5 research outputs found

    Common Metamodel of Component Diagram and Feature Diagram in Generative Programming

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    Component-based software engineering and generative programming are common approaches in software engineering. Each approach has some benefits and domain of usage. Component-based development is used to build autonomous components that can be further combined in different ways, while generative programming is more suitable when building systems that have different variants. Before a variable component based system can be build, it needs to be modeled. In this article, a new common metamodel that aims to enable modeling a system which combines both component-based development and generative programming is introduced. The introduced metamodel proposed in this paper combines the component diagram that is used to model systems in component-based development and the feature diagram that is employed in modeling systems in generative programming. The combined metamodel enables modeling of variable systems using components

    Modelo de gestión de proyectos de TI basado en enfoques híbridos aplicado a sistemas de ejecución de manufactura para la industria cementera

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    El presente trabajo propone un modelo de gestión de gestión de proyectos de TI basado en la Guía del PMBOK, y en el marco de trabajo para proyectos ágiles Scrum. La construcción del modelo se realizó basado en una revisión bibliográfica existente, así como también en encuestas realizadas a expertos dentro de Cementos Argos, los cuales se encargaron de dar lineamientos específicos y validar el modelo propuesto. Los resultados obtenidos en la validación de las variables dieron como resultado una aceptación general del modelo híbrido diseñado, evidenciando la necesidad de un cambio de paradigma hacia el uso de prácticas ágiles, en una organización que históricamente ha gestionado sus proyectos de manera secuencial bajo modelos predictivos.This paper proposes an IT project management model based on the sixth edition PMBOK guide and the framework for agile projects Scrum. The model was built based on an existing bibliographic review, as well as surveys conducted by experts within Cementos Argos, which were responsible for giving specific guidelines and validating the proposed model. The results obtained in the validation of the variables resulted in a general acceptance of the hybrid model designed, demonstrating the need for a paradigm shift towards the use of agile practices, in an organization that has historically managed its projects sequentially under predictive models

    Interoperabilnost uslužnog računarstva pomoću aplikacijskih programskih sučelja

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    Cloud computing paradigm is accepted by an increasing number of organizations due to significant financial savings. On the other hand, there are some issues that hinder cloud adoption. One of the most important problems is the vendor lock-in and lack of interoperability as its outcome. The ability to move data and application from one cloud offer to another and to use resources of multiple clouds is very important for cloud consumers.The focus of this dissertation is on the interoperability of commercial providers of platform as a service. This cloud model was chosen due to many incompatibilities among vendors and lack of the existing solutions. The main aim of the dissertation is to identify and address interoperability issues of platform as a service. Automated data migration between different providers of platform as a service is also an objective of this study.The dissertation has the following main contributions: first, the detailed ontology of resources and remote API operations of providers of platform as a service was developed. This ontology was used to semantically annotate web services that connect to providers remote APIs and define mappings between PaaS providers. A tool that uses defined semantic web services and AI planning technique to detect and try to resolve found interoperability problems was developed. The automated migration of data between providers of platform as a service is presented. Finally, a methodology for the detection of platform interoperability problems was proposed and evaluated in use cases.Zbog mogućnosti financijskih ušteda, sve veći broj poslovnih organizacija razmatra korištenje ili već koristi uslužno računarstvo. Međutim, postoje i problemi koji otežavaju primjenu ove nove paradigme. Jedan od najznačajnih problema je zaključavanje korisnika od strane pružatelja usluge i nedostatak interoperabilnosti. Za korisnike je jako važna mogućnost migracije podataka i aplikacija s jednog oblaka na drugi, te korištenje resursa od više pružatelja usluga.Fokus ove disertacije je interoperabilnost komercijalnih pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Ovaj model uslužnog računarstva je odabran zbog nekompatibilnosti različitih pružatelja usluge i nepostojanja postojećih rješenja. Glavni cilj disertacije je identifikacija i rješavanje problema interoperabilnosti platforme kao usluge. Automatizirana migracija podataka između različitih pružatelja platforme kao usluge je također jedan od ciljeva ovog istraživanja.Znanstveni doprinos ove disertacije je sljedeći: Najprije je razvijena detaljna ontologija resursa i operacija iz aplikacijskih programskih sučelja pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Spomenuta ontologija se koristi za semantičko označavanje web servisa koji pozivaju udaljene operacije aplikacijskih programskih sučelja pružatelja usluga, a sama ontologija definira i mapiranja između pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Također je razvijen alat koji otkriva i pokušava riješiti probleme interoperabilnosti korištenjem semantičkih web servisa i tehnika AI planiranja. Prikazana je i arhitektura za automatiziranu migraciju podataka između različitih pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Na kraju je predložena metodologija za otkrivanje problema interoperabilnosti koja je evaluirana pomoću slučajeva korištenja

