12 research outputs found

    An Improved Anomalous Intrusion Detection Model

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    The volume of cyber-attack targeting network resources within the cyberspace is steadily increasing and evolving. Network intrusions compromise the confidentiality, integrity or availability of network resources causing reputational damage and the consequential financial loss. One of the key cyber-defense tools against these attacks is the Intrusion Detection System. Existing anomalous intrusion detection models often misclassified normal network traffics as attacks while minority attacks go undetected due to an extreme imbalance in network traffic data. This leads to a high false positive and low detection rate. This study focused on improving the detection accuracy by addressing the class imbalanced problem which is often associated with network traffic dataset. Live network traffic packets were collected within the test case environment with Wireshark during normal network activities, Syncflood attack, slowhttppost attack and exploitation of known vulnerabilities on a targeted machine. Fifty-two features including forty-two features similar to Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD ’99) intrusion detection dataset were extracted from the packet meta-data using Spleen tool. The features were normalized with min-max normalization algorithm and Information Gain algorithm was used to select the best discriminatory features from the feature space. An anomalous intrusion detection model was formulated by a cascade of k-means clustering algorithm and random-forest classifier. The proposed model was simulated and its performance was evaluated using detection accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity as metrics. The result of the evaluation showed 10% higher detection accuracy, 29% sensitivity, and 0.2% specificity than the existing model. Keywords— anomalous, cyber-attack, Detection, Intrusio

    Preparing for the Future Crisis: Lessons from Creative Economic Policies on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Pandemic

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    Looking at how the government implements creative economy policies for the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector during a pandemic, this article aims to see how they are implemented and draw lessons that can be used to prepare for future crises. This study aims to identify the challenges that the creative economy in MSME will face in the future, so that a number of suggestions can be provided as capital for defense and strengthening of the national economic sector. This study's research chosen method is a literature review, with primary sources consisting of scholarly journal articles from various sources. This study demonstrates how government economic policies can increase MSMEs' product sales. According to the findings of the analysis, there are two tailed of issues that will be confronted in the future, systemic and dynamic challenges. As a result, the MSME sector should be ready to improve the system and adapt it to the market environment

    Protocolos para la mitigación de ciberataques en el hogar. Caso de estudio: estratos 3 y 4 de la ciudad de Bogotá

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl trabajo contiene un estudio el cual fue desarrollado en la ciudad de Bogotá en los estratos 3 y 4, para conocer el conocimiento y nivel de seguridad que tiene una persona del común, en el cual se desarrollo un levantamiento de vulnerabilidades, estudio de riesgo y creación de un protocolo para la mitigación y mejoramiento en la seguridad de la informacion de las personas del caso de estudio tomado.INTRODUCCIÓN 2. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 3. METODOLOGIA 4. LEVANTAMIENTO DE VULNERABILIDADES 5. EVALUACION DEL RIESGO 6. DESARROLLO DE PROTOCOLOS 7. VALIDACION DE PROTOCOLOS 8. ESTRATEGIA DE COMUNICACIÓN 9. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 10. ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Seguridad de la Informació

    Towards Secure Urban Infrastructures: Cyber Security Challenges to Information and Communication Technology in Smart Cities

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    The growth of cities continues to be a global megatrend. As more and more people live in urban areas and urban services and infrastructures are under growing strain, technologies are increasingly being researched and used to make city life more efficient and comfortable. As a result, so-called “Smart Cities” have complex IT infrastructures and cyber-physical systems such as sensor/actuator networks for the general population and are developing worldwide. Urban infrastructure must be secured against attacks, ensuring reliable and resilient services for citizens as well as privacy and data security. This paper introduces selected challenges faced by infrastructure providers, citizens and decision-makers in handling attacks aimed at information and communication technologies (ICT) of urban infrastructures and presents current research avenues for tackling cyberattacks and for developing tools for creating, portraying and disseminating actionable information as one important response to security challenges. It then presents findings from a representative survey conducted in Germany (N=1091) on the experiences and perceptions of citizens concerning the relevance of cyberattacks will be presented

    Cyber resiliency for digital enterprises: A strategic leadership perspective

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    As organizations increasingly view information as one of their most valuable assets, which supports the creation and distribution of their products and services, information security will be an integral part of the design and operation of organizational business processes. Yet, risks associated with cyber attacks are on the rise. Organizations that are subjected to attacks can suffer significant reputational damage as well as loss of information and knowledge. As a consequence, effective leadership is cited as a critical factor for ensuring corporate level attention for information security. However, there is a lack of empirical understanding as to the roles strategic leaders play in shaping and supporting the cyber security strategy. This study seeks to address this gap in the literature by focusing on how senior leaders support the cyber security strategy. The authors conducted a series of exploratory interviews with leaders in the positions of Chief Information Officer, Chief Security Information Officer, and Chief Technology Officer. The findings revealed that leaders are engaged in both transitional, where the focus is on improving governance and integration, and transformational support, which involves fostering a new cultural mindset for cyber resiliency and the development of an ecosystem approach to security thinking. Managerial relevance statement Our findings provide interesting insights for managers particularly those in the role of Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Security Information Officers (CSIOs), and Chief Technology Officers (CTOs). We propose a Cyber Security Strategy Framework (CSSF) which can be used by these information/technology managers to design an effective organizational strategy to develop cyber resilience in their organization. Our framework suggests that managers should focus on transitional and transformational support. The transitional support focuses on improving governance and integration whereas transformational support focuses on the emphasis of fostering a new cultural mindset for cyber resiliency and the development of an ecosystem approach to security thinking. Our findings provide good evidence showing how leaders can support more effective cyber security initiatives

