208 research outputs found

    Structure-Based Virtual Screening for Drug Discovery: a Problem-Centric Review

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    Structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) has been widely applied in early-stage drug discovery. From a problem-centric perspective, we reviewed the recent advances and applications in SBVS with a special focus on docking-based virtual screening. We emphasized the researchers’ practical efforts in real projects by understanding the ligand-target binding interactions as a premise. We also highlighted the recent progress in developing target-biased scoring functions by optimizing current generic scoring functions toward certain target classes, as well as in developing novel ones by means of machine learning techniques

    AMMOS: Automated Molecular Mechanics Optimization tool for in silico Screening

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Virtual or <it>in silico </it>ligand screening combined with other computational methods is one of the most promising methods to search for new lead compounds, thereby greatly assisting the drug discovery process. Despite considerable progresses made in virtual screening methodologies, available computer programs do not easily address problems such as: structural optimization of compounds in a screening library, receptor flexibility/induced-fit, and accurate prediction of protein-ligand interactions. It has been shown that structural optimization of chemical compounds and that post-docking optimization in multi-step structure-based virtual screening approaches help to further improve the overall efficiency of the methods. To address some of these points, we developed the program AMMOS for refining both, the 3D structures of the small molecules present in chemical libraries and the predicted receptor-ligand complexes through allowing partial to full atom flexibility through molecular mechanics optimization.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The program AMMOS carries out an automatic procedure that allows for the structural refinement of compound collections and energy minimization of protein-ligand complexes using the open source program AMMP. The performance of our package was evaluated by comparing the structures of small chemical entities minimized by AMMOS with those minimized with the Tripos and MMFF94s force fields. Next, AMMOS was used for full flexible minimization of protein-ligands complexes obtained from a mutli-step virtual screening. Enrichment studies of the selected pre-docked complexes containing 60% of the initially added inhibitors were carried out with or without final AMMOS minimization on two protein targets having different binding pocket properties. AMMOS was able to improve the enrichment after the pre-docking stage with 40 to 60% of the initially added active compounds found in the top 3% to 5% of the entire compound collection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The open source AMMOS program can be helpful in a broad range of <it>in silico </it>drug design studies such as optimization of small molecules or energy minimization of pre-docked protein-ligand complexes. Our enrichment study suggests that AMMOS, designed to minimize a large number of ligands pre-docked in a protein target, can successfully be applied in a final post-processing step and that it can take into account some receptor flexibility within the binding site area.</p

    In Silico Veritas: The Pitfalls and Challenges of Predicting

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    Recently the first community-wide assessments of the prediction of the structures of complexes between proteins and small molecule ligands have been reported in the so-called GPCR Dock 2008 and 2010 assessments. In the current review we discuss the different steps along the protein-ligand modeling workflow by critically analyzing the modeling strategies we used to predict the structures of protein-ligand complexes we submitted to the recent GPCR Dock 2010 challenge. These representative test cases, focusing on the pharmaceutically relevant G Protein-Coupled Receptors, are used to demonstrate the strengths and challenges of the different modeling methods. Our analysis indicates that the proper performance of the sequence alignment, introduction of structural adjustments guided by experimental data, and the usage of experimental data to identify protein-ligand interactions are critical steps in the protein-ligand modeling protocol. © 2011 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Status of GPCR modeling and docking as reflected by community-wide GPCR Dock 2010 assessment

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    The community-wide GPCR Dock assessment is conducted to evaluate the status of molecular modeling and ligand docking for human G protein-coupled receptors. The present round of the assessment was based on the recent structures of dopamine D3 and CXCR4 chemokine receptors bound to small molecule antagonists and CXCR4 with a synthetic cyclopeptide. Thirty-five groups submitted their receptor-ligand complex structure predictions prior to the release of the crystallographic coordinates. With closely related homology modeling templates, as for dopamine D3 receptor, and with incorporation of biochemical and QSAR data, modern computational techniques predicted complex details with accuracy approaching experimental. In contrast, CXCR4 complexes that had less-characterized interactions and only distant homology to the known GPCR structures still remained very challenging. The assessment results provide guidance for modeling and crystallographic communities in method development and target selection for further expansion of the structural coverage of the GPCR universe. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    ToDD: Topological Compound Fingerprinting in Computer-Aided Drug Discovery

