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    Anålise comparativa de metodologias hidrológicas para obtenção de vazÔes ecológicas e outorgåveis, considerando os critérios anual e mensal para o rio Doce, Brasil

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    Grant is the National Water Resources Policy legal instrument responsible for guaranteeing water to meet human needs and maintain aquatic life. However, attention should be paid to the method used to obtain grantable volumes, as they are determined through minimum flows on an annual basis studies. This study aims to comparatively analyze methodologies for determining grantable and ecological flows and, seasonality influence in obtaining them for Doce river water regime, Southeast Brazil. Seasonal component was identified by frequency analysis. Log-Pearson type III distribution was the one that best fit the data. Considering 50% of the monthly Q7,10, it is possible to increase the grantable volume in every month, while, for 50% of Q90 and 70% of Q95 criteria, there is a decrease in the volume subject to granting between July and October. The currently method adopted in the basin, 70% of the annual Q95, presents ecological flows lowest values and, in September month, allows granting a volume 21% greater when compared to the monthly basis. It is concluded that ecological and grantable flows determination considering seasonal characteristic allows a better management of the studied watercourse.A outorga Ă© o instrumento legal da PolĂ­tica Nacional de Recursos hĂ­dricos responsĂĄvel pela garantia de ĂĄgua para atendimento das necessidades humanas e manutenção da vida aquĂĄtica. PorĂ©m, deve-se ter atenção quanto ao mĂ©todo empregado na obtenção dos volumes outorgĂĄveis, visto que sĂŁo determinados atravĂ©s de estudos de vazĂ”es mĂ­nimas na base anual. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar, comparativamente, metodologias para determinação de vazĂ”es ecolĂłgicas e outorgĂĄveis e a influĂȘncia da sazonalidade em sua obtenção para o regime hĂ­drico do Rio Doce, Sudeste do Brasil. A componente sazonal foi identificada por anĂĄlise de frequĂȘncias. A distribuição Log-Pearson tipo III foi a que melhor se ajustou aos dados. Considerando 50% da Q7,10 mensal, Ă© possĂ­vel aumentar o volume outorgĂĄvel em todos os meses, enquanto que, para os critĂ©rios 50% da Q90 e 70% da Q95, hĂĄ diminuição do volume passĂ­vel de outorga entre os meses de julho e outubro. O mĂ©todo adotado atualmente na bacia, 70% da Q95 anual, apresenta os menores valores de vazĂ”es ecolĂłgicas e, no mĂȘs de setembro, permite outorgar um volume 21% maior quando comparado Ă  base mensal. Conclui-se que a determinação de vazĂ”es ecolĂłgicas e outorgĂĄveis considerando a caracterĂ­stica sazonal permite uma melhor gestĂŁo do curso d’água estudado


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) validitas konkuren tes praktikum tertulis dengan tes praktikum laboratorium dalam CIE ‘O’ Level pada materi titrasi asam basa untuk seluruh indikatordan (2) validitas konkuren tes praktikum tertulis dengan tes praktikum laboratorium dalam CIE ‘O’ Levelpada materi titrasi asam basa untuk tiap-tiap indikator.Subjekdalam penelitian ini adalah 30 orang siswa kelas XI MIASMA Negeri yang telah memiliki pengalaman dalam melakukan praktikum titrasi asam basa. Tes praktikum tertulis dan tes praktikum laboratorium dalam CIE ‘O’Level pada materi titrasi asam basa diujikan kepada siswa pada waktu yang sama.Analisis data dilakukan melalui analisis korelasi dengan menggunakanSPSS 21. Tes praktikum tertulis dengan tes praktikum laboratorium dalam CIE ‘O’Level pada materi titrasi asam basa memiliki validitas konkurenuntuk seluruh indikator(r = 0,496, p< 0,05). Tes praktikum tertulis dengan tes praktikum laboratorium dalam CIE ‘O’ Level pada materi titrasi asam basa memiliki validitas konkuren hanya pada indikatormembaca volume awal dan akhir titran(r= 0,478, p< 0,05).Keterwakilan tes praktikum tertulis dengan tes praktikum laboratorium dalam CIE ‘O’ Leveldilihat dari nilai koefisien determinasinya. Koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,246 yang dimiliki tes praktikum tertulis dengan tes praktikum laboratorium dalam CIE ‘O’ Level pada materi titrasi asam basa tergolong pada kriteria lemah. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwates praktikum tertulis CIE ‘O’ Level yang diadaptasi di dalam penelitian initidak dapat mewakili tes praktikum laboratorium CIE ‘O’ Level, karena memiliki validitas konkuren yang belum memadai dan keterwakilan yang lemah. Kata Kunci: validitas konkuren, tes praktikum tertulis, tes praktikum laboratorium, Cambridge International Examinations Ordinary Level. This study aims to know (1) concurrent validity of the written practical test with laboratory practical testin CIE 'O' Level on acid-base titration topic for all indicators and (2) concurrent validity of the written practical test with laboratory practical test in CIE 'O' Level on acid-base titration topic for each indicators.Subjects in this study were 30 students of XI grade MIA SMA who have already experienced in doing acid-base titration practical. The written practical test and laboratory practical test in CIE 'O' Level on acid-base titration topic were tested to students at the same time. Data analysis was performed by correlation analysis using SPSS 21. The written practical test with laboratory practical test in CIE 'O' Level on acid-base titration topic have concurrent validity for all indicators with moderate correlation criteria (r = 0,496, p <0,05). The written practical test with laboratory practical testin CIE 'O' Level on acid-base titration topic have concurrent validity for indicator of initial and final volume of titrantreading (r = 0,478, p <0,05).Therepresentation ofwritten practical test with laboratory practical test inCIE'O' Levelwas determined by the coefficientof determination. The coefficient of determinationof written practical test withlaboratory practical test inCIE'O'Level onacid-base titration topic is 0,246classifiedweak criteria. The results of this study showed that the written practical testCIE'O'Levelis adaptedin this study not represent the laboratory practical test CIE ‘O’ Level, because it hasconcurrentvalidityinadequateandweakrepresentation. Keywords: concurrent validity, written practical test, laboratory practical test, Cambridge International Examinations Ordinary Level

