76 research outputs found

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This open access book focuses on the practical application of electromagnetic polarimetry principles in Earth remote sensing with an educational purpose. In the last decade, the operations from fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar such as the Japanese ALOS/PalSAR, the Canadian Radarsat-2 and the German TerraSAR-X and their easy data access for scientific use have developed further the research and data applications at L,C and X band. As a consequence, the wider distribution of polarimetric data sets across the remote sensing community boosted activity and development in polarimetric SAR applications, also in view of future missions. Numerous experiments with real data from spaceborne platforms are shown, with the aim of giving an up-to-date and complete treatment of the unique benefits of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in five different domains: forest, agriculture, cryosphere, urban and oceans

    Understanding of crop lodging induced changes in scattering mechanisms using RADERSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 derived metrics

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    Abstract. Crop lodging – the bending of crop stems from the vertical – is a major yield-reducing factor in cereal crops and causes deterioration in grain quality. Accurate assessment of crop lodging is important for improving estimates of crop yield losses, informing insurance loss adjusters and influencing management decisions for subsequent seasons. The role of remote sensing data, particularly synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data has been emphasized in the recent literature for crop lodging assessment. However, the effect of lodging on SAR scattering mechanisms is still unknown. Therefore, this research aims to understand the possible change in scattering mechanisms due to lodging by investigating SAR image pairs before and after lodging. We conducted the study in 26 wheat fields in the Bonifiche Ferraresi farm, located in Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, Italy. We measured temporal crop biophysical (e.g. crop angle) parameters and acquired multi-incidence angle RADARSAT-2 (R-2 FQ8-27° and R-2 FQ21-41°) and Sentinel-1 (S-1 40°) images corresponding to the time of field observations. We extracted metrics of SAR scattering mechanisms from RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 image pairs in different zones using the unsupervised H/α decomposition algorithm and Wishart classifier. Contrasting results were obtained at different incidence angles. Bragg surface scattering increased in the case of S-1 (6.8%), R-2 FQ8 (1.8%) while at R-2 FQ21, it decreased (8%) after lodging. The change in double bounce scattering was more prominent at low incidence angle. These observations can guide future use of SAR-based information for operational crop lodging assessment in particular, and sustainable agriculture in general


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    Crops are dynamically changing and time-critical in the growing season and therefore multitemporal earth observation data are needed for spatio-temporal monitoring of the crops. This study evaluates the impacts of classical roll-invariant polarimetric features such as entropy (H), anisotropy (A), mean alpha angle (α) and total scattering power (SPAN) for the crop classification from multitemporal polarimetric SAR data. For this purpose, five different data set were generated as following: (1) Hα, (2) HαSpan, (3) HαA, (4) HαASpan and (5) coherency [T] matrix. A time-series of four PolSAR data (Radarsat-2) were acquired as 13 June, 01 July, 31 July and 24 August in 2016 for the test site located in Konya, Turkey. The test site is covered with crops (maize, potato, summer wheat, sunflower, and alfalfa). For the classification of the data set, three different models were used as following: Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Random Forests (RFs) and Naive Bayes (NB). The experimental results highlight that HαASpan (91.43 % for SVM, 92.25 % for RF and 90.55 % for NB) outperformed all other data sets in terms of classification performance, which explicitly proves the significant contribution of SPAN for the discrimination of crops. Highest classification accuracy was obtained as 92.25 % by RF and HαASpan while lowest classification accuracy was obtained as 66.99 % by NB and Hα. This experimental study suggests that roll-invariant polarimetric features can be considered as the powerful polarimetric components for the crop classification. In addition, the findings prove the added benefits of PolSAR data investigation by means of crop classification

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Principles and Application

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    Demonstrates the benefits of the usage of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in applications of Earth remote sensing, with educational and development purposes. Includes numerous up-to-date examples with real data from spaceborne platforms and possibility to use a software to support lecture practicals. Reviews theoretical principles in an intuitive way for each application topic. Covers in depth five application domains (forests, agriculture, cryosphere, urban, and oceans), with reference also to hazard monitorin

