686 research outputs found

    Early evaluation of security functionality in software projects - some experience on using the common criteria in a quality management process

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    This paper documents the experiences of assurance evaluation during the early stage of a large software development project. This project researches, contracts and integrates privacy-respecting software to business environments. While assurance evaluation with ISO 15408 Common Criteria (CC) within the certification schemes is done after a system has been completed, our approach executes evaluation during the early phases of the software life cycle. The promise is to increase quality and to reduce testing and fault removal costs for later phases of the development process. First results from the still-ongoing project suggests that the Common Criteria can define a framework for assurance evaluation in ongoing development projects.Dieses Papier dokumentiert den Versuch, mittels der Common Criteria nach ISO 15408 bereits während der Erstellung eines Softwaresystems dessen Sicherheitseigenschaften zu überprüfen. Dies geschieht im Gegensatz zur üblichen Post-Entwicklungs-Evaluation

    VeriOSS: Using the Blockchain to Foster Bug Bounty Programs

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    Nowadays software is everywhere and this is particularly true for free and open source software (FOSS). Discovering bugs in FOSS projects is of paramount importance and many bug bounty programs attempt to attract skilled analysts by promising rewards. Nevertheless, developing an effective bug bounty program is challenging. As a consequence, many programs fail to support an efficient and fair bug bounty market. In this paper, we present VeriOSS, a novel bug bounty platform. The idea behind VeriOSS is to exploit the blockchain technology to develop a fair and efficient bug bounty market. To this aim, VeriOSS combines formal guarantees and economic incentives to ensure that the bug disclosure is both reliable and convenient for the market actors

    Automated Debugging for Arbitrarily Long Executions

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    One of the most energy-draining and frustrating parts of software development is playing detective with elu-sive bugs. In this paper we argue that automated post-mortem debugging of failures is feasible for real, in-production systems with no runtime recording. We pro-pose reverse execution synthesis (RES), a technique that takes a coredump obtained after a failure and automat-ically computes the suffix of an execution that leads to that coredump. RES provides a way to then play back this suffix in a debugger deterministically, over and over again. We argue that the RES approach could be used to (1) automatically classify bug reports based on their root cause, (2) automatically identify coredumps for which hardware errors (e.g., bad memory), not software bugs are to blame, and (3) ultimately help developers repro-duce the root cause of the failure in order to debug it.

    Putting the Semantics into Semantic Versioning

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    The long-standing aspiration for software reuse has made astonishing strides in the past few years. Many modern software development ecosystems now come with rich sets of publicly-available components contributed by the community. Downstream developers can leverage these upstream components, boosting their productivity. However, components evolve at their own pace. This imposes obligations on and yields benefits for downstream developers, especially since changes can be breaking, requiring additional downstream work to adapt to. Upgrading too late leaves downstream vulnerable to security issues and missing out on useful improvements; upgrading too early results in excess work. Semantic versioning has been proposed as an elegant mechanism to communicate levels of compatibility, enabling downstream developers to automate dependency upgrades. While it is questionable whether a version number can adequately characterize version compatibility in general, we argue that developers would greatly benefit from tools such as semantic version calculators to help them upgrade safely. The time is now for the research community to develop such tools: large component ecosystems exist and are accessible, component interactions have become observable through automated builds, and recent advances in program analysis make the development of relevant tools feasible. In particular, contracts (both traditional and lightweight) are a promising input to semantic versioning calculators, which can suggest whether an upgrade is likely to be safe.Comment: to be published as Onward! Essays 202

    Software Security Metrics for Malware Resilience

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    We examine the level of resistance offered by a software product against malicious software (malware) attacks. Analysis is performed on the software architecture. This is available as a result of the software design process and can hence be used at an early stage in development. A model of a generic computer system is developed, based on the internationally recognized Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation. It is formally specified in the Z modeling language. Malicious software attacks and security mechanisms are captured by the model. A repository of generic attack methods is given and the concept of resistance classes introduced to distinguish different levels of protection. We assess how certain architectural properties and changes in system architecture affect the possible resistance classes of a product. This thesis has four main contributions: A generic model of an operating system from a security perspective, a repository of typical attack methods, a set of resistance classes, and an identification of software architecture metrics pertaining to ordered security levels

    Scalable attack modelling in support of security information and event management