    Quantitative gated blood pool tomographic assessment of regional ejection fraction: Definition of normal limits

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    AbstractObjective. Our aim was to select a method of analysis for gated blood pool tomography that reduced variability in a group of normal subjects, allowed comparison with normal limit files and displayed results in the bull's-eye format.Background. Abnormalities in left ventricular function may not be accurately detected by measures of global function because hyperkuiesia in normal regions may compensate for abnormal regional function. Gated blood pool tomography acquires threedimensional data and offers advantages over other noninvasive modalities Tor quantitative assessment of global and regional function.Methods. Alternative methods for selecting the ventricular axis, calculating regional ejection fraction and choosing the number of ventricular divisions were studied In 15 normal volunteers to select the combination of parameter that produced the lowest variability in quantitative regional ejection fraction. Methods for quantitative comparison, of regional ejection fraction with normal limit files and for display in the bull's-eye format were also examined.Results. A fixed axis (the geometric center of the ventricle defined for end-diastole and used for end-systole) gave ejection fractions that were significantly higher in the lateral wall versus in the septum, 82 ± 8 (mean ± 1 SD) versus 39 ± 17 (p < 0.001) at the midcavity and 66 ± 11 versus 21 ± 20 (p < 0.001) at the base. A floating axis system (axis defined individually for end-diastole and end-systole and realigned at the center) gave more uniform regional ejection fraction: 63 ±6 versus 64 ± 8 (p = NS) at the midcavity and 44 ± 16 versus 45 ± 15 (p = NS) at the base. The coefficient of variability for regional ejection fraction was consistently lower using a floating axis. Calculating regional ejection fraction by dividing the regional stroke volume by the enddiastollc volume of the region gave a lower coefficient of variability and a more easily understood value than dividing the regional stroke volume by the total end-diastolic volume of the ventricle. Although the variability was lower using five versus nine ventricular divisions, nine regions offer greater spatial resolution. Comparison of regional ejection fraction with normal data identified regions > 2.5 SD below the mean as abnormal. We described the two-dimensional bull's-eye format as a method for displaying the regional three-dimensional data and illustrated abnormalities in patients with prior myocardial infarction.Conclusions. Gated blood pool tomography performed using a floating axis system, regional stroke volume calculation of ejection fraction and nine regions uses all the three-dimensional blood pool data to calculate regional ejection fraction, allow quantitative comparison with normal limit tiles, display the functional data in the two-dimensional bull's-eye format and demonstrate abnormalities in patients with myocardial infarction

    Drying and deposition of poly(ethylene oxide) droplets determined by P\'eclet number

