8 research outputs found

    Cumulative Step-size Adaptation on Linear Functions

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    The CSA-ES is an Evolution Strategy with Cumulative Step size Adaptation, where the step size is adapted measuring the length of a so-called cumulative path. The cumulative path is a combination of the previous steps realized by the algorithm, where the importance of each step decreases with time. This article studies the CSA-ES on composites of strictly increasing functions with affine linear functions through the investigation of its underlying Markov chains. Rigorous results on the change and the variation of the step size are derived with and without cumulation. The step-size diverges geometrically fast in most cases. Furthermore, the influence of the cumulation parameter is studied.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1206.120

    Cumulative Step-size Adaptation on Linear Functions: Technical Report

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    The CSA-ES is an Evolution Strategy with Cumulative Step size Adaptation, where the step size is adapted measuring the length of a so-called cumulative path. The cumulative path is a combination of the previous steps realized by the algorithm, where the importance of each step decreases with time. This article studies the CSA-ES on composites of strictly increasing with affine linear functions through the investigation of its underlying Markov chains. Rigorous results on the change and the variation of the step size are derived with and without cumulation. The step-size diverges geometrically fast in most cases. Furthermore, the influence of the cumulation parameter is studied.Comment: Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (2012

    Cumulative Step-size Adaptation on Linear Functions: Technical Report

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    The CSA-ES is an Evolution Strategy with Cumulative Step size Adaptation, where the step size is adapted measuring the length of a so-called cumulative path. The cumulative path is a combination of the previous steps realized by the algorithm, where the importance of each step decreases with time. This article studies the CSA-ES on composites of strictly increasing with affine linear functions through the investigation of its underlying Markov chains. Rigorous results on the change and the variation of the step size are derived with and without cumulation. The step-size diverges geometrically fast in most cases. Furthermore, the influence of the cumulation parameter is studied

    Markov Chain Analysis of Evolution Strategies on a Linear Constraint Optimization Problem

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    This paper analyses a (1,λ)(1,\lambda)-Evolution Strategy, a randomised comparison-based adaptive search algorithm, on a simple constraint optimisation problem. The algorithm uses resampling to handle the constraint and optimizes a linear function with a linear constraint. Two cases are investigated: first the case where the step-size is constant, and second the case where the step-size is adapted using path length control. We exhibit for each case a Markov chain whose stability analysis would allow us to deduce the divergence of the algorithm depending on its internal parameters. We show divergence at a constant rate when the step-size is constant. We sketch that with step-size adaptation geometric divergence takes place. Our results complement previous studies where stability was assumed.Comment: Amir Hussain; Zhigang Zeng; Nian Zhang. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Jul 2014, Beijing, Chin

    Abordagem de evolução diferencial híbrida auto adaptativa e aplicação na realização de calibração automática de funções de softwares de motores automotivos