    Monitoring wetlands and water bodies in semi-arid Sub-Saharan regions

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    Surface water in wetlands is a critical resource in semi-arid West-African regions that are frequently exposed to droughts. Wetlands are of utmost importance for the population as well as the environment, and are subject to rapidly changing seasonal fluctuations. Dynamics of wetlands in the study area are still poorly understood, and the potential of remote sensing-derived information as a large-scale, multi-temporal, comparable and independent measurement source is not exploited. This work shows successful wetland monitoring with remote sensing in savannah and Sahel regions in Burkina Faso, focusing on the main study site Lac Bam (Lake Bam). Long-term optical time series from MODIS with medium spatial resolution (MR), and short-term synthetic aperture radar (SAR) time series from TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 with high spatial resolution (HR) successfully demonstrate the classification and dynamic monitoring of relevant wetland features, e.g. open water, flooded vegetation and irrigated cultivation. Methodological highlights are time series analysis, e.g. spatio-temporal dynamics or multitemporal-classification, as well as polarimetric SAR (polSAR) processing, i.e. the Kennaugh elements, enabling physical interpretation of SAR scattering mechanisms for dual-polarized data. A multi-sensor and multi-frequency SAR data combination provides added value, and reveals that dual-co-pol SAR data is most recommended for monitoring wetlands of this type. The interpretation of environmental or man-made processes such as water areas spreading out further but retreating or evaporating faster, co-occurrence of droughts with surface water and vegetation anomalies, expansion of irrigated agriculture or new dam building, can be detected with MR optical and HR SAR time series. To capture long-term impacts of water extraction, sedimentation and climate change on wetlands, remote sensing solutions are available, and would have great potential to contribute to water management in Africa

    Study of the speckle noise effects over the eigen decomposition of polarimetric SAR data: a review

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    This paper is focused on considering the effects of speckle noise on the eigen decomposition of the co- herency matrix. Based on a perturbation analysis of the matrix, it is possible to obtain an analytical expression for the mean value of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors, as well as for the Entropy, the Anisotroopy and the dif- ferent a angles. The analytical expressions are compared against simulated polarimetric SAR data, demonstrating the correctness of the different expressions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Extraction d'informations de changement à partir des séries temporelles d'images radar à synthèse d'ouverture

