4,248 research outputs found

    Popular and learned culture , canon and iconoclasm

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    Where do prices come from? Sociological approaches to price formation

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    The article provides an overview of the state of the art of sociological research on price formation. The dominant trait of the sociological approach to prices is to understand price formation not as the outcome of individual preferences but as the result of the social and political forces operating within the market field. The article proceeds from the concept of market fields and is organized around the three dominant approaches in economic sociology: the network approach, the institutional approach, and the cultural approach. -- Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über den Forschungsstand zum Thema Preisbildung in der Soziologie. Ausgangspunkt der Betrachtung von Preisen aus soziologischer Perspektive ist, diese nicht als das Resultat individueller Präferenzen zu verstehen, sondern als Ausdruck der sozialen und politischen Kräfte in Märkten. Der Artikel orientiert sich an dem Konzept der Marktfelder und ist anhand der drei Hauptrichtungen der Wirtschaftssoziologie strukturiert: des Netzwerkansatzes, des institutionellen Ansatzes und des kulturellen Ansatzes.

    Assimilation into the literary mainstream? The classification of ethnic minority authors in newspaper reviews in the United States, the Netherlands and Germany

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    This article addresses to what extent literary critics in the United States, the Netherlands and Germany have drawn ethnic boundaries in their reviews of ethnic minority writers between 1983 and 2009 and to what extent these boundaries have changed in the course of ethnic minority writers’ careers and across time. By analysing newspaper reviews, we find that American reviewers less often mention the ethnic background of Mexican American authors than their Dutch and German colleagues refer to the background of Moroccan and Turkish minority writers. While these relatively strong ethnic boundaries become weaker over time in the Netherlands (boundary shifting), Turkish German authors encounter particularly strong boundaries in subsequent book publications (ethnicization). In the US the reverse is true: ethnic boundaries weaken after the debut has been reviewed (boundary crossing). The findings are likely to be the result of national differences in the chronic accessibility of ethnic classifications (US and Germany) and sp

    Contra el ciberutopismo. Discurso utópico "versus" análisis sociológico sobre la transición al paradigma digital de la esfera cultural

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    Culture is no longer the social sphere that illuminated modernity. In spite of its greater social and economic centrality centrality characteristic of postfordist society, economic and technological changes in recent years are questioning their existence as an autonomous sphere. In this context, the discourse ciberutopist takes a totally positive reading of these transformations as an empowerment of the consumer or the emergences of new chains of creative cooperation. Against this ideologically loaded discourse, it’s necessary an epistemological rupture and a construction of a research program from the sociology of culture, to evaluate critically and neutral the actual effects of the transition to digital paradigm and its effects. These, far from being completely positive, may incur an impoverishment of cultural consumption and creativity and lead to a scenario of oligopolistic dominance cultural sector by large technology corporations.La cultura ha dejado de ser la esfera social que iluminaba la modernidad. A pesar de su mayor centralidad social y económica propia de la sociedad postfordista, las transformaciones económicas y tecnológicas de los últimos años están cuestionando su propia existencia como esfera autónoma. En este contexto, el discurso ciberutopismo hace una lectura totalmente positiva de estas transformaciones como un empoderamiento del consumidor o del surgimientos de nuevas cadenas de cooperación creativa. Frente a este discurso ideológicamente cargado, es necesaria una ruptura epistemológica y una construcción de un programa de investigación desde la sociología de las artes y la cultura, que evalúe de forma crítica y neutral los efectos reales de la transición a lo digital y sus efectos. Estos, lejos de ser completamente positivos, pueden conllevar un empobrecimiento del consumo y la creación cultural y conducir a un escenario de dominio oligopólico del sector cultural por parte de las grandes corporaciones tecnológicas

    The tribuni plebis and the end of the Roman Republic

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    The Paranista Movement in Brazil and the Illustração Paranaense Magazine

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    The Illustra o Paranaense mensario paranista de arte e actualidades was a magazine that circulated in Paran Brazil between 1927 and 1930 during which the Paranista Movement lived its heyday Counting practices of different fields this cultural movement developed to mobilize awareness and actions of artists and intellectuals in favor of a local identity The intention is to take as object of study the role of that magazine in the construction of both a speech as images they intended to set a paranaense identity The aim of this article is to understand how the periodic exercised its role as a vehicle for the dissemination of ideas and works of representatives of Paranista Movement the specificity of the visual arts Is taken as hypothesis that political interest is not excelled on the artistic and cultural interest because both followed the same direction Drawing on statistical data the intention is investigate the relationship network formed by the editorial staff of the magazine and its contributor
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