9 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Security Level of SHA-1 by Replacing the MD Paradigm

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    Cryptographic hash functions are important cryptographic techniques and are used widely in many cryptographic applications and protocols. All the MD4 design based hash functions such as MD5, SHA-0, SHA-1 and RIPEMD-160 are built on Merkle-Damgard iterative method. Recent differential and generic attacks against these popular hash functions have shown weaknesses of both specific hash functions and their underlying Merkle-Damgard construction. In this paper we propose a hash function which follows design principle of SHA-1 and is based on dither construction. Its compression function takes three inputs and generates a single output of 160-bit length. An extra input to a compression function is generated through a fast pseudo-random function. Dither construction shows strong resistance against major generic and other cryptanalytic attacks. The security of proposed hash function against generic attacks, differential attack, birthday attack and statistical attack was analyzed in detail. It is exhaustedly compared with SHA-1 because hash functions from SHA-2 and SHA-3 are of higher bit length and known to be more secure than SHA-1. It is shown that the proposed hash function has high sensitivity to an input message and is secure against different cryptanalytic attacks

    Interpolation Cryptanalysis of Unbalanced Feistel Networks with Low Degree Round Functions

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    Arithmetisierungs-Orientierte Symmetrische Primitive (AOSPs) sprechen das bestehende Optimierungspotential bei der Auswertung von Blockchiffren und Hashfunktionen als Bestandteil von sicherer Mehrparteienberechnung, voll-homomorpher Verschlüsselung und Zero-Knowledge-Beweisen an. Die Konstruktionsweise von AOSPs unterscheidet sich von traditionellen Primitiven durch die Verwendung von algebraisch simplen Elementen. Zusätzlich sind viele Entwürfe über Primkörpern statt über Bits definiert. Aufgrund der Neuheit der Vorschläge sind eingehendes Verständnis und ausgiebige Analyse erforderlich um ihre Sicherheit zu etablieren. Algebraische Analysetechniken wie zum Beispiel Interpolationsangriffe sind die erfolgreichsten Angriffsvektoren gegen AOSPs. In dieser Arbeit generalisieren wir eine existierende Analyse, die einen Interpolationsangriff mit geringer Speicherkomplexität verwendet, um das Entwurfsmuster der neuen Chiffre GMiMC und ihrer zugehörigen Hashfunktion GMiMCHash zu untersuchen. Wir stellen eine neue Methode zur Berechnung des Schlüssels basierend auf Nullstellen eines Polynoms vor, demonstrieren Verbesserungen für die Komplexität des Angriffs durch Kombinierung mehrere Ausgaben, und wenden manche der entwickelten Techniken in einem algebraischen Korrigierender-Letzter-Block Angriff der Schwamm-Konstruktion an. Wir beantworten die offene Frage einer früheren Arbeit, ob die verwendete Art von Interpolationsangriffen generalisierbar ist, positiv. Wir nennen konkrete empfohlene untere Schranken für Parameter in den betrachteten Szenarien. Außerdem kommen wir zu dem Schluss dass GMiMC und GMiMCHash gegen die in dieser Arbeit betrachteten Interpolationsangriffe sicher sind. Weitere kryptanalytische Anstrengungen sind erforderlich um die Sicherheitsgarantien von AOSPs zu festigen


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    Online communication takes a major part in our daily life. Since sending or receiving information over internet is inevitable, usage of hash function is essential to check whether the information is correct or not especially for sensitive or confidential information. In this paper a new cryptographic hash function, Algorithm for Secure Hashing (ASH-256) has been proposed which is based on geometric concepts. In ASH-256, each 64-bit block of a given 512-bit block is increased to 96-bits by using Expansion table (E-Table) of DES(Data Encryption Standard) algorithm and divided into two equal sub-blocks. Each sub-block is used to generate three points of a triangle, which are involved in area calculation. The calculated area values are in turn processed to generate message digest. ASH-256 is more secure and exhibits strong avalanche effect and also simple construction and easy to implemention, when compared to standard hash function SHA2(256)

