4,224 research outputs found

    Productivity drivers in European banking: Country effects, legal tradition and market dynamics

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    This paper analyses efficiency drivers of a representative sample of European banks by means of the two-stage procedure proposed by Simar and Wilson (2007). In the first stage, the technical efficiency of banks is estimated using DEA (data envelopment analysis) in order to establish which of them are most efficient. Their ranking is based on total productivity in the period 1993-2003. In the second stage, the Simar and Wilson (2007) procedure is used to bootstrap the DEA scores with a truncated bootstrapped regression. The policy implications of our findings are considered


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    This paper examines whether better property rights will increase joint productivity of agricultural and timber products in the Brazilian Amazon. Farrell output-based technical efficiency and technological progress measures are derived by using DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) for Amazonian counties and are regressed on non-discretional variables such as land title. Land title is found to significantly improve the technical efficiency.Technical efficiency, property rights, DEA, two-stage procedure, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Analisa Struktur Pasar Dan Efisiensi Industri Perbankan Di Indonesia Periode 2007-2012

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    The purpose of this study is to determine how the market structure and efficiency of banking industry in Indonesia. The analysis technique used in this research is using concentration ratio (CR20), Herfindahl Hirchman Index (HHI), and DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). This study use banking and corporate assets datas to determine the efficiency 20 banks in Indonesia period 2007-2012. The results showed that level of concentration ratio (CR20) range from 77.69% - 79.47%. This figure shows the structure of the banking industry in 2007-2012 is a tight oligopoly, level competition Indonesia Banking Indonesia is less competitive with high concentration , it is characterized by competition between the market share of twenty dominant banking of assets. In the calculation of twenty Indonesian banking in the period 2007-2012 by using the method of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis)we find that there is because have each bank have different character differences in the efficiency of each bank

    Income Distribution Determinants and Public Spending Efficiency

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    In this paper we examine the impact of public spending, education, and institutions on income distribution in advanced economies. We also assess the efficiency of public spending in redistributing income by using a DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) nonparametric approach. We find that public policies significantly affect income distribution, notably via social spending, and indirectly via high quality education/human capital and via sound economic institutions. Moreover, for our set of OECD countries, and within a two-step approach, several so-called non-discretionary factors help explaining public social spending inefficiencies.income redistribution; public spending; efficiency; DEA.

    Income distribution determinants and public spending efficiency

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    In this paper we examine the impact of public spending, education, and institutions on income distribution in advanced economies. We also assess the efficiency of public spending in redistributing income by using a DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) nonparametric approach. We find that public policies significantly affect income distribution, notably via social spending, and indirectly via high quality education/human capital and via sound economic institutions. Moreover, for our set of OECD countries, and within a two-step approach, several so-called non-discretionary factors help explaining public social spending inefficiencies. JEL Classification: C14, H40, H50DEA, Efficiency, income redistribution, public spending

    Leading advertisers efficiency evaluated by data envelopment analysis

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    In this paper we analyze the problem of measuring the advertising efficiency of the Leading US Advertisers during the period 2001-2006. We use the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) approach that enables to evaluate the relative efficiency in case of multiple inputs and outputs. In particular, the classical CCR-DEA model is first implemented in each year considered; a windows analysis approach is then used in order to better capture the dynamics of efficiency. Finally, the effect on efficiency of advertising spending over time, is captured by Adstock as an additional variable of the DEA model. The dynamics of Adstock is described by a finite difference equation.

    The role of dea in CSR efficiency evaluation

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    Оцінка корпоративної соціальної відповіальності (далі КСВ) широко обговорюється в науковій та професійній літературі. Основною причиною цього є зростання її значення для репутації компаній, зацікавлених сторін і наукових досліджень. В статті досліджено проблему вимірювання ефективності КСВ. З цією метою, авторами запропоновано застосування непараметричного методу аналізу DEA (Data envelopment analysis) як одного із методів вимірювання продуктивності (ефективності) КСВ, враховуючи особливості вхідних та вихідних параметрів соціальної діяльност

    A DEA-TOPSIS method for multiple criteria decision analysis in emergency management

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    A hybrid approach of DEA (data envelopment analysis) and TOPSIS (technique for order performance (preference) by similarity to ideal solution) is proposed for multiple criteria decision analysis in emergency management. Two DEA-based optimization models are constructed to facilitate identifying parameter information regarding criterion weights and quantifying qualitative criteria in TOPSIS. An emergency management case study utilizing data from the Emergency Management Australia (EMA) Disasters Database is provided to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed analysis procedure

    DEAとInverted DEAのノンパラメトリック検定を用いたわが国の電力各社の生産性に対する電力自由化の効果検証

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    This paper is verifying of the effects on the electric power deregulation in Japan to the productivity of each electric power company by using the parametric and nonparametric test of the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) and the Inverted DEA (Inverted Data Envelopment Analysis). In this paper, the first step of the evaluation of the relative efficiencies and inefficiencies of each electric power company for a total of 21 years before and after electric power deregulation. The second step of the verification of the effects on the electric power deregulation in Japan to the productivity of each electric power company by using the parametric and nonparametric test of the DEA and the Inverted DEA are clarified. The verification of the effects on the electric power deregulation of the productivity of each electric power company was identified statistically

    Algunas explicaciones para el grado de penetración de la banda ancha

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    Los últimos años han estado marcados, en los mercados de las telecomunicaciones, y en particu lar en la banda ancha, por el debate entre dos grandes políticas regulatorias y, en consonancia con esto, dos enfoques regulatorios en cuanto a modelos de competencia: uno con especial hincapié en la promoción de la competencia entre infraestructuras (modelo de competencia plena en redes y servi cios) y otro con énfasis en la promoción de la competencia dentro de una misma infraestructura (mode lo de competencia restringida a los servicios). En este contexto, el presente artículo muestra la evi dencia empírica de los beneficios del primer modelo para el desarrollo y penetración de la banda ancha, utilizando como herramientas el análisis econométrico y el análisis envolvente de datos (DEA, Data Envelopment Analysis).In recent years telecommunication market, particulary the broanband market, have been marked by debate over the two important regulatory policies, and as such, two focus on competition models: one with special emphasis in promoting competition among infrastructures (full competition model in networks and services, and another with emphasis in promoting competition within the same infrastructure (competition model restricted to services). It is within this context that our article presents empirical evidence on the benefits of the first model for the development and penetration of the broadband, using econometric analysis, as well as DEA (data envelopment analysis), as tools.Publicad