5,961 research outputs found


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    Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is an emerging technology in the modern world because of the fact that it mitigates environmental pollutions and at the same time increases fuel efficiency of the vehicles. Bi-directional Fly – back Converter controls electric drive of HEV of high power and enhances its performance which is the reflection of the fact that it can generate Constant voltages. For hybrid electric vehicles, the batteries and the drive dc link may be at different voltages. The batteries are at low voltage to obtain higher volumetric efficiencies, and the dc link is at higher voltage to have higher efficiency on the motor side. Therefore, a power interface between the batteries and the drive’s dc link is essential. This power interface should handle power flow from battery to motor, motor to battery, external gen-set to battery, and grid to battery. This paper proposes a multi-power-port topology which is capable of handling multiple power sources and still maintains simplicity and features like obtaining high gain, wide load variations, lower output-current ripple, and capability of parallel-battery energy due to the modular structure. The scheme incorporates a transformer winding technique which drastically reduces the leakage inductance of the coupled inductor. The development and testing of a bidirectional fly-back dc–dc converter for hybrid electric vehicle is described in this paper. Simple hysteresis voltage control is used for dc-link voltage regulation. The simulation results are presented, and modeling the circuit by using MATLAB/SIMULINK Platform

    One-Quadrant Switched-Mode Power Converters

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    This article presents the main topics related to one-quadrant power converters. The basic topologies are analysed and a simple methodology to obtain the steady-state output-input voltage ratio is set out. A short discussion of different methods to control one-quadrant power converters is presented. Some of the reported derived topologies of one-quadrant power converters are also considered. Some topics related to one-quadrant power converters such as synchronous rectification, hard and soft commutation, and interleaved converters are discussed. Finally, a brief introduction to resonant converters is given.Comment: 25 pages, contribution to the 2014 CAS - CERN Accelerator School: Power Converters, Baden, Switzerland, 7-14 May 201

    Demonstration of sustained and useful converter responses during balanced and unbalanced faults in microgrids

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    In large power grids where converter penetration is presently low and the network impedance is predominantly reactive, the required response from converters during faults is presently specified by phrases such as “maximum reactive output”. However, in marine and aero power systems most faults are unbalanced, the network impedance is resistive, and converter penetration may be high. Therefore a balanced reactive fault current response to an unbalanced fault may lead to over-voltages or over/under frequency events. Instead, this paper presents a method of controlling the converter as a balanced voltage source behind a reactance, thereby emulating the fault response of a synchronous generator (SG) as closely as possible. In this mode there is a risk of converter destruction due to overcurrent. A new way of preventing destruction but still providing fault performance as close to a SG as possible is presented. Demonstrations are presented of simulations and laboratory testing at the 10kVA 400V scale, with balanced and unbalanced faults. Currents can be limited to about 1.5pu while still providing appropriate unbalanced fault response within a resistive network

    Analysis and control of dual-output LCLC resonant converters with significant leakage inductance

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    The analysis, design and control of fourth-order LCLC voltage-output series-parallel resonant converters for the provision of multiple regulated outputs, is described. Specifically, state-variable concepts are developed to establish operating mode boundaries with which to describe the internal behavior and the impact of output leakage inductance. The resulting models are compared with those obtained from SPICE simulations and measurements from a prototype power supply under closed loop control to verify the analysis, modeling, and control predictions

    Lightweight multiple output converter development

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    A high frequency, multiple output power conditioner was developed and breadboarded using an eight-stage capacitor diode voltage multiplier to provide +1200 Vdc, and a three-stage for -350 Vdc. In addition, two rectifier bridges were capacitively coupled to the eight-stage multiplier to obtain 0.5 and 0.65 a dc constant current outputs referenced to +1200 Vdc. Total power was 120 watts, with an overall efficiency of 85 percent at the 80 kHz operating frequency. All outputs were regulated to three percent or better, with complete short circuit protection. The power conditioner component weight and efficiency were compared to the equivalent four outputs of the 10 kHz conditioner for the 8 cm ion engine. Weight reduction for the four outputs was 557 grams; extrapolated in the same ratio to all nine outputs, it would be 1100 to 1400 grams

    A three-switch high-voltage converter

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    A novel single active switch two-diodes high-voltage converter is presented. This converter can operate into a capacitor-diode voltage multiplier, which offers simpler structure and control, higher efficiency, reduced electromagnetic interference (EMI), and size and weight savings compared with traditional switched-mode regulated voltage multipliers. Two significant advantages are the continuous input current and easy isolation extension. The new converter is experimentally verified. Both the steady-state and dynamic theoretical models are correlated well with the experimental dat

    ASDTIC control and standardized interface circuits applied to buck, parallel and buck-boost dc to dc power converters