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    We report results of a detailed experimental investigation into the drying of sessile droplets of aqueous poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) polymer solutions under various experimental conditions. Samples are prepared with a range of initial concentrations c_0 and are filtered to remove traces of undissolved PEO clusters. In typical experiments, droplets with initial volumes between 5\muL and 50\muL are left to evaporate while temperature and relative humidity are monitored. Droplets either form a disk-like solid "puddle" or a tall conical "pillar". The droplet mass is monitored using a microbalance and the droplet profile is recorded regularly using a digital camera. Subsequent processing of the data allows values of droplet volume V, surface area A, base radius R, contact angle {\theta} and height h to be determined throughout drying. From this data we identify four stages during pillar formation: pinned drying; pseudo-dewetting; bootstrap building; solid contraction and propose physical models to explain key aspects of each stage and to predict the transition from each stage to the next. The experimental parameters of relative humidity, temperature, pressure, droplet volume and initial contact angle are all systematically varied and observed to influence the drying process and consequently whether the droplet forms a pillar or a puddle. We combine these parameters into a dimensionless P\'eclet number Pe, which compares the relative effects of evaporation and diffusion, and show that the drying behaviour is only dependent on c_0 and Pe.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Experimental investigation and model development for effective viscosity of MgO-ethylene glycol nanofluids by using dimensional analysis, FCM-ANFIS and GA-PNN techniques

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    Desirable effective viscosity behaviour is an essential transport property required for the effective utilisation of nanofluids in industrial systems as well as other applications. Viscosity influences significantly the pumping power and heat transfer effectiveness in a thermal system since Reynolds and Prandtl numbers are functions of viscosity. In this study, the optimum energy required for the preparation of MgO–ethylene glycol (MgO–EG) nanofluids was determined by varying the ultrasonication energy input into the preparation process. The uniformly dispersed nanofluids were characterised and the viscosity measurements were carried out as a function of temperature (20 to 70 °C), nanoparticle volume fraction (0 to 5%) and nanoparticle size (~21, ~105 and ~125 nm). Based on the experimental data, the effective viscosity of all the samples irrespective of nanoparticle size or volume fraction, decreases exponentially with increase in temperature and the trend is similar to that of the base fluid, but in different magnitude. Increasing the volume fraction of the MgO nanoparticles showed a corresponding increase in the effective viscosity of the nanofluid. It was also noticed that the samples containing 21 nm MgO showed higher effective viscosity compared to samples containing 105 and 125 nm MgO when the volume fraction is constant. The viscosity values in the present study quite differ from the values predicted by the existing prominent viscosity models as well as the existing models do not consider all the variables of present data (temperature, nanoparticle volume fraction and nanoparticle size). Therefore, new correlation is proposed using the method of dimensional analysis and considering essential factors, including nanoparticle size, volume fraction temperature, capping layer thickness, viscosity of the base fluid, the density of base fluid and the density of nanofluid as input parameters. Furthermore, genetic algorithm-polynomial neural network (GA-PNN) and fuzzy C-means clustering-based adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (FCM-ANFIS) were used to model the effective viscosity of the MgO–EG nanofluids considering the parameters mentioned above. The results of all the modelling techniques showed good agreement with the experimental data.National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF), Stellenbosch University/University of Pretoria Solar Hub, CSIR, EEDSM Hub, NAC, RDP and IRT seed.http://www.elsevier.com/ locate/ichmt2017-03-30hb2016Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineerin

    Patient injuries in operative rhinology during a ten-year period : Review of national patient insurance charts

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    Objectives: To assess factors contributing to patient injuries in operative rhinology. Design: Data of the accepted patient injury claims involving operative rhinology, between the years 2001 and 2011, were obtained from the Finnish Patient Insurance Centre registry. Two senior otolaryngologists analysed and evaluated the injury mechanisms. Main outcome measures: Analysis and classification of factors contributing to patient injuries. Results: During the ten-year study period, there were 67 patient injuries in operative rhinology, comprising 36% of all patient injuries in otorhinolaryngologic surgery. The majority (78%) of patients were treated in university or central hospitals and almost all (90%) by fully trained otolaryngology specialists. The factors contributing to the injuries were errors in surgical technique, like lesions to the orbit, skull base and meninges, and adjacent nerves, as well as mistakes with removable packings left in situ. Nearly half of the patients had undergone endoscopic sinus surgery. One patient died because of bleeding from the intracranial artery. Fourteen patients (21%) needed a re-operation due to the injury. Conclusions: Patient injuries in rhinology were caused by typical complications of common operations performed by otorhinolaryngology specialists. The increased volume of endoscopic sinus surgery was evident also in patient injuries.Peer reviewe

    Intratumoral heterogeneity characterized by pretreatment PET in non-small cell lung cancer patients predicts progression-free survival on EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor