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    A large number of successfully launched and operated Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites has regularly provided multitemporal SAR and polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) images with high and very high spatial resolution over immense areas of the Earth surface. SAR system is appropriate for monitoring tasks thanks to the advantage of operating in all-time and all-weather conditions. With multitemporal data, both spatial and temporal information can simultaneously be exploited to improve the results of researche works. Change detection of specific features within a certain time interval has to deal with a complex processing of SAR data and the so-called speckle which affects the backscattered signal as multiplicative noise.The aim of this thesis is to provide a methodology for simplifying the analysis of multitemporal SAR data. Such methodology can benefit from the advantages of repetitive SAR acquisitions and be able to process different kinds of SAR data (i.e. single, multipolarization SAR, etc.) for various applications. In this thesis, we first propose a general framework based on a spatio-temporal information matrix called emph{Change Detection Matrix} (CDM). This matrix contains temporal neighborhoods which are adaptive to changed and unchanged areas thanks to similarity cross tests. Then, the proposed method is used to perform three different tasks:1) multitemporal change detection with different kinds of changes, which allows the combination of multitemporal pair-wise change maps to improve the performance of change detection result;2) analysis of change dynamics in the observed area, which allows the investigation of temporal evolution of objects of interest;3) nonlocal temporal mean filtering of SAR/PolSAR image time series, which allows us to avoid smoothing change information in the time series during the filtering process.In order to illustrate the relevancy of the proposed method, the experimental works of the thesis is performed on four datasets over two test-sites: Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France and Merapi volcano, Indonesia, with different types of changes (i.e., seasonal evolution, glaciers, volcanic eruption, etc.). Observations of these test-sites are performed on four SAR images time series from single polarization to full polarization, from medium to high, very high spatial resolution: Sentinel-1, ALOS-PALSAR, RADARSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X time series.La réussite du lancement d'un grand nombre des satellites Radar à Synthèse d'Ouverture (RSO - SAR) de nouvelle génération a fourni régulièrement des images SAR et SAR polarimétrique (PolSAR) multitemporelles à haute et très haute résolution spatiale sur de larges régions de la surface de la Terre. Le système SAR est approprié pour des tâches de surveillance continue ou il offre l'avantage d'être indépendant de l'éclairement solaire et de la couverture nuageuse. Avec des données multitemporelles, l'information spatiale et temporelle peut être exploitée simultanément pour rendre plus concise, l'extraction d'information à partir des données. La détection de changement de structures spécifiques dans un certain intervalle de temps nécessite un traitement complexe des données SAR et la présence du chatoiement (speckle) qui affecte la rétrodiffusion comme un bruit multiplicatif. Le but de cette thèse est de fournir une méthodologie pour simplifier l'analyse des données multitemporelles SAR. Cette méthodologie doit bénéficier des avantages d'acquisitions SAR répétitives et être capable de traiter différents types de données SAR (images SAR mono-, multi- composantes, etc.) pour diverses applications. Au cours de cette thèse, nous proposons tout d'abord une méthode générale basée sur une matrice d'information spatio-temporelle appelée Matrice de détection de changement (CDM). Cette matrice contient des informations de changements obtenus à partir de tests croisés de similarité sur des voisinages adaptatifs. La méthode proposée est ensuite exploitée pour réaliser trois tâches différentes: 1) la détection de changement multitemporel avec différents types de changements, ce qui permet la combinaison des cartes de changement entre des paires d'images pour améliorer la performance de résultat de détection de changement; 2) l'analyse de la dynamicité de changement de la zone observée, ce qui permet l'étude de l'évolution temporelle des objets d'intérêt; 3) le filtrage nonlocal temporel des séries temporelles d'images SAR/PolSAR, ce qui permet d'éviter le lissage des informations de changement dans des séries pendant le processus de filtrage.Afin d'illustrer la pertinence de la méthode proposée, la partie expérimentale de la thèse est effectuée sur deux sites d'étude: Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France et le volcan Merapi, Indonésie, avec différents types de changements (i.e. évolution saisonnière, glaciers, éruption volcanique, etc.). Les observations de ces sites d'étude sont acquises sur quatre séries temporelles d'images SAR monocomposantes et multicomposantes de moyenne à haute et très haute résolution: des séries temporelles d'images Sentinel-1, ALOS-PALSAR, RADARSAT-2 et TerraSAR-X

    Radarkaugseire rakendused metsaüleujutuste ja põllumajanduslike rohumaade jälgimiseks

