4,227 research outputs found

    Culture in the design of mHealth UI:An effort to increase acceptance among culturally specific groups

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    Purpose: Designers of mobile applications have long understood the importance of users’ preferences in making the user experience easier, convenient and therefore valuable. The cultural aspects of groups of users are among the key features of users’ design preferences, because each group’s preferences depend on various features that are culturally compatible. The process of integrating culture into the design of a system has always been an important ingredient for effective and interactive human computer interface. This study aims to investigate the design of a mobile health (mHealth) application user interface (UI) based on Arabic culture. It was argued that integrating certain cultural values of specific groups of users into the design of UI would increase their acceptance of the technology. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 135 users responded to an online survey about their acceptance of a culturally designed mHealth. Findings: The findings showed that culturally based language, colours, layout and images had a significant relationship with users’ behavioural intention to use the culturally based mHealth UI. Research limitations/implications: First, the sample and the data collected of this study were restricted to Arab users and Arab culture; therefore, the results cannot be generalized to other cultures and users. Second, the adapted unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model was used in this study instead of the new version, which may expose new perceptions. Third, the cultural aspects of UI design in this study were limited to the images, colours, language and layout. Practical implications: It encourages UI designers to implement the relevant cultural aspects while developing mobile applications. Originality/value: Embedding Arab cultural aspects in designing UI for mobile applications to satisfy Arab users and enhance their acceptance toward using mobile applications, which will reflect positively on their lives.</p

    Advanced feature selection to study the internationalization strategy of enterprises

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    Firms face an increasingly complex economic and financial environment in which the access to international networks and markets is crucial. To be successful, companies need to understand the role of internationalization determinants such as bilateral psychic distance, experience, etc. Cutting-edge feature selection methods are applied in the present paper and compared to previous results to gain deep knowledge about strategies for Foreign Direct Investment. More precisely, evolutionary feature selection, addressed from the wrapper approach, is applied with two different classifiers as the fitness function: Bagged Trees and Extreme Learning Machines. The proposed intelligent system is validated when applied to real-life data from Spanish Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). These data were extracted from databases belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Trade. As a result, interesting conclusions are derived about the key features driving to the internationalization of the companies under study. This is the first time that such outcomes are obtained by an intelligent system on internationalization data.The work was conducted during the research stays of Álvaro Herrero and Roberto Alcalde at KEDGE Business School in Bordeaux (France

    The impact of digitalization on the internationalization capabilities of manufacturing firms

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    The purpose of this thesis was to explore the impact of digitalization on the internationalisation capabilities of manufacturing firms. In exploring these concepts, the thesis examined the factors that influence manufacturing companies to embrace innovative technologies as they venture into foreign markets and the internationalization process. The case study applied in this project is Haier Group, one of the Chinese companies with a high level of success in applying innovative technologies and the internationalization process. Haier's success story formed a critical basis for examining how manufacturing firms can internationalize by implementing innovative technologies into a multinational corporation that enjoys a significant market share in the global market. The thesis relied on secondary data obtained from online databases and published documents such as Google Scholar, company websites, and e-libraries. The major search terms applied were digitalization, internalization, manufacturing firms, and foreign market entry strategies. A case study design was applied, and the company was chosen using the purposive sampling technique. The case study provided a better understanding of the practical application of innovation and adaptations that a manufacturing company makes to improve its internationalization success. The findings suggested that digitalization is critical for manufacturing companies that expand their operations into global markets. Various factors influence firms’ digitalization processes, and they relate to organizational culture, structure, and the integration of technologies. In manufacturing firms, findings indicate that digitalization helps optimize resources to enhance efficiency while also improving the productivity of employees. Through its network-based model, Haier has overcome significant challenges to successfully internationalize through the aggressive use of innovative technologies, enabling the firm to diversify its brands of smart home living. Therefore, the research concludes that digitalization is the central key to successful internationalization by enhancing a firm's global competitiveness. The findings of the research are consistent with the theoretical framework. For manufacturing firms, digitalization is essential for their successful internationalization, which ultimately leads to an improvement in their global competitiveness

    Light touch goes where? A longitudinal study of post-acquisition integration paths adopted by Chinese private-owned enterprises

