41 research outputs found

    Sparse Array Architectures for Wireless Communication and Radar Applications

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    This thesis focuses on sparse array architectures for the next generation of wireless communication, known as fifth-generation (5G), and automotive radar direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation. For both applications, array spatial resolution plays a critical role to better distinguish multiple users/sources. Two novel base station antenna (BSA) configurations and a new sparse MIMO radar, which both outperform their conventional counterparts, are proposed.\ua0We first develop a multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) simulation platform which incorporates both antenna and channel effects based on standard network theory. The combined transmitter-channel-receiver is modeled by cascading Z-matrices to interrelate the port voltages/currents to one another in the linear network model. The herein formulated channel matrix includes physical antenna and channel effects and thus enables us to compute the actual port powers. This is in contrast with the assumptions of isotropic radiators without mutual coupling effects which are commonly being used in the Wireless Community.\ua0Since it is observed in our model that the sum-rate of a MU-MIMO system can be adversely affected by antenna gain pattern variations, a novel BSA configuration is proposed by combining field-of-view (FOV) sectorization, array panelization and array sparsification. A multi-panel BSA, equipped with sparse arrays in each panel, is presented with the aim of reducing the implementation complexities and maintaining or even improving the sum-rate.\ua0We also propose a capacity-driven array synthesis in the presence of mutual coupling for a MU-MIMO system. We show that the appearance of\ua0grating lobes is degrading the system capacity and cannot be disregarded in a MU communication, where space division\ua0multiple access (SDMA) is applied. With the aid of sparsity and aperiodicity, the adverse effects of grating lobes and mutual coupling\ua0are suppressed and capacity is enhanced. This is performed by proposing a two-phase optimization. In Phase I, the problem\ua0is relaxed to a convex optimization by ignoring the mutual coupling and weakening the constraints. The solution of Phase I\ua0is used as the initial guess for the genetic algorithm (GA) in phase II, where the mutual coupling is taken into account. The\ua0proposed hybrid algorithm outperforms the conventional GA with random initialization.\ua0A novel sparse MIMO radar is presented for high-resolution single snapshot DOA estimation. Both transmit and receive arrays are divided into two uniform arrays with increased inter-element spacings to generate two uniform sparse virtual arrays. Since virtual arrays are uniform, conventional spatial smoothing can be applied for temporal correlation suppression among sources. Afterwards, the spatially smoothed virtual arrays satisfy the co-primality concept to avoid DOA ambiguities. Physical antenna effects are incorporated in the received signal model and their effects on the DOA estimation performance are investigated

    Antenna Systems

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    This book offers an up-to-date and comprehensive review of modern antenna systems and their applications in the fields of contemporary wireless systems. It constitutes a useful resource of new material, including stochastic versus ray tracing wireless channel modeling for 5G and V2X applications and implantable devices. Chapters discuss modern metalens antennas in microwaves, terahertz, and optical domain. Moreover, the book presents new material on antenna arrays for 5G massive MIMO beamforming. Finally, it discusses new methods, devices, and technologies to enhance the performance of antenna systems

    Sparse Linear Antenna Arrays: A Review

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    Linear sparse antenna arrays have been widely studied in array processing literature. They belong to the general class of non-uniform linear arrays (NULAs). Sparse arrays need fewer sensor elements than uniform linear arrays (ULAs) to realize a given aperture. Alternately, for a given number of sensors, sparse arrays provide larger apertures and higher degrees of freedom than full arrays (ability to detect more source signals through direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation). Another advantage of sparse arrays is that they are less affected by mutual coupling compared to ULAs. Different types of linear sparse arrays have been studied in the past. While minimum redundancy arrays (MRAs) and minimum hole arrays (MHAs) existed for more than five decades, other sparse arrays such as nested arrays, co-prime arrays and super-nested arrays have been introduced in the past decade. Subsequent to the introduction of co-prime and nested arrays in the past decade, many modifications, improvements and alternate sensor array configurations have been presented in the literature in the past five years (2015–2020). The use of sparse arrays in future communication systems is promising as they operate with little or no degradation in performance compared to ULAs. In this chapter, various linear sparse arrays have been compared with respect to parameters such as the aperture provided for a given number of sensors, ability to provide large hole-free co-arrays, higher degrees of freedom (DOFs), sharp angular resolutions and susceptibility to mutual coupling. The chapter concludes with a few recommendations and possible future research directions

