17 research outputs found

    Scientific output of the emerging Cuban biopharmaceutical industry: a scientometric approach

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    "This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Scientometrics. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-016-2023-1"Cuba has developed a biopharmaceutical sector that involves some of the country’s most relevant scientific institutions. Despite the severe constraints on resources resulting from the U.S. embargo, the results achieved by this sector have contributed to put the country’s health indicators at the same level of high-income nations. Recently, the creation of BioCubaFarma as a cluster of high-technology enterprises organized around a closed cycle model becomes one of the most relevant efforts of the Island in order to make biopharmaceuticals one of the country’s leading export earners. The main aim of the current paper was to characterize BioCubaFarma through a battery of Scopus-based bibliometric indicators. A comparison with the most productive multinational pharmaceutical companies was made. Regression analysis of annual productivity, number of citations, scientific talent pool, innovative knowledge and other citation-based indicators was performed. Differences and similarities between BioCubaFarma and multinational companies in four Scopus subject categories related to this sector were identified. The most productive and visible institutions from BioCubaFarma were also characterized. Qualified human resources, innovative knowledge, leadership, high specialization in the field of vaccines development and non-dependence of international collaboration are strengths of the organization. However, it is still necessary to increase the number of articles published in highly visible journals with the aim to achieve a better citation-based performance. Moreover, to increase the contributions from less-productive institutions, more clinical research published in medical journals and more collaboration with universities and health institutions could also have positive benefits for BioCubaFarma’s pipelines and portfolios.This research was supported by 2015 Postdoctoral Short Visiting Program of the Spanish Instituto de Bienes y Políticas Públicas (IPP) from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Peer reviewe

    Coverage in Scopus vs. Web of Science off research produced in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    El propósito del presente trabajo es analizar y comparar el grado de cobertura de las revistas, la producción científica y la visibilidad que tienen los mayores productores de América Latina y el Caribe (LAC) en las bases de datos del Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) y Scopus. Los resultados demuestran una amplia cobertura de las revistas nacionales indizadas en SCimago Journal and Country Rank frente a las que incluye journal Citation Report (JCR). Sin embargo, muchas de estas incorporaciones son recientes, lo que no ha provocado un especial aumento de los documentos en Scopus y por el momento la producción y citación por países es bastante similar en ambas fuentes. Las revistas indizadas en SJR y que no están incluidas en JCR, alcanzan en general un bajo factor de impacto, mientras que las que están en ambas presentan valores similares.This paper offers a comparative analysis of databases of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and Scopus in terms of coverage of journals, scientific output and visibility of the most productive Latin American and Caribbean countries in these capacities. Results show wide coverage of national journals indexed in SCimago Journal and Country Rank (SJR) in contrast to those included in the journal Citation Report (JCR). Many of these, however, are recent additions that have not caused a significant increase of documents included in Scopus. Thus, the production and citation numbers for journals listed in both databases are similar, while journals indexed only in SJR exert, in general, lesser impact

    El impacto de las publicaciones seriadas y su efecto sobre la producción científica cubana sobre Bibliotecología y Ciencias +de la Información

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    Objective.The aim of this study was to identify, from a quantitative perspective, differences between Cuban scientific research published in high visible journals and the rest of the national scientific production, using as analytical tools the quartiles of visibility established by the Scimago Journal & Country Rank,compiled from Scopus database. Method.As a case study, Cuban scientific output on Library and Information Sciences indexed by this database was selected. A battery of scientometric indicators was used to analyze levels of citation, collaboration and leadership involved in articles published by journals belonging to each of the visibility quartiles. Correlation between the studied indicators was analyzed. Results/Discussion.High dependence of the indicators based on citation analysis was confirmed, as well as correlation between international collaboration and journal quartiles of visibility. Conclusions.It is concluded that the national scientific output with the greatest influence on the international scientific community in this domain is mainly published by journals belonging to the first quartile of visibility. Likewise, it was identified that national scientific output on Library and Information Sciences depends on international collaboration to reach high levels of visibility, and still is not capable of systematically generate research with a significant impact on the international scientific community. Originality/Value.First bibliometric study of Cuban Library and Information Sciences using the impact of journals where research where published as main analytical category

    Evaluating patterns of national and international collaboration in Cuban science using bibliometric tools

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    Purpose -- The purpose of this paper is to explore the hypothesis that collaboration was a key characteristic of Cuban science to maintain their scientific capacity during a period of economic restrictions and an important feature of Cuban science policy and practice for the benefit of society. Design/methodology/approach -- Collaboration was studied through Cuban scientific publications listed in PubMed for the period 1990-2010. The search was carried out using the advanced search engine of PubMed indicating oCubaW in the affiliation field. To identify participating institutions a second search was performed to find the affiliations of all authors per article through the link to the electronic journal. A data set was created to identify institutional publication patterns for the surveyed period. Institutions were classified in three categories according to their scientific production as Central, Middle or Distal: the pattern of collaboration between these categories was analysed. Findings -- Results indicate that collaboration between scientifically advanced institutions (Central) and a wide range of national institutions is a consequence of the social character of science in Cuba in which cooperation prevails. Although this finding comes from a limited field of biomedical science it is likely to reflect Cuban science policy in general. Originality/value -- Using bibliometric tools the study suggests that Cuban science policy and practice ensure the application of science for social needs by harnessing human resources through national and international collaboration, building in this way stronger scientific capacity

