291 research outputs found

    Reversal of cancer gene expression identifies repurposed drugs for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma

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    Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is an aggressive incurable brainstem tumor that targets young children. Complete resection is not possible, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy are currently only palliative. This study aimed to identify potential therapeutic agents using a computational pipeline to perform an in silico screen for novel drugs. We then tested the identified drugs against a panel of patient-derived DIPG cell lines. Using a systematic computational approach with publicly available databases of gene signature in DIPG patients and cancer cell lines treated with a library of clinically available drugs, we identified drug hits with the ability to reverse a DIPG gene signature to one that matches normal tissue background. The biological and molecular effects of drug treatment was analyzed by cell viability assay and RNA sequence. In vivo DIPG mouse model survival studies were also conducted. As a result, two of three identified drugs showed potency against the DIPG cell lines Triptolide and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) demonstrated significant inhibition of cell viability in DIPG cell lines. Guanosine rescued reduced cell viability induced by MMF. In vivo, MMF treatment significantly inhibited tumor growth in subcutaneous xenograft mice models. In conclusion, we identified clinically available drugs with the ability to reverse DIPG gene signatures and anti-DIPG activity in vitro and in vivo. This novel approach can repurpose drugs and significantly decrease the cost and time normally required in drug discovery

    Cell migration in paediatric glioma; characterisation and potential therapeutic targeting

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    Background: Paediatric high grade glioma (pHGG) and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) are highly aggressive brain tumours. Their invasive phenotype contributes to their limited therapeutic response, and novel treatments that block brain tumour invasion are needed. Methods: Here, we examine the migratory characteristics and treatment effect of small molecule glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibitors, lithium chloride (LiCl) and the indirubin derivative 6-bromoindirubin-oxime (BIO), previously shown to inhibit the migration of adult glioma cells, on two pHGG cell lines (SF188 and KNS42) and one patient-derived DIPG line (HSJD-DIPG-007) using 2D (transwell membrane, immunofluorescence, live cell imaging) and 3D (migration on nanofibre plates and spheroid invasion in collagen) assays. Results: All lines were migratory, but there were differences in morphology and migration rates. Both LiCl and BIO reduced migration and instigated cytoskeletal rearrangement of stress fibres and focal adhesions when viewed by immunofluorescence. In the presence of drugs, loss of polarity and differences in cellular movement were observed by live cell imaging. Conclusions: Ours is the first study to demonstrate that it is possible to pharmacologically target migration of paediatric glioma in vitro using LiCl and BIO, and we conclude that these agents and their derivatives warrant further preclinical investigation as potential anti-migratory therapeutics for these devastating tumours

    Delta-24-RGD combined with radiotherapy exerts a potent antitumor effect in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma and pediatric high grade glioma models

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    Pediatric high grade gliomas (pHGG), including diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPGs), are aggressive tumors with a dismal outcome. Radiotherapy (RT) is part of the standard of care of these tumors; however, radiotherapy only leads to a transient clinical improvement. Delta-24-RGD is a genetically engineered tumor-selective adenovirus that has shown safety and clinical efficacy in adults with recurrent gliomas. In this work, we evaluated the feasibility, safety and therapeutic efficacy of Delta-24-RGD in combination with radiotherapy in pHGGs and DIPGs models. Our results showed that the combination of Delta-24-RGD with radiotherapy was feasible and resulted in a synergistic anti-glioma effect in vitro and in vivo in pHGG and DIPG models. Interestingly, Delta-24-RGD treatment led to the downregulation of relevant DNA damage repair proteins, further sensitizing tumors cells to the effect of radiotherapy. Additionally, Delta-24-RGD/radiotherapy treatment significantly increased the trafficking of immune cells (CD3, CD4+ and CD8+) to the tumor niche compared with single treatments. In summary, administration of the Delta-24-RGD/radiotherapy combination to pHGG and DIPG models is safe and significantly increases the overall survival of mice bearing these tumors. Our data offer a rationale for the combination Delta-24-RGD/radiotherapy as a therapeutic option for children with these tumors. SIGNIFICANCE: Delta-24-RGD/radiotherapy administration is safe and significantly increases the survival of treated mice. These positive data underscore the urge to translate this approach to the clinical treatment of children with pHGG and DIPGs

    PRMT5 inhibition shows in vitro efficacy against H3K27M-altered diffuse midline glioma, but does not extend survival in vivo

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    H3K27-altered Diffuse Midline Glioma (DMG) is a universally fatal paediatric brainstem tumour. The prevalent driver mutation H3K27M creates a unique epigenetic landscape that may also establish therapeutic vulnerabilities to epigenetic inhibitors. However, while HDAC, EZH2 and BET inhibitors have proven somewhat effective in pre-clinical models, none have translated into clinical benefit due to either poor blood–brain barrier penetration, lack of efficacy or toxicity. Thus, there remains an urgent need for new DMG treatments. Here, we performed wider screening of an epigenetic inhibitor library and identified inhibitors of protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) among the top hits reducing DMG cell viability. Two of the most effective inhibitors, LLY-283 and GSK591, were targeted against PRMT5 using distinct binding mechanisms and reduced the viability of a subset of DMG cells expressing wild-type TP53 and mutant ACVR1. RNA-sequencing and phenotypic analyses revealed that LLY-283 could reduce the viability, clonogenicity and invasion of DMG cells in vitro, representing three clinically important phenotypes, but failed to prolong survival in an orthotopic xenograft model. Together, these data show the challenges of DMG treatment and highlight PRMT5 inhibitors for consideration in future studies of combination treatments

    TIM-3 blockade in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma models promotes tumor regression and antitumor immune memory