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    This study explores the evolution of post-acquisition integration drawing on an eight-year longitudinal multi-case study of eight strategic-asset-seeking acquisitions of Western firms by globalizing Chinese private owned enterprises and taking a dual view from both the acquiring and the acquired companies. In contrast to the extant literature, it reveals significant heterogeneity by identifying three differing post-acquisition integration evolution paths. All three start with a form of light-touch integration as proposed by existing research but transition to different target models, either another form of light touch or absorption. A driving system has been developed to explain these differing evolution paths which are largely determined by the catch-up strategy (strategy to catch up with Western incumbents) whilst resource dependency and cultural difference working as the steering drivers for transition. Overall, seven distinct forms of integration (six distinguished forms of light-touch integration plus absorption) and three types of catch-up strategy are identified and explained in this study

    The Influence of the Structural Pillars of Digital Academic Entrepreneurship on University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention

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    In the dynamic, complex and emerging environment which characterises the phenomenon of digital academic entrepreneurship, accelerating in the post Covid-19 period, digital technology has become essential in educational processes. Setting out from the general lines of the Theory of Planned Behaviour and Sociotechnical Theory, this research aimed to analyse the influence of digital academic entrepreneurship on university students’ entrepreneurial intention. Specifically, four studies were carried out from the following research question: What are the influences of the pillars of digital academic entrepreneurship on university students’ entrepreneurial intention? The four specific studies aimed to: (1) Map studies on digital entrepreneurship, digital technology and digital transformation, and propose a structural model of analysis for digital academic entrepreneurship; (2) Propose a conceptual model of analysis to allow assessment of the Soft Skills dimension; (3) Propose a conceptual model of analysis to allow assessment of the Hard Skills dimension, and (4) Analyse the influence of the pillars (Hard Skills and Soft Skills-.) of digital academic entrepreneurship on university students’ entrepreneurial intention and how that relation can be mediated by the theory of planned behaviour. The methodological strategy adopted here was based on an exploratory study, as this type of study aims to explain the reasons, ideas and motivations underlying the phenomenon of digital academic entrepreneurship and its influence on university students’ entrepreneurial intention. To validate the structural model proposed in this research, a quantitative approach was also adopted, using a final sample of 761 Portuguese (51%) and Brazilian (49%) university students. The systematic literature review (SLR) method was also used to understand the extent and depth of the existing body of work. Data analysis was carried out through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation models. The results allow the conclusion that the pillars of digital academic entrepreneurship (Hard and Soft Skills) have a direct and indirect positive influence on university students’ entrepreneurial intention. The empirical evidence also suggests that the direct effects of Hard Skills (Management tools, Digital processes and Digital products) and Soft Skills (Individual characteristics; Cultural characteristics and Knowledge sharing) are slightly less than the total indirect effects between these pillars and entrepreneurial intention, when considering the mediations of Entrepreneurial Attitude and Perceived Behavioural Control, and even when inserting Subjective Norms as a mediator with these dimensions. These results raise a number of pertinent questions that warrant deeper reflection, not just in the scientific and academic community, but also among political and government entities. This research also provides important evidence to expand digital entrepreneurial education in higher education institutions (HEI), as it contributes to greater understanding of intention and the factors leading to formation of that intention among higher education students. Other implications for theory and practice are also presented.Face ao ambiente dinĂąmico, complexo e emergente que caracteriza o fenĂłmeno do empreendedorismo acadĂ©mico digital, acelerado apĂłs a Covid-19, as tecnologias digitais tornaram-se indispensĂĄveis nos processos educacionais. A partir das linhas gerais das teorias do Comportamento Planeado e SociotĂ©cnica, o objetivo desta investigação foi analisar a influĂȘncia do empreendedorismo acadĂ©mico digital na intenção empreendedora em estudantes universitĂĄrios. De uma forma especĂ­fica, foram realizados quatro estudos, a partir da seguinte questĂŁo de investigação: Quais as influĂȘncias dos pilares do empreendedorismo acadĂ©mico digital na intenção empreendedora dos estudantes universitĂĄrios? Os quatro estudos especĂ­ficos tiveram por objetivos: (1) Mapear os estudos sobre o empreendedorismo digital, tecnologias digitais e transformação digital, e propor um modelo estrutural de anĂĄlise para o empreendedorismo acadĂ©mico digital; (2) Propor um modelo conceptual de anĂĄlise que permita avaliar a dimensĂŁo Soft Skills; (3) Propor um modelo conceptual de anĂĄlise que permita avaliar a dimensĂŁo Hard Skills e (4) Analisar a influĂȘncia dos pilares (Hard Skills e Soft Skills) do empreendedorismo acadĂ©mico digital na intenção empreendedora dos estudantes universitĂĄrios e de que forma esta relação pode ser mediada pela teoria do comportamento planeado. A estratĂ©gia metodolĂłgica adotada na presente investigação foi baseada num estudo exploratĂłrio, pois este tipo de estudo visa explicar as razĂ”es, ideias e motivaçÔes subjacentes ao fenĂłmeno do “empreendedorismo acadĂ©mico digital e sua influĂȘncia na intenção empreendedora de estudantes universitĂĄrios. Para validar o modelo estrutural proposto nesta investigação, adotou-se ainda uma abordagem quantitativa, realizada numa amostra final de 761 estudantes universitĂĄrios portugueses (51%) e brasileiros (49%); tambĂ©m foi utilizado o mĂ©todo de revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica da literatura, para compreender a amplitude e profundidade do corpo de trabalho existente. A anĂĄlise dos dados foi realizada atravĂ©s de anĂĄlises fatoriais, exploratĂłria e confirmatĂłria, com o uso de modelos de equaçÔes estruturais. Os resultados permitem concluir que os pilares do empreendedorismo acadĂ©mico digital Hard Skills (Ferramentas de GestĂŁo, Processos Digitais e Produtos Digitais) e Soft Skills (CaracterĂ­sticas Individuais, CaracterĂ­sticas Culturais e Partilha de Conhecimento), tĂȘm uma influĂȘncia positiva direta e indireta na intenção empreendedora dos estudantes universitĂĄrios. As evidĂȘncias empĂ­ricas tambĂ©m sugerem que os efeitos diretos das Hard Skills e Soft Skills sĂŁo ligeiramente inferiores aos efeitos indiretos totais entre estes pilares e a intenção empreendedora, ao considerar as mediaçÔes da Atitude Empreendedora e Controlo Comportamental Percebido, e mesmo ao inserir as Normas Subjetivas como mediador com estas dimensĂ”es. Estes resultados levantam uma sĂ©rie de questĂ”es pertinentes que merecem a uma reflexĂŁo mais profunda e nĂŁo apenas entre a comunidade cientĂ­fica e acadĂ©mica, mas tambĂ©m entre entidades polĂ­ticas e governamentais. Esta investigação fornece ainda evidĂȘncias importantes para expandir a educação empreendedora digital nas instituiçÔes de ensino superior, pois contribui para uma melhor compreensĂŁo da intenção e dos fatores que antecedem a formação desta intencionalidade entre os estudantes do ensino superior. Outras implicaçÔes para a teoria e prĂĄtica sĂŁo tambĂ©m apresentadas

