11 research outputs found

    Multiple SOFMs Working Cooperatively In a Vote-based Ranking System For Network Intrusion Detection

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    AbstractProtection from hackers on networks is currently of great importance. Recent examples of victims include the recent repeated hacking of Sony PS3, which involved 24.6 million customer accounts being vulnerable, and the hacking of websites both includ-ing US and Canadian government sites. Thus there is a drear need for effective Intrusion Detection and Prevention systems. Anomaly intrusion detection is a popular method of detecting Intrusions on Computer Networks. In 2011, Wilson and Obimbo proved that the use of Self-Organized Feature Maps (SOFM) could be used to increase the performance on KDD-99 dataset. This paper introduces a vote-based ranking system for intrusion detection based on SOFM. The experimental results are promising and are an improvement in both Wilson and Obimbo's system and the Winning system of the KDD IDS Competition

    Network Attacks Detection by Hierarchical Neural Network

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    Intrusion detection is an emerging area of research in the computer security and net-works with the growing usage of internet in everyday life. Most intrusion detection systems (IDSs) mostly use a single classifier algorithm to classify the network traffic data as normal behavior or anomalous. However, these single classifier systems fail to provide the best possible attack detection rate with low false alarm rate. In this paper,we propose to use a hybrid intelligent approach using a combination of classifiers in order to make the decision intelligently, so that the overall performance of the resul-tant model is enhanced. The general procedure in this is to follow the supervised or un-supervised data filtering with classifier or cluster first on the whole training dataset and then the output are applied to another classifier to classify the data. In this re- search, we applied Neural Network with Supervised and Unsupervised Learning in order to implement the intrusion detection system. Moreover, in this project, we used the method of Parallelization with real time application of the system processors to detect the systems intrusions.Using this method enhanced the speed of the intrusion detection. In order to train and test the neural network, NSLKDD database was used. Creating some different intrusion detection systems, each of which considered as a single agent, we precisely proceeded with the signature-based intrusion detection of the network.In the proposed design, the attacks have been classified into 4 groups and each group is detected by an Agent equipped with intrusion detection system (IDS).These agents act independently and report the intrusion or non-intrusion in the system; the results achieved by the agents will be studied in the Final Analyst and at last the analyst reports that whether there has been an intrusion in the system or not. Keywords: Intrusion Detection, Multi-layer Perceptron, False Positives, Signature- based intrusion detection, Decision tree, Nave Bayes Classifie

    Cyber-Attack Penetration Test and Vulnerability Analysis

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    Hacking attempts or cyber-attacks to information systems have recently evolved to be sophisticated and deadly, resulting in such incidents as leakage of personal information and system destruction. While various security solutions to cope with these risks are being developed and deployed, it is still necessary to systematically consider the methods to enhance the existing security system and build more effective defense systems. Under this circumstance, it is necessary to identify the latest types of attacks attempted to the primary security system. This paper analyzes cyber attack techniques as well as the anatomy of penetration test in order to assist security officers to perform appropriate self security assesment on their network systems

    Makine öğrenmesi teknikleriyle saldırı tespiti: Karşılaştırmalı analiz

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    İnternet, günlük hayatımızın vazgeçilmez bir parçasıdır. Artan web uygulamaları ve kullanıcı sayısı, veri güvenliği açısından bazı riskleri de beraberinde getirmiştir. Ağ güvenliği için önemli araçlardan biri olan saldırı tespit sistemleri, güvenli iç ağlara yapılan saldırıları ve beklenmeyen erişim taleplerini tespit etmede başarılı bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Günümüzde, pek çok araştırmacı, daha etkin saldırı tespit sistemi gerçekleştirilmesi amacıyla çalışma yapmaktadır. Bu amaçla literatürde farklı makine öğrenme teknikleri ile gerçekleştirilmiş pek çok saldırı tespit sistemi vardır. Yapılan bu çalışmada, saldırı tespit sistemlerinde sıklıkla kullanılan makine öğrenme teknikleri araştırılmış, kullandıkları sınıflandırıcılar, veri setleri ve elde edilen başarılar değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla 2007-2013 yılları arasında SCI, SCI Expanded ve EBSCO indekslerince taranan ulusal ve uluslararası dergilerde yayınlanmış 65 makale incelenmiş, sonuçlar, karşılaştırılmalı bir şekilde sunulmuştur. Böylece, gelecekte yapılacak makine öğrenme teknikleri ile saldırı tespiti çalışmalarına bir bakış açısı kazandırılması amaçlanmıştır

    Intrusion detection for IoT based on improved genetic algorithm and deep belief network

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    With the advent of the Internet of Things, the network security of the transport layer in the Internet of Things is getting more and more attention. Traditional intrusion detection technologies cannot be well adapted in the complex Internet environment of the Internet of Things. Therefore, it is extremely urgent to study the intrusion detection system corresponding to today's Internet of Things security. This paper presents an intrusion detection model based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Deep Belief Network (DBN). Through multiple iterations of GA, the optimal number of hidden layers and number of neurons in each layer are generated adaptively, so that the intrusion detection model based on the DBN achieves a high detection rate. Finally, the KDDCUP99 data set was used to simulate and evaluate the model and algorithm. Experimental results show that the improved intrusion detection model combined with DBN can effectively improve the recognition rate of intrusion attacks and reduce the complexity of the network

    Enhanced classification of network traffic data captured by intrusion prevention systems