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Leandro dos Santos CoelhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa: Curitiba, 08/12/2014Inclui referências : f. 224-228Área de concentração: Sistemas eletrônicosResumo: A criação de normas de emissões de gases veiculares cada vez mais restritivas, a necessidade de redução de consumo de combustíveis, requisitos rigorosos de segurança e a busca para atender as demandas de clientes cada vez mais exigentes, fizeram com que a complexidade dos softwares automotivos crescesse exponencialmente ao longo dos últimos anos, o que acarretou em um aumento significante no número de parâmetros a serem calibrados. Consequentemente, o processo de calibração demandará mais esforço e tempo para que os motores automotivos possam atender aos requisitos do projeto. Neste sentido, algoritmos de otimização baseados na evolução diferencial são uma ferramenta útil na realização de calibração automática dos parâmetros dos softwares de motores automotivos devido a sua eficiência na busca de soluções adequadas para problemas complexos de otimização. Portanto, o objetivo principal desta dissertação é o desenvolvimento de uma nova versão de um algoritmo baseado na evolução diferencial para solução de problemas mono-objetivo sujeito apenas a restrições laterais e a aplicação deste algoritmo na realização de calibração automática de algumas funções de softwares utilizados para o controle e funcionamento de motores automotivos. Nesta dissertação são apresentadas duas versões de um algoritmo desenvolvido baseando-se nas idéias da evolução diferencial, o qual foi denominado de Evolução Diferencial Híbrida Auto Adaptativa, ou em inglês, Hybrid Self Adaptive Differential Evolution. O desenvolvimento das duas abordagens apresentadas neste trabalho teve como objetivo a implementação de um algoritmo capaz de ter um bom equilíbrio entre o exploration e exploitation, o que é importante para aumentar a precisão de um algoritmo meta-heurístico populacional, e que também fosse capaz de adaptar os seus valores de parâmetros de controle durante o processo de otimização, o que é crucial para aumentar a velocidade de convergência e reduzir o risco de estagnação da população durante o processo de otimização. Para avaliar o desempenho e eficiência dos algoritmos propostos, as duas versões, juntamente com alguns algoritmos estado da arte referentes a variantes do algoritmo de evolução diferencial, foram aplicados a três estudos de casos formado por conjuntos de funções propostos para o IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Congress on Evolutionary Computation de 2005, 2011 e 2013 e seus resultados foram comparados. Para analisar os resultados obtidos em cada um dos estudos de caso, e, assim, analisar o desempenho dos algoritmos propostos, foram utilizados os testes não paramétricos de Mann-Whitney e o teste post hoc de Friedman. Os resultados experimentais obtidos mostram que, analisando-se de uma maneira global, as duas versões do algoritmo de Evolução Diferencial Híbrida Auto Adaptativa apresentam um excelente desempenho, demonstrando, deste modo, sua eficácia e eficiência. Uma vez avaliados seus desempenhos, as duas abordagens foram aplicadas na realização da calibração automática de um modelo responsável por calcular a pressão de combustível no rail em motores diesel com sistema common rail e na realização da calibração automática de um modelo responsável por calcular a pressão do ar no coletor de admissão em motores a gasolina. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a factibilidade e a eficiência da utilização dos algoritmos de otimização propostos nesta dissertação na realização de calibração automática. Palavras-chave: Evolução diferencial. Otimização mono-objetivo. Metaheurísticas. Calibração de motores automotivos. Calibração automática.Abstract: The growing demand for improving fuel economy and performance, tighter emissions standards, strict vehicle safety regulations and higher requests for driving comfort have led to an exponential increase of the automotive software complexity over the past few years, which resulted in an increase in the number of control parameters to be calibrated. As a consequence, the calibration process will require a higher effort and a significant amount of time will be spent to achieve an optimized calibration to meet all the project requirements. In this sense, optimization algorithms based on differential evolution are an useful tool to perform automatic calibration of the control parameters due to its ability to find appropriate solutions to complex optimization problems. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is the development of a new version of an algorithm based on differential evolution for solving bound-constrained single-objective optimization problems and the application of this algorithm to perform automatic calibration of some software functions used by the automotive engine management systems. In this thesis it is presented two version of an algorithm, so-called Hybrid Self Adaptive Differential Evolution, which was developed based on the differential evolution ideas. The aim of the development of these two approaches presented on this thesis was to create an algorithm with a good balance between exploration and exploitation, which is important to increase the accuracy and efficiency of a population-based stochastic algorithm, and which is able to adapt its control parameters values over the optimization process, which is also crucial to increase the speed convergence and reduce the risk of search stagnation. To verify the performance of the proposed approaches, the two versions, along with some state-of-arts differential evolution algorithms, were tested over three case studies, composed of sets of benchmark functions proposed for the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Congress on Evolutionary Computation of 2005, 2011 and 2013, and their results were compared. To evaluate the results obtained in each of the case study, and thus analyze the performance of the proposed algorithms, the non-parametric tests of Mann-Whitney and Friedman were used. An overall analysis of experimental results shows that the two versions of the Hybrid Self Adaptive Differential Evolution algorithm have an exceptional performance, which demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms. After evaluating their performance, both approaches have been employed to perform, firstly, an automatic calibration of a model responsible for estimation of the fuel rail pressure on a common rail diesel engine and then to perform an automatic calibration of a model responsible for estimation of the air pressure in the intake manifold on a gasoline engine. The results demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed algorithms to perform automatic calibration. Key words: Differential evolution. Single-objective optimization. Metaheuristics. Automotive engine calibration. Automatic calibratio