259,392 research outputs found

    Watching you go: exploring subjective documentary methods in contemporary photography

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    Master's Project (M.F.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2017This work examines the history and contemporary context of photojournalism and documentary photography through narrative imagery of the artist's mother and family. By adapting traditional documentary practices and exploring more subjective methodologies, Watching you go addresses the artist's physical and emotional limitations while experiencing her mother's terminal illness

    Spartan Daily, November 4, 1992

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    Volume 99, Issue 48https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/8332/thumbnail.jp

    Vampires, Viruses and Verbalisation: Bram Stoker’s Dracula as a genealogical window into fin-de-siùcle science

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    This paper considers Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula, published in 1897, as a window into techno-scientific and sociocultural developments of the fin-de-siùcle era, ranging from blood transfusion and virology up to communication technology and brain research, but focusing on the birth of psychoanalysis in 1897, the year of publication. Stoker’s literary classic heralds a new style of scientific thinking, foreshadowing important aspects of post-1900 culture. Dracula reflects a number of scientific events which surfaced in the 1890s but evolved into major research areas that are still relevant today. Rather than seeing science and literature as separate realms, moreover, Stoker’s masterpiece encourages us to address the ways in which techno-scientific and psycho- cultural developments mutually challenge and mirror one another, so that we may use his novel to deepen our understanding of emerging research practices and vice versa (Zwart 2008, 2010). Psychoanalysis plays a double role in this. It is the research field whose genealogical constellation is being studied, but at the same time (Lacanian) psychoanalysis guides my reading strategy. Dracula, the infectious, undead Vampire has become an archetypal cinematic icon and has attracted the attention of numerous scholars (Browning & Picart 2009). The vampire complex built on various folkloristic and literary sources and culminated in two famous nineteenth-century literary publications: the story The Vampyre by John Polidori (published in 1819)2 and Stoker’s version. Most of the more than 200 vampire movies released since Nosferatu (1922) are based on the latter (Skal 1990; Browning & Picart 2009; Melton 2010; Silver & Ursini 2010). Yet, rather than on the archetypal cinematic image of the Vampire, I will focus on the various scientific ideas and instruments employed by Dracula’s antagonists to overcome the threat to civilisation he represents. Although the basic storyline is well-known, I will begin with a plot summary

    The pursuit of beauty in ‘the age of powder and paint"

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    The British eighteenth century was an age of elegance. A vital importance was put on appearances and the consumer boom of the time assumed epic proportions. Towards the end of the century complexions became increasingly more colourful and hairstyles more extravagant. As Neville Williams puts it, “[it] was par excellence the age of powder and paint” (1957:56) and women spared no effort or cost regarding their appearance since presenting oneself with the latest trends was paramount to a woman’s reputation of being fashionable. High-quality cosmetics, wigs and poufs defined rank and power since they were only affordable to the elites and women would sacrifice comfort and safety for the sake of their fashion. This article aims to present an overview of the use of cosmetics by eighteenth-century elite women and how it constitutes a sign of the increased economic prosperity which prompted the consumers’ boom.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cytoadherence capabilities of Plasmodium berghei ANKA and NK65 infected red blood cells in different malaria models

