243 research outputs found

    Minimizing the residual topography effect on interferograms to improve DInSAR results: estimating land subsidence in Port-Said City, Egypt

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    The accurate detection of land subsidence rates in urban areas is important to identify damage-prone areas and provide decision-makers with useful information. Meanwhile, no precise measurements of land subsidence have been undertaken within the coastal Port-Said City in Egypt to evaluate its hazard in relationship to sea-level rise. In order to address this shortcoming, this work introduces and evaluates a methodology that substantially improves small subsidence rate estimations in an urban setting. Eight ALOS/PALSAR-1 scenes were used to estimate the land subsidence rates in Port-Said City, using the Small BAse line Subset (SBAS) DInSAR technique. A stereo pair of ALOS/PRISM was used to generate an accurate DEM to minimize the residual topography effect on the generated interferograms. A total of 347 well distributed ground control points (GCP) were collected in Port-Said City using the leveling instrument to calibrate the generated DEM. Moreover, the eight PALSAR scenes were co-registered using 50 well-distributed GCPs and used to generate 22 interferogram pairs. These PALSAR interferograms were subsequently filtered and used together with the coherence data to calculate the phase unwrapping. The phase-unwrapped interferogram-pairs were then evaluated to discard four interferograms that were affected by phase jumps and phase ramps. Results confirmed that using an accurate DEM (ALOS/PRISM) was essential for accurately detecting small deformations. The vertical displacement rate during the investigated period (2007–2010) was estimated to be −28 mm. The results further indicate that the northern area of Port-Said City has been subjected to higher land subsidence rates compared to the southern area. Such land subsidence rates might induce significant environmental changes with respect to sea-level rise

    Modeling the two- and three-dimensional displacement field in Lorca, Spain, subsidence and the global implications

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    Land subsidence associated with overexploitation of aquifers is a hazard that commonly affects large areas worldwide. The Lorca area, located in southeast Spain, has undergone one of the highest subsidence rates in Europe as a direct consequence of long-term aquifer exploitation. Previous studies carried out on the region assumed that the ground deformation retrieved from satellite radar interferometry corresponds only to vertical displacement. Here we report, for the first time, the two- and three-dimensional displacement field over the study area using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data from Sentinel-1A images and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations. By modeling this displacement, we provide new insights on the spatial and temporal evolution of the subsidence processes and on the main governing mechanisms. Additionally, we also demonstrate the importance of knowing both the vertical and horizontal components of the displacement to properly characterize similar hazards. Based on these results, we propose some general guidelines for the sustainable management and monitoring of land subsidence related to anthropogenic activities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Review of works combining GNSS and insar in Europe

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    The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) can be combined to achieve different goals, owing to their main principles. Both enable the collection of information about ground deformation due to the differences of two consequent acquisitions. Their variable applications, even if strictly related to ground deformation and water vapor determination, have encouraged the scientific community to combine GNSS and InSAR data and their derivable products. In this work, more than 190 scientific contributions were collected spanning the whole European continent. The spatial and temporal distribution of such studies, as well as the distinction in different fields of application, were analyzed. Research in Italy, as the most represented nation, with 47 scientific contributions, has been dedicated to the spatial and temporal distribution of its studied phenomena. The state-of-the-art of the various applications of these two combined techniques can improve the knowledge of the scientific community and help in the further development of new approaches or additional applications in different fields. The demonstrated usefulness and versability of the combination of GNSS and InSAR remote sensing techniques for different purposes, as well as the availability of free data, EUREF and GMS (Ground Motion Service), and the possibility of overcoming some limitations of these techniques through their combination suggest an increasingly widespread approach


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    Optimization of satellite insar techniques for monitoring of subsidence in the surroundings of Karvina mine: Lazy plant

