35 research outputs found

    A Review of Cross-layer Design in Dynamic Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive Radio (CR) is an intelligent radio that can dynamically access the radio spectrum. Secondary users in Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) can access the licensed spectrum without causing harmful interference to primary users. The performance of cognitive radio networking functionalities depends on the properties of the spectrum band in use. This necessitates a crosslayer design in the entire CR networking protocol stack. Current researches are investigating different techniques of using cognitive radio to reuse more locally unused spectrums to increase the total system capacity. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of cross-layer design in cognitive radio network. The cross-layer design approach jointly considers the functions of the layers to maximize the performance of CR networks.</p

    A Joint Routing and Time-Slot Assignment Algorithm for Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks with Primary-User Protection

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    Cognitive radio has recently emerged as a promising technology to improve the utilization efficiency of the radio spectrum. In cognitive radio networks, secondary users (SUs) must avoid causing any harmful interference to primary users (PUs) and transparently utilize the licensed spectrum bands. In this paper, we study the PUprotection issue in multi-hop cognitive radio networks. In such networks, secondary users carefully select paths and time slots to reduce the interference to PUs. We formulate the routing and time-slot assignment problem into a mixed integer linear programming (MILP). To solve the MILP which is NP-Hard in general, we propose an algorithm named RSAA (Routing and Slot Assignment Algorithm). By relaxing the integral constraints of the MILP, RSAA first solves the max flow from the source to the destination. Based on the max flow, RSAA constructs a new network topology. On the new topology, RSAA uses branch and bound method to get the near optimal assignment of time slots and paths. The theoretical analyses show that the complexity of our proposed algorithm is O(N^4). Also, simulation results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm can obtain near-optimal throughputs for SUs

    Novel Interference And Spectrum Aware Routing Techniques}{for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011Yüksek hızlı kablosuz ağlara artan rağbet nedeniyle, radyo spektrumu dünya üzerinde en çok kullanılan ve pahalı doğal kaynaklardan biri haline gelmiştir. Lisanslı spektrumu etkin şekilde kullanma ve paylaşmaya olanak sağlaması nedeniyle radyo spektrumundan yararlanma potansiyelini arttıran bilişsel radyo teknolojisi büyük ilgi toplamaktadır. Söz konusu potansiyelden faydalanmak üzere bilişsel radyo ağları tasarlanırken üzerinde önemle durulması gereken en önemli konulardan bir tanesi de yönlendirmedir. Çalışmamızda bilişsel radyo ağlarında kullanılmak üzere önerilen yönlendirme teknikleri hakkında bir bakış açısı sunulmakla beraber asıl olarak girişim ve spektruma dayalı özgün yönlendirme teknikleri önerilmektedir. Öncelikle, spektrum kullanım karakteristikleri ve ağdaki akışların yarattığı girişim göz önüne alınarak yönlendirme ölçütleri tasarlanmıştır. Ayrıca, bilişsel radyo ağları için otonom dağıtık uyarlanır menzil kontrol stratejisi önerilmiştir. Bu önerilere ek olarak dağıtık ve etkin bir kümeleme tabanlı yönlendirme tekniği geliştirilmiştir. Son olarak, bilişsel radyo ağları için otonom dağıtık uyarlanır menzil kontrol stratejisi ve spektrum erişebilirliği ve girişim maliyeti ölçütlerini bir arada kullanan özgün bir yönlendirme tekniği önerilmiştir. Önerilen yeni yönlendirme ölçütlerinin kullanımı nedeniyle önerilen teknik trafiği kullanılabilir spektrumun daha çok ve girişimin daha az olduğu rotalara yönlendirmektedir. NS2 benzetim ortamı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen testler, önerilen yöntemlerin bilişsel radyo ağlarına uygunluğunu ve ağ başarımını arttırdığını göstermiştir. Ayrıca güncel bilişsel radyo teknolojisini kullanan diğer yöntemlerle karşılaştırıldığında önerilen tekniklerin hem uçtan uca veri aktarımını arttırdığı hem de uçtan uca gecikmeyi azalttığı ve başarımlarının daha yüksek olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.Radio spectrum has become one of the most heavily used and expensive natural resource around the world because of the growing demand for high-speed wireless networks. Cognitive radio has received great attention due to tremendous potential to improve the utilization of the radio spectrum by efficiently reusing and sharing the licensed spectrum. To design such mobile cognitive radio networks, routing is one of the key challenging issues to be addressed and requires deep investigation. This study gives some insights about the potential routing approaches that can be employed, and suggests novel interference and spectrum aware routing techniques for cognitive radio networks. First, the spectrum usage characteristics, and the interference created by existing flows in the network both from the primary and secondary users are taken into account to define routing metrics. Next, an autonomous distributed adaptive transmission range control scheme for cognitive radio networks is proposed. A distributed and efficient cluster based routing technique, which benefits from new metrics, is also introduced. The last proposed routing algorithm incorporates novel metrics and autonomous distributed adaptive transmission range control mechanism to provide self adaptivity. As a consequence, the proposed protocol routes traffic across paths with better spectrum availability and reduced interference via these new routing metrics. Extensive experimental evaluations are performed in the ns2 simulator to show that proposed protocols provide better adaptability to the environment and maximize throughput, minimize end-to-end delay in a number of realistic scenarios and outperforms recently proposed routing protocols developed for cognitive radio networks.DoktoraPh