    The internationalization and website localization of small and medium-sized enterprises: A study of the strategies that "Cantina 3V" could adopt to address the Danish and Belgian markets

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    openIl presente lavoro di tesi ha lo scopo di andare a studiare il modo in cui Cantina 3V può aprirsi al mercato internazionale attraverso l'export. In particolar modo, vengono analizzati i mercati verso cui la cantina vorrebbe esportare, ovvero quello Danese e Belga. In seguito viene analizzato il tema della localizazzione del sito web (o website localization) per poi proporre una possibile traduzione del sito web della cantina. In merito a questo ultimo punto, lo scopo è quello di permettere alla cantina di avvicinarsi ai consumatori danesi e belgi. Infine, si analizzano le strategie che "Cantina 3V" vorrebbe adottare per aprirsi al mercato internazionale.This final dissertation aims to study the way in which “Cantina 3V” can open to the international market through exports. Particularly, the Danish and Belgian wine markets are analysed as they are the target markets “Cantina 3V” would like to address. Then, this study goes on by analysing the website localization in order to propose a possible English translation of the website of “Cantina 3V”. The reason for this is to allow the winery to get closer to Danish and Belgian wine consumers. Finally, it analyses the strategies that “Cantina 3V” could adopt to become an exporting winery

    Crossing Borders and Industry Sectors: Behavioral Governance in Strategic Alliances and Product Innovation for Competitive Advantage