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    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Microbiologia Aplicada). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiĂȘncias. 2011Malaria is an infectious disease caused by an intracellular parasite (genus Plasmodium). Sequestration of mature erythrocytic forms of P. falciparum is a key factor in the development of severe malaria-associated pathologies, namely CM. Brains of patients that died of CM show a preferential sequestration of the MF, and blood-smears of malaria patients at hospital admission show exclusively immature erythrocytic forms. Recently, it was demonstrated that in PbA-infected C576BL/6 mice, an experimental cerebral malaria model, there is accumulation of pRBCs in the brain, as well as CD8+T cells. On the contrary, PbA-infected Balb/C mice, which don‟t develop ECM, don‟t accumulate these cell-populations. PbNK65-infected C57BL/6 mice also don‟t develop ECM, though they accumulate CD8+T cells in the brain, but not infected erythrocytes. Using these models of malaria, our main goal was to study the blood-stage dynamics and sequestration capabilities of both parasite strains and associate that pattern with the pathology. Results show that MF of both parasite strains are not seen in circulation at a certain point in infection. Also, this disappearance from circulation is concomitant with sequestration of PbA schizonts in the spleen and lungs (C57BL/6 mice), as well as in the fat tissue and liver (both hosts). In addition, we wanted to clarify the importance of parasite versus host in cytoadherence of pRBCs to the brain microvasculature. Our results suggest that the absence of PbNK65 sequestration in the brain of C57BL/6 mice is mainly due to differences between this parasite and PbA in its intrinsic cytoadherence capability. Moreover, we observed a significant difference in numbers of merozoites formed per schizont between PbNK65 and PbA infections, which might account for the differences in parasitaemia growth rates and infectivity that have been described for these strains.A malĂĄria Ă© uma doença infecciosa responsĂĄvel por mais de 225 milhĂ”es de infecçÔes e 781 000 mortes por ano, a grande maioria de crianças atĂ© aos 5 anos de idade [1]. O seu impacto faz-se sentir nĂŁo sĂł a nĂ­vel social, mas tambĂ©m a nĂ­vel econĂłmico, sendo umas das causas da perpetuação do ciclo de pobreza que Ă© vivido nos paĂ­ses afectados por esta doença [2]. A malĂĄria Ă© causada por um parasita eucariota intracelular, do gĂ©nero Plasmodium, transmitido atravĂ©s da picada de um mosquito do gĂ©nero Anopheles, que pode infectar mamĂ­feros, rĂ©pteis e aves. No Homem, a malĂĄria pode ser decorrente da infecção por cinco espĂ©cies diferentes: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale e P. knowlesi [3]. Os parasitas do gĂ©nero Plasmodium tĂȘm um ciclo de vida complexo que se divide entre a fase sexuada, no vector invertebrado, e a fase assexuada, no mamĂ­fero. A infecção inicia-se quando o mosquito se alimenta de sangue de um mamĂ­fero e deposita na sua derme os esporozoĂ­tos [4]. Estes entram na corrente sanguĂ­nea, atravĂ©s da qual migram atĂ© atingir o fĂ­gado, onde irĂŁo dar inĂ­cio Ă  fase hepĂĄtica da infecção, clinicamente silenciosa. Dentro dos hepatĂłcitos, cada esporozoĂ­to irĂĄ desenvolver-se, dando origem a milhares de outros parasitas – merozoĂ­tos. Estes acabarĂŁo por sair da cĂ©lula-hospedeira em grupos de uma a duas centenas, em vesĂ­culas envoltas por membranas do prĂłprio hepatĂłcito [5, 6], chamadas merosomas. Os merosomas entram na corrente sanguĂ­nea [5] e tendem a acumular-se a nĂ­vel dos alvĂ©olos pulmonares [6], onde irĂŁo lisar e libertar os merozoĂ­tos. Estes infectam eritrĂłcitos, dando inĂ­cio Ă  fase sanguĂ­nea da infecção, a fase sintomĂĄtica da malĂĄria [6]. Dentro dos glĂłbulos vermelhos, o parasita aumenta de tamanho, desenvolvendo-se da forma imatura, em anel, atĂ© ao trofozoĂ­to. Nesta fase, o parasita continua a aumentar de tamanho, iniciando-se a replicação de DNA e a produção de cristais de hemozoĂ­na, como resultado da digestĂŁo da hemoglobina da cĂ©lula-hospedeira [7]. O momento de passagem a esquizonte dĂĄ-se quanto se inicia a esquizogenia. Este processo consiste num conjunto de mitoses assimĂ©tricas e assĂ­ncronas consecutivas que dĂŁo origem a mĂșltiplos parasitas (merozoĂ­tos) dentro do eritrĂłcito infectado [8]. Os merozoĂ­tos, aquando da lise da cĂ©lula-hospedeira, libertam-se na corrente sanguĂ­nea e infectam outros eritrĂłcitos, dando assim inĂ­cio a um novo ciclo de desenvolvimento sanguĂ­neo. Durante a fase sanguĂ­nea, alguns parasitas intraeritrocĂ­ticos podem diferenciar-se em gametĂłcitos femininos e masculinos, em resposta a stress ou outros factores. Os gametĂłcitos, ao serem ingeridos por um mosquito numa refeição de sangue, sofrem fusĂŁo meiĂłtica e um complexo processo de desenvolvimento que culmina na acumulação de esporozoĂ­tos nas glĂąndulas salivares do mosquito. Estes podem ser introduzidos no hospedeiro mamĂ­fero na prĂłxima refeição de sangue, assegurando assim a perpetuação da espĂ©cie [9]. As formas sanguĂ­neas maturas (FSM) de P. falciparum