    Interoperabilnost uslužnog računarstva pomoću aplikacijskih programskih sučelja

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    Cloud computing paradigm is accepted by an increasing number of organizations due to significant financial savings. On the other hand, there are some issues that hinder cloud adoption. One of the most important problems is the vendor lock-in and lack of interoperability as its outcome. The ability to move data and application from one cloud offer to another and to use resources of multiple clouds is very important for cloud consumers.The focus of this dissertation is on the interoperability of commercial providers of platform as a service. This cloud model was chosen due to many incompatibilities among vendors and lack of the existing solutions. The main aim of the dissertation is to identify and address interoperability issues of platform as a service. Automated data migration between different providers of platform as a service is also an objective of this study.The dissertation has the following main contributions: first, the detailed ontology of resources and remote API operations of providers of platform as a service was developed. This ontology was used to semantically annotate web services that connect to providers remote APIs and define mappings between PaaS providers. A tool that uses defined semantic web services and AI planning technique to detect and try to resolve found interoperability problems was developed. The automated migration of data between providers of platform as a service is presented. Finally, a methodology for the detection of platform interoperability problems was proposed and evaluated in use cases.Zbog mogućnosti financijskih ušteda, sve veći broj poslovnih organizacija razmatra korištenje ili već koristi uslužno računarstvo. Međutim, postoje i problemi koji otežavaju primjenu ove nove paradigme. Jedan od najznačajnih problema je zaključavanje korisnika od strane pružatelja usluge i nedostatak interoperabilnosti. Za korisnike je jako važna mogućnost migracije podataka i aplikacija s jednog oblaka na drugi, te korištenje resursa od više pružatelja usluga.Fokus ove disertacije je interoperabilnost komercijalnih pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Ovaj model uslužnog računarstva je odabran zbog nekompatibilnosti različitih pružatelja usluge i nepostojanja postojećih rješenja. Glavni cilj disertacije je identifikacija i rješavanje problema interoperabilnosti platforme kao usluge. Automatizirana migracija podataka između različitih pružatelja platforme kao usluge je također jedan od ciljeva ovog istraživanja.Znanstveni doprinos ove disertacije je sljedeći: Najprije je razvijena detaljna ontologija resursa i operacija iz aplikacijskih programskih sučelja pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Spomenuta ontologija se koristi za semantičko označavanje web servisa koji pozivaju udaljene operacije aplikacijskih programskih sučelja pružatelja usluga, a sama ontologija definira i mapiranja između pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Također je razvijen alat koji otkriva i pokušava riješiti probleme interoperabilnosti korištenjem semantičkih web servisa i tehnika AI planiranja. Prikazana je i arhitektura za automatiziranu migraciju podataka između različitih pružatelja platforme kao usluge. Na kraju je predložena metodologija za otkrivanje problema interoperabilnosti koja je evaluirana pomoću slučajeva korištenja

    Monitoring oriented agile based web applications development methodology for small software firms in Jordan

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    Small software firms (SSF) is vital to the software industry in many countries as they provide substantial growth to their economy. In Jordan, most software companies that are involved with developing Web applications are small firms. However, the extent of applying best Web applications development and management practices in these firms is limited. Besides, the existing software development methods are still lack of monitoring the quality of process and product. As a result, the Web application being developed exceeds deadlines and budget, and not meeting user requirements. Therefore, this research aims to construct a new methodology referred as Monitoring Oriented Agile Based Web Applications Development (MOGWD) Methodology for SSF. This study introduced an Extended Agile Method by extending the Scrum method with Extreme Programming (XP) elements. The Extended Agile Method was improved by combining common steps of Web design method and incorporating the Goal Oriented Monitoring Method (GOMM). The GOMM has defined twenty goals. Each goal has one or more questions. The questions are answered through the defined metrics. There are 101 qualitative metrics for monitoring the process quality, and 37 quantitative metrics for monitoring the process and product quality. Moreover, the proposed MOGWD methodology defines four phases: Plan, Do, Check and Act. The MOGWD methodology was evaluated using expert review and case study. The evaluation results show that the MOGWD methodology has gained SSF practitioners’ satisfaction and found to be practical for the real environment. This study contributes to the field of Agile based development and Web applications measurement. It also provides SSF practitioners a development methodology that monitors the quality of the process and product for Web development