13 research outputs found

    Transfer matrix method for calculating the transverse load distribution of articulated slab bridges

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    Articulated slab bridges have been widely used by transportation administration for short-to-medium span bridges because of their good economy, convenient construction, and environmental advantages, while the presence of shear keys increases the complexity of structural behavior. Developing more reasonable analysis approaches of quick assessment, pre-design, and hand calculations for the articulated slab bridges is a challenge because of the peculiar shear key mechanism. This paper is devoted to presenting a recursive algorithm, based on the force equilibrium conditions of each individual slab, thus resulting in simultaneous equations of the transfer matrix method (TMM). In this procedure, the state vector is an array composed of vertical displacement, shear force, unit constant; and the transfer matrix contains the bending and torsional stiffness parameters of simply supported slabs. Then, the influence line of transverse load distribution (TLD) is calculated for each slab by introducing boundary conditions. To validate and verify the efficiency of the TMM algorithm, a transversely prefabricated void slab bridge with a span of 20 m is considered as a case study. The traditional force (FM) and finite element (FEM) methods are used for comparison and validation. It is demonstrated that the TMM can provide good results with higher algorithm efficiency by exempting the modeling tasks in FM and FEM and capture variations in TLD along the bridge’s span. In addition, the influence of the span length and relative stiffness coefficient of slabs on the TLD of articulated slab bridges are analyzed from the parametric analysis.This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number 51978161.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructura::9.1 - Desenvolupar infraestructures fiables, sostenibles, resilients i de qualitat, incloent infraestructures regionals i transfrontereres, per tal de donar suport al desenvolupament econòmic i al benestar humà, amb especial atenció a l’accés assequible i equitatiu per a totes les personesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructura::9.4 - Per a 2030, modernitzar les infraestructures i reconvertir les indústries perquè siguin sostenibles, usant els recursos amb més eficàcia i promovent l’adopció de tecnologies i processos industrials nets i racionals ambiental­ment, i aconseguint que tots els països adoptin mesures d’acord amb les capacitats respectivesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructura::9.5 - Augmentar la investigació científica i millorar la capacitat tecnològica dels sectors industrials de tots els països, en particular els països en desenvolupament, entre d’altres maneres fomentant la innovació i augmentant substancialment, d’aquí al 2030, el nombre de persones que treballen en el camp de la investigació i el desenvolupa­ment per cada milió d’habitants, així com la despesa en investigació i desenvolupament dels sectors públic i privatObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructura::9.a - Facilitar el desenvolupament d’infraestructures sostenibles i resilients als països en desenvolupament per mitjà de més suport financer, tecnològic i tècnic als països africans, països menys avançats, països en desenvolu­pament sense litoral i petits estats insulars en desenvolupamentObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats SosteniblesPostprint (published version

    Damage Identification Algorithm of Hinged Joints for Simply Supported Slab Bridges Based on Modified Hinge Plate Method and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms

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    Hinge joint damage is a typical form of damage occurring in simply supported slab bridges, which can present adverse effects on the overall force distribution of the structure. However, damage identification methods of hinge joint damage are still limited. In this study, a damage identification algorithm for simply supported hinged-slab bridges based on the modified hinge plate method (MHPM) and artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithms was proposed by considering the effect of hinge damage conditions on the lateral load distribution (LLD) of structures. Firstly, MHPM was proposed and demonstrated, which is based on a traditional hinge plate method by introducing relative displacement as a damage factor to simulate hinge joint damage. The effectiveness of MHPM was verified through comparison with the finite element method (FEM). Secondly, damage identification was treated as the inverse problem of calculating the LLD in damage conditions of simply supported slab bridges. Four ABC algorithms were chosen to solve the problem due to its simple structure, ease of implementation, and robustness. Comparisons of convergence speed and identification accuracy with genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization were also conducted. Finally, hinged bridges composed of four and seven slabs were studied as numerical examples to account for the feasibility and correctness of the proposed method. The simulation results revealed that the proposed algorithm could identify the location and degree of damaged joints efficiently and precisely