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    Intratumoral heterogeneity has been suggested to be an important resistance mechanism leading to treatment failure. We hypothesized that radiologic images could be an alternative method for identification of tumor heterogeneity. We tested heterogeneity textural parameters on pretreatment FDG-PET/CT in order to assess the predictive value of target therapy. Recurred or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) subjects with an activating EGFR mutation treated with either gefitinib or erlotinib were reviewed. An exploratory data set (n = 161) and a validation data set (n = 21) were evaluated, and eight parameters were selected for survival analysis. The optimal cutoff value was determined by the recursive partitioning method, and the predictive value was calculated using Harrell's C-index. Univariate analysis revealed that all eight parameters showed an increased hazard ratio (HR) for progression- free survival (PFS). The highest HR was 6.41 (P< 0.01) with co-occurrence (Co) entropy. Increased risk remained present after adjusting for initial stage, performance status (PS), and metabolic volume (MV) (aHR: 4.86, P< 0.01). Textural parameters were found to have an incremental predictive value of early EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) failure compared to that of the base model of the stage and PS (C-index 0.596 vs. 0.662, P = 0.02, by Co entropy). Heterogeneity textural parameters acquired from pretreatment FDG-PET/CT are highly predictive factors for PFS of EGFR TKI in EGFR-mutated NSCLC patients. These parameters are easily applicable to the identification of a subpopulation at increased risk of early EGFR TKI failure. Correlation to genomic alteration should be determined in future studies.

    A change in the study evaluation paradigm reveals that larynx preservation compromises survival in T4 laryngeal cancer patients

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    Background: Larynx preservation (LP) is recommended for up to low-volume T4 laryngeal cancer as an evidence-based treatment option that does not compromise survival. However, a reevaluation of the current literature raises questions regarding whether there is indeed reliable evidence to support larynx preservation for T4 tumor patients. Methods: In an observational cohort study of 810 laryngeal cancer patients, we evaluated the outcomes of all T4 tumor patients treated with primary chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) or primary radiotherapy alone (RT) compared with upfront total laryngectomy followed by adjuvant (chemo)radiotherapy (TL + a[C]RT). Additionally, we reevaluated the studies that form the evidence base for the recommendation of LP for patients with up to T4 tumors (Pfister et al., J Clin Oncol 24:3693–704, 2006). Results: The evaluation of all 288 stage III and IV patients together did not show a significant difference in overall survival (OS) between CRT-LP and TL + a(C)RT (hazard ratio (HR) 1.23; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.82–1.86; p = 0.31) using a multivariate proportional hazard model. However, a subgroup analysis of T4 tumor patients alone (N = 107; 13.9%) revealed significantly worse OS after CRT compared with TL + a(C)RT (HR 2.0; 95% CI: 1.04–3.7; p = 0.0369). A reevaluation of the subgroup of T4 patients in the 5 LP studies that led to the ASCO clinical practice guidelines revealed that only 21–45 T4 patients had differential data on survival outcome. These data, however, showed a markedly worse outcome for T4 patients after LP. Conclusions: T4 laryngeal cancer patients who reject TL as a treatment option should be informed that their chance of organ preservation with primary conservative treatment is likely to result in a significantly worse outcome in terms of OS. Significant loss of survival in T4 patients after LP is also confirmed in recent literature

    Buoyancy-induced convection of water-based nanofluids in differentially-heated horizontal Semi-Annuli

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    A two-phase model based on the double-diffusive approach is used to perform a numerical study on natural convection of water-based nanofluids in differentially- heated horizontal semi-annuli, assuming that Brownian diffusion and thermophoresis are the only slip mechanisms by which the solid phase can develop a significant relative velocity with respect to the liquid phase. The system of the governing equations of continuity, momentum, and energy for the nanofluid, and continuity for the nanoparticles, is solved by the way of a computational code which incorporates three empirical correlations for the evaluation of the effective thermal conductivity, the effective dynamic viscosity, and the thermophoretic diffusion coefficient, all based on a wide number of literature experimental data. The pressure-velocity coupling is handled through the SIMPLE-C algorithm. Numerical simulations are executed for three different nanofluids, using the diameter and the average volume fraction of the suspended nanoparticles, the cavity size, the average temperature, and the temperature difference imposed across the cavity, as independent variables. It is found that the impact of the nanoparticle dispersion into the base liquid increases remarkably with increasing the average temperature, whereas, by contrast, the other controlling parameters have moderate effects. Moreover, at temperatures of the order of room temperature or just higher, the heat transfer performance of the nanofluid is significantly affected by the choice of the solid phase material
