90 research outputs found

    Synchronous visual analysis and editing of RNA sequence and secondary structure alignments using 4SALE

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The function of a noncoding RNA sequence is mainly determined by its secondary structure and therefore a family of noncoding RNA sequences is much more conserved on the structural level than on the sequence level. Understanding the function of noncoding RNA sequence families requires two things: a hand-crafted or hand-improved alignment and detailed analyses of the secondary structures. There are several tools available that help performing these tasks, but all of them are specialized and focus on only one aspect, editing the alignment or plotting the secondary structure. The problem is both these tasks need to be performed simultaneously.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>4SALE is designed to handle sequence and secondary structure information of RNAs synchronously. By including a complete new method of simultaneous visualization and editing RNA sequences and secondary structure information, 4SALE enables to improve and understand RNA sequence and secondary structure evolution much more easily.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>4SALE is a step further for simultaneously handling RNA sequence and secondary structure information. It provides a complete new way of visual monitoring different structural aspects, while editing the alignment. The software is freely available and distributed from its website at <url>http://4sale.bioapps.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de/</url></p

    NOBAI: a web server for character coding of geometrical and statistical features in RNA structure

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    The Numeration of Objects in Biology: Alignment Inferences (NOBAI) web server provides a web interface to the applications in the NOBAI software package. This software codes topological and thermodynamic information related to the secondary structure of RNA molecules as multi-state phylogenetic characters, builds character matrices directly in NEXUS format and provides sequence randomization options. The web server is an effective tool that facilitates the search for evolutionary history embedded in the structure of functional RNA molecules. The NOBAI web server is accessible at ‘http://www.manet.uiuc.edu/nobai/nobai.php’. This web site is free and open to all users and there is no login requirement

    Análisis de la estructura secundaria del LSU rRNA mitocondrial de caracoles terrestres peruanos (Orthalicidae: Gastropoda)

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    The alignment of ribosomal genes is difficult due to insertion and deletion events of nucleotides, making the alignment ambiguous. This can be overcome by using information from the secondary structure of ribosomal genes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of the secondary structure in improving the alignment of the 16S rRNA gene in land snails of the family Orthalicidae. We assessed 10 Orthalicid species (five genera). Total DNA was isolated and the partial 16S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced using internal primers. The sequences were aligned with ClustalX and manually corrected, in DCSE format, using the 16S rRNA secondary structure of Albinaria caerulea (Pulmonata: Clausiliidae). The sequences obtained ranged from 323 to 345 bp corresponding to parts of both domains IV and V of the 16S rRNA gene. The secondary structure was recovered by homology using RnaViz 2.0. Most stems are conserved, and in general the loops are more variable. The compensatory mutations in stems are related to maintenance of the structure. The absence of a bulge-stem-loop in domain V places the family Orthalicidae within the Heterobranchia.El alineamiento de genes ribosomales es dificultoso debido a eventos de inserción y deleción de nucleótidos, convirtiendo el alineamiento en ambiguo; esto puede ser superado utilizando la información de la estructura secundaria. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la utilidad de la estructura secundaria en mejorar el alineamiento del gen 16S rRNA de caracoles terrestres de la familia Orthalicidae. Se evaluaron 10 especies de Orthalicidos (5 géneros). El ADN total fue aislado y parte del gen 16S rRNA fue amplificado y secuenciado usando primers internos. Las secuencias fueron alineadas con ClustalX y corregidas a mano, en formato DCSE, usando la estructura secundaria del 16S rRNA de Albinaria caerulea (Pulmonata: Clausiliidae). Las secuencias obtenidas variaron de 323 a 345 pb correspondiendo a partes del dominio IV y V del gen 16S rRNA. Se pudo recuperar por homología la estructura secundaria para los Orthalicidos usando RnaViz 2.0. La mayoría de las hélices son conservadas, siendo en general los bucles más variables. El fenómeno de mutaciones compensatorias en las hélices, estaría relacionado con la conservación de la estructura. La ausencia de un "bulge-stem-loop" en el dominio V ubica a la familia Orthalicidae dentro de Heterobranchia

