1,681 research outputs found

    Enlightened Romanticism: Mary Gartside’s colour theory in the age of Moses Harris, Goethe and George Field

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the work of Mary Gartside, a British female colour theorist, active in London between 1781 and 1808. She published three books between 1805 and 1808. In chronological and intellectual terms Gartside can cautiously be regarded an exemplary link between Moses Harris, who published a short but important theory of colour in the second half of the eighteenth century, and J.W. von Goethe’s highly influential Zur Farbenlehre, published in Germany in 1810. Gartside’s colour theory was published privately under the disguise of a traditional water colouring manual, illustrated with stunning abstract colour blots (see example above). Until well into the twentieth century, she remained the only woman known to have published a theory of colour. In contrast to Goethe and other colour theorists in the late 18th and early 19th century Gartside was less inclined to follow the anti-Newtonian attitudes of the Romantic movement

    Multilingual Novels as Transnational Literature: Yann Martel’s Self

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    Yann Martel’s experimental novel Self (1996) recounts the story of a young man’s gender transformation as he also negotiates his national and linguistic identity through cosmopolitan and multilingual affiliations. To convey the tropes of mobility and flexibility, the novel juxtaposes English and several other languages in parallel columns, inviting comparisons across discrete linguistic and literary traditions. Conceptualized from the start as a multilingual novel, Self challenges monolingual ways of classifying national literature, raising interesting questions about multilingual texts’ canonical location, implied readership, and translation into another language. Drawing on recent debates on transnationalism, I argue that the novel’s formal strategies require a mode of reading predicated on comparison and translation. Readers are encouraged at once to conceive of distinct languages relationally and to uncover the hegemonic relationship between global and local languages in Canada as well as globally. Through its formal aesthetics, which underscores both the opportunities and the limits of multilingualism, Martel’s novel contributes valuable insights to current debates on transnational literature.

    Multilingual Novels as Transnational Literature: Yann Martel’s Self

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    Yann Martel’s experimental novel Self (1996) recounts the story of a young man’s gender transformation as he also negotiates his national and linguistic identity through cosmopolitan and multilingual affiliations. To convey the tropes of mobility and flexibility, the novel juxtaposes English and several other languages in parallel columns, inviting comparisons across discrete linguistic and literary traditions. Conceptualized from the start as a multilingual novel, Self challenges monolingual ways of classifying national literature, raising interesting questions about multilingual texts’ canonical location, implied readership, and translation into another language. Drawing on recent debates on transnationalism, I argue that the novel’s formal strategies require a mode of reading predicated on comparison and translation. Readers are encouraged at once to conceive of distinct languages relationally and to uncover the hegemonic relationship between global and local languages in Canada as well as globally. Through its formal aesthetics, which underscores both the opportunities and the limits of multilingualism, Martel’s novel contributes valuable insights to current debates on transnational literature.

    Intelligent Systems in Cartography

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    Design of a Controlled Language for Critical Infrastructures Protection

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    We describe a project for the construction of controlled language for critical infrastructures protection (CIP). This project originates from the need to coordinate and categorize the communications on CIP at the European level. These communications can be physically represented by official documents, reports on incidents, informal communications and plain e-mail. We explore the application of traditional library science tools for the construction of controlled languages in order to achieve our goal. Our starting point is an analogous work done during the sixties in the field of nuclear science known as the Euratom Thesaurus.JRC.G.6-Security technology assessmen

    Rozwój międzynarodowych prac nad terminologią onomastyczną: przegląd ujęć słowiańskich

