468 research outputs found

    Multipartite hypergraphs achieving equality in Ryser's conjecture

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    A famous conjecture of Ryser is that in an rr-partite hypergraph the covering number is at most r−1r-1 times the matching number. If true, this is known to be sharp for rr for which there exists a projective plane of order r−1r-1. We show that the conjecture, if true, is also sharp for the smallest previously open value, namely r=7r=7. For r∈{6,7}r\in\{6,7\}, we find the minimal number f(r)f(r) of edges in an intersecting rr-partite hypergraph that has covering number at least r−1r-1. We find that f(r)f(r) is achieved only by linear hypergraphs for r≤5r\le5, but that this is not the case for r∈{6,7}r\in\{6,7\}. We also improve the general lower bound on f(r)f(r), showing that f(r)≥3.052r+O(1)f(r)\ge 3.052r+O(1). We show that a stronger form of Ryser's conjecture that was used to prove the r=3r=3 case fails for all r>3r>3. We also prove a fractional version of the following stronger form of Ryser's conjecture: in an rr-partite hypergraph there exists a set SS of size at most r−1r-1, contained either in one side of the hypergraph or in an edge, whose removal reduces the matching number by 1.Comment: Minor revisions after referee feedbac

    Covering complete partite hypergraphs by monochromatic components

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    A well-known special case of a conjecture attributed to Ryser states that k-partite intersecting hypergraphs have transversals of at most k-1 vertices. An equivalent form was formulated by Gy\'arf\'as: if the edges of a complete graph K are colored with k colors then the vertex set of K can be covered by at most k-1 sets, each connected in some color. It turned out that the analogue of the conjecture for hypergraphs can be answered: Z. Kir\'aly proved that in every k-coloring of the edges of the r-uniform complete hypergraph K^r (r >= 3), the vertex set of K^r can be covered by at most ⌈k/r⌉\lceil k/r \rceil sets, each connected in some color. Here we investigate the analogue problem for complete r-uniform r-partite hypergraphs. An edge coloring of a hypergraph is called spanning if every vertex is incident to edges of any color used in the coloring. We propose the following analogue of Ryser conjecture. In every spanning (r+t)-coloring of the edges of a complete r-uniform r-partite hypergraph, the vertex set can be covered by at most t+1 sets, each connected in some color. Our main result is that the conjecture is true for 1 <= t <= r-1. We also prove a slightly weaker result for t >= r, namely that t+2 sets, each connected in some color, are enough to cover the vertex set. To build a bridge between complete r-uniform and complete r-uniform r-partite hypergraphs, we introduce a new notion. A hypergraph is complete r-uniform (r,l)-partite if it has all r-sets that intersect each partite class in at most l vertices. Extending our results achieved for l=1, we prove that for any r >= 3, 2 <= l = 1+r-l, in every spanning k-coloring of the edges of a complete r-uniform (r,l)-partite hypergraph, the vertex set can be covered by at most 1+\lfloor \frac{k-r+\ell-1}{\ell}\rfloor sets, each connected in some color.Comment: 14 page

    Hamiltonicity and σ\sigma-hypergraphs

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    We define and study a special type of hypergraph. A σ\sigma-hypergraph H=H(n,r,qH= H(n,r,q ∣\mid σ\sigma), where σ\sigma is a partition of rr, is an rr-uniform hypergraph having nqnq vertices partitioned into n n classes of qq vertices each. If the classes are denoted by V1V_1, V2V_2,...,VnV_n, then a subset KK of V(H)V(H) of size rr is an edge if the partition of rr formed by the non-zero cardinalities ∣ \mid KK ∩\cap Vi∣V_i \mid, 1≤i≤n 1 \leq i \leq n, is σ\sigma. The non-empty intersections KK ∩\cap ViV_i are called the parts of KK, and s(σ)s(\sigma) denotes the number of parts. We consider various types of cycles in hypergraphs such as Berge cycles and sharp cycles in which only consecutive edges have a nonempty intersection. We show that most σ\sigma-hypergraphs contain a Hamiltonian Berge cycle and that, for n≥s+1n \geq s+1 and q≥r(r−1)q \geq r(r-1), a σ\sigma-hypergraph HH always contains a sharp Hamiltonian cycle. We also extend this result to kk-intersecting cycles

    Non-intersecting Ryser hypergraphs

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    A famous conjecture of Ryser states that every rr-partite hypergraph has vertex cover number at most r−1r - 1 times the matching number. In recent years, hypergraphs meeting this conjectured bound, known as rr-Ryser hypergraphs, have been studied extensively. It was recently proved by Haxell, Narins and Szab\'{o} that all 33-Ryser hypergraphs with matching number ν>1\nu > 1 are essentially obtained by taking ν\nu disjoint copies of intersecting 33-Ryser hypergraphs. Abu-Khazneh showed that such a characterisation is false for r=4r = 4 by giving a computer generated example of a 44-Ryser hypergraph with ν=2\nu = 2 whose vertex set cannot be partitioned into two sets such that we have an intersecting 44-Ryser hypergraph on each of these parts. Here we construct new infinite families of rr-Ryser hypergraphs, for any given matching number ν>1\nu > 1, that do not contain two vertex disjoint intersecting rr-Ryser subhypergraphs.Comment: 8 pages, some corrections in the proof of Lemma 3.6, added more explanation in the appendix, and other minor change

    An asymptotic bound for the strong chromatic number

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    The strong chromatic number χs(G)\chi_{\text{s}}(G) of a graph GG on nn vertices is the least number rr with the following property: after adding r⌈n/r⌉−nr \lceil n/r \rceil - n isolated vertices to GG and taking the union with any collection of spanning disjoint copies of KrK_r in the same vertex set, the resulting graph has a proper vertex-colouring with rr colours. We show that for every c>0c > 0 and every graph GG on nn vertices with Δ(G)≥cn\Delta(G) \ge cn, χs(G)≤(2+o(1))Δ(G)\chi_{\text{s}}(G) \leq (2 + o(1)) \Delta(G), which is asymptotically best possible.Comment: Minor correction, accepted for publication in Combin. Probab. Compu

    A family of extremal hypergraphs for Ryser's conjecture

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    Ryser's Conjecture states that for any rr-partite rr-uniform hypergraph, the vertex cover number is at most r−1r{-}1 times the matching number. This conjecture is only known to be true for r≤3r\leq 3 in general and for r≤5r\leq 5 if the hypergraph is intersecting. There has also been considerable effort made for finding hypergraphs that are extremal for Ryser's Conjecture, i.e. rr-partite hypergraphs whose cover number is r−1r-1 times its matching number. Aside from a few sporadic examples, the set of uniformities rr for which Ryser's Conjecture is known to be tight is limited to those integers for which a projective plane of order r−1r-1 exists. We produce a new infinite family of rr-uniform hypergraphs extremal to Ryser's Conjecture, which exists whenever a projective plane of order r−2r-2 exists. Our construction is flexible enough to produce a large number of non-isomorphic extremal hypergraphs. In particular, we define what we call the {\em Ryser poset} of extremal intersecting rr-partite rr-uniform hypergraphs and show that the number of maximal and minimal elements is exponential in r\sqrt{r}. This provides further evidence for the difficulty of Ryser's Conjecture
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