    Practical (Second) Preimage Attacks on TCS_SHA-3

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    TCS\_SHA-3 is a family of four cryptographic hash functions that are covered by an US patent (US 2009/0262925). The digest sizes are 224, 256, 384 and 512 bits. The hash functions use bijective functions in place of the standard, compression functions. In this paper we describe first and second preimage attacks on the full hash functions. The second preimage attack requires negligible time and the first preimage attack requires O(236)O(2^{36}) time. In addition to these attacks, we also present a negligible-time second preimage attack on a strengthened variant of the TCS\_SHA-3. All the attacks have negligible memory requirements

    A Vulnerability in Implementations of SHA-3, SHAKE, EdDSA, and Other NIST-Approved Algorithms

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    This paper describes a vulnerability in several implementations of the Secure Hash Algorithm 3 (SHA-3) that have been released by its designers. The vulnerability has been present since the final-round update of Keccak was submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SHA-3 hash function competition in January 2011, and is present in the eXtended Keccak Code Package (XKCP) of the Keccak team. It affects all software projects that have integrated this code, such as the scripting languages Python and PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP). The vulnerability is a buffer overflow that allows attacker-controlled values to be eXclusive-ORed (XORed) into memory (without any restrictions on values to be XORed and even far beyond the location of the original buffer), thereby making many standard protection measures against buffer overflows (e.g., canary values) completely ineffective. First, we provide Python and PHP scripts that cause segmentation faults when vulnerable versions of the interpreters are used. Then, we show how this vulnerability can be used to construct second preimages and preimages for the implementation, and we provide a specially constructed file that, when hashed, allows the attacker to execute arbitrary code on the victim\u27s device. The vulnerability applies to all hash value sizes, and all 64-bit Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems, and may also impact cryptographic algorithms that require SHA-3 or its variants, such as the Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) when the Edwards448 curve is used. We introduce the Init-Update-Final Test (IUFT) to detect this vulnerability in implementations

    Indirect key derivation schemes for key management of access hierarchies

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    In this thesis, we study the problem of key management within an access hierarchy. Our contribution to the key management problem is an indirect key derivation approach we call the HMAC-method. It is called the HMAC-method, because it is based on hashed message authentication codes (HMACs) built from a fast, single, dedicated hash function (SHA-1). It is intended to provide an efficient indirect key management method for large access hierarchies resembling tree structures. We are able to achieve better tree traversals using a technique we created called path addressing. Our path addressing scheme allows us to efficiently calculate relationships between security classes, determine traversal paths, and improve the performance of indirect key derivation. We also present our cached key update scheme which is meant to improve the indirect key derivation schemes on tree hierarchies by delaying key updates when changes to the structure of the access hierarchy are necessary, but the re-calculation and re-assignment of keys would either be costly or inconvenient. For access hierarchies represented as weakly/strongly connected directed acyclic graphs, we suggest modifications to our path addressing and key derivation scheme which could allow our HMAC-method to be appplied to these types of hierarchies. Along the way, we discuss various current key management methods and discuss certain pragmatic issues that can arise which affect the applicability and implementation of a key management method

    Generic Attacks on Hash Functions

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    The subject of this thesis is a security property of hash functions, called chosen-target forced-prefix preimage (CTFP) resistance and the generic attack on this property, called the herding attack. The study of CTFP resistance started when Kelsey-Kohno introduced a new data structure, called a diamond structure, in order to show the strength of a CTFP resistance property of a hash function. In this thesis, we concentrate on the complexity of the diamond structure and its application in the herding attack. We review the analysis done by Kelsey and Kohno and point out a subtle flaw in their analysis. We propose a correction of their analysis and based on our revised analysis, calculate the message complexity and the computational complexity of the generic attacks that are based on the diamond structure. As an application of the diamond structure on generic attacks, we propose a multiple herding attack on a special generalization of iterated hash functions, proposed by Nandi-Stinson

    Correcting-block attack

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