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    Versatile standardized pulse modulation nondissipatively regulated control signal processing circuits were applied to three most commonly used dc to dc power converter configurations: (1) the series switching buck-regulator, (2) the pulse modulated parallel inverter, and (3) the buck-boost converter. The unique control concept and the commonality of control functions for all switching regulators have resulted in improved static and dynamic performance and control circuit standardization. New power-circuit technology was also applied to enhance reliability and to achieve optimum weight and efficiency

    Local control of multiple module converters with ratings-based load sharing

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    Multiple module dc-dc converters show promise in meeting the increasing demands on ef- ficiency and performance of energy conversion systems. In order to increase reliability, maintainability, and expandability, a modular approach in converter design is often desired. This thesis proposes local control of multiple module converters as an alternative to using a central controller or master controller. A power ratings-based load sharing scheme that allows for uniform and non-uniform sharing is introduced. Focus is given to an input series, output parallel (ISOP) configuration and modules with a push-pull topology. Sensorless current mode (SCM) control is digitally implemented on separate controllers for each of the modules. The benefits of interleaving the switching signals of the distributed modules is presented. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate stable, ratings-based sharing in an ISOP converter with a high conversion ratio for both uniform and non-uniform load sharing cases

    Research on spacecraft electrical power conversion

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    The history of spacecraft electrical power conversion in literature, research and practice is reviewed. It is noted that the design techniques, analyses and understanding which were developed make today's contribution to power computers and communication installations. New applications which require more power, improved dynamic response, greater reliability, and lower cost are outlined. The switching mode approach in electronic power conditioning is discussed. Technical aspects of the research are summarized

    Large step down voltage converters for desalination

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    One percent of the world's drinking water is currently desalinated, and this will have to increase to 14% by 2025. Desalination is energy intensive, having significant commercial and ecological implications. One of the most promising methods of desalination is capacitive deionisation which only uses 1kWh/m3 but requires a voltage of less than 1.8V at currents of up to 1000A This thesis produced hardware capable of creating 550A at a voltage of 1.8V, giving over a 1kW power rating, with an input voltage of 340V dc. The converter designed was a bidirectional asymmetrical half-bridge flyback converter allowing for isolation at these high step down ratios. The converter was used to charge a bank of 17,000F supercapacitors from 0V to 1.8V, with an initial charging step down ratio in excess of 340:1 falling to 190:1 as the load charged. A novel Asymmetrical Half-Bridge Coupled-Inductor Buck converter is presented as the ideal solution for large step-down ratios with analysis comparing the ability to efficiently step down a voltage with other common converters, the buck and flyback converters. A comparison between a single-ended coupled-inductor buck converter employing a buck-boost voltage clamp and the novel asymmetrical half-bridge coupled-inductor buck converter circuit shows that the asymmetrical half-bridge converter is a more efficient circuit as leakage energy is recovered; the switch voltages are clamped to within the dc voltage rating of the bridge and the control strategy is simple. Passive and active snubbers are reviewed for efficiency, switch ratings and management of the effects of leakage inductance and compared against the novel designs presented. In the desalination application isolation is required so the flyback circuit is used. An isolated three switch bidirectional converter is constructed using silicon carbide MOSFETs and diodes switching at 40kHz. The converter uses novel current measuring techniques, an on-board microprocessor and closed loop control designed into the final DC-DC converter.One percent of the world's drinking water is currently desalinated, and this will have to increase to 14% by 2025. Desalination is energy intensive, having significant commercial and ecological implications. One of the most promising methods of desalination is capacitive deionisation which only uses 1kWh/m3 but requires a voltage of less than 1.8V at currents of up to 1000A This thesis produced hardware capable of creating 550A at a voltage of 1.8V, giving over a 1kW power rating, with an input voltage of 340V dc. The converter designed was a bidirectional asymmetrical half-bridge flyback converter allowing for isolation at these high step down ratios. The converter was used to charge a bank of 17,000F supercapacitors from 0V to 1.8V, with an initial charging step down ratio in excess of 340:1 falling to 190:1 as the load charged. A novel Asymmetrical Half-Bridge Coupled-Inductor Buck converter is presented as the ideal solution for large step-down ratios with analysis comparing the ability to efficiently step down a voltage with other common converters, the buck and flyback converters. A comparison between a single-ended coupled-inductor buck converter employing a buck-boost voltage clamp and the novel asymmetrical half-bridge coupled-inductor buck converter circuit shows that the asymmetrical half-bridge converter is a more efficient circuit as leakage energy is recovered; the switch voltages are clamped to within the dc voltage rating of the bridge and the control strategy is simple. Passive and active snubbers are reviewed for efficiency, switch ratings and management of the effects of leakage inductance and compared against the novel designs presented. In the desalination application isolation is required so the flyback circuit is used. An isolated three switch bidirectional converter is constructed using silicon carbide MOSFETs and diodes switching at 40kHz. The converter uses novel current measuring techniques, an on-board microprocessor and closed loop control designed into the final DC-DC converter