podem ser sequestradas em vĂĄrios ĂłrgĂŁos [10] e esta caracterĂ­stica estĂĄ associada ao grau de severidade da doença [11]. A capacidade de citoaderĂȘncia tem vindo a ser considerada um factor-chave no desenvolvimento de patologias severas associadas Ă  malĂĄria, nomeadamente no desenvolvimento de malĂĄria cerebral (MC) [12, 13]. No cĂ©rebro de doentes que morreram de MC hĂĄ sequestração prefencial das FSM, e os parasitas encontrados nos esfregaços de sangue de pacientes que deram entrada em hospitais com malĂĄria severa apresentam exclusivamente formas imaturas em anel [10]. Ratinhos C57BL/6 infectados com P. berghei ANKA (PbA) sĂŁo o modelo de MC mais usado. Foi recentemente demonstrado neste modelo a sequestração de eritrĂłcitos parasitados (EP) no cĂ©rebro, assim como de cĂ©lulas T CD8+, durante o desenvolvimento da patologia [14]. No entanto, ratinhos Balb/C infectados com o mesmo parasita nĂŁo desenvolvem malĂĄria cerebral experimental (MCE). Foi descrito que no cĂ©rebro destes ratinhos nĂŁo ocorre sequestração, nem de cĂ©lulas T CD8+, nem de EP [14]. Curiosamente, ratinhos C57BL/6 infectados com P. berghei NK65 tambĂ©m nĂŁo desenvolvem MCE nem sequestram EP, embora sequestrem cĂ©lulas T CD8+ no cĂ©rebro [14]. NĂŁo Ă© ainda claro se, durante a MCE, as FSM sĂŁo as Ășnicas que sequestram ou se estĂŁo presentes em circulação, tal como na MC humana. Usando os modelos murinos de malĂĄria referidos acima, o objectivo principal deste trabalho Ă© o estudo da dinĂąmica das formas sanguĂ­neas e a capacidade de citoaderĂȘncia das duas estirpes de P. berghei, e a sua possĂ­vel relação com sinais de doença observados nestes animais. Os nossos resultados mostram que, nas combinaçÔes de parasita-hospedeiro estudadas, as FSM de PbA e de PbNK65 dimiminuem proporcionalmente em circulação, em determinados fases da infecção in vivo e voltam a aumentar em proporção mais tarde na infecção. Para determinar se o desaparecimento de circulação das FSM de PbA Ă© devido Ă  sua sequestração em algum ĂłrgĂŁo ou Ă  eliminação do parasita no baço, infectĂĄmos ratinhos C57BL/6 ou Balb/C com uma linha de PbA que expressa uma proteĂ­na de fusĂŁo, a Luciferase-GFP, apenas nas FSM. Em diferentes fases da infecção, e apĂłs perfusĂŁo para eliminar os parasitas circulantes, determinados ĂłrgĂŁos foram extraĂ­dos (baço, fĂ­gado, pulmĂ”es e tecido adiposo) e o conteĂșdo em luciferase foi determinado por tĂ©cnicas de bioimagiologia. Os nossos resultados mostram que as FSM de PbA sequestram a nĂ­vel do baço e dos pulmĂ”es (nos ratinhos C57BL/6 infectados), assim como no tecido adiposo e fĂ­gado (em ambos os hospedeiros), sequestrando proporcionalmente muito mais no baço e no tecido adiposo. Esta sequestração Ă© concomitante com uma diminuição da proporção destas formas em circulação. É de referir que os baços de ratinhos Balb/C eram mais escuros e de maiores dimensĂ”es do que os baços de ratinhos C57BL/6, o que pode indicar um maior conteĂșdo em hemozoĂ­na e uma maior proliferação celular. Isto sugere uma maior eliminação do parasita pelo baço nos ratinhos Balb/C comparativamente com os ratinhos C57BL/6. No entanto, a quantidade de esquizontes viĂĄveis sequestrados Ă© significativamente inferior nos ratinhos Balb/C do que nos ratinhos C57BL/6. PretendĂ­amos tambĂ©m esclarecer a importĂąncia relativa do parasita versus hospedeiro na citoaderĂȘncia de EP Ă  microvasculatura cerebral, durante o desenvolvimento de MC. Especificamente, pretendĂ­amos perceber se a ausĂȘncia de sequestração de EP de PbNK65 no cĂ©rebro de ratinhos C57BL/6 Ă© devida Ă  incapacidade destes EP aderirem ao endotĂ©lio activado, ou se poderĂŁo haver diferenças no micro-ambiente gerado no cĂ©rebro em resposta ao parasita que possam explicar esse fenĂłtipo. Para isso, co-infectĂĄmos ratinhos C57BL/6 com PbNK65-GFP e PbA. Usando PCR-quantitativo em tempo real, medimos a expressĂŁo de GFP (e portanto a presença do parasita PbNK65) nos cĂ©rebros destes ratinhos, na fase final de MC. Os nossos resultados sugerem que os EP por PbNK65 nĂŁo sĂŁo sequestrados no cĂ©rebro de ratinhos C57BL/6, devido Ă  sua incapacidade intrĂ­nsica de aderir ao endotĂ©lio activado. Este projecto pretendia clarificar a dinĂąmica das formas circulantes e a capacidade de citoaderĂȘncia de duas estirpes de P. berghei, e a forma como estes padrĂ”es se podem correlacionar com a patologia. Os resultados nĂŁo sĂŁo conclusivos e mais experiĂȘncias tĂȘm de ser realizadas para elucidar este assunto. No entanto, consideramos que indiciam diferenças entre os mecanismos de sequestração no cĂ©rebro em relação a outros ĂłrgĂŁos, de PbA, assim como de PbNK65. Os nossos resultados tambĂ©m sugerem que existem diferenças intrĂ­nsecas ao parasita na capacidade de citoaderĂȘncia de EP por PbA versus EP por PbNK65 Ă  microvasculatura cerebral. AlĂ©m disto, observĂĄmos uma diferença significativa no nĂșmero de merozoĂ­tos formados por cada esquizonte, entre a infecção sanguĂ­nea por PbA e por PbNK65. Sugerimos que este facto pode estar na origem das diferenças jĂĄ descritas [15] entre as duas estirpes de P. berghei no que diz respeito Ă  taxa de crescimento de parasitĂ©mia e infecciosidade