    Optimal seismic retrofitting of existing RC frames through soft-computing approaches

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    2016 - 2017Ph.D. Thesis proposes a Soft-Computing approach capable of supporting the engineer judgement in the selection and design of the cheapest solution for seismic retrofitting of existing RC framed structure. Chapter 1 points out the need for strengthening the existing buildings as one of the main way of decreasing economic and life losses as direct consequences of earthquake disasters. Moreover, it proposes a wide, but not-exhaustive, list of the most frequently observed deficiencies contributing to the vulnerability of concrete buildings. Chapter 2 collects the state of practice on seismic analysis methods for the assessment the safety of the existing buildings within the framework of a performancebased design. The most common approaches for modeling the material plasticity in the frame non-linear analysis are also reviewed. Chapter 3 presents a wide state of practice on the retrofitting strategies, intended as preventive measures aimed at mitigating the effect of a future earthquake by a) decreasing the seismic hazard demands; b) improving the dynamic characteristics supplied to the existing building. The chapter presents also a list of retrofitting systems, intended as technical interventions commonly classified into local intervention (also known “member-level” techniques) and global intervention (also called “structure-level” techniques) that might be used in synergistic combination to achieve the adopted strategy. In particular, the available approaches and the common criteria, respectively for selecting an optimum retrofit strategy and an optimal system are discussed. Chapter 4 highlights the usefulness of the Soft-Computing methods as efficient tools for providing “objective” answer in reasonable time for complex situation governed by approximation and imprecision. In particular, Chapter 4 collects the applications found in the scientific literature for Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Network and Evolutionary Computing in the fields of structural and earthquake engineering with a taxonomic classification of the problems in modeling, simulation and optimization. Chapter 5 “translates” the search for the cheapest retrofitting system into a constrained optimization problem. To this end, the chapter includes a formulation of a novel procedure that assembles a numerical model for seismic assessment of framed structures within a Soft-Computing-driven optimization algorithm capable to minimize the objective function defined as the total initial cost of intervention. The main components required to assemble the procedure are described in the chapter: the optimization algorithm (Genetic Algorithm); the simulation framework (OpenSees); and the software environment (Matlab). Chapter 6 describes step-by-step the flow-chart of the proposed procedure and it focuses on the main implementation aspects and working details, ranging from a clever initialization of the population of candidate solutions up to a proposal of tuning procedure for the genetic parameters. Chapter 7 discusses numerical examples, where the Soft-Computing procedure is applied to the model of multi-storey RC frames obtained through simulated design. A total of fifteen “scenarios” are studied in order to assess its “robustness” to changes in input data. Finally, Chapter 8, on the base of the outcomes observed, summarizes the capabilities of the proposed procedure, yet highlighting its “limitations” at the current state of development. Some possible modifications are discussed to enhance its efficiency and completeness. [edited by author]XVI n.s

    Structural optimization in steel structures, algorithms and applications

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    Sustainable Structural Design for High-Performance Buildings and Infrastructures

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    Exceptional design loads on buildings and structures may have different causes, including high-strain natural hazards, man-made attacks and accidents, and extreme operational conditions. All of these aspects can be critical for specific structural typologies and/or materials that are particularly sensitive. Dedicated and refined methods are thus required for design, analysis, and maintenance under structures’ expected lifetimes. Major challenges are related to the structural typology and material properties. Further issues are related to the need for the mitigation or retrofitting of existing structures, or from the optimal and safe design of innovative materials/systems. Finally, in some cases, no design recommendations are available, and thus experimental investigations can have a key role in the overall process. For this SI, we have invited scientists to focus on the recent advancements and trends in the sustainable design of high-performance buildings and structures. Special attention has been given to materials and systems, but also to buildings and infrastructures that can be subjected to extreme design loads. This can be the case of exceptional natural events or unfavorable ambient conditions. The assessment of hazard and risk associated with structures and civil infrastructure systems is important for the preservation and protection of built environments. New procedures, methods, and more precise rules for safety design and the protection of sustainable structures are, however, needed

    Proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress

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    Published proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress, hosted by York University, 27-30 May 2018