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    This paper deals with issues related to convenient monitoring of subsidence due to longtime mining activities of Czech Karviná Mine: Lazy plant, using satellite SAR interferometry (InSAR) techniques. It maintains approaches for optimizations of differential InSAR, especially including available filtering possibilities. It was realized that current SAR satellites were not able to appropriately evaluate deep subsidence as it occurs in Czech mining sites. Other issues are related to the presence of dense vegetation. Data from previous and only available L-band SAR satellite ALOS demonstrates its high potential in this area of interest. However, only a few acquisitions are available of the mining site disallowing usage for purposes of continuous monitoring of subsidence in the area. Processing results of InSAR techniques of the Lazy plant are presented in this paper.Web of Science101656

    The evolution of Wide-Area DInSAR: from regional and national services to the European Ground Motion Service

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    This study is focused on wide-area deformation monitoring initiatives based on the differential interferometric SAR technique (DInSAR). In particular, it addresses the use of advanced DInSAR (A-DInSAR) techniques, which are based on large sets of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and Copernicus Sentinel-1 images. Such techniques have undergone a dramatic development in the last twenty years: they are now capable to process big sets of SAR images and can be exploited to realize a wide-area A-DInSAR monitoring. The study describes several initiatives to establish wide-area ground motion services (GMS), both at county- and region-level. In the second part of the study, some of the key technical aspects related to wide-area A-DInSAR monitoring are discussed. Finally, the last part of the study is devoted to the European ground motion service (EGMS), which is part of the Copernicus land monitoring service. It represents the most important wide-area A-DInSAR deformation monitoring system ever developed. The study describes its main characteristics and its main products. The end of the production of the first EGMS baseline product is foreseen for the last quarter of 202

    Sentinel-1 data exploitation for terrain deformation monitoring

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    Persistent Scatterer interferometry (PSI) is a group of advanced differential interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) techniques used to measure and monitor terrain deformation. Sentinel-1 has improved the data acquisition throughout and, compared to previous sensors, increased considerably the Differential Interferometric SAR (DInSAR) and PSI deformation monitoring potential. The effect of the refractive atmosphere on the interferometric phase and phase unwrapping ambiguity are two critical issues of InSAR. The low density of Persistent Scatterer (PS) in non-urban areas, another critical issue, has inspired the development of alternative approaches and refinement of the PS chains. Along with the efforts to develop methods to mitigate the three above-mentioned problems, the work presented in this thesis also deals with the presence of a new signal in multilooked interferograms which cannot be explained by noise, atmospheric or earth surface topography changes. This paper describes a method for atmospheric phase screen estimation using rain station weather data and three different data driven procedures to obtain terrain deformation maps. These approaches aim to exploit Sentinel-1 highly coherent interferograms and their short revisit time. The first method called the splitting makes uses of the power spectrum of the interferograms to split the signals into high and low frequency, and following a mutually exclusive consecutive processing chain for the two sets. This approach has resulted in greater density of PSs with decreased phase unwrapping errors. The second approach, called Direct Integration (DI), aims at providing a very fast and straightforward approach to screen wide areas and easily detect active areas. This approach fully exploits the coherent interferograms from the consecutive images provided by Sentinel-1 resulting in a very high sampling density. However, it lacks robustness and its usability lays on the operator experience. The third method, called PSIG (Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Geomatics) short temporal baseline, provides a constrained application of the PSIG chain, the CTTC approach to the PSI. It uses short temporal baseline interferograms and do not assume any deformation model for point selection. It is also quite a straightforward approach and a perfect complement to the direct integration approach. It improves the performances of the standard PSIG approach, increasing the PS density and providing robust measurements. The effectiveness of the approaches is illustrated through analyses performed on different test sites.La técnica Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) es un grupo de técnicas avanzadas de radar de apertura sintética interferométrica diferencial (SAR) que se utiliza para medir y monitorear losmovimientos del terreno. Sentinel-1 ha mejorado sensiblemente la adquisición de datos y, en comparación con los sensores SAR anteriores, ha aumentado considerablemente el potencial uso de la interferometría diferencial SAR y del PSI para medir y monitorizar desplazamientos del terreno. El efecto de la atmósfera sobre la fase interferométrica y la naturaleza ambigua de esta son dos cuestiones críticas de InSAR. Además, la baja densidad de Persistent Scatterer (PSs) en áreas no urbanas, es otro tema crítico que ha inspirado el desarrollo de enfoques alternativos y el refinamiento de las cadenas PS existentes. Junto con los esfuerzos por desarrollar métodos para mitigar los tres problemas antes mencionados, el trabajo presentado en esta tesis también aborda la presencia de una nueva señal en interferogramas multilooked que no puede explicarse por cambios de ruido, atmosféricos o topográficos de la superficie terrestre. Esta tesis describe un método para la estimación de la fase atmosférica utilizando datos meteorológicos adquiridos in-situ y tres aproximaciones diferentes basadas en datos Sentinel-1 para obtener mapas de deformación del terreno. Estos enfoques tienen como objetivo explotar los interferogramas altamente coherentes proporcionados por Sentinel-1 gracias a su corto tiempo de revisita. El primer método llamado división hace uso de filtros en el dominico frecuencial de los interferogramas para dividir las señales en alta y baja frecuencia, y siguiendo una cadena de procesamiento consecutiva independiente para cada clase. Este enfoque ha dado como resultado una mejora substancial de PS minimizando los errores debidos al desenrollado de fase. El segundo enfoque, llamado Integración Directa (DI), tiene como objetivo proporcionar un enfoque muy rápido y sencillo para examinar áreas amplias y detectar fácilmente áreas activas. Este enfoque aprovecha al máximo los interferogramas coherentes de las imágenes consecutivas proporcionadas por Sentinel-1, lo que da como resultado una densidad de muestreo muy alta. Sin embargo, carece de robustez y su usabilidad depende de la experiencia del operador. El tercer método, llamado PSIG (Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Geomatics) de línea de base temporal corta, proporciona una aplicación restringida de la cadena PSIG, el enfoque CTTC para el PSI. Utiliza interferogramas de línea base temporales cortos y no asume ningún modelo de deformación para la selección de puntos. Su uso es complementario al enfoque de integración directa proporcionando robustez en las zonas. Mejora el rendimiento del enfoque estándar de PSIG, aumentando la densidad de PS y proporcionando mediciones robustas. La efectividad de los enfoques se ilustra a través de análisis realizados en diferentes sitios de prueba.Postprint (published version