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Käesolev doktoritöö keskendub radarkaugseire rakenduste arendamisele kahes keerukas looduskeskkonnas: üleujutatud metsas ja põllumajanduslikel rohumaadel. Uurimistöö viidi läbi Tartu Observatooriumis, Tartu Ülikoolis, Ventspilsi Kõrgkoolis ja Aalto Ülikoolis. Töö esimene osa käsitleb X-laineala polarimeetrilise radarisignaali käitumist regulaarselt üleujutatavas metsas Soomaa näitel ning teine osa põllumajanduslike rohumaade seisundi ja polarimeetriliste ning interferomeetriliste tehisava-radari parameetrite vahelisi seoseid. 2012 kevadel Soomaa testalal TerraSAR-X andmetega läbi viidud eksperiment näitas, et topelt-peegeldusele tundlik HH-VV polarimeetriline kanal pakub tõesti kontrastsemat tagasihajumisepõhist üleujutatud metsa eristust üleujutamata metsast kui traditsiooniline HH polarimeetriline kanal. HH-VV kanali eelis HH kanali ees on seda suurem, mida madalam on mets ning raagus tingimustes lehtmetsas oli HH-VV kanali eelis HH kanali ees suurem kui okasmetsas. Lisaks on üleujutusele tundlik HH ja VV kanali polarimeetriline faasivahe, mida on soovitatud ka varasemates töödes kasutada täiendava andmeallikana üleujutuste kaardistamisel. Käesolevas doktoritöös mõõdeti polarimeetrilise X-laineala tehisava-radari HH/VV faasivahe suurenemine üleujutuste tõttu erineva kõrgusega okas- ja lehtmetsas. 2013 a vegetatsiooniperioodil korraldati Rannu test-alal välimõõtmistega toetatud eksperiment uurimaks X- ja C-laineala polarimeetrilise ning X-laineala interferomeetrilise tehisava-radari parameetrite undlikkust rohumaade tingimuste muutustele. Ilmnes, et ühepäevase vahega kogutud X-laineala tehisava-radari interferomeetriliste paaride koherentsus korreleerus rohu kõrgusega. Koherentsus oli seda madalam, mida kõrgem oli rohi - leitud seost on võimalik potentsiaalselt rakendada niitmise tuvastamiseks. TerraSAR-X ja RADARSAT-2 polarimeetriliste aegridade analüüsi tulemusel leiti kaks niitmisele tundlikku parameetrit: HH/VV polarimeetriline koherentsus ja polarimeetriline entroopia. Niitmise järel langes HH/VV polarimeetriline koherentsus järsult ning polarimeetriline entroopia tõusis järsult. Rohu tagasikasvamise faasis hakkas HH/VV polarimeetriline koherentsus aeglaselt kasvama ning entroopia aeglaselt kahanema. Täheldatud efekt oli tugevam TerraSARX X-laineala aegridadel kui RADARSAT-2 C-riba tehisava-radari mõõtmistel ning seda selgemini nähtav mida rohkem biomassi niitmise järgselt maha jäi. Leitud HH/VV polarimeetrilise koherentsuse ja polarimeetrilise entroopia käitumine vastas taimkatte osakestepilve radarikiirguse tagasihajumismudelile. Mudeli järgi põhjus- 60 tas eelnimetatud parameetrite iseloomulikku muutust rohukõrte kui dipoolide orientatsiooni ja korrastatuse muut niitmise tõttu, mis on kooskõlas meie välimõõtmiste andmetega.This thesis presents research about the application of radar remote sensing for monitoring of complex natural environments, such as flooded forests and agricultural grasslands. The study was carried out in Tartu Observatory, University of Tartu, Ventspils University College, and Aalto University. The research consists of two distinctive parts devoted to polarimetric analysis of images from a seasonal flooding of wetlands, and to polarimetric and interferometric analysis of a summer-long campaign covering eleven agricultural grasslands. TerraSAR-X data from 2012 were used to assess the use of the double-bounce scattering mechanism for improving the mapping of flooded forest areas. The study confirmed that the HH–VV polarimetric channel that is sensitive to double-bounce scattering provides increased separation between flooded and unflooded forest areas when compared to the conventional HH channel. The increase in separation increases with decreasing forest height, and it is more pronounced for deciduous forests due to the leaf-off conditions during the study. The phase difference information provided by the HH–VV channel may provide additional information for delineating flooded and unflooded forest areas. Time series of X-band (TanDEM-X and COSMO-SkyMed) and C-band (RADARSAT-2) data from 2013 were analyzed in respect to vegetation parameters collected during a field survey. The one-day repeat-pass X-band interferometric coherence was shown to be correlated to the grassland vegetation height. The coherence was also found to be potentially useful for detecting mowing events. The polarimetric analysis of TanDEM-X and RADARSAT-2 data identified two parameters sensitive to mowing events - the HH/VV polarimetric coherence magnitude and the H2α entropy. Mowing of vegetation consistently caused the coherence magnitude to decrease and the entropy to increase. The effect was more pronounced in case of X-band data. Additionally, the effect was stronger with more vegetation left on the ground after mowing. The effect was explained using a vegetation particle scattering model. The changes in polarimetric variables was shown to be caused by the change of orientation and the randomness of the vegetation

    Quantitative Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture in Agricultural Landscapes using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging at Different Frequencies and Polarizations