    High School students' participation and the provision of choice

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    Tesis (Profesor de InglĂ©s para la Enseñanza BĂĄsica y Media y al grado acadĂ©mico de Licenciado en EducaciĂłn)Participation has been studied by many researchers during the last years. Researchers and important authorities related to the educational field highlight the importance of having students who actively participate inside the classrooms. Participation promotes interaction, which is a key element in the acquisition of a new language, and for this reason, when it comes to English classes, participation becomes even more important. Even though many researchers have been focusing their studies on analyzing in-class participation, there is a lack of studies in which students’ perceptions about their own participation are considered. Due to the importance of participation, many people have tried to come out with ideas, class methodologies and techniques that could enhance participation. Little is known about the provision of choice within classes however, studies on the topic have shown that the provision of choice, when offered in an appropriate way, could be beneficial for the creation of a sense of autonomy on students, and more specifically on adolescents. For the aim of the current study to be fulfill, the provision of choice will be considered as the opportunity for the meaningful realization of the individual’s desires or preferences related to class materials. The purpose of the current study is to understand high school students’ classroom participation views, and explore whether the provision of choice could somehow influence their perceptions about participation. An explanatory study using a mixed-method research design was used. A survey, a quantitative instrument, was utilized at the beginning of this investigation in order to select 5 out of 41 students from a ninth grade of a subsidized school. Classes in the school selected for this study were focused mainly on grammar and the participation rate inside the classroom was low therefore, it was considered a perfect scenario for the current study. After the survey, a first interview was done to the five participant of this study with the purpose of knowing students’ perceptions about participation and the concept of choice. Then, an intervention in which the provision of choice was given to the students with the use of class material took place. Finally, another interview was held in order to know if students’ perceptions about participation and choice had changed after the intervention. Results showed that in general students considered participation as an important factor inside the classroom; however, they did not feel comfortable participating orally in class. Finally, the results demonstrated that the provision of choice influenced students’ perceptions about participation within English sessions

    Life History of \u3ci\u3eCeratocombus Vagans\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Ceratocombidae), With Notes on the Immature Stages

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    The biology and life stages of Ceratocombus vagans are given together with distributional notes. The current systematic position of Ceratocombidae is reviewed. This species is one of the most generalized Hemiptera: Heteroptera known. Its predatory habits lend credance to the idea that primitive Hemiptera: Heteroptera were predaceous as suggested by Stys and others. Ceratocombus vagans occurs in moss, leaf litter, and under loose bark. It has wide distribution in much of North America

    Spartan Daily, November 1, 1983

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    Volume 81, Issue 45https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/7094/thumbnail.jp
