12 research outputs found

    Perspectives on foreign-language policy: studies in honour of Theo Van Els (Book notices)

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    All too often, the festschrift consists of a disparate and uneven collection of papers on a range of subjects that often only vaguely intersect with the interests of the individual whose work is being honored by the volume. This is a festschrift with a difference. It consists of a coherent collection of original papers addressing an area of applied linguistics in which Van Els made his most outstanding contribution, that of foreign language policy. The collection is given added coherence by the fact that most contributors relate their papers to the work carried out by Van Els and his team on the Dutch National Action Programme on Foreign Languages. Although the majority of the papers describe initiatives in the Netherlands, there are also contributions from researchers working in a range of other contexts including Israel, the United States, and Finland. As the editors of the volume point out, the contributions from abroad highlight the international impact of Van Els's work on language policy.published_or_final_versio

    The European Language Resources and Technologies Forum: Shaping the Future of the Multilingual Digital Europe

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    Proceedings of the 1st FLaReNet Forum on the European Language Resources and Technologies, held in Vienna, at the Austrian Academy of Science, on 12-13 February 2009

    Methods for Efficient Ontology Lexicalization for Non-Indo-European Languages: The Case of Japanese

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    Lanser B. Methods for Efficient Ontology Lexicalization for Non-Indo-European Languages: The Case of Japanese. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2017.In order to make the growing amount of conceptual knowledge available through ontologies and datasets accessible to humans, NLP applications need access to information on how this knowledge can be verbalized in natural language. One way to provide this kind of information are ontology lexicons, which apart from the actual verbalizations in a given target language can provide further, rich linguistic information about them. Compiling such lexicons manually is a very time-consuming task and requires expertise both in Semantic Web technologies and lexicon engineering, as well as a very good knowledge of the target language at hand. In this thesis we present two alternative approaches to generating ontology lexicons by means of crowdsourcing on the one hand and through the framework M-ATOLL on the other hand. So far, M-ATOLL has been used with a number of Indo-European languages that share a large set of common characteristics. Therefore, another focus of this work will be the generation of ontology lexicons specifically for Non-Indo-European languages. In order to explore these two topics, we use both approaches to generate Japanese ontology lexicons for the DBpedia ontology: First, we use CrowdFlower to generate a small Japanese ontology lexicon for ten exemplary ontology elements according to a two-stage workflow, the main underlying idea of which is to turn the task of generating lexicon entries into a translation task; the starting point of this translation task is a manually created English lexicon for DBpedia. Next, we adapt M-ATOLL's corpus-based approach to being used with Japanese, and use the adapted system to generate two lexicons for five example properties, respectively. Aspects of the DBpedia system that require modifications for being used with Japanese include the dependency patterns employed by M-ATOLL to extract candidate verbalizations from corpus data, and the templates used to generate the actual lexicon entries. Comparison of the lexicons generated by both approaches to manually created gold standards shows that both approaches are viable options for the generation of ontology lexicons also for Non-Indo-European languages