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    Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is an aggressive brain stem tumor and the leading cause of pediatric cancer-related death. To date, these tumors remain incurable, underscoring the need for efficacious therapies. In this study, we demonstrate that the immune checkpoint TIM-3 (HAVCR2) is highly expressed in both tumor cells and microenvironmental cells, mainly microglia and macrophages, in DIPG. We show that inhibition of TIM-3 in syngeneic models of DIPG prolongs survival and produces long-term survivors free of disease that harbor immune memory. This antitumor effect is driven by the direct effect of TIM-3 inhibition in tumor cells, the coordinated action of several immune cell populations, and the secretion of chemokines/cytokines that create a proinflammatory tumor microenvironment favoring a potent antitumor immune response. This work uncovers TIM-3 as a bona fide target in DIPG and supports its clinical translation

    Investigating the expression and role of chloride ion channels in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma

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    Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a highly aggressive type of glial brain tumour found in the pons region of the brainstem. DIPG accounts for about 10% of childhood central nervous system tumours and the prognosis for these children is poor. Resistance to radiation, the only current available therapy for DIPG, is one of the biggest challenges. This resistance could be due to the plasticity of DIPG cells, allowing them to rapidly adapt in response to different conditions. Preliminary RNA sequencing analyses of patient tumours identified the expression of ion channel genes including the GABA family. It is known that ion channels regulate tumour plasticity in other cancers and as such we aimed to investigate and characterise the role of ion channels in DIPG. This study aimed to validate the mRNA and protein expression of the GABA-A receptors associated with ligand-gated chloride channels, in DIPG patient-derived cell lines. The results of the study validated mRNA expression of the GABA-A receptor subunits using semi-quantitative and quantitative RT-PCR. Protein expression of three of the most highly expressed subunits (GABRA2, GABRA4, and GABRA5) was also demonstrated using western blotting and immunocytochemistry. Furthermore, a drug screen and titration showed that some GABA-A receptor modulators significantly inhibited proliferation of DIPG cells. This work confirmed that GABA-A subunits are expressed in DIPG cells and that blocking these ion channels inhibits DIPG cell proliferation. These findings form the foundation for future studies that will investigate GABA-A receptor drugs as potential treatments for DIPG using preclinical models

    Dual targeting of the epigenome via FACT complex and histone deacetylase is a potent treatment strategy for DIPG

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    Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is an aggressive and incurable childhood brain tumor for which new treatments are needed. CBL0137 is an anti-cancer compound developed from quinacrine that targets facilitates chromatin transcription (FACT), a chromatin remodeling complex involved in transcription, replication, and DNA repair. We show that CBL0137 displays profound cytotoxic activity against a panel of patient-derived DIPG cultures by restoring tumor suppressor TP53 and Rb activity. Moreover, in an orthotopic model of DIPG, treatment with CBL0137 significantly extends animal survival. The FACT subunit SPT16 is found to directly interact with H3.3K27M, and treatment with CBL0137 restores both histone H3 acetylation and trimethylation. Combined treatment of CBL0137 with the histone deacetylase inhibitor panobinostat leads to inhibition of the Rb/E2F1 pathway and induction of apoptosis. The combination of CBL0137 and panobinostat significantly prolongs the survival of mice bearing DIPG orthografts, suggesting a potential treatment strategy for DIPG

    Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus Inhibits Pediatric Brain Tumor Migration and Invasion

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    Paediatric high grade glioma (pHGG) and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) are invasive tumours with poor survival. Oncolytic virotherapy, initially devised as a direct cytotoxic treatment, is now also known to act via immune-mediated mechanisms. Here we investigate a previously unreported mechanism of action – the inhibition of migration and invasion in paediatric brain tumours. We evaluated the effect of oncolytic herpes simplex virus 1716 (HSV1716) on the migration and invasion of pHGG and DIPG both in vitro using 2D (scratch assay, live cell imaging) and 3D (spheroid invasion in collagen) assays and in vivo using an orthotopic xenograft model of DIPG invasion. HSV1716 inhibited migration and invasion in pHGG and DIPG cell lines. pHGG cells demonstrated reduced velocity and changed morphology in the presence of virus. HSV1716 altered pHGG cytoskeletal dynamics by stabilising microtubules, inhibiting glycogen synthase kinase-3 and preventing localised clustering of adenomatous polyposis coli to the leading edge of cells. HSV1716 treatment also reduced tumour infiltration in a mouse orthotopic xenograft DIPG model. Our results demonstrate that HSV1716 targets the migration and invasion of pHGG and DIPG and indicates the potential of an oncolytic virus to be used as a novel anti-invasive treatment strategy for paediatric brain tumours

    The oncolytic virus Delta-24-RGD elicits an antitumor effect in pediatric glioma and DIPG mouse models

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    Pediatric high-grade glioma (pHGG) and diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPGs) are aggressive pediatric brain tumors in desperate need of a curative treatment. Oncolytic virotherapy is emerging as a solid therapeutic approach. Delta-24-RGD is a replication competent adenovirus engineered to replicate in tumor cells with an aberrant RB pathway. This virus has proven to be safe and effective in adult gliomas. Here we report that the administration of Delta-24-RGD is safe in mice and results in a significant increase in survival in immunodeficient and immunocompetent models of pHGG and DIPGs. Our results show that the Delta-24-RGD antiglioma effect is mediated by the oncolytic effect and the immune response elicited against the tumor. Altogether, our data highlight the potential of this virus as treatment for patients with these tumors. Of clinical significance, these data have led to the start of a phase I/II clinical trial at our institution for newly diagnosed DIPG (NCT03178032)
