100 research outputs found

    A comprehensive survey on cultural algorithms

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    Survey on Five Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms

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    This paper presents a literature review about Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Firework, Firefly, Clonal Selection, and Cuckoo Search algorithms, which are among the most common natural-inspired optimization algorithms. These algorithms were tried on different benchmark functions. The obtained results were analyzed, and the performance was compared. The results showed that PSO and Firefly Search algorithms provided the best performance in the studied cases

    PS-FW: A Hybrid Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm and Fireworks for Global Optimization

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) and fireworks algorithm (FWA) are two recently developed optimization methods which have been applied in various areas due to their simplicity and efficiency. However, when being applied to high-dimensional optimization problems, PSO algorithm may be trapped in the local optima owing to the lack of powerful global exploration capability, and fireworks algorithm is difficult to converge in some cases because of its relatively low local exploitation efficiency for noncore fireworks. In this paper, a hybrid algorithm called PS-FW is presented, in which the modified operators of FWA are embedded into the solving process of PSO. In the iteration process, the abandonment and supplement mechanism is adopted to balance the exploration and exploitation ability of PS-FW, and the modified explosion operator and the novel mutation operator are proposed to speed up the global convergence and to avoid prematurity. To verify the performance of the proposed PS-FW algorithm, 22 high-dimensional benchmark functions have been employed, and it is compared with PSO, FWA, stdPSO, CPSO, CLPSO, FIPS, Frankenstein, and ALWPSO algorithms. Results show that the PS-FW algorithm is an efficient, robust, and fast converging optimization method for solving global optimization problems

    Annual Report Of Research and Creative Productions by Faculty and Staff, January to December, 2013

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    Annual Report Of Research and Creative Productions by Faculty and Staff from January to December, 2013

    Chinese female representation on short video applications and their perception : Douyin (TikTok) as a Case Study

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    Gender studies and media scholars have highlighted that female representation in media has impacted how women perceive themselves. In China, prior studies have suggested that the one-dimensional and marginalized female images in media since the 1980s have had an impact on the change in Chinese women’s gender identity. Surveys and research have proposed that women’s identity has transformed towards traditional norms which tightly associate their value with marriage and domestic responsibility. Several studies argued that the issue of problematic female representation had partially progressed with the popularity of social media, including Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok). However, recent literatures suggested that too little emphasis has been placed on the female representations of Douyin and its reception of women. This dissertation strives to provide an understanding of how women’s representations were constructed and perceived on short-video applications in China, using Douyin (Chinese version of TikTok) as the case of the study. The study focuses on the gender perception embodied in the representations posted by accounts presenting as women and their reception of audiences presenting as women. We have employed a qualitative methodology, using content analysis and semiotics to analyze our samples. Samples were selected from popular short videos and relevant comments both posted by accounts presenting as women. Through data analysis, the study revealed a wide range of female representations of Douyin, including ones corresponding to the traditional gender identity, ones partially aligned with it, and ones against it. The result of the study argued that most audiences presenting as women have endorsed representations not corresponding to the traditional gender identity. It also suggested that an insufficiency of representations contradicted the traditional identity of Douyin. The preliminary results of this study throw light on the understanding of the construction of female representations in the Chinese digital environment. Furthermore, the outcomes of this research have contributed to understanding the preferable representations of female users of Douyin, potentially improving cultural products designed for women.Os estudos de género e dos media salientaram que a representação feminina nos media teve impacto na perceção que as mulheres têm de si próprias. Na China, estudos anteriores sugeriram que as imagens unidimensionais e marginalizadas das mulheres nos media desde 1980 têm um impacto na mudança da identidade de género das mulheres chinesas. Foi proposto que a identidade da mulher se transformou em normas tradicionais que associam fortemente o seu valor ao casamento e à responsabilidade doméstica. Vários estudos argumentaram que a problemática da questão da representação feminina tem progredido parcialmente com a popularidade dos redes sociais, incluindo Douyin (a versão chinesa de TikTok). No entanto, literatura recente sugeriu que foi dada pouca ênfase às representações femininas em Douyin, e à sua receção pelas mulheres. A presente dissertação procura compreender como as representações femininas foram construídas e percebidas em aplicações de vídeo curto na China, utilizando o Douyin (versão chinesa de TikTok) como caso do estudo. O estudo centra-se na perceção do género incorporada nas representações afixadas pelos relatos apresentados como mulheres e a sua receção de audiências apresentadas como mulheres. Utilizámos uma metodologia qualitativa, com recurso a análise de conteúdo e semiótica para analisar as nossas amostras. As amostras foram selecionadas a partir de vídeos curtos populares e comentários relevantes, ambos afixados por relatos apresentados como mulheres. Através da análise dos dados, o estudo revelou que havia uma vasta gama de representações femininas em Douyin, incluindo as correspondentes à identidade tradicional de género, as que se alinham parcialmente com ela, e as que se opõem a ela. O resultado do estudo argumenta que a maioria das audiências que se apresentam como mulheres apoiam representações que não correspondem à identidade tradicional de género. Também sugerimos uma insuficiência de representações contraditórias com a identidade tradicional em Douyin. Os resultados preliminares deste estudo lançam luz sobre a compreensão da construção de representações femininas no ambiente digital chinês. Além disso, os resultados deste estudo possivelmente contribuem para a compreensão das representações preferíveis das utilizadoras femininas de Douyin, melhorando potencialmente os produtos culturais concebidos para as mulheres