    Multi-source parameter estimation and tracking using antenna arrays

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    This thesis is concerned with multi-source parameter estimation and tracking using antenna arrays in wireless communications. Various multi-source parameter estimation and tracking algorithms are presented and evaluated. Firstly, a novel multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication system is proposed for multi-parameter channel estimation. A manifold extender is presented for increasing the degrees of freedom (DoF). The proposed approach utilises the extended manifold vectors together with superresolution subspace type algorithms, to achieve the estimation of delay, direction of departure (DOD) and direction of arrival (DOA) of all the paths of the desired user in the presence of multiple access interference (MAI). Secondly, the MIMO system is extended to a virtual-spatiotemporal system by incorporating the temporal domain of the system towards the objective of further increasing the degrees of freedom. In this system, a multi-parameter es- timation of delay, Doppler frequency, DOD and DOA of the desired user, and a beamformer that suppresses the MAI are presented, by utilising the proposed virtual-spatiotemporal manifold extender and the superresolution subspace type algorithms. Finally, for multi-source tracking, two tracking approaches are proposed based on an arrayed Extended Kalman Filter (arrayed-EKF) and an arrayed Unscented Kalman Filter (arrayed-UKF) using two type of antenna arrays: rigid array and flexible array. If the array is rigid, the proposed approaches employ a spatiotemporal state-space model and a manifold extender to track the source parameters, while if it is flexible the array locations are also tracked simultaneously. Throughout the thesis, computer simulation studies are presented to investigate and evaluate the performance of all the proposed algorithms.Open Acces

    Super-Resolution Radar Imaging with Sparse Arrays Using a Deep Neural Network Trained with Enhanced Virtual Data

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    This paper introduces a method based on a deep neural network (DNN) that is perfectly capable of processing radar data from extremely thinned radar apertures. The proposed DNN processing can provide both aliasing-free radar imaging and super-resolution. The results are validated by measuring the detection performance on realistic simulation data and by evaluating the Point-Spread-function (PSF) and the target-separation performance on measured point-like targets. Also, a qualitative evaluation of a typical automotive scene is conducted. It is shown that this approach can outperform state-of-the-art subspace algorithms and also other existing machine learning solutions. The presented results suggest that machine learning approaches trained with sufficiently sophisticated virtual input data are a very promising alternative to compressed sensing and subspace approaches in radar signal processing. The key to this performance is that the DNN is trained using realistic simulation data that perfectly mimic a given sparse antenna radar array hardware as the input. As ground truth, ultra-high resolution data from an enhanced virtual radar are simulated. Contrary to other work, the DNN utilizes the complete radar cube and not only the antenna channel information at certain range-Doppler detections. After training, the proposed DNN is capable of sidelobe- and ambiguity-free imaging. It simultaneously delivers nearly the same resolution and image quality as would be achieved with a fully occupied array.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, Accepted to IEEE Journal of Microwave

    Joint Millimeter-Wave Communication and Radar for Automotive Applications

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    DTRT13-G-UTC58Automotive joint communication and radar (JCR) waveforms with fully digital baseband generation and processing can now be realized at the millimeter-wave (mmWave) band. Prior work has developed a mmWave wireless local area network (WLAN)-based automotive JCR that exploits the WLAN preamble for radars. The performance of target velocity estimation, however, was limited. In this paper, we propose an adaptive virtual JCR waveform design for automotive applications at the mmWave band. The proposed system transmits a few non-uniformly placed preambles to construct several receive virtual preambles for enhancing velocity estimation accuracy, at the cost of only a small reduction in the communication data rate. We evaluate JCR performance trade-offs using the Cramer- Rao Bound (CRB) metric for radar estimation and a novel distortion minimum mean square error (MMSE) metric for data communication. Additionally, we develop three different MMSE-based optimization problems for the adaptive JCR waveform design. Simulations show that an optimal virtual (non-uniform) waveform achieves a significant performance improvement as compared to a uniform waveform. For a radar CRB constrained optimization, the optimal radar range of operation and the optimal communication distortion MMSE (DMMSE) are improved. For a communication DMMSE constrained optimization with a high DMMSE constraint, the optimal radar CRB is enhanced. For a weighted MMSE average optimization, the advantage of the virtual waveform over the uniform waveform is increased with decreased communication weighting. Comparison of MMSE-based optimization with traditional virtual preamble count-based optimization indicated that the conventional solution converges to the MMSE- based one only for a small number of targets and a high signal-to-noise ratio