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    Soil moisture and its distribution in space and time plays an important role in the surface energy balance at the soil-atmosphere interface. It is a key variable influencing the partitioning of solar energy into latent and sensible heat flux as well as the partitioning of precipitation into runoff and percolation. Due to their large spatial variability, estimation of spatial patterns of soil moisture from field measurements is difficult and not feasible for large scale analyses. In the past decades, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing has proven its potential to quantitatively estimate near surface soil moisture at high spatial resolutions. Since the knowledge of the basic SAR concepts is important to understand the impact of different natural terrain features on the quantitative estimation of soil moisture and other surface parameters, the fundamental principles of synthetic aperture radar imaging are discussed. Also the two spaceborne SAR missions whose data was used in this study, the ENVISAT of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the ALOS of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), are introduced. Subsequently, the two essential surface properties in the field of radar remote sensing, surface soil moisture and surface roughness are defined, and the established methods of their measurement are described. The in situ data used in this study, as well as the research area, the River Rur catchment, with the individual test sites where the data was collected between 2007 and 2010, are specified. On this basis, the important scattering theories in radar polarimetry are discussed and their application is demonstrated using novel polarimetric ALOS/PALSAR data. A critical review of different classical approaches to invert soil moisture from SAR imaging is provided. Five prevalent models have been chosen with the aim to provide an overview of the evolution of ideas and techniques in the field of soil moisture estimation from active microwave data. As the core of this work, a new semi-empirical model for the inversion of surface soil moisture from dual polarimetric L-band SAR data is introduced. This novel approach utilizes advanced polarimetric decomposition techniques to correct for the disturbing effects from surface roughness and vegetation on the soil moisture retrieval without the use of a priori knowledge. The land use specific algorithms for bare soil, grassland, sugar beet, and winter wheat allow quantitative estimations with accuracies in the order of 4 Vol.-%. Application of remotely sensed soil moisture patterns is demonstrated on the basis of mesoscale SAR data by investigating the variability of soil moisture patterns at different spatial scales ranging from field scale to catchment scale. The results show that the variability of surface soil moisture decreases with increasing wetness states at all scales. Finally, the conclusions from this dissertational research are summarized and future perspectives on how to extend the proposed model by means of improved ground based measurements and upcoming advances in sensor technology are discussed. The results obtained in this thesis lead to the conclusion that state-of-the-art spaceborne dual polarimetric L-band SAR systems are not only suitable to accurately retrieve surface soil moisture contents of bare as well as of vegetated agricultural fields and grassland, but for the first time also allow investigating within-field spatial heterogeneities from space

    Estado da Arte do Sensoriamento Remoto de Radar: Fundamentos, Sensores, Processamento de Imagens e Aplicações.

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    Este artigo aborda o estado da arte do sensoriamento remoto por radar e foi elaborado para fazer parte da edição especial de comemoração dos 50 anos desta revista. Neste estudo, é apresentada uma breve introdução sobre os fundamentos do sensoriamento remoto por radar, com destaque para os parâmetros mais importantes de imageamento e da superfície terrestre envolvidos no processo de obtenção de imagens de radar. Ênfase é dada para o comprimento de onda, polarização das ondas eletromagnéticas e geometria de obtenção de imagens (parâmetros de imageamento) e para a umidade de solos e da vegetação, rugosidade do terreno e estrutura da vegetação (parâmetros da superfície terrestre). Em seguida, são apresentados os principais sensores orbitais de radar de abertura sintética que estão atualmente em operação e os principais processamentos digitais de imagens de radar, destacando-se a conversão dos valores digitais para coeficientes de retroespalhamento, os filtros espaciais para redução do ruído speckle, as técnicas de decomposição de imagens e o processamento InSAR. Finalmente, é apresentada uma breve discussão sobre algumas aplicações potenciais, com especial atenção para o monitoramento de derrame de óleo em plataformas continentais, estimativa de biomassa aérea, monitoramento de desmatamento em coberturas florestais tropicais, detecção de áreas de plantio de arroz irrigado e estimativa de umidade de solos