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    In computer-aided drug discovery (CADD), virtual screening (VS) is used for identifying the drug candidates that are most likely to bind to a molecular target in a large library of compounds. Most VS methods to date have focused on using canonical compound representations (e.g., SMILES strings, Morgan fingerprints) or generating alternative fingerprints of the compounds by training progressively more complex variational autoencoders (VAEs) and graph neural networks (GNNs). Although VAEs and GNNs led to significant improvements in VS performance, these methods suffer from reduced performance when scaling to large virtual compound datasets. The performance of these methods has shown only incremental improvements in the past few years. To address this problem, we developed a novel method using multiparameter persistence (MP) homology that produces topological fingerprints of the compounds as multidimensional vectors. Our primary contribution is framing the VS process as a new topology-based graph ranking problem by partitioning a compound into chemical substructures informed by the periodic properties of its atoms and extracting their persistent homology features at multiple resolution levels. We show that the margin loss fine-tuning of pretrained Triplet networks attains highly competitive results in differentiating between compounds in the embedding space and ranking their likelihood of becoming effective drug candidates. We further establish theoretical guarantees for the stability properties of our proposed MP signatures, and demonstrate that our models, enhanced by the MP signatures, outperform state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets by a wide and highly statistically significant margin (e.g., 93% gain for Cleves-Jain and 54% gain for DUD-E Diverse dataset).Comment: NeurIPS, 2022 (36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

    Identification of interface residues involved in protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions from sequence using machine learning approaches

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    Identification of interface residues involved in protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions is critical for understanding the functions of biological systems. Because identifying interface residues using experimental methods cannot catch up with the pace at which protein sequences are determined, computational methods that can identify interface residues are urgently needed. In this study, we apply machine-learning methods to identify interface residues with the focus on the methods using amino acid sequence information alone. We have developed classifiers for identification of the residues involved in protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions using a window of primary sequence as input. The classifiers were evaluated using both representative datasets and specific cases of interest based on multiple measurements. The results have shown the feasibility of identifying interface residues from sequence. We have also explored information besides primary sequence to improve the performance of sequence-based classifiers. The results show that the performance of sequence-based classifiers can be improved by using solvent accessibility and sequence entropy of the target residue as additional inputs. We have developed a database of protein-protein interfaces that consists of all the protein-protein interfaces derived from the Protein Data Bank. This database, for the first time, makes possible the quick and flexible retrieval of interface sets and various interface features. We have systematically analyzed the characteristics of interfaces using the largest dataset available. In particular, we compared interfaces with the samples that had the same solvent accessibility as the interfaces. This strategy excludes the effect of solvent accessibility on the distributions of residues, secondary structure, and sequence entropy

    MetaBox: A Benchmark Platform for Meta-Black-Box Optimization with Reinforcement Learning

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    Recently, Meta-Black-Box Optimization with Reinforcement Learning (MetaBBO-RL) has showcased the power of leveraging RL at the meta-level to mitigate manual fine-tuning of low-level black-box optimizers. However, this field is hindered by the lack of a unified benchmark. To fill this gap, we introduce MetaBox, the first benchmark platform expressly tailored for developing and evaluating MetaBBO-RL methods. MetaBox offers a flexible algorithmic template that allows users to effortlessly implement their unique designs within the platform. Moreover, it provides a broad spectrum of over 300 problem instances, collected from synthetic to realistic scenarios, and an extensive library of 19 baseline methods, including both traditional black-box optimizers and recent MetaBBO-RL methods. Besides, MetaBox introduces three standardized performance metrics, enabling a more thorough assessment of the methods. In a bid to illustrate the utility of MetaBox for facilitating rigorous evaluation and in-depth analysis, we carry out a wide-ranging benchmarking study on existing MetaBBO-RL methods. Our MetaBox is open-source and accessible at: https://github.com/GMC-DRL/MetaBox.Comment: Accepted at NuerIPS 202

    Binary Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis to Increase the Predictive Ability of Structure-Based Virtual Screening Campaigns Targeting Cyclooxygenase-2

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    Structure-Based Virtual Screening (SBVS) campaigns employing Protein-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints (PLIF) identification have served as a powerful strategy in fragments and ligands identification, both retro- and prospectively. Most of the SBVS campaigns employed PLIF by comparing them to a reference PLIF to calculate the Tanimoto-coefficient. Since the approach was reference dependent, it could lead to a very different discovery path if a different reference was used. In this article, references independent approach, i.e. decision trees construction using docking score and PLIF as the descriptors to increase the predictive ability of the SBVS campaigns in the identification of ligands for cyclooxygenase-2 is presented. The results showed that the binary Quantitative-Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) analysis could significantly increase the predictive ability of the SBVS campaign. Moreover, the selected decision tree could also pinpoint the molecular determinants of the ligands binding to cyclooxygenase-2