    Identification and Assessment of Cyber Security and Privacy Challenges in the Transition of Tehran Metropolis to Smart City under Uncertainty

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    The growing trend of the world towards new technologies and the formation of smart cities, despite their capabilities and benefits, has raised serious concerns about cybersecurity threats and citizens' privacy challenges. Tehran is no exception to this rule in the transition to a smart city. The present paper, in a descriptive survey study, aims to provide a framework for managing cybersecurity and privacy challenges in the transition of Tehran to a smart city. In this research, these challenges are identified by in-depth library studies as well as the implementation of fuzzy Delphi method among a sample of organizational experts (including ten senior managers and relevant officials of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Tehran Municipality Information and Communication Technology Organization, and cyber police). Moreover, the degree of importance (weight) of each challenge is determined by the Fuzzy Best-Worst method (FBWM). The findings of this study indicated the high capability of the proposed framework in identifying and accurately weighting these challenges under uncertainty

    Älykotien vakuuttaminen kyberriskeiltä – haasteet ja mahdollisuudet vakuutusyhtiöiden näkökulmasta

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    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan älykoteihin liittyviä kyberriskejä sekä niiden vakuuttamisen haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia vakuutusyhtiöiden näkökulmasta. Tutkielmassa pyritään myös kartoittamaan, kuinka Suomessa toimivat vahinkovakuutusyhtiöt suhtautuvat älykotien kybervakuuttamiseen ilmiönä ja näkevätkö ne aiheen ajankohtaisena. Tutkimuskysymyksiä on yhteensä kaksi: (1) ”Millaisena ilmiönä vakuutusyhtiöt näkevät älykoteihin kohdistuvat kyberriskit ja niiden vakuuttamisen?” ja (2) ”Mitä haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia älykotien kybervakuuttamiseen liittyy?”. Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa esitellään erikseen tausta- ja tulkintateoria omina päälukuinaan. Tutkielman taustateorian muodostavat kyberriskien ja kybervakuuttamisen teemat. Kyberriskien osalta keskitytään niiden luonteeseen, luokitteluun ja hallintaan. Kybervakuutusta tarkastellaan tuotteena ja lisäksi esitellään kyseisen vakuutuksen kattavuutta ja rajoituksia. Tutkielman tulkintateorian muodostavat IoT eli esineiden Internet ja älykodit. Esineiden Internetin osalta keskitytään sen luomiin mahdollisuuksiin ja haasteisiin sekä tulevaisuuteen. Älykotien taustoituksen jälkeen esitellään niiden laitteistoja ja järjestelmiä sekä perehdytään älykotien kyberriskeihin ja -turvallisuuteen. Tutkielmassa hyödynnetään kvalitatiivisia eli laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoiduilla teemahaastatteluilla ja haastatteluihin osallistui kolme asiantuntijaa kahdesta eri vahinkovakuutusyhtiöstä. Kerättyä aineistoa analysoidaan aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla, ja sen pohjalta tehdään johtopäätöksiä ja vastataan esitettyihin tutkimuskysymyksiin. Tutkielman tuloksista käy ilmi, että näkemyksissä on hieman eroja eri vakuutusyhtiöiden edustajien välillä. Yleisesti ottaen älykotien ja kotitalouksien kyberriskit nähdään kuitenkin kasvavina ja jopa merkittävinä uhkina nyt ja tulevaisuudessa. Yleisimpien riskien osalta esiin nousivat identiteettivarkaudet ja muut henkilötietojen väärinkäytökset. Näille riskeille altistaviksi tekijöiksi esitettiin älylaitteiden heikkoa tietosuojaa sekä käyttäjän roolia. Älykotien kybervakuuttamisen osalta suurimpina haasteina nähtiin vakuutettavan ilmiön epämääräisyys, vahinkojen akkumulaatiopotentiaali, tuotteen hinnoittelu ja laitteiden standardien valvominen. Vakuuttajan näkökulmasta mahdollisuuksina nähtiin lisääntyvien riskien luoma tarve, älyteknologian hyödyntäminen proaktiivisessa riskienhallinnassa ja kasvava kysyntä ihmisten riskitietoisuuden lisääntyessä

    A systematic review of crime facilitated by the consumer Internet of Things

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    The nature of crime is changing — estimates suggest that at least half of all crime is now committed online. Once everyday objects (e.g. televisions, baby monitors, door locks) that are now internet connected, collectively referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT), have the potential to transform society, but this increase in connectivity may generate new crime opportunities. Here, we conducted a systematic review to inform understanding of these risks. We identify a number of high-level mechanisms through which offenders may exploit the consumer IoT including profiling, physical access control and the control of device audio/visual outputs. The types of crimes identified that could be facilitated by the IoT were wide ranging and included burglary, stalking, and sex crimes through to state level crimes including political subjugation. Our review suggests that the IoT presents substantial new opportunities for offending and intervention is needed now to prevent an IoT crime harvest

    The Vulnerability Through Cyberattacks Related to Technological Differences Between Centralized, Server-Based and Ethereum Based Smart Home Systems

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    Many people use the digital support of smart home systems to improve their homes\u27 comfort, security, and efficiency (Komninos et al., 2011). However, with the growing number of users comes an increasing number of security challenges that must be addressed (Albany et al., 2022). To mitigate these concerns, the smart home industry is exploring new technologies beyond the traditional centralized server model. One promising technology is the Ethereum blockchain, a distributed database technology. However, it is unclear which concrete security advantages the use of this technology offers in the smart home area. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate whether there is a correlation between the use of the technology and the security of smart home systems against cyberattacks. To accomplish this, it is examined whether an Ethereum-based smart home system can defend against a larger variety of different cyberattacks than a classic smart home system with a central server