274 research outputs found

    Recent Progress in the Symmetric Generation of Groups

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    Many groups possess highly symmetric generating sets that are naturally endowed with an underlying combinatorial structure. Such generating sets can prove to be extremely useful both theoretically in providing new existence proofs for groups and practically by providing succinct means of representing group elements. We give a survey of results obtained in the study of these symmetric generating sets. In keeping with earlier surveys on this matter, we emphasize the sporadic simple groups. ADDENDUM: This is an updated version of a survey article originally accepted for inclusion in the proceedings of the 2009 `Groups St Andrews' conference. Since the article was accepted the author has become aware of other recent work in the subject that we incorporate to provide an updated version here (the most notable addition being the contents of Section 3.4.)Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, an updated version of a survey article accepted for the proceedings of the 2009 "Groups St Andrews" conference. v2 adds McLaughlin reference and abelian groups reference

    Symmetric Presentations of Coxeter Groups

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    We apply the techniques of symmetric generation to establish the standard presentations of the finite simply laced irreducible finite Coxeter groups, that is the Coxeter groups of types An, Dn and En, and show that these are naturally arrived at purely through consideration of certain natural actions of symmetric groups. We go on to use these techniques to provide explicit representations of these groups.Comment: This is the predecessor of arXiv:0901.2660v1. To appear in the Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Societ

    Specular sets

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    We introduce the notion of specular sets which are subsets of groups called here specular and which form a natural generalization of free groups. These sets are an abstract generalization of the natural codings of linear involutions. We prove several results concerning the subgroups generated by return words and by maximal bifix codes in these sets.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1405.352

    On the symmetric generation of finite groups

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    In this thesis we discuss some uses and applications of the techniques in Symmetric generation. In Chapter 1 we introduce the notions of symmetric generation. In Chapter 2 we discuss symmetric presentations defined by symmetric generating sets that are preserved by a group acting on them transitively but imprimitively. In Chapter 3 our attention turns to Coxeter groups. We show how the Coxeter-Moser presentations traditionally associated with the families of finite Coxeter groups of types An_n, Dn_n and En_n (ie the “simply laced” Coxeter groups) may be interpreted as symmetric presentations and as such may be naturally arrived at by elementary means. In Chapter 4 we classify the irreducible monomial representations of the groups L2_2(q) and use these to define symmetric generating sets of various groups

    String rewriting for Double Coset Systems

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    In this paper we show how string rewriting methods can be applied to give a new method of computing double cosets. Previous methods for double cosets were enumerative and thus restricted to finite examples. Our rewriting methods do not suffer this restriction and we present some examples of infinite double coset systems which can now easily be solved using our approach. Even when both enumerative and rewriting techniques are present, our rewriting methods will be competitive because they i) do not require the preliminary calculation of cosets; and ii) as with single coset problems, there are many examples for which rewriting is more effective than enumeration. Automata provide the means for identifying expressions for normal forms in infinite situations and we show how they may be constructed in this setting. Further, related results on logged string rewriting for monoid presentations are exploited to show how witnesses for the computations can be provided and how information about the subgroups and the relations between them can be extracted. Finally, we discuss how the double coset problem is a special case of the problem of computing induced actions of categories which demonstrates that our rewriting methods are applicable to a much wider class of problems than just the double coset problem.Comment: accepted for publication by the Journal of Symbolic Computatio

    Monomial Modular Representations and Construction of the Held Group

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    AbstractMonomial representations of familiar finite groups over finite fields are used to construct (infinite) semi-direct products of free products of cyclic groups by groups of monomial automorphisms. Finite homomorphic images of theseprogenitorsin which the actions on the group of automorphisms and on the cyclic components are faithful are sought. The smallest non-trivial images of this type are often sporadic simple groups. The technique is demonstrated by three examples over the fieldsZ3,Z5, andZ7, which produce the Mathieu groupM11, the unitary groupU3(5):2, and the Held group, respectively

    Ordered Bell numbers, Hermite polynomials, Skew Young Tableaux, and Borel orbits

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    We give three interpretations of the number bb of orbits of the Borel subgroup of upper triangular matrices on the variety \ms{X} of complete quadrics. First, we show that bb is equal to the number of standard Young tableaux on skew-diagrams. Then, we relate bb to certain values of a modified Hermite polynomial. Third, we relate bb to a certain cell decomposition on \ms{X} previously studied by De Concini, Springer, and Strickland. Using these, we give asymptotic estimates for bb as the dimension of the quadrics increases.Comment: We revised the manuscrip