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    The paper presents a review of the development of works in the Slavic area on onomastic terminology which constitute an integral part of Slavic onomastic studies on a local and global scale. The research method includes comparative analyses and assessment of the impact of historical and present Slavic onomastic terminology. The question of the study underlines the position that Slavic (Czech, Slovak, Polish, Russian, Balkan) onomasticians, who in many cases are also active in non-Slavic areas, such as German-speaking countries, have made an important contribution to the development of international concepts of onomastic terminology. The research material constitutes a proposal for terminological approaches of selected onomastic schools and teams, active on a national, but also international scale, starting from the 1960s. In the 1970s, the former and current Czech-Slovakian onomastic school, the activities of the terminology subcommittee of the Onomastic Slavic Commission, the Russian onomastic school, the Croatian onomastic school, and many others were established. A critical look at some concepts and the need to merge the terminological and conceptual apparatus allows us to justify a renewed attempt to develop Slavic onomastic terminology. The result of the study is an assessment of the rank and impact of the most important achievements of individual schools and teams, so far published or designed in the form of inventory and system glossaries and theoretical descriptions. Nowadays, thematic and corpus concepts of onomastic terminology are promoted. Works according to this methodological key are carried out in Slovakia and in Poland. The paper is the first part of a wider study on the development of international works on onomastic terminology. The work is a contribution to the development of the theory of proper names.Celem artykułu jest przegląd prac w obszarze słowiańskim na temat terminologii onomastycznej, które stanowią integralną część badań onomastyki słowiańskiej w skali lokalnej i globalnej. Metoda badania uwzględnia zestawienie i skonfrontowanie oraz ocenę wpływu najważniejszych ujęć historycznych i współczesnych słowiańskiej terminologii onomastycznej. Pytanie badawcze podkreśla stanowisko, że ważny wkład w rozwój międzynarodowych koncepcji terminologii onomastycznej wnieśli onomaści słowiańscy (czescy, słowaccy, polscy, rosyjscy, bałkańscy), w wielu przypadkach aktywni także na obszarach niesłowiańskich, takich jak np. kraje niemieckojęzyczne. Materiał badawczy stanowią propozycje ujęć terminologicznych wybranych szkół i zespołów onomastycznych, aktywnych w skali krajowej, ale jednocześnie międzynarodowej, począwszy od lat 60. XX wieku, w tym przede wszystkim: dawnej i nowej czesko-słowackiej szkoły onomastycznej, podkomisji terminologicznej Komisji Onomastyki Słowiańskiej, rosyjskiej szkoły onomastycznej, onomastów chorwackich. Krytyczne spojrzenie na niektóre koncepcje oraz potrzeba scalenia aparatu terminologiczno-pojęciowego pozwalają dziś uzasadnić ponowne próby opracowania słowiańskiej terminologii onomastycznej. Wynikiem badania jest ocena rangi i wpływu najważniejszych osiągnięć poszczególnych szkół i zespołów, dotąd publikowanych lub projektowanych w postaci glosariuszy inwentaryzacyjnych i systemowych oraz opisów teoretycznych. We wnioskach podkreślono, że obecnie promowane są koncepcje tematyczne i korpusowe terminologii onomastycznej. Prace według tego metodologicznego klucza prowadzone są na Słowacji i w Polsce. Artykuł jest pierwszą częścią szerszego studium na temat rozwoju międzynarodowej terminologii onomastycznej. Praca jest wkładem w rozwój teorii nazw własnych.

    English-Czech Engineering Glossary: Translation, Analysis, Online Solution

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    Moje bakalářská práce je zaměřena na tvorbu Anglicko–českého slovníčku k předmětu HEFE (a také XAEI). V práci jsou také vysvětleny pojmy lexikografie, slovník a jeho druhy, dále termín slovo a dělení slov do slovních druhů. Závěrečnou část tvoří analýza tvorby slovníčku, kde je popsáno, jak byla slova překládána a jaké zdroje byly ke konkrétnímu překladu použity. V závěru práce je zpracováno elektronické řešení technického slovníčku.My bachelor thesis deals with the English–Czech dictionary for subject HEFE (and also XAEI). Terms lexicography, dictionary and dictionary division, terms word and classes of words are explained in this thesis. The second section describes process of creation of dictionary. The procedure how the words were translated and sources, which were used to translations, are also described in the third part. An electronic solution to technical glossary is in the end of the thesis.

    Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV

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    Collection of papers “Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV” is devoted to issues of methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, to issues of linguistics and literary science and includes papers related to the use of online tools and resources in teaching Russian. This collection of papers is a result of the international scientific conference “Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV”, which was scheduled for 8–10 May 2020, but due to the pandemic COVID-19 took place remotely