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    A common practice in modern computer networks is the deployment of Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) for the purpose of identifying security threats. Such systems provide alerts on suspicious activities based on a predefined set of rules. These alerts almost always contain high percentages of false positives and false negatives, which may impede the efficacy of their use. Therefore, with the presence of high numbers of false positives and false negatives, the analysis of network traffic data can be ineffective for decision makers which normally require concise, and preferably, visual forms to base their decisions upon. Machine learning techniques can help extract useful information from large datasets. Combined with visualisation, classification could provide a solution to false alerts and text-based outputs of IPSs. This research developed two new classification techniques that outperformed the traditional classification methods in accurate classification of computer network traffic captured by an IPS framework. They are also highly effective. The main purpose of these techniques was the effective identification of malicious network traffic and this was demonstrated via extensive experimental evaluation (where many experiments were conducted and results are reported in this thesis). In addition, an enhancement of the principal component analysis (PCA) was presented as part of this study. This enhancement proved to outperform the classical PCA on classification of IPS data. Details of the evaluation and experiments are provided in this thesis. One of the classification methods described in this thesis achieved accuracy values of 98.51% and 99.76% on two computer network traffic dataset settings, whereas the Class-balanced Similarity Based Instance Transfer Learning (CB-SBIT) algorithm achieves accuracy values of 93.56% and 96.25% respectively on the same dataset settings. This means the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithm. As for the PCA enhancement mentioned above, using its resulting principal components as inputs to classifiers leads to improved accuracy when compared to the classical PCA

    Robust Botnet Detection Techniques for Mobile and Network Environments

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    Cybercrime costs large amounts of money and resources every year. This is because it is usually carried out using different methods and at different scales. The use of botnets is one of the most common successful cybercrime methods. A botnet is a group of devices that are used together to carry out malicious attacks (they are connected via a network). With the widespread usage of handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets, networked devices are no longer limited to personal computers and laptops. Therefore, the size of networks (and therefore botnets) can be large. This means it is not surprising for malicious users to target different types of devices and platforms as cyber-attack victims or use them to launch cyber-attacks. Thus, robust automatic methods of botnet detection on different platforms are required. This thesis addresses this problem by introducing robust methods for botnet family detection on Android devices as well as by generally analysing network traffic. As for botnet detection on Android, this thesis proposes an approach to identify botnet Android botnet apps by means of source code mining. The approach analyses the source code via reverse engineering and data mining techniques for several examples of malicious and non-malicious apps. Two methods are used to build datasets. In the first, text mining is performed on the source code and several datasets are constructed, and in the second, one dataset is created by extracting source code metrics using an open-source tool. Additionally, this thesis introduces a novel transfer learning approach for the detection of botnet families by means of network traffic analysis. This approach is a key contribution to knowledge because it adds insight into how similar instances can exist in datasets that belong to different botnet families and that these instances can be leveraged to enhance model quality (especially for botnet families with small datasets). This novel approach is denoted Similarity Based Instance Transfer, or SBIT. Furthermore, the thesis presents a proposed extended version designed to overcome a weakness in the original algorithm. The extended version is called CB-SBIT (Class Balanced Similarity Based Instance Transfer)

    An Examination of E-Banking Fraud Prevention and Detection in Nigerian Banks

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    E-banking offers a number of advantages to financial institutions, including convenience in terms of time and money. However, criminal activities in the information age have changed the way banking operations are performed. This has made e-banking an area of interest. The growth of cybercrime – particularly hacking, identity theft, phishing, Trojans, service denial attacks and account takeover– has created several challenges for financial institutions, especially regarding how they protect their assets and prevent their customers from becoming victims of cyber fraud. These criminal activities have remained prevalent due to certain features of cyber, such as the borderless nature of the internet and the continuous growth of the computer networks. Following these identified challenges for financial institutions, this study examines e-banking fraud prevention and detection in the Nigerian banking sector; particularly the current nature, impacts, contributing factors, and prevention and detection mechanisms of e-banking fraud in Nigerian banking institutions. This study adopts mixed research methods with the aid of descriptive and inferential analysis, which comprised exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for the quantitative data analysis, whilst thematic analysis was used for the qualitative data analysis. The theoretical framework was informed by Routine Activity Theory (RAT) and Fraud Management Lifecycle Theory (FMLT). The findings show that the factors contributing to the increase in e-banking fraud in Nigeria include ineffective banking operations, internal control issues, lack of customer awareness and bank staff training and education, inadequate infrastructure, presence of sophisticated technological tools in the hands of fraudsters, negligence of banks’ customers concerning their e-banking account devices, lack of compliance with the banking rules and regulations, and ineffective legal procedure and law enforcement. In addition, the enforcement of rules and regulations in relation to the prosecution of financial fraudsters has been passive in Nigeria. Moreover, the findings also show that the activities of each stage of fraud management lifecycle theory are interdependent and have a collective and considerable influence on combating e-banking fraud. The results of the findings confirm that routine activity theory is a real-world theoretical framework while applied to e-banking fraud. Also, from the analysis of the findings, this research offers a new model for e-banking fraud prevention and detection within the Nigerian banking sector. This new model confirms that to have perfect prevention and detection of e-banking fraud, there must be a presence of technological mechanisms, fraud monitoring, effective internal controls, customer complaints, whistle-blowing, surveillance mechanisms, staff-customer awareness and education, legal and judicial controls, institutional synergy mechanisms of in the banking systems. Finally, the findings from the analyses of this study have some significant implications; not only for academic researchers or scholars and accounting practitioners, but also for policymakers in the financial institutions and anti-fraud agencies in both the private and public sectors