14 research outputs found

    Towards Next Generation Sequential and Parallel SAT Solvers

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    This thesis focuses on improving the SAT solving technology. The improvements focus on two major subjects: sequential SAT solving and parallel SAT solving. To better understand sequential SAT algorithms, the abstract reduction system Generic CDCL is introduced. With Generic CDCL, the soundness of solving techniques can be modeled. Next, the conflict driven clause learning algorithm is extended with the three techniques local look-ahead, local probing and all UIP learning that allow more global reasoning during search. These techniques improve the performance of the sequential SAT solver Riss. Then, the formula simplification techniques bounded variable addition, covered literal elimination and an advanced cardinality constraint extraction are introduced. By using these techniques, the reasoning of the overall SAT solving tool chain becomes stronger than plain resolution. When using these three techniques in the formula simplification tool Coprocessor before using Riss to solve a formula, the performance can be improved further. Due to the increasing number of cores in CPUs, the scalable parallel SAT solving approach iterative partitioning has been implemented in Pcasso for the multi-core architecture. Related work on parallel SAT solving has been studied to extract main ideas that can improve Pcasso. Besides parallel formula simplification with bounded variable elimination, the major extension is the extended clause sharing level based clause tagging, which builds the basis for conflict driven node killing. The latter allows to better identify unsatisfiable search space partitions. Another improvement is to combine scattering and look-ahead as a superior search space partitioning function. In combination with Coprocessor, the introduced extensions increase the performance of the parallel solver Pcasso. The implemented system turns out to be scalable for the multi-core architecture. Hence iterative partitioning is interesting for future parallel SAT solvers. The implemented solvers participated in international SAT competitions. In 2013 and 2014 Pcasso showed a good performance. Riss in combination with Copro- cessor won several first, second and third prices, including two Kurt-Gödel-Medals. Hence, the introduced algorithms improved modern SAT solving technology

    Preprocessing and Stochastic Local Search in Maximum Satisfiability

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    Problems which ask to compute an optimal solution to its instances are called optimization problems. The maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) problem is a well-studied combinatorial optimization problem with many applications in domains such as cancer therapy design, electronic markets, hardware debugging and routing. Many problems, including the aforementioned ones, can be encoded in MaxSAT. Thus MaxSAT serves as a general optimization paradigm and therefore advances in MaxSAT algorithms translate to advances in solving other problems. In this thesis, we analyze the effects of MaxSAT preprocessing, the process of reformulating the input instance prior to solving, on the perceived costs of solutions during search. We show that after preprocessing most MaxSAT solvers may misinterpret the costs of non-optimal solutions. Many MaxSAT algorithms use the found non-optimal solutions in guiding the search for solutions and so the misinterpretation of costs may misguide the search. Towards remedying this issue, we introduce and study the concept of locally minimal solutions. We show that for some of the central preprocessing techniques for MaxSAT, the perceived cost of a locally minimal solution to a preprocessed instance equals the cost of the corresponding reconstructed solution to the original instance. We develop a stochastic local search algorithm for MaxSAT, called LMS-SLS, that is prepended with a preprocessor and that searches over locally minimal solutions. We implement LMS-SLS and analyze the performance of its different components, particularly the effects of preprocessing and computing locally minimal solutions, and also compare LMS-SLS with the state-of-the-art SLS solver SATLike for MaxSAT.

    Proceedings of SAT Competition 2018 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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    Proceedings of SAT Competition 2013 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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    Proceedings of SAT Competition 2014 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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    Proceedings of SAT Competition 2014 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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    Improving Model Finding for Integrated Quantitative-qualitative Spatial Reasoning With First-order Logic Ontologies

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    Many spatial standards are developed to harmonize the semantics and specifications of GIS data and for sophisticated reasoning. All these standards include some types of simple and complex geometric features, and some of them incorporate simple mereotopological relations. But the relations as used in these standards, only allow the extraction of qualitative information from geometric data and lack formal semantics that link geometric representations with mereotopological or other qualitative relations. This impedes integrated reasoning over qualitative data obtained from geometric sources and “native” topological information – for example as provided from textual sources where precise locations or spatial extents are unknown or unknowable. To address this issue, the first contribution in this dissertation is a first-order logical ontology that treats geometric features (e.g. polylines, polygons) and relations between them as specializations of more general types of features (e.g. any kind of 2D or 1D features) and mereotopological relations between them. Key to this endeavor is the use of a multidimensional theory of space wherein, unlike traditional logical theories of mereotopology (like RCC), spatial entities of different dimensions can co-exist and be related. However terminating or tractable reasoning with such an expressive ontology and potentially large amounts of data is a challenging AI problem. Model finding tools used to verify FOL ontologies with data usually employ a SAT solver to determine the satisfiability of the propositional instantiations (SAT problems) of the ontology. These solvers often experience scalability issues with increasing number of objects and size and complexity of the ontology, limiting its use to ontologies with small signatures and building small models with less than 20 objects. To investigate how an ontology influences the size of its SAT translation and consequently the model finder’s performance, we develop a formalization of FOL ontologies with data. We theoretically identify parameters of an ontology that significantly contribute to the dramatic growth in size of the SAT problem. The search space of the SAT problem is exponential in the signature of the ontology (the number of predicates in the axiomatization and any additional predicates from skolemization) and the number of distinct objects in the model. Axiomatizations that contain many definitions lead to large number of SAT propositional clauses. This is from the conversion of biconditionals to clausal form. We therefore postulate that optional definitions are ideal sentences that can be eliminated from an ontology to boost model finder’s performance. We then formalize optional definition elimination (ODE) as an FOL ontology preprocessing step and test the simplification on a set of spatial benchmark problems to generate smaller SAT problems (with fewer clauses and variables) without changing the satisfiability and semantic meaning of the problem. We experimentally demonstrate that the reduction in SAT problem size also leads to improved model finding with state-of-the-art model finders, with speedups of 10-99%. Altogether, this dissertation improves spatial reasoning capabilities using FOL ontologies – in terms of a formal framework for integrated qualitative-geometric reasoning, and specific ontology preprocessing steps that can be built into automated reasoners to achieve better speedups in model finding times, and scalability with moderately-sized datasets