5 research outputs found


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    Teknologi pengolahan minyak serai wangi masih banyak dilakukan secara tradisional. Peningkatan produksi minyak serai wangi dapat diwujudkan dengan peningkatan teknologi sehingga dapat membantu peningkatan kualitas mutu minyak serai wangi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi prioritas kriteria atribut rancangan alat penyulingan serai wangi, mengidentifikasi karakteristik teknis dalam perancangan alat penyulingan serai wangi sesuai kebutuhan dan keinginan pemilik dan operator, menentukan spesifikasi parameter desain yang inovatif sebagai solusi rancangan, melakukan pengujian simulasi aliran pindah panas serta pengujian kekuatan material alat. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen adalah quality function deployment (QFD). Hasil metode ini didapatkan sebanyak 6 atribut dengan urutan prioritasnya adalah hasil rendemen yang lebih tinggi (18,3%), material bahan yang tahan karat dan tahan pada suhu tinggi (17,9%), tidak ada kebocoran di ketel penyulingan (17,2%), kualitas/material bahan yang kuat dan ringan (16,8%), sumber energi yang stabil (15,3%) serta suhu dan tekanan yang stabil (14,5%). Terdapat 6 atribut karakteristik teknis yang menjadi prioritas untuk desain alat dengan urutan kontruksi alat (31,9%), tenaga listrik (25,9%), tingkat keamanan (13,5%), inspeksi/perawatan (13,1%), kontrol alat (11,4%) serta dimensi dan tata letak (4,2%). Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan spesifikasi parameter desain yang inovatif adalah teorija rezhenija izobretatelskih zadach (TRIZ). Hasil metode ini didapatkan prinsip inventif sebagai solusi rancangan yaitu prinsip 3 (local quality), prinsip 35 (parameter changes), prinsip 15 (dynamics), prinsip 25 (self service), prinsip 10 (preliminary action) dan prinsip 26 (copying). Rancangan alat penyulingan serai wangi dibuat sebanyak 3 unit dengan kapasitas 6 kg, 50 kg dan 100 kg. Pengujian aliran pindah panas menggunakan metode computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Hasil metode ini didapatkan simulasi suhu pada boiler, destilator dan kondensor. Pengujian kekuatan material alat menggunakan uji von misses stress. Hasil metode ini didapatkan rancangan mampu menahan beban maksimal yang disimulasika

    Research on the Application of Computer Graphic Advertisement Design Based on a Genetic Algorithm and TRIZ Theory

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    In view of the shortcomings of the traditional thinking of computer graphic advertising design, this paper introduces TRIZ innovative thinking to design computer advertising. First of all, combined with specific cases of computer creative print advertising, this paper analyzes the creative methods of stimulating divergent thinking, aggregation thinking and transformation thinking from the innovation principle of TRIZ theory as the origin, and applies them to the creative mechanism and application program of print advertising creativity. The whole process is led by rational principles of perceptual thinking, driven by specific principles of abstract imagination, to explore the thinking source of creative design essence of print advertising. The theory and its application mechanism become a new thinking method and application attempt in the creative field of print advertisement. Then, based on the TRIZ innovation theory, the business model of advertising content arrangement is constructed, and the mathematical model is constructed according to the planning business media resource planning on the business model to realize the multi-objective optimization of efficient use of orders and precise delivery of time. Finally, a multi-objective optimization mathematical model of parallel genetic algorithm is designed to solve the advertisement content arrangement. The innovative thinking of TRIZ and the application of genetic algorithm in content arrangement of computer graphic advertisement design are verified by experiments

    Harnessing multi-domain knowledge for user-centric product conceptual design

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    Conceptual design is the design phase that deploys product functions and structures based on user requirements and ultimately generates conceptual design solutions. The increasing diversification of products has led to the promotion of customized design that involves deep user participation. As a result, there has been a growing focus on user-centric conceptual design. In this regard, the relationship among users, designers, and design solutions has been changed, which has brought challenges to the traditional designer-oriented design model. To address the complex understanding and decision-making problem caused by deeper user participation, emerging new user-centric product conceptual design model needs to be discussed. In the new design model, addressing the changing or growing requirements of users through the design of solutions and leveraging multi-domain knowledge to guide the conceptual design process are the critical areas of focus. To further describe this design model, this paper examines the user-centric interconnection among users, designers, design solutions, and multi-domain knowledge. In order to optimize design solutions, the solution resolution process and knowledge mapping based on design deviations are considered effective approaches. In addition, the paper also presents the types of design deviations and the multi-domain knowledge support techniques