    Defining and rectifying the gaps in our ability to record and measure eye injuries internationally.

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    Eye injuries and the resulting vision loss are a significant contributor to monocular vision loss worldwide.(1) Eye injuries can result in immediate and devastating vision loss and are quoted as being 90% avoidable.(2) Whilst eye injury data is available from many countries, the terms, definitions and methods of collection are not uniform and low-and-middle-income countries are underrepresented in the published literature as highlighted in Chapter 1. The capacity to reduce ocular mortality and morbidity requires systematic and aligned data internationally. A systematic review of ocular trauma registries, past and present is provided in Chapter 2. A system for recording ophthalmic trauma data to be used internationally, the International Globe and Adnexal Trauma Epidemiology Study (IGATES) methodology, is presented in Chapter 3. To validate IGATES, a point incidence study was undertaken to examine the impact of fireworks at key festivals, such as Devali and New Year’s Eve. The data for fireworks-related eye injuries is presented in Chapter 4. Based on the need for a consensus-based approach to the terms and definitions associated with ophthalmic (eye and adnexal) trauma was used to provide more the basis for uniform data collection, analysis and informed interventions internationally a survey was conducted. The results of a Delphi survey conducted to achieve consensus on terms and classifications for ophthalmic trauma are presented in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 provides the concluding remarks including aims and implications for future research in the area of ocular trauma

    Video in the Abyss: In the context of the digital, is analogue video feedback still useful as an approach to making art?

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    Video feedback systems have been largely discounted by media artists in favour of digital tools and code-based programming languages, which offer a more robust, data-driven approach to developing generative and interactive moving image works. Furthermore, art historians have generally failed to document and reflect on the practice of video feedback. However, video feedback systems have many qualities that can enrich current digital culture, whilst digital tools provide an opportunity for artists to revisit analogue feedback from a fresh perspective. This thesis and accompanying portfolio reappraises the use of feedback systems in media art, and explores their application in combination with digital tools such as projection mapping software. Through practice-based research, analysis of contemporary media art works, and interviews with artists and curators, this thesis identifies and analyses the key technological and experiential properties of video feedback installations from the perspectives of both artist and audience. The works produced proved to be extremely engaging for audiences. Comments from experts within the field suggest that key factors include the mesmerising elemental forms and textures of feedback, and the intuitive nature of the interface. One work (PORTALS) was also shortlisted for the Lumen Prize for Art and Technology. Video feedback works still present unique problems: they are difficult to calibrate, often unpredictable or even unrepeatable. However, this thesis concludes that there are significant benefits in revisiting this 50 year old video art technique from a contemporary digital perspective. Digital video tools offer new ways to generate, calibrate, and present video feedback in various contexts. Conversely, the incorporation of optical or analogue feedback into digital systems can offer a simple method of generating complex textures and chaotic behaviour without the need for programming skills, as well as providing an extremely intuitive interface for audience interaction via the video camera. The thesis ends by suggesting that more research needs to be done to examine how feedback installations can be made more robust and scalable across a range of contexts from white cube galleries to light festivals

    Tangible auditory interfaces : combining auditory displays and tangible interfaces

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    Bovermann T. Tangible auditory interfaces : combining auditory displays and tangible interfaces. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2009.Tangible Auditory Interfaces (TAIs) investigates into the capabilities of the interconnection of Tangible User Interfaces and Auditory Displays. TAIs utilise artificial physical objects as well as soundscapes to represent digital information. The interconnection of the two fields establishes a tight coupling between information and operation that is based on the human's familiarity with the incorporated interrelations. This work gives a formal introduction to TAIs and shows their key features at hand of seven proof of concept applications