    Parameters affecting interferometric coherence and implications for long-term operational monitoring of mining-induced surface deformation

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.Surface deformation due to underground mining poses risks to health and safety as well as infrastructure and the environment. Consequently, the need for long-term operational monitoring systems exists. Traditional field-based measurements are point-based meaning that the full extent of deforming areas is poorly understood. Field-based techniques are also labour intensive if large areas are to be monitored on a regular basis. To overcome these limitations, this investigation considered traditional and advanced differential radar interferometry techniques for their ability to monitor large areas over time, remotely. An area known to be experiencing mining induced surface deformation was used as test case. The agricultural nature of the area implied that signal decorrelation effects were expected. Consequently, four sources of data, captured at three wavelengths by earth-orbiting satellites were obtained. This provided the opportunity to investigate different phase decorrelation effects on data from standard imaging platforms using real-world deformation phenomenon as test-case. The data were processed using standard dInSAR and polInSAR techniques. The deformation measurement results together with an analysis of parameters most detrimental to long-term monitoring were presented. The results revealed that, contrary to the hypothesis, polInSAR techniques did not provide an enhanced ability to monitor surface deformation compared to dInSAR techniques. Although significant improvements in coherence values were obtained, the spatial heterogeneity of phase measurements could not be improved. Consequently, polInSAR could not overcome ecorrelation associated with vegetation cover and evolving land surfaces. However, polarimetric information could be used to assess the scattering behaviour of the surface, thereby guiding the definition of optimal sensor configuration for long-term monitoring. Despite temporal and geometric decorrelation, the results presented demonstrated that mining-induced deformation could be measured and monitored using dInSAR techniques. Large areas could be monitored remotely and the areal extent of deforming areas could be assessed, effectively overcoming the limitations of field-based techniques. Consequently, guidelines for the optimal sensor configuration and image acquisition strategy for long-term operational monitoring of mining-induced surface deformation were provided
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