1 research outputs found

    Curr铆culo y afrocolombianidad en la formaci贸n pedag贸gica de estudiantes de etnoeducaci贸n en dos universidades de Colombia

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    In recent decades there has been an interest in claiming Afro identity in different social, political and educational settings, thus opening ways for the inclusion of their cultural and pedagogical knowledge in the construction of curricula and curricula for teacher training and professionalization. In this sense, this article proposes to analyze the curriculum of the university regarding the pedagogical formation of students of ethnoeducation in Afro-Colombian society, taking as referents the Educational Projects of the Program of Ethnoeducation of the Universities of La Guajira and Tecnol贸gica of Pereira. For this purpose, a documentary design was used that consisted of the approach of different secondary sources of information (books, research projects, theses, monographs) and other forms of textual production of knowledge. Among the main results, we can highlight the foundation of the curriculum of the Universities of La Guajira and Pereira, where the first indicates that the curriculum is based on the socio-cultural reality of the region and the department, and the second exposes that the curriculum proposal is oriented in the affirmation of ethnic and cultural identity, and the valuation between ancestral knowledge and science, between the philosophy and the ethnic thought of the communities.En las 煤ltimas d茅cadas se ha generado un inter茅s por reivindicar la identidad afro en distintos escenarios sociales, pol铆ticos y educativos, abriendo as铆 caminos para la inclusi贸n de sus saberes culturales y pedag贸gicos en la construcci贸n de curr铆culos y planes de estudios para la formaci贸n y profesionalizaci贸n docente. En este sentido, el presente art铆culo propone analizar el curr铆culo de la universidad en cuanto a la formaci贸n pedag贸gica de estudiantes de etnoeducaci贸n en la afrocolombianidad, tomando como referentes los Proyectos Educativos del Programa de Etnoeducaci贸n de las Universidades de La Guajira y Tecnol贸gica de Pereira. Para ello se utiliz贸 un dise帽o documental que consisti贸 en el abordaje de distintas fuentes de informaci贸n secundarias (libros, proyectos de investigaci贸n, tesis, monograf铆as) y otras formas de producci贸n textual de conocimientos. Entre los principales resultados se puede destacar la fundamentaci贸n del curr铆culo del programa de las Universidades de La Guajira y de Pereira, en donde la primera indica que el curr铆culo se basa en la realidad sociocultural de la regi贸n y del departamento, y la segunda expone que la propuesta curricular est谩 orientada en la afirmaci贸n de la identidad 茅tnica y cultural, y la valoraci贸n entre el conocimiento ancestral y la ciencia, entre la filosof铆a y el pensamiento 茅tnico de las comunidades.In recent decades there has been an interest in claiming Afro identity in different social, political and educational settings, thus opening ways for the inclusion of their cultural and pedagogical knowledge in the construction of curricula and curricula for teacher training and professionalization. In this sense, this article proposes to analyze the curriculum of the university regarding the pedagogical formation of students of ethnoeducation in Afro-Colombian society, taking as referents the Educational Projects of the Program of Ethnoeducation of the Universities of La Guajira and Tecnol贸gica of Pereira. For this purpose, a documentary design was used that consisted of the approach of different secondary sources of information (books, research projects, theses, monographs) and other forms of textual production of knowledge. Among the main results, we can highlight the foundation of the curriculum of the Universities of La Guajira and Pereira, where the first indicates that the curriculum is based on the socio-cultural reality of the region and the department, and the second exposes that the curriculum proposal is oriented in the affirmation of ethnic and cultural identity, and the valuation between ancestral knowledge and science, between the philosophy and the ethnic thought of the communities.Revista Sapient铆a Vol.12. No. 23, junio de 202