    RNA Movies 2: sequential animation of RNA secondary structures

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    RNA Movies is a simple, yet powerful visualization tool in likeness to a media player application, which enables to browse sequential paths through RNA secondary structure landscapes. It can be used to visualize structural rearrangement processes of RNA, such as folding pathways and conformational switches, or to browse lists of alternative structure candidates. Besides extending the feature set, retaining and improving usability and availability in the web is the main aim of this new version. RNA Movies now supports the DCSE and RNAStructML input formats besides its own RNM format. Pseudoknots and ‘entangled helices’ can be superimposed on the RNA secondary structure layout. Publication quality output is provided through the Scalable Vector Graphics output format understood by most current drawing programs. The software has been completely re-implemented in Java to enable pure client-side operation as applet and web-start application available at the Bielefeld Bioinformatics Server http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/rnamovie

    4SALE – A tool for synchronous RNA sequence and secondary structure alignment and editing

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    BACKGROUND: In sequence analysis the multiple alignment builds the fundament of all proceeding analyses. Errors in an alignment could strongly influence all succeeding analyses and therefore could lead to wrong predictions. Hand-crafted and hand-improved alignments are necessary and meanwhile good common practice. For RNA sequences often the primary sequence as well as a secondary structure consensus is well known, e.g., the cloverleaf structure of the t-RNA. Recently, some alignment editors are proposed that are able to include and model both kinds of information. However, with the advent of a large amount of reliable RNA sequences together with their solved secondary structures (available from e.g. the ITS2 Database), we are faced with the problem to handle sequences and their associated secondary structures synchronously. RESULTS: 4SALE fills this gap. The application allows a fast sequence and synchronous secondary structure alignment for large data sets and for the first time synchronous manual editing of aligned sequences and their secondary structures. This study describes an algorithm for the synchronous alignment of sequences and their associated secondary structures as well as the main features of 4SALE used for further analyses and editing. 4SALE builds an optimal and unique starting point for every RNA sequence and structure analysis. CONCLUSION: 4SALE, which provides an user-friendly and intuitive interface, is a comprehensive toolbox for RNA analysis based on sequence and secondary structure information. The program connects sequence and structure databases like the ITS2 Database to phylogeny programs as for example the CBCAnalyzer. 4SALE is written in JAVA and therefore platform independent. The software is freely available and distributed from the website a

    Viewing multiple sequence alignments with the JavaScript Sequence Alignment Viewer (JSAV)

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    The JavaScript Sequence Alignment Viewer (JSAV) is designed as a simple-to-use JavaScript component for displaying sequence alignments on web pages. The display of sequences is highly configurable with options to allow alternative coloring schemes, sorting of sequences and ’dotifying’ repeated amino acids. An option is also available to submit selected sequences to another web site, or to other JavaScript code. JSAV is implemented purely in JavaScript making use of the JQuery and JQuery-UI libraries. It does not use any HTML5-specific options to help with browser compatibility. The code is documented using JSDOC and is available from http://www.bioinf.org.uk/software/jsav/

    Baujardia mirabilis gen. n., sp n. from pitcher plants and its phylogenetic position within Panagrolaimidae (Nematoda: Rhabditida).

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    Summary -Measurements, line drawings and scanning electromicrographsare provided of Baujardia mirabilis gen. n., sp. n., isolated from pitcher uid of Nepenthes mirabilis from Thailand. The new genus differs from all known nematodes in having two opposing and offset spermatheca-like pouches at the junction of oviduct and uterus. It also differs from most known Rhabditida in having four cephalic setae instead of papillae. Phylogenetic analysis of small subunit rDNA sequence data robustly places the new genus within Panagrolaimidae as a sister taxon to Panagrellus. These unusual nematodes resemble Panagrellus in body size (1.8-2.7 mm in females, 1.3-1.9 mm in males) and in the monodelphic, prodelphic female reproductive system with thickened vaginal walls and prominent postvulval sac. However, they differ from Panagrellus in the characters mentioned above, in their comparatively longer stegostom and in the shape of the male spicules. Because of its aberrant characters, inclusion of this new genus in Panagrolaimidae requires changes to the family diagnosis