    Scientific Research in Cuban Universities and its Characterization from SCImago Institutions Ranking

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    Número Especial: Funciones sociales de la ciencia; Ciencia y sociedad en la Cuba de Hoy; Educación Superior y Política Científica[EN] Based on bibliometric indexes developed by SCImago Research Group, from the Higher Council of Scientific Research of Spain, the characterization of the scientific activity in Cuban universities is done. The volume and the thematic specialization of scientific production is analyzed; those that have generated a bigger quantity of research articles along the five year periods covered by the SCImago ranking of Iberian-American institutions during the 2009-2013 period are identified. Institutions with more international collaboration and how this has influenced on the visibility and impact of the researches are analyzed. The impact of scientific production on the international community is studied, from new indexes based on the analysis of quotations. Universities with bigger volumes of excellence scientific production are identified, as well as those with more leadership not only on their general production, but on the most visible literature they generate. The international context is used, and specifically the Iberian-American environment, to establish comparative patterns and a group of factors that can influence the future development of national research in the academic environment are analyzed.[ES] A partir de indicadores bibliométricos desarrollados por el grupo de Investigación SCImago, del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científfcas de España (CSIC), se realiza la caracterización de la actividad cientiffca en las universidades cubanas. Se analiza el volumen y la especialización temática de la producción científica y se identifican las que han generado una mayorcantidad de articulos de investigación a Io largo de los quinquenios abarcados por el ranking de instituciones iberoamericanas de SCImago durante el periodo 2009-2013. Se examinan las instituciones con mayor colaboración internacional y cómo esta ha ejercido una influencia sobre la visibilidad y el impacto de las investigaciones. Se estudia el impacto de la producción científica sobre la comunidad internacional, a partir de novedosos indicadores basados en análisis de citas. Se identifican las universidades que han alcanzado mayores volúmenes de producción científfca de excelencia, así como aquellas con mayor liderazgo no solo sobre su producción general, sino sobre Ia literatura rnás visible que generan. Se utiliza el contexto intemacional, y específicamente en el entorno iberoamericano, para establecer patrones comparativos y se analizan un conjunto de factores que pueden influir en el desarrollo futuro de las investigaciones nacionales en el ámbito académico.Peer reviewe

    Participation of the Caribbean in regional science : a general overview and comparative analysis of Cuba, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago

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    El Caribe es una subregión del continente americano formada por 13 países y 14 territorios dependientes, los cuales se caracterizan por una gran diversidad. A pesar de su relevancia, está poco explorado en los estudios de la ciencia regional. Este artículo se propone analizar la ciencia caribeña a principios del siglo XXI, basada en insumos y resultados, así como en el enfoque de los indicadores cienciométricos de la actividad, el impacto y la especialización. Se compararon los perfiles de los países más productivos y se discutieron las contribuciones de la subregión a la ciencia de América Latina y el Caribe. Los resultados revelan una producción relevante, aunque modesta, y una amplia diversidad, tanto en la distribución geográfica y en la temática, como en los perfiles y en la especialización científica de los países según los modelos de publicación. Se concluye que la producción del Caribe es relevante para su desarrollo y contribuye a la diversificación de la ciencia regional, no solo en términos de temas y modelos de publicación, sino también en la relación con la distribución geográfica y la reducción de las desigualdades científicas regionales.The Caribbean is a subregion of the American continent made up of 13 countries and 14 dependent territories characterized by great diversity. Despite its relevance, it has not been sufficiently explored in regional science studies. The objective of this paper was to analyze Caribbean science in the early 21st century based on inputs and outputs and scientometric indicators for activity, impact and specialization. The profiles of the most productive countries were compared and the contributions of the subregion to science in Latin America and the Caribbean were discussed. Results reveal a relevant though modest production and a great diversity in geographic and thematic distribution as well as in the profiles and scientific specialization of the countries according to the publication models. It is concluded that production in the Caribbean is relevant to the subregion's development and contributes to the diversification of regional science, not only in terms of topics and publication models, but also in relation to geographic distribution and the reduction of regional scientific inequalities

    A bibliometric classificatory approach for the study and assessment of research performance at the individual level: the effects of age on productivity and impact

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    This paper sets forth a general methodology for conducting bibliometric analyses at the micro level. It combines several indicators grouped into three factors or dimensions which characterize different aspects of scientific performance. Different profiles or “classes” of scientists are described according to their research performance in each dimension. A series of results based on the findings from the application of this methodology to the study of CSIC scientists in Spain in three thematic areas are presented. Special emphasis is made on the identification and description of top scientists from structural and bibliometric perspectives. The effects of age on the productivity and impact of the different classes of scientists are analyzed. The classificatory approach proposed herein may prove a useful tool in support of research assessment at the individual level and for exploring potential determinants of research success.Peer reviewe