods. The chapters are written by distinguished scholarly experts in their respective fields, coming from such diverse regions as North America, Great Britain, France, Germany, Norway, Israel, and Australia. The level of the chapters is addressed to advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students.„Psychology of Human Thought“ ist eine Sammlung frei zugĂ€nglicher, qualitĂ€tsgeprĂŒfter Kapitel aus allen Gebieten höherer Kognition. Sie ist gedacht als Lesebuch zum Studium komplexer Kognition und des menschlichen Denkens. Die Kapitel umfassen die Themen Begriffserwerb, WissensreprĂ€sentation, induktives und deduktives Schließen, Problemlösen, Metakognition, Sprache, Kultur, Expertise, Intelligenz, KreativitĂ€t, Weisheit, Denkentwicklung, Denken und GefĂŒhle. Auch Kapitel zur Geschichte und zu Methoden sind dabei. Die Kapitel sind von weltweit fĂŒhrenden Experten aus den USA, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Norwegen, Israel, Australien und Deutschland verfasst. Das Niveau ist ausgerichtet auf fortgeschrittene Studierende

    How Intelligence Can Be a Solution to Consequential World Problems

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    Intelligence research is mainly concerned with basic science questions; what is the psychometric structure of intelligence? What are the cognitive bases of intelligence? What are the brain-based correlates of intelligence? What does intelligence predict? Such research is needed, but there are also problems larger than those presented in intelligence tests, including problems of today. What is the role of human intelligence in solving consequential real-world problems? Here, leading scholars in the field of intelligence each address one real-world problem—a problem of their choice—and explain how intelligence has been, or could be, essential for a solution

    The race between education and catastrophe: creating climate-sensitive cities

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    ‘History is a race between education and catastrophe’ (Gurría, 2013). This is the essence of the climate-change dilemma in human settlements today. How can cities act effectively to live with climate change? After a century, the world is bracing for a perfect storm with burgeoning populations drifting to the cities, resulting in anthropogenic greenhouse gases multiplying exponentially. Rapid urban development breaks down natural systems that sequester greenhouse gases, making cities unhealthy, unbalanced, and undesirable (Blakely & Carbonell, 2012). It is reported that ‘more people are killed from poor urban design and climate-change than terrorism’ (Birkeland, 2008), which is an immense ethical problem. My focus is on creating resilient Climate-Sensitive-Cities¼. This approach to tackling the urgency of climate change in cities is five-fold: 1. It audits vulnerability and coping capacity. 2. It addresses audit gaps by investing in accelerated learning for professions and communities to build capacity for resilience. 3. It appreciates that every individual can make a unique contribution to interdisciplinary capacity-building for addressing climate education through their own organisations and regions. 4. It realises that accelerated learning for the long-term investment in individuals within organisations includes collaborative coaching and partnering. 5. It recognises that optimism for a preferred future can be achieved in a world full of perverse incentives. Although there are many perspectives and prescribed actions from each discipline, my approach is founded on meta-scanning, with principle-based options that emerge from broad lessons from international and local successes. The crucial part of my work is to convert research into desirable actions in a way that demonstrates learning for better climate governance. The results of my endeavours include influence of policy and practices in fourteen countries and through professional bodies across disciplines. My contribution to transformational guidelines for international climate action transparency is recognised widely. This thesis comprises an exploration of philosophies, revisiting values, seeking answers to four research questions, a new lens with three perspectives, and project design to ensure higher fidelity with my statement of intent. My Doctorate establishes a framework that enables individuals to lead the way in climate-change practices. I intend to be a living example of such frameworks. The thesis concludes with new definitions for Climate-Sensitive-Cities¼ and Accelerated Learning. It also overlays triple loop policy development with the Climate Policy in Practice Cycle¼ as a means for funding and evaluating action. Finally, a manual for Master Classes delivered across fourteen countries works with a transformational change trajectory that articulates the journey from passive bystanding, to advocacy, to tipping points, to coping with success. Independent evaluations accelerate the uptake of these skills in governments, communities, professions, and most importantly, individuals. We need to learn, question old thinking, and relearn in order to adapt and live with the many facets of climate-change. Based on this rationale, I have structured my Doctorate to advance a deeper understanding of the technical, intellectual, and interpersonal skills required of an effective Sustainability Commissioner. Alvin Toffler stated ‘the illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn’ (ISLS, 2013). This is how we win the race of education over catastrophe