    Domain-sensitive Temporal Tagging for Event-centric Information Retrieval

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    Temporal and geographic information is of major importance in virtually all contexts. Thus, it also occurs frequently in many types of text documents in the form of temporal and geographic expressions. Often, those are used to refer to something that was, is, or will be happening at some specific time and some specific place – in other words, temporal and geographic expressions are often used to refer to events. However, so far, event-related information needs are not well served by standard information retrieval approaches, which motivates the topic of this thesis: event-centric information retrieval. An important characteristic of temporal and geographic expressions – and thus of two components of events – is that they can be normalized so that their meaning is unambiguous and can be placed on a timeline or pinpointed on a map. In many research areas in which natural language processing is involved, e.g., in information retrieval, document summarization, and question answering, applications can highly benefit from having access to normalized information instead of only the words as they occur in documents. In this thesis, we present several frameworks for searching and exploring document collections with respect to occurring temporal, geographic, and event information. While we rely on an existing tool for extracting and normalizing geographic expressions, we study the task of temporal tagging, i.e., the extraction and normalization of temporal expressions. A crucial issue is that so far most research on temporal tagging dealt with English news-style documents. However, temporal expressions have to be handled in different ways depending on the domain of the documents from which they are extracted. Since we do not want to limit our research to one domain and one language, we develop the multilingual, cross-domain temporal tagger HeidelTime. It is the only publicly available temporal tagger for several languages and easy to extend to further languages. In addition, it achieves state-of-the-art evaluation results for all addressed domains and languages, and lays the foundations for all further contributions developed in this thesis. To achieve our goal of exploiting temporal and geographic expressions for event-centric information retrieval from a variety of text documents, we introduce the concept of spatio-temporal events and several concepts to "compute" with temporal, geographic, and event information. These concepts are used to develop a spatio-temporal ranking approach, which does not only consider textual, temporal, and geographic query parts but also two different types of proximity information. Furthermore, we adapt the spatio-temporal search idea by presenting a framework to directly search for events. Additionally, several map-based exploration frameworks are introduced that allow a new way of exploring event information latently contained in huge document collections. Finally, an event-centric document similarity model is developed that calculates document similarity on multilingual corpora solely based on extracted and normalized event information

    La place des connaissances lexicales face aux connaissances du monde dans le processus d'interprétation des énoncés

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    Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur

    Vector Semantics

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    This open access book introduces Vector semantics, which links the formal theory of word vectors to the cognitive theory of linguistics. The computational linguists and deep learning researchers who developed word vectors have relied primarily on the ever-increasing availability of large corpora and of computers with highly parallel GPU and TPU compute engines, and their focus is with endowing computers with natural language capabilities for practical applications such as machine translation or question answering. Cognitive linguists investigate natural language from the perspective of human cognition, the relation between language and thought, and questions about conceptual universals, relying primarily on in-depth investigation of language in use. In spite of the fact that these two schools both have ‘linguistics’ in their name, so far there has been very limited communication between them, as their historical origins, data collection methods, and conceptual apparatuses are quite different. Vector semantics bridges the gap by presenting a formal theory, cast in terms of linear polytopes, that generalizes both word vectors and conceptual structures, by treating each dictionary definition as an equation, and the entire lexicon as a set of equations mutually constraining all meanings

    Tune your brown clustering, please

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    Brown clustering, an unsupervised hierarchical clustering technique based on ngram mutual information, has proven useful in many NLP applications. However, most uses of Brown clustering employ the same default configuration; the appropriateness of this configuration has gone predominantly unexplored. Accordingly, we present information for practitioners on the behaviour of Brown clustering in order to assist hyper-parametre tuning, in the form of a theoretical model of Brown clustering utility. This model is then evaluated empirically in two sequence labelling tasks over two text types. We explore the dynamic between the input corpus size, chosen number of classes, and quality of the resulting clusters, which has an impact for any approach using Brown clustering. In every scenario that we examine, our results reveal that the values most commonly used for the clustering are sub-optimal

    Vector Semantics

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    This open access book introduces Vector semantics, which links the formal theory of word vectors to the cognitive theory of linguistics. The computational linguists and deep learning researchers who developed word vectors have relied primarily on the ever-increasing availability of large corpora and of computers with highly parallel GPU and TPU compute engines, and their focus is with endowing computers with natural language capabilities for practical applications such as machine translation or question answering. Cognitive linguists investigate natural language from the perspective of human cognition, the relation between language and thought, and questions about conceptual universals, relying primarily on in-depth investigation of language in use. In spite of the fact that these two schools both have ‘linguistics’ in their name, so far there has been very limited communication between them, as their historical origins, data collection methods, and conceptual apparatuses are quite different. Vector semantics bridges the gap by presenting a formal theory, cast in terms of linear polytopes, that generalizes both word vectors and conceptual structures, by treating each dictionary definition as an equation, and the entire lexicon as a set of equations mutually constraining all meanings