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    This paper investigates governance mechanisms in international technology alliances (ITAs), firm-level innovation capabilities, and performance outcomes in the mobile computing market. This high-tech market is characterized by numerous cross-border strategic technology collaborations between software and hardware firms. Anchoring our work in interfirm governance theories and the resource-based view, we develop a model and empirically test relationships related to behavioral governance mechanisms, innovation capabilities, and business performance. In the cross-industry and cross-border context, the empirical model explains to what extent complementary strategic resources, through a relational governance mechanism, contribute to the innovation capabilities of high-tech firms, providing competitive advantage. The data, analyzed using partial least squares (PLS) path modeling, indicates that technological commitment is a factor in expediting technology resource exchange in ITAs between heterogeneous firms. Technological commitment is captured by the extent to which a focal firm commits to investing its technology resources in an ITA to maintain the relationship. The results also show that firm-level performance is only influenced by market development capability, and not new product development capability, in product innovation. However, we did not find any significant moderating effects of firm size and industry type on the model. This paper offers insights into how high-tech firms benefit from interfirm governance in international technology resource exchange arrangements. Furthermore, it provides evidence of the methodological usefulness of PLS path modeling in strategic alliance, capability and performance research

    Exploring Determinants and Consequences of International Diversification: A Multi-Level Perspective

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    The dissertation explores determinants and consequences of international diversification and consists of two essays. Essay I focuses on the relationship between international diversification and firm performance (ID-P). Drawing on the global strategy literature and the institution-based view of strategy, we propose that the mixed findings of extant research on the ID-P relationship can be explained by the contextual conditions in which this relationship exists, including home-country formal and informal institutions. The model is tested in a meta-analysis (HOMA, MARA, and HiLLMA analyses) of firm-, industry-, and home country-level factors driving the ID-P relationship. The sample consists of 359 primary studies across 32 countries between 1972 and 2012—the largest sample of primary studies of any meta-analysis on this topic to date. The main finding is that international diversification positively impacts firm performance and the strength of this effect is contingent on the specific formal and informal institutions of the home country. Essay II focuses on the relationship between corporate governance and international diversification (CG-ID). The study utilizes a multidimensional conceptualization of the two constructs, exploring breadth and depth of ID and several mechanisms of CG (e.g., ownership concentration, CEO compensation, and board independence). Drawing on agency theory and the resource and information-processing perspectives, we propose bidirectional causal effects between CG and ID. Our arguments are then contextualized by exploring the moderating effect of home-country institutional and cultural conditions and, in particular, the legal protection of minority shareholders and the national uncertainty avoidance. We test the model using meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) with data from 104 primary studies across 28 countries covering the 1970-2012 period and find overall support for our theoretical predictions. The dissertation contributes to the literatures of global strategy and corporate governance and provides valuable insights to the practice of international business

    Strategic development of the built environment through international construction, quality and productivity management

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    This thesis presents a coherent, sustained and substantial contribution to the advancement of knowledge or application of knowledge or both in the field of construction management and economics. More specifically, this thesis outlines the strategic development of the built environment through lessons from international construction, quality and productivity management. The strategic role of construction in economic development is emphasized. It describes the contributions transnational construction firms made towards modern-day construction project management practices globally. It establishes the relationship between construction quality and economic development and fosters a better understanding of total quality management and quality management systems in enhancing construction industry performance. Additionally, it prescribes lessons from the manufacturing industry for construction productivity and identifies the amount of carbon emissions reduced through lean construction management practices to alleviate the generally adverse effects of the built environment on global climate change. It highlights the need for integrated management systems to enhance quality and productivity for sustainable development in the built environment. The thesis is an account of how the built environment has evolved, leveraging on lessons from international construction, quality and productivity management for improvements over the past two decades

    Conceptual globalism and globalisation : an initiation

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    Although the use of these two terms began in the latter half of the twentieth century, they have a longer lineage. Concept economic globalism of contemporary kind can be traced back to the liberal thinking of classical economists like Adam Smith and Herbert Spencer. Terms like globalize were first seen in Reiser and Davies (1944). Webster International Dictionary included them in 1961, while they appeared in Oxford Dictionary in 1986. The term globalization was coined in 1962. Most major languages were quick to develop equivalent taxonomy. In business and economics, marketing legend Theodore Levitt of Harvard Business School used it first in 1983 in an article entitled "The Globalization of Markets". His article is regarded as an enduring classic and its insightful language is still relevant today
