36,123 research outputs found

    Duality and fluctuation relations for statistics of currents on cyclic graphs

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    We consider stochastic motion of a particle on a cyclic graph with arbitrarily periodic time dependent kinetic rates. We demonstrate duality relations for statistics of currents in this model and in its continuous version of a diffusion in one dimension. Our duality relations are valid beyond detailed balance constraints and lead to exact expressions that relate statistics of currents induced by dual driving protocols. We also show that previously known no-pumping theorems and some of the fluctuation relations, when they are applied to cyclic graphs or to one dimensional diffusion, are special consequences of our duality.Comment: 2 figure, 6 pages (In twocolumn). Accepted by JSTA

    On the refined counting of graphs on surfaces

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    Ribbon graphs embedded on a Riemann surface provide a useful way to describe the double line Feynman diagrams of large N computations and a variety of other QFT correlator and scattering amplitude calculations, e.g in MHV rules for scattering amplitudes, as well as in ordinary QED. Their counting is a special case of the counting of bi-partite embedded graphs. We review and extend relevant mathematical literature and present results on the counting of some infinite classes of bi-partite graphs. Permutation groups and representations as well as double cosets and quotients of graphs are useful mathematical tools. The counting results are refined according to data of physical relevance, such as the structure of the vertices, faces and genus of the embedded graph. These counting problems can be expressed in terms of observables in three-dimensional topological field theory with S_d gauge group which gives them a topological membrane interpretation.Comment: 57 pages, 12 figures; v2: Typos corrected; references adde

    Enumerating Subgraph Instances Using Map-Reduce

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    The theme of this paper is how to find all instances of a given "sample" graph in a larger "data graph," using a single round of map-reduce. For the simplest sample graph, the triangle, we improve upon the best known such algorithm. We then examine the general case, considering both the communication cost between mappers and reducers and the total computation cost at the reducers. To minimize communication cost, we exploit the techniques of (Afrati and Ullman, TKDE 2011)for computing multiway joins (evaluating conjunctive queries) in a single map-reduce round. Several methods are shown for translating sample graphs into a union of conjunctive queries with as few queries as possible. We also address the matter of optimizing computation cost. Many serial algorithms are shown to be "convertible," in the sense that it is possible to partition the data graph, explore each partition in a separate reducer, and have the total computation cost at the reducers be of the same order as the computation cost of the serial algorithm.Comment: 37 page

    On Perturbative Gravity and Gauge Theory

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    We review some applications of tree-level (classical) relations between gravity and gauge theory that follow from string theory. Together with DD-dimensional unitarity, these relations can be used to perturbatively quantize gravity theories, i.e. they contain the necessary information for obtaining loop contributions. We also review recent applications of these ideas showing that N=1 D=11 supergravity diverges, and review arguments that N=8 D=4 supergravity is less divergent than previously thought, though it does appear to diverge at five loops. Finally, we describe field variables for the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian that help clarify the perturbative relationship between gravity and gauge theory.Comment: Talk presented at Third Meeting on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity, Villasimius (Sardinia, Italy) September 13-17, 1999 and at the Workshop on Light-Cone QCD and Nonperturbative Hadron Physics, University of Adelaide (Australia) December 13-22, 1999. Latex, 9 page

    Monodromy--like Relations for Finite Loop Amplitudes

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    We investigate the existence of relations for finite one-loop amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory. Using a diagrammatic formalism and a remarkable connection between tree and loop level, we deduce sequences of amplitude relations for any number of external legs.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, v2 typos corrected, reference adde

    On the Relationship between Yang-Mills Theory and Gravity and its Implication for Ultraviolet Divergences

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    String theory implies that field theories containing gravity are in a certain sense `products' of gauge theories. We make this product structure explicit up to two loops for the relatively simple case of N=8 supergravity four-point amplitudes, demonstrating that they are `squares' of N=4 super-Yang-Mills amplitudes. This is accomplished by obtaining an explicit expression for the DD-dimensional two-loop contribution to the four-particle S-matrix for N=8 supergravity, which we compare to the corresponding N=4 Yang-Mills result. From these expressions we also obtain the two-loop ultraviolet divergences in dimensions D=7 through D=11. The analysis relies on the unitarity cuts of the two theories, many of which can be recycled from a one-loop computation. The two-particle cuts, which may be iterated to all loop orders, suggest that squaring relations between the two theories exist at any loop order. The loop-momentum power-counting implied by our two-particle cut analysis indicates that in four dimensions the first four-point divergence in N=8 supergravity should appear at five loops, contrary to the earlier expectation, based on superspace arguments, of a three-loop counterterm.Comment: Latex, 52 pages, discussion of 2 loop divergences in D=8,10 adde

    MHV, CSW and BCFW: field theory structures in string theory amplitudes

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    Motivated by recent progress in calculating field theory amplitudes, we study applications of the basic ideas in these developments to the calculation of amplitudes in string theory. We consider in particular both non-Abelian and Abelian open superstring disk amplitudes in a flat space background, focusing mainly on the four-dimensional case. The basic field theory ideas under consideration split into three separate categories. In the first, we argue that the calculation of alpha'-corrections to MHV open string disk amplitudes reduces to the determination of certain classes of polynomials. This line of reasoning is then used to determine the alpha'^3-correction to the MHV amplitude for all multiplicities. A second line of attack concerns the existence of an analog of CSW rules derived from the Abelian Dirac-Born-Infeld action in four dimensions. We show explicitly that the CSW-like perturbation series of this action is surprisingly trivial: only helicity conserving amplitudes are non-zero. Last but not least, we initiate the study of BCFW on-shell recursion relations in string theory. These should appear very naturally as the UV properties of the string theory are excellent. We show that all open four-point string amplitudes in a flat background at the disk level obey BCFW recursion relations. Based on the naturalness of the proof and some explicit results for the five-point gluon amplitude, it is expected that this pattern persists for all higher point amplitudes and for the closed string.Comment: v3: corrected erroneous statement about Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude and added referenc

    Toric ideals of normalized graph algebras

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    A graph-theoretic method, simpler than existing ones, is used to characterize the minimal set of monomial generators for the integral closure of any algebra of polynomials generated by quadratic monomials. The toric ideal of relations between these generators is generated by a set of binomials, defined graphically. The spectra of the original algebra and of its integral closure turn out to be canonically homeomorphic.Comment: 9 pages, no figures. v2: major rewrite. v3: minor improvements. v4: new title, old reference located, other small change