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    Includes bibliographical referencesWhile assessing security on single devices can be performed using vulnerability assessment tools, modelling of more intricate attacks, which incorporate multiple steps on different machines, requires more advanced techniques. Attack graphs are a promising technique, however they face a number of challenges. An attack graph is an abstract description of what attacks are possible against a specific network. Nodes in an attack graph represent the state of a network at a point in time while arcs between nodes indicate the transformation of a network from one state to another, via the exploit of a vulnerability. Using attack graphs allows system and network configuration information to be correlated and analysed to indicate imminent threats. This approach is limited by several serious issues including the state-space explosion, due to the exponential nature of the problem, and the difficulty in visualising an exhaustive graph of all potential attacks. Furthermore, the lack of availability of information regarding exploits, in a standardised format, makes it difficult to model atomic attacks in terms of exploit requirements and effects. This thesis has as its objective to address these issues and to present a proof of concept solution. It describes a proof of concept implementation of an automated attack graph based tool, to assist in evaluation of network security, assessing whether a sequence of actions could lead to an attacker gaining access to critical network resources. Key objectives are the investigation of attacks that can be modelled, discovery of attack paths, development of techniques to strengthen networks based on attack paths, and testing scalability for larger networks. The proof of concept framework, Network Vulnerability Analyser (NVA), sources vulnerability information from National Vulnerability Database (NVD), a comprehensive, publicly available vulnerability database, transforming it into atomic exploit actions. NVA combines these with a topological network model, using an automated planner to identify potential attacks on network devices. Automated planning is an area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which focuses on the computational deliberation process of action sequences, by measuring their expected outcomes and this technique is applied to support discovery of a best possible solution to an attack graph that is created. Through the use of heuristics developed for this study, unpromising regions of an attack graph are avoided. Effectively, this prevents the state-space explosion problem associated with modelling large scale networks, only enumerating critical paths rather than an exhaustive graph. SGPlan5 was selected as the most suitable automated planner for this study and was integrated into the system, employing network and exploit models to construct critical attack paths. A critical attack path indicates the most likely attack vector to be used in compromising a targeted device. Critical attack paths are identifed by SGPlan5 by using a heuristic to search through the state-space the attack which yields the highest aggregated severity score. CVSS severity scores were selected as a means of guiding state-space exploration since they are currently the only publicly available metric which can measure the impact of an exploited vulnerability. Two analysis techniques have been implemented to further support the user in making an informed decision as to how to prevent identified attacks. Evaluation of NVA was broken down into a demonstration of its effectiveness in two case studies, and analysis of its scalability potential. Results demonstrate that NVA can successfully enumerate the expected critical attack paths and also this information to establish a solution to identified attacks. Additionally, performance and scalability testing illustrate NVA's success in application to realistically sized larger networks

    Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Diagnosis For Commodity Software

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    Buffer overflow attacks have been a computer security threat in software-based systems andapplications for decades. The existence of buffer overflow vulnerabilities makes the systemsusceptible to Internet worms and denial of service (DDoS) attacks which can cause hugesocial and financial impacts. Due to its importance, buffer overflow problem has been intensively studied. Researchershave proposed different techniques to defend against unknown buffer overflow attacks. Theyhave also investigated various solutions, including automatic signature generation, automatic patch generation, etc., to automatically protect computer systems with known vulnerabilities. The effectiveness and efficiency of the automatic signature generation approaches andthe automatic patch generation approaches are all based on the accurate understanding ofthe vulnerabilities, the buffer overflow vulnerability diagnosis (BOVD). Currently, the results of automatic signature generation and automatic patch generation are far from satisfaction due to the insufficient research results from the automatic BOVD. This thesis defines the automatic buffer overflow vulnerability diagnosis (BOVD) problemand provides solutions towards automatic BOVD for commodity software. It targets oncommodity software when source code and symbol table are not available. The solutionscombine both of the dynamic analysis techniques and static analysis techniques to achievethe goal. Based on the observation that buffer overflow attack happens when the size of the destination buffer is smaller than the total number of writes after the data copy process if the buffer overflow attack happens through a data copy procedure, the diagnosis results return the information of the size of destination buffer, the total number of writes of a data copy procedure and how the user inputs are related with them. They are achieved through bound analysis, loop analysis and input analysis respectively. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this thesis approach using real world vulnerable applications including the buffer overflow vulnerabilities attacked by the record-setting Slammer and Blaster worms. This thesis also does the complete case study for buffer overflow vulnerabilities which may have independent interests to researchers. Our buffer overflow case study results can help other researchers to design more effective defense systems and debugging tools against buffer overflow attacks

    Testikattavuuden parantaminen testattaessa HTTP rajapintaa Web-sovelluksille tarkoitetulla automaattisella haavoittuvuusskannerilla

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    Information security and security testing is important for software companies because even if their own information has not been compromised one bad news about badly implemented security can cause irreparable affects to market value and future sales. Standalone vulnerability scanners can be used to implement security testing easily but real effectiveness and functionality how they work remain in the dark if the security tester does not know enough about penetrations testing, technologies used in the software and methods that is used to reveal vulnerabilities. A Finnish software company M-Files has developed M-files Web Service that is REST like HTTP API for communicating between their document management system and client applications for web and mobile platforms. The goal of my master thesis was to study web application security testing and understand functionality, limitations and technical challenges of standalone vulnerability scanners for web applications. Also it was suggested and implemented solutions that improve the results when M-Files Web Service was scanned by using a standalone vulnerability scanner. The reconnaissance phase was improved by creating an application that retrieves information of every method of M-Files Web Service directly from the source code and sends valid requests to the scanner by using this information. The attack surface is always up-to date and any shortcomings caused by inadequate documentation or environment are defeated. This component improved testing coverage compared to the previous manual solution by 125 percent. Second component that was created was POC extension to OWASP ZAP that improves active scanning by ensuring that the environment is in the best state to reveal vulnerabilities by executing pre-steps before every attack request sent by OWASP ZAP. The solution required modification to core source codes of OWASP ZAP but it was proofed that suggestion could work and produce better result. Some issues caused by the created customization to OWASP ZAP left without solutions so this component is not yet ready for production