    Spectrum Map and its Application in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Recent measurements on radio spectrum usage have revealed the abundance of underutilized bands of spectrum that belong to licensed users. This necessitated the paradigm shift from static to dynamic spectrum access. Cognitive radio based secondary networks that utilize such unused spectrum holes in the licensed band, have been proposed as a possible solution to the spectrum crisis. The idea is to detect times when a particular licensed band is unused and use it for transmission without causing interference to the licensed user. We argue that prior knowledge about occupancy of such bands and the corresponding achievable performance metrics can potentially help secondary networks to devise effective strategies to improve utilization. In this work, we use Shepard\u27s method of interpolation to create a spectrum map that provides a spatial distribution of spectrum usage over a region of interest. It is achieved by intelligently fusing the spectrum usage reports shared by the secondary nodes at various locations. The obtained spectrum map is a continuous and differentiable 2-dimension distribution function in space. With the spectrum usage distribution known, we show how different radio spectrum and network performance metrics like channel capacity, secondary network throughput, spectral efficiency, and bit error rate can be estimated. We show the applicability of the spectrum map in solving the intra-cell channel allocation problem in centralized cognitive radio networks, such as IEEE 802.22. We propose a channel allocation scheme where the base station allocates interference free channels to the consumer premise equipments (CPE) using the spectrum map that it creates by fusing the spectrum usage information shared by some CPEs. The most suitable CPEs for information sharing are chosen on a dynamic basis using an iterative clustering algorithm. Next, we present a contention based media access control (MAC) protocol for distributed cognitive radio network. The unlicensed secondary users contend among themselves over a common control channel. Winners of the contention get to access the available channels ensuring high utilization and minimum collision with primary incumbent. Last, we propose a multi-channel, multi-hop routing protocol with secondary transmission power control. The spectrum map, created and maintained by a set of sensors, acts as the basis of finding the best route for every source destination pair. The proposed routing protocol ensures primary receiver protection and maximizes achievable link capacity. Through simulation experiments we show the correctness of the prediction model and how it can be used by secondary networks for strategic positioning of secondary transmitter-receiver pairs and selecting the best candidate channels. The simulation model mimics realistic distribution of TV stations for urban and non-urban areas. Results validate the nature and accuracy of estimation, prediction of performance metrics, and efficiency of the allocation process in an IEEE 802.22 network. Results for the proposed MAC protocol show high channel utilization with primary quality of service degradation within a tolerable limit. Performance evaluation of the proposed routing scheme reveals that it ensures primary receiver protection through secondary power control and maximizes route capacity

    Formulation, implementation considerations, and first performance evaluation of algorithmic solutions - D4.1

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    Deliverable D4.1 del projecte Europeu OneFIT (ICT-2009-257385)This deliverable contains a first version of the algorithmic solutions for enabling opportunistic networks. The presented algorithms cover the full range of identified management tasks: suitability, creation, QoS control, reconfiguration and forced terminations. Preliminary evaluations complement the proposed algorithms. Implementation considerations towards the practicality of the considered algorithms are also included.Preprin

    Formulations and identification of algorithmic solutions for enabling opportunistic networks - M4.1

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    Milestone M4.1 del projecte Europeu OneFIT (ICT-2009-257385).This document contains a detailed description of the algorithms to be implemented to manage the opportunistic networks. There are defined according to the functional and system architecture (WP2) to fulfil the technical challenges. These algorithms will implemented during the WP4.2 and validated during the WP4.3Postprint (published version

    Algorithmes de routage dans les réseaux sans-fil de radios cognitives à multi-sauts

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    Les réseaux de radios cognitives sont composés d'appareils cognitifs et agiles capables de changer leurs configurations à la volée en se basant sur l'environnement spectral. Cette capacité offre la possibilité de concevoir des stratégies d'accès au spectre dynamiques et flexibles dans le but d'utiliser d'une manière opportuniste une portion du spectre disponible. Toutefois, la flexibilité dans l'accès au spectre engendre une complexité accrue dans la conception des protocoles de communication. Notre travail s'intéresse au problème de routage dans les réseaux de radios cognitives à multi-sauts. Dans ce document, nous proposons un protocole de routage réactif qui permet la coexistence entre les utilisateurs premiers et secondaires, la diminution des interférences et l'augmentation du débit de transmission de bout en bout. Les simulations présentées démontrent l'efficacité de l'algorithme proposé en termes de débit moyen de bout en bout et de la gestion des chemins interrompus par l'arrivée d'un utilisateur premier. \ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : réseaux de radios cognitives, radio cognitive, routage réactif, multi-sauts, utilisateur premier, utilisateur secondaire