    Reevaluation of the phylogenetic relationship between Mobilid and Sessilid peritrichs (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea) based on small subunit rRNA genes sequences

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    Based on morphological characters, peritrich ciliates (Class Olygohymenophorea, Subclass Peritrichia) have been subdivided into the Orders Sessilida and Mobilida. Molecular phylogenetic studies on peritrichs have been restricted to members of the Order Sessilida. In order to shed more light into the evolutionary relationships within peritrichs, the complete small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) sequences of four mobilid species, Trichodina nobilis, Trichodina heterodentata, Trichodina reticulata, and Trichodinella myakkae were used to construct phylogenetic trees using maximum parsimony, neighbor joining, and Bayesian analyses. Whatever phylogenetic method used, the peritrichs did not constitute a monophyletic group: mobilid and sessilid species did not cluster together. Similarity in morphology but difference in molecular data led us to suggest that the oral structures of peritrichs are the result of evolutionary convergence. In addition, Trichodina reticulata, a Trichodina species with granules in the center of the adhesive disc, branched separately from its congeners, Trichodina nobilis and Trichodina heterodentata, trichodinids without such granules. This indicates that granules in the adhesive disc might be a phylogenetic character of high importance within the Family Trichodinidae.Based on morphological characters, peritrich ciliates (Class Olygohymenophorea, Subclass Peritrichia) have been subdivided into the Orders Sessilida and Mobilida. Molecular phylogenetic studies on peritrichs have been restricted to members of the Order Sessilida. In order to shed more light into the evolutionary relationships within peritrichs, the complete small subunit rRNA (SSU rRNA) sequences of four mobilid species, Trichodina nobilis, Trichodina heterodentata, Trichodina reticulata, and Trichodinella myakkae were used to construct phylogenetic trees using maximum parsimony, neighbor joining, and Bayesian analyses. Whatever phylogenetic method used, the peritrichs did not constitute a monophyletic group: mobilid and sessilid species did not cluster together. Similarity in morphology but difference in molecular data led us to suggest that the oral structures of peritrichs are the result of evolutionary convergence. In addition, Trichodina reticulata, a Trichodina species with granules in the center of the adhesive disc, branched separately from its congeners, Trichodina nobilis and Trichodina heterodentata, trichodinids without such granules. This indicates that granules in the adhesive disc might be a phylogenetic character of high importance within the Family Trichodinidae

    Bolidomonas: a new genus with two species belonging to a new algal class, the Bolidophyceae (Heterokonta) 1.

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    International audienceA new algal class, the Bolidophyceae (Heterokonta), is described from one genus, Bolidomonas, gen, nov., and two species, Bolidomonas pacifica, sp, nov and Bolidomonas mediterranea, sp, nov., isolated from the equatorial Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. Both species are approximately 1.2 mu m in diameter and have two unequal flagella; the longer flagellum bears tubular hairs, whereas the shorter is smooth. The flagellar basal apparatus is restricted to two basal bodies, and there is no transitional helix. Cells are naked, devoid of walls or siliceous structures. The internal cellular organization is simple with a single plastid containing a ring genophore and a girdle lamella, one mitochondrion with tubular cristae, and one Golgi apparatus close to the basal bodies. The Mediterranean and the Pacific species differ in the insertion angle between their flagella and their pattern of swimming, these differences possibly being linked to each other. Analyses of the SSU rDNA gene place the two strains as a sister group to the diatoms, Moreover, pigment analyses confirm this position, as fucoxanthin is found as the major carotenoid in both lineages. These data strongly suggest that the ancestral heterokont that gave rise to the diatom lineage was probably a biflagellated unicell