64 research outputs found

    The Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal Conjecture for Paths and Antipaths

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    We prove that for every k, there exists ck>0c_k>0 such that every graph G on n vertices not inducing a path PkP_k and its complement contains a clique or a stable set of size nckn^{c_k}

    A Note on "Regularity lemma for distal structures"

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    In a recent paper, Chernikov and Starchenko prove that graphs defined in distal theories have strong regularity properties, generalizing previous results about graphs defined by semi-algebraic relations. We give a shorter, purely model-theoretic proof of this fact.Comment: 6 page

    Combinatorial complexity in o-minimal geometry

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    In this paper we prove tight bounds on the combinatorial and topological complexity of sets defined in terms of nn definable sets belonging to some fixed definable family of sets in an o-minimal structure. This generalizes the combinatorial parts of similar bounds known in the case of semi-algebraic and semi-Pfaffian sets, and as a result vastly increases the applicability of results on combinatorial and topological complexity of arrangements studied in discrete and computational geometry. As a sample application, we extend a Ramsey-type theorem due to Alon et al., originally proved for semi-algebraic sets of fixed description complexity to this more general setting.Comment: 25 pages. Revised version. To appear in the Proc. London Math. So

    On the Yao-Yao partition theorem

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    The Yao-Yao partition theorem states that given a probability measure on an affine space of dimension n having a density which is continuous and bounded away from 0, it is possible to partition the space into 2^n regions of equal measure in such a way that every affine hyperplane avoids at least one of the regions. We give a constructive proof of this result and extend it to slightly more general measures.Comment: 10 pages, file might be slightly different from the published versio

    Density theorems for intersection graphs of t-monotone curves

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    A curve \gamma in the plane is t-monotone if its interior has at most t-1 vertical tangent points. A family of t-monotone curves F is \emph{simple} if any two members intersect at most once. It is shown that if F is a simple family of n t-monotone curves with at least \epsilon n^2 intersecting pairs (disjoint pairs), then there exists two subfamilies F_1,F_2 \subset F of size \delta n each, such that every curve in F_1 intersects (is disjoint to) every curve in F_2, where \delta depends only on \epsilon. We apply these results to find pairwise disjoint edges in simple topological graphs

    Lower bounds on geometric Ramsey functions

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    We continue a sequence of recent works studying Ramsey functions for semialgebraic predicates in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. A kk-ary semialgebraic predicate Φ(x1,…,xk)\Phi(x_1,\ldots,x_k) on Rd\mathbb{R}^d is a Boolean combination of polynomial equations and inequalities in the kdkd coordinates of kk points x1,…,xk∈Rdx_1,\ldots,x_k\in\mathbb{R}^d. A sequence P=(p1,…,pn)P=(p_1,\ldots,p_n) of points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d is called Φ\Phi-homogeneous if either Φ(pi1,…,pik)\Phi(p_{i_1}, \ldots,p_{i_k}) holds for all choices 1≤i1<⋯<ik≤n1\le i_1 < \cdots < i_k\le n, or it holds for no such choice. The Ramsey function RΦ(n)R_\Phi(n) is the smallest NN such that every point sequence of length NN contains a Φ\Phi-homogeneous subsequence of length nn. Conlon, Fox, Pach, Sudakov, and Suk constructed the first examples of semialgebraic predicates with the Ramsey function bounded from below by a tower function of arbitrary height: for every k≥4k\ge 4, they exhibit a kk-ary Φ\Phi in dimension 2k−42^{k-4} with RΦR_\Phi bounded below by a tower of height k−1k-1. We reduce the dimension in their construction, obtaining a kk-ary semialgebraic predicate Φ\Phi on Rk−3\mathbb{R}^{k-3} with RΦR_\Phi bounded below by a tower of height k−1k-1. We also provide a natural geometric Ramsey-type theorem with a large Ramsey function. We call a point sequence PP in Rd\mathbb{R}^d order-type homogeneous if all (d+1)(d+1)-tuples in PP have the same orientation. Every sufficiently long point sequence in general position in Rd\mathbb{R}^d contains an order-type homogeneous subsequence of length nn, and the corresponding Ramsey function has recently been studied in several papers. Together with a recent work of B\'ar\'any, Matou\v{s}ek, and P\'or, our results imply a tower function of Ω(n)\Omega(n) of height dd as a lower bound, matching an upper bound by Suk up to the constant in front of nn.Comment: 12 page

    Semi-algebraic colorings of complete graphs

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    We consider mm-colorings of the edges of a complete graph, where each color class is defined semi-algebraically with bounded complexity. The case m=2m = 2 was first studied by Alon et al., who applied this framework to obtain surprisingly strong Ramsey-type results for intersection graphs of geometric objects and for other graphs arising in computational geometry. Considering larger values of mm is relevant, e.g., to problems concerning the number of distinct distances determined by a point set. For p≥3p\ge 3 and m≥2m\ge 2, the classical Ramsey number R(p;m)R(p;m) is the smallest positive integer nn such that any mm-coloring of the edges of KnK_n, the complete graph on nn vertices, contains a monochromatic KpK_p. It is a longstanding open problem that goes back to Schur (1916) to decide whether R(p;m)=2O(m)R(p;m)=2^{O(m)}, for a fixed pp. We prove that this is true if each color class is defined semi-algebraically with bounded complexity. The order of magnitude of this bound is tight. Our proof is based on the Cutting Lemma of Chazelle {\em et al.}, and on a Szemer\'edi-type regularity lemma for multicolored semi-algebraic graphs, which is of independent interest. The same technique is used to address the semi-algebraic variant of a more general Ramsey-type problem